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发表于 2022-4-27 23:10:13
& m' g: D( z8 i* G% [7 C+ N, ~3 g" e7 W
- root@F650A:~ # /usr/bin/busybox
3 ^2 C0 {# u' q) f& I; N& o - BusyBox v1.23.2 (2020-06-16 16:53:26 CST) multi-call binary.
6 y( p. y3 F- B9 |1 J - BusyBox is copyrighted by many authors between 1998-2012. E& U* g/ m- H; W% Y& U: O7 Q) T
- Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for detailed
* z7 w4 W" ?5 ~ - copyright notices.7 v b! J( Z- y
- ) b8 y. _+ Y* W" v* c; F; U
- Usage: busybox [function [arguments]...]- H& y- [3 ]) x8 Q) Z
- or: busybox --list[-full]
3 R ?" G' n& o6 J# g% T - or: busybox --install [-s] [DIR]
' f( b& G2 y0 |* N - or: function [arguments]...
* f" E/ w6 @. d8 U
4 F* M0 {, m" I* v2 c2 p" Z- BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix+ G$ L/ K1 w( c1 m* D# M
- utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
9 w. a6 j. t: | - link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox. d3 K3 a4 S! ~/ ~
- will act like whatever it was invoked as.# [4 z# _; ~( L$ V7 `& k, _
- / q- M; h5 Z+ H7 I0 O' s% x
- Currently defined functions:; q; q k2 m' E' a8 c* P
- [, [[, addgroup, adduser, ar, arp, arping, ash, awk, basename, blkid, brctl, bunzip2,+ W, ]8 i- D+ k& s, [
- bzcat, cat, catv, chattr, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, chrt, chvt, cksum, clear, cmp, cp,
r2 t& [' P2 k - cpio, crond, crontab, cut, date, dc, dd, deallocvt, delgroup, deluser, depmod, devmem, df,
6 n U9 w; m, `2 J2 t6 x; w - diff, dirname, dmesg, dnsd, dnsdomainname, dos2unix, du, dumpkmap, echo, egrep, eject, env,
9 g) s3 v7 m$ X7 h8 b ^ - ether-wake, expr, false, fbset, fdflush, fdformat, fdisk, fgrep, find, flock, fold, free,
, b3 `, Z4 R7 O* u& @ - freeramdisk, fsck, fstrim, fuser, getopt, getty, grep, gunzip, gzip, halt, hdparm, head,
8 ]& H; U1 v3 \# I( `1 G - hexdump, hostid, hostname, hwclock, id, ifconfig, ifdown, ifup, inetd, init, insmod,
X9 W7 J. a9 c$ g, l# W - install, ip, ipaddr, ipcrm, ipcs, iplink, iproute, iprule, iptunnel, kill, killall,
& ^, J Q( X& k! B' V - killall5, klogd, last, less, linux32, linux64, linuxrc, ln, loadfont, loadkmap, logger,5 h, j% t0 |) Y4 s; Q
- login, logname, losetup, ls, lsattr, lsmod, lsof, lspci, lsusb, lzcat, lzma, makedevs,9 d+ d4 `/ [' {+ P+ ]' h
- md5sum, mdev, mesg, microcom, mkdir, mke2fs, mkfifo, mkfs.ext2, mknod, mkswap, mktemp,0 I* H4 F7 b2 ]' ~' U& u! M {! K6 y
- modinfo, modprobe, more, mount, mountpoint, mt, mv, nameif, nanddump, nandwrite, netstat,: _# U7 W1 @) A2 P
- nice, nohup, nslookup, od, openvt, passwd, patch, pidof, ping, pipe_progress, pivot_root,4 ?3 r$ a& c$ Y9 v$ i
- poweroff, printenv, printf, ps, pwd, rdate, readlink, readprofile, realpath, reboot,
S t* h" n7 `! h& D+ Q - renice, reset, resize, rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, run-parts, runlevel, sed, seq, setarch,8 E3 c0 I: S! k
- setconsole, setkeycodes, setlogcons, setserial, setsid, sh, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha3sum,
p( G& d7 y+ r E - sha512sum, sleep, sort, start-stop-daemon, strings, stty, su, sulogin, swapoff, swapon,* j# w# L V% t' V w
- switch_root, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tail, tar, tee, telnet, telnetd, test, tftp, time, top,& |" j( x: S' x
- touch, tr, traceroute, traceroute6, true, tty, ubiattach, ubidetach, ubimkvol, ubirmvol,
# j; }/ ]/ { q( F- N+ @* I. z - ubirsvol, ubiupdatevol, udhcpc, umount, uname, uniq, unix2dos, unlink, unlzma, unxz, unzip,
* ^2 L7 R, F9 x( K- V% C0 [ - uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode, vconfig, vi, vlock, watch, watchdog, wc, wget, which,
6 d& c+ Z# { P% i5 N2 | - who, whoami, xargs, xz, xzcat, yes, zcat
+ H, [; L. |6 }; A# F/ v; [1 B5 c! U
' C. a0 K/ {+ M' R
复制代码- root@F650A:~ # nano -h) l! j( ~: M7 S
- Usage: nano [OPTIONS] [[+LINE,COLUMN] FILE]...5 w/ I6 g# b% x2 C- o. g4 b2 f
- 8 M* q% g# V: c& z9 w
- Option GNU long option Meaning+ J3 f' _0 f h0 \0 S# x/ h
- +LINE,COLUMN Start at line LINE, column COLUMN6 v: L/ }2 O* I5 s+ T6 Q' u# k
- -D --boldtext Use bold instead of reverse video text
; ~6 A' A) W5 O! q - -K --rebindkeypad Fix numeric keypad key confusion problem* u4 Q- K6 c" f" ~" m3 |" q' Y# I
- -L --nonewlines Don't add newlines to the ends of files8 P0 o. J% P% Z7 x- E
- -O --morespace Use one more line for editing; m2 ]) V7 i% z5 X
- -R --restricted Restricted mode
- q2 \0 P/ r; X/ F5 e) H - -T <#cols> --tabsize=<#cols> Set width of a tab to #cols columns1 @/ G) d2 f" `0 ~
- -V --version Print version information and exit
. E0 D% ^4 l& g+ H+ a& F - -c --const Constantly show cursor position+ m; q3 ^& \! f$ J3 Y+ L2 O5 \
- -d --rebinddelete Fix Backspace/Delete confusion problem
x3 t( ^* }7 h5 D+ Y4 L - -h --help Show this help text7 G, ?& c4 F, N. r
- -l --nofollow Don't follow symbolic links, overwrite P; \/ X1 z5 @& V" T/ O
- -n --noread Do not read the file (only write it)
" }# c# I% j# z q/ p8 c - -p --preserve Preserve XON (^Q) and XOFF (^S) keys0 ^) Q9 f, }, s: A
- -t --tempfile Auto save on exit, don't prompt
4 f! X& r1 i+ B! V$ A" W - -v --view View mode (read-only)
8 E+ ^/ _ v$ x5 U - -x --nohelp Don't show the two help lines
" H9 G8 o! G2 q - -z --suspend Enable suspension5 g; [; t+ N3 h, @/ F
- root@F650A:~ # nano -V! v# x) `: \& O S5 d, m
- GNU nano, version 2.4.2; ?8 c0 N/ b3 z/ ~$ `: k: A; _
- (C) 1999..2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ [6 y/ _4 u( @) H% G6 V1 o+ s - Email: nano@nano-editor.org Web: http://www.nano-editor.org/
$ E5 @$ F8 h1 M: @" C) m - Compiled options: --enable-tiny --disable-utf8
1 u! [! L( b5 U) Y
复制代码- root@F650A:~ # dropbear -h
6 T6 z$ u" [+ o0 r: w0 ? - Dropbear server v2015.67 https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html
2 A! S% c) u- o - Usage: dropbear [options]; P" \+ I M2 y2 T
- -b bannerfile Display the contents of bannerfile before user login* H3 H" W, c& @# l" t4 b3 `
- (default: none)' @( g( I3 s+ ~" U0 N
- -r keyfile Specify hostkeys (repeatable)
3 m/ c0 f& @4 F5 l! u, F: p - defaults:8 @+ j; c' V+ u' C# ~9 Q w& k
- dss /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
6 S0 q; t$ @5 }" p - rsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key6 P' z( ]$ Z# x$ h1 u9 P5 s. L: w
- ecdsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
0 C9 W( l: x# w" w - -R Create hostkeys as required
2 ]5 K! w# _( F8 @8 [, y. q- k, w - -F Don't fork into background
5 x" [6 S5 l, P* j' |& K3 ] - -E Log to stderr rather than syslog
7 ~; @* H8 K0 L$ c) I; W8 B9 A - -m Don't display the motd on login) x; t) f, l6 w7 R
- -w Disallow root logins5 O6 T* g9 J" p2 N$ x4 d
- -s Disable password logins
- d: Y n. c4 G0 E5 E - -g Disable password logins for root
% y+ b$ R! ?3 g$ t% g: b8 a& _+ a - -B Allow blank password logins& l5 I3 \2 k: V5 `9 d
- -j Disable local port forwarding: S( V8 l# U$ L0 r- C$ r
- -k Disable remote port forwarding+ w8 ^& U) z% u. h1 D- T
- -a Allow connections to forwarded ports from any host; w2 l+ W/ a ]9 G% V
- -p [address:]port
. w! D! h4 Z, q9 w. ? - Listen on specified tcp port (and optionally address),
( W# V4 G* I' i7 s8 F ^. Y - up to 10 can be specified0 [% v4 u2 r8 v5 y% t
- (default port is 22 if none specified)
. E8 t1 Z& i! h. x2 k! X, N - -P PidFile Create pid file PidFile
/ {; v$ i! S( o1 A - (default /var/run/dropbear.pid)- @! J0 \5 }# k6 j5 s
- -i Start for inetd9 g$ ]* n$ V5 n9 p/ J. f) b
- -W <receive_window_buffer> (default 24576, larger may be faster, max 1MB)8 _: Y) {5 S, F+ h2 [) J4 n( w
- -K <keepalive> (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)7 A' c5 H+ ~5 t+ [- G: G- L
- -I <idle_timeout> (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)
1 }( A d$ j$ j! s4 {8 D+ k2 {! ~+ k - -V Version
3 c, e3 |0 R2 q2 q& z, y
复制代码 W- r/ ]4 h6 f b
* I. R0 n( R/ F* S# J |
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