


楼主: softtip


发表于 2017-4-16 06:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-10-27 16:30:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-6 01:43:36 | 显示全部楼层
hisilicon # protect off all
' D& `, Q/ w  |6 Y' _Un-Protect Flash Bank # 10 B8 ~! M6 x2 p- t) f
hisilicon # loadjffs2: M# [2 K; k2 \  [
Start to load file [board_type] to [0x90a00000] by [tftp]8 l9 T4 Z# C% K9 S
TFTP from server; our IP address is j2 B! U) x! v1 V8 X3 D
Download Filename 'board_type'.
7 v# n& d) Y5 H$ HDownload to address: 0x90a00000+ n+ X! |  P, z5 l
Downloading: %7 T! L; L! T: Y, V0 ?: k* m
         0.000 MB download ok.' I; R* Q8 B% \. l' h& e
Bytes transferred = 1 (1 hex)$ s  _- L/ K/ Y
Download file [board_type] with [0x1] byte(s) succeed.' ]- f8 @  Y0 T, y" ^2 }
Start to erase jffs FS from 0x20000000, len +0x0
3 \" {* v2 f" Y  J1 kError: end address (0x1fffffff) not in flash!* c2 l% N, Q& e3 r& T, R! O
Bad address format% t7 q4 g7 V  h  [+ S/ i* H
erase flash error, error code 1
" t& @3 v2 I/ {+ _
" m7 H; r- D8 P+ }hisilicon # loadboardinfo/ l9 j( F6 z5 L. w
Start to load file [board_type] to [0x90a00000] by [tftp]  ~8 U% \( S/ r0 [( ?
TFTP from server; our IP address is
6 `, B: b" M/ D5 S& B- sDownload Filename 'board_type'.
2 V" _! @8 @) g/ D  h3 oDownload to address: 0x90a00000  H' P4 Q6 ^  ^  J5 R- F
Downloading: %' X' m" J9 C( X6 }
         0.000 MB download ok.
3 x# @; `1 X4 Q; p* D9 W6 jBytes transferred = 1 (1 hex)
: M5 I0 a* @$ ?! bDownload file [board_type] with [0x1] byte(s) succeed.
# `/ n, I0 ~( e, j! E0 t; ~9 yStart to write data from [0x90a00000] to [0x20000000] with [0x1] byte(s)# X: H. A7 I: |4 q" J
Copy to Flash... start_sect:0, end_sect:0, addr:0x20000000, cnt:1, src:0x90a00000
% E4 W* i+ J+ C" D" B9 w$ t2 Istart addr:0x20000000, end addr:0x20020000' ~( N& k& ^! V! |2 E4 W4 @$ Q, a
done        & _9 s9 k  d- z. R$ j; r& j
hisilicon #


短接FLASH  详情 回复 发表于 2020-11-24 06:30
发表于 2020-11-24 06:30:02 | 显示全部楼层
zhang260gt 发表于 2020-11-6 01:43
6 Y4 N% H1 I  G' k8 Ihisilicon # protect off all- [, t+ U% W# h) p+ k4 ^
Un-Protect Flash Bank # 16 j3 g  x& K! J6 ?7 A
hisilicon # loadjffs2

6 A9 h: w& Q5 Z5 s短接FLASH
twtrrqq 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-5-28 11:10:20 | 显示全部楼层
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