


楼主: songee


 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-15 18:36:18 | 显示全部楼层
ktav 发表于 2020-6-1 15:08; O' G( R/ c5 Z) J+ H- I
8 l" V  q8 W5 g! U' d" Q
发表于 2020-9-3 23:02:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 大茶几 于 2020-9-5 18:19 编辑
+ Z1 ]& ?( _( b  T# Y
  1.       lxc-start 1599145069.560 INFO     lxc_start_ui - lxc_start.c:main:265 - using rcfile /usr/var/lib/lxc/openwrt/config
    : p" O8 {5 q3 S4 U4 K" P0 F
  2.       lxc-start 1599145069.561 WARN     lxc_confile - confile.c:config_personality:989 - unsupported personality 'arm'
    6 n& p6 i. s) u; s' [. h6 w
  3.       lxc-start 1599145069.561 WARN     lxc_log - log.c:lxc_log_init:316 - lxc_log_init called with log already initialized
    8 W1 z: f8 t/ {
  4.       lxc-start 1599145069.562 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup blkio unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt' l6 F3 ^" p/ ], b9 \0 E
  5.       lxc-start 1599145069.562 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpu unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt: L( X* `# l4 R3 M* ^
  6.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpuacct unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt1 t9 }8 d! ~* D$ _
  7.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpuset unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt# k- M) _# L/ W6 d8 G
  8.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup devices unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt8 J& w. r* C" H# f
  9.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup freezer unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt
    + G$ H, A, x' z9 f
  10.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup memory unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt' m# S# ?$ E! E) G) |% u* J# L
  11.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup net_cls unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt0 s5 T* z& q) f
  12.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup net_prio unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt* t8 o+ o$ P7 H# [1 k8 M
  13.       lxc-start 1599145069.563 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup perf_event unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt
    1 D/ ^1 J2 @& \6 k
  14.       lxc-start 1599145069.565 INFO     lxc_start - start.c:lxc_check_inherited:209 - closed inherited fd 4
    ; i  L1 P" \4 c5 Z- Z( z  N
  15.       lxc-start 1599145069.575 INFO     lxc_conf - conf.c:run_script_argv:350 - Executing script '/usr/var/lib/lxc/openwrt/pre-start.sh' for container 'openwrt', config section 'lxc'
    3 w  x, b+ ?& M, K( R7 F
  16.       lxc-start 1599145069.596 INFO     lxc_start - start.c:lxc_check_inherited:209 - closed inherited fd 4
    ; R1 n3 F* j/ |# M0 E
  17.       lxc-start 1599145069.613 INFO     lxc_monitor - monitor.c:lxc_monitor_sock_name:177 - using monitor sock name lxc/8518417411765f46//usr/var/lib/lxc
    ' n+ j5 l* D1 e0 E- t  v, w
  18.       lxc-start 1599145069.635 DEBUG    lxc_conf - conf.c:lxc_create_tty:3666 - allocated pty '/dev/pts/0' (5/6)* e( }4 H4 V; _
  19.       lxc-start 1599145069.635 INFO     lxc_conf - conf.c:lxc_create_tty:3677 - tty's configured
    5 F1 W  C; ~+ U: P
  20.       lxc-start 1599145069.635 DEBUG    lxc_start - start.c:setup_signal_fd:247 - sigchild handler set
    1 p' M, X: Y( y6 u# y
  21.       lxc-start 1599145069.635 DEBUG    lxc_console - console.c:lxc_console_peer_default:536 - no console peer
    / X3 S' J% R/ G% r5 b& [; l  \
  22.       lxc-start 1599145069.635 INFO     lxc_start - start.c:lxc_init:443 - 'openwrt' is initialized
    : I7 J; d8 Q: y6 L6 @" ?' ?4 s
  23.       lxc-start 1599145069.636 DEBUG    lxc_start - start.c:__lxc_start:1059 - Not dropping cap_sys_boot or watching utmp
    , W. c  r, y9 R+ s+ Y* e' _) C
  24.       lxc-start 1599145069.637 INFO     lxc_cgroup - cgroup.c:cgroup_init:62 - cgroup driver cgroupfs initing for openwrt- O5 O# [! c& X7 u/ T% ]
  25.       lxc-start 1599145069.639 INFO     lxc_start - start.c:lxc_spawn:891 - clone_flags:0x2c020000# c5 D# P! F- U% y  P! U$ ?
  26.       lxc-start 1599145069.642 ERROR    lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroupfs_enter:1163 - Invalid argument - Could not add pid 1775 to cgroup /lxc/openwrt: internal error
    + `& E+ B  i. m& Q% F0 u: l
  27.       lxc-start 1599145069.643 ERROR    lxc_start - start.c:__lxc_start:1081 - failed to spawn 'openwrt'7 T* D! X$ i1 Y2 I8 \
  28.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd_rsp_recv:172 - command get_cgroup failed to receive response
    6 x8 \. w9 @% S
  29.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup blkio unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt) r8 A4 c$ k; _9 P8 m
  30.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpu unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt+ Y. A0 ]+ q' m. K
  31.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpuacct unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt# A" Z" L: n/ L+ g! t
  32.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup cpuset unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt. j9 o$ \6 L5 X4 L7 p$ ^7 @# m
  33.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup devices unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt/ J; a+ w0 n. r$ j
  34.       lxc-start 1599145069.648 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup freezer unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt
    4 A% |2 O$ |% G. I! v( i& J
  35.       lxc-start 1599145069.649 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup memory unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt
    9 h. c7 c! m* d1 y4 h" d
  36.       lxc-start 1599145069.649 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup net_cls unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt3 S3 |" ^* U* [1 l9 c% }
  37.       lxc-start 1599145069.649 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup net_prio unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt3 v4 a3 `- h( k$ [9 O: M
  38.       lxc-start 1599145069.649 WARN     lxc_cgfs - cgfs.c:lxc_cgroup_get_container_info:1100 - Not attaching to cgroup perf_event unknown to /usr/var/lib/lxc openwrt2 }+ H" X0 m1 S+ \; ^& Q
  39.       lxc-start 1599145074.660 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - lxc_start.c:main:342 - The container failed to start.0 W$ `8 R1 J* K8 a
  40.       lxc-start 1599145074.660 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - lxc_start.c:main:344 - To get more details, run the container in foreground mode.
    $ `: f# z( m6 M
  41.       lxc-start 1599145074.660 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - lxc_start.c:main:346 - Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options.9 ]$ O4 \4 Z: J/ }/ F( z
. }2 k0 C3 f$ a( j+ q! z) }
F450 V2报错了
3 [8 Q$ a7 |; R7 r$ lhttps://github.com/mikma/lxd-openwrt5 y  o. ]4 C8 B5 t
2 w1 s6 x: w. O" U1 y! l但是我编译报错了
/ w% p& Y" J8 J1 |: [8 G7 m3 g2 ~6 M
所以启动容器的引导是放在initrd里的?4 S  }( I" l0 g4 A


OpenWrt官方aarch32架构编译的程序在F650A上是无法正常运行的,实测只有bcm53xx的可以。 LXC容器启动,我借用了saf。saf在主系统启动完成后会被关联运行(唤醒方式未知,但不是init.d),因而我将LXC的启动脚本命名  详情 回复 发表于 2021-5-5 00:49
__nmsl__ 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-1-22 16:47:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-2-24 20:51:02 | 显示全部楼层


怎么搞定的?不能自建容器的话,好像不好搞,很多执行文件在系统文件夹里面。  详情 回复 发表于 2022-1-29 22:27
发表于 2021-2-24 20:56:44 | 显示全部楼层


我也是F650(ZX279127 单核 256M内存),里面是守护启动的是叫saf,不管起不起动原来的容器,openwrt容器就是起不来。我又去弄来个F450A,这个就和帖子作者一样的CPU了,不过守护启动的叫saf-zte,同样openwrt容器起不来  详情 回复 发表于 2021-2-25 08:54
发表于 2021-2-25 08:50:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-2-25 08:54:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xiaowang325 于 2021-2-25 09:06 编辑 " |1 K$ @3 x" U: D8 V! J
山东吴彦祖 发表于 2021-2-24 20:56; d2 W& X: X0 n4 @$ K% Q1 j  ]
' K7 s% I& c9 U+ E$ I
我也是F650(ZX279127 单核 256M内存),里面是守护启动的是叫saf,不管起不起动原来的容器,openwrt容器就是起不来。我又去弄来个F450A,这个就和帖子作者一样的CPU了,不过守护启动的叫saf-zte,同样openwrt容器起不来,报错都一样,只提示了启动失败。看不出为啥。朋友有什么好的建议吗?( r. }* S; c+ D- i) L* u  q* }
附报错日志/usr/var/lib/lxc/openwrt # lxc-start -dn openwrt
7 R, M; l! o0 olxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 342 The container failed to start.
- I# z0 g7 |9 A6 ]* W: W2 y2 klxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 344 To get more details, run the container in foreground mode.6 J3 C$ `; _3 K' Q# L& M; v
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 346 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options." i. V( l' q" L! h7 x; W+ I5 o
/usr/var/lib/lxc/openwrt # lxc-start -dn openwrt -F
9 q# s# n9 m2 O' {lxc-start: cgfs.c: lxc_cgroupfs_enter: 1163 Invalid argument - Could not add pid 29182 to cgroup /lxc/openwrt: internal error
& f) ]8 |; G$ D9 [lxc-start: start.c: __lxc_start: 1081 failed to spawn 'openwrt'6 Z$ G  G: J) Z5 C+ W
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 342 The container failed to start., n: J: A, A$ c6 g- k
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 346 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options.' R0 u, f/ P% P* z9 }% g

: }# `7 ]4 k- H1 w& A, G
发表于 2021-2-25 14:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
xiaowang325 发表于 2021-2-25 08:54  _- u& s7 i5 N) c. w. ~+ H
我也是F650(ZX279127 单核 256M内存),里面是守护启动的是叫saf,不管起不起动原来的容器,openwrt容器就是 ...
! q: W% M6 j$ W& y* O# n& R9 v. i" O
我是用楼主配好的镜像启动的,如果是自己编译的话我就不清楚了,我还没整活到那一步,除了不用移动saf-zte以外完全按照楼主说的做就可以成功启动0 R" m1 b& o( {# F3 y
0 R- `9 ^9 y; r- I
另外看了你的第二个报错应该是你移动了saf-zte,我一开始完全按照楼主说的做就是报这个internal error,不能移动saf-zte,应该是有东西开机调用这saf-zte初始化的
发表于 2021-2-26 14:25:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-4-11 21:22:31 | 显示全部楼层
F650A 启动报错. t+ y( t+ |5 r
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 342 The container failed to start., h3 I$ {5 h7 \. d7 C
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 344 To get more details, run the container in foreground mode., M" h! @8 t6 E& c: y2 ~
lxc-start: lxc_start.c: main: 346 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options.


如果LXC启动失败,请检查config文件及LXC文件夹路径是否有误。  详情 回复 发表于 2021-5-4 23:40
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