


楼主: justui


发表于 2021-2-7 06:51:07 | 显示全部楼层
潇遥智在的我 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-5-4 00:35:41 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2021-5-4 19:29:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-6-6 15:51:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-8-16 11:23:48 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,你这个包有问题吧,执行到后面就这样了。。。1 v5 p4 z/ X9 `* G2 w5 i9 d
# F" a; S# t- `4 He8c/hw_default_ctree.xml
! N' ]( d: ^5 L$ k9 ^4 ?. Ae8c/recovername; m) J: Y: s5 z' i. \5 I
cp: can't stat '/mnt/jffs2/hw_default_ctree.xml': No such file or directory0 N, K8 Q! s+ h
<hw_ssp_ctool.c:587>file (/tmp/test.gz) open failed, errno (2)
( l" ?3 X% A/ ^) E1 Vgzip: /tmp/test.gz: No such file or directory
/ y' q) r; _+ Z$ b$ Y4 U+ M6 W( e" m! I1 J7 |  _- Z
" t8 Z3 i! S9 D( a2 \Usage: cfgtool [OPER] [FILE] [PATH] {AttName and Value}
' x: Z# B5 Q$ j) a: h2 K! c  [OPER] : get/gettofile/set/add/del/batch/create
! B, E5 |4 C: N6 U  [FILE] : deftree/[abs path]* I) x# i9 I. R7 d- s
  [PATH] : as, a.b.c(single-instance) or a.b.c.2(multi-instance)* L/ n/ b% B5 U: x
Example:% w/ g* l! j' v% \
  cfgtool add deftree InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.LANDeviceInstance.2
+ q( ^9 M' G' O! g; L1 C  cfgtool del deftree InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.LANDeviceInstance.2$ C+ L) h  m% a, Z
  cfgtool clone deftree InternetGatewayDevice.Service.VoiceService.VoiceServiceInstance.1 /mnt/jffs2/clone.xml, I4 s1 \1 N4 }' g% j# G# X
  cfgtool batch deftree /mnt/jffs2/batch.file
  z: S- z% ?; Z% u, w% O# C9 E& W. Q0 J1 v5 z: K
$ O4 T0 `6 s5 y/ d4 n
9 U! q# ?# G" K) e5 D0 sUsage: cfgtool [OPER] [FILE] [PATH] {AttName and Value}: j7 X  n$ W5 N9 P' b/ i  y3 C
  [OPER] : get/gettofile/set/add/del/batch/create7 n' V; w7 s* {& d8 |# Q# S
  [FILE] : deftree/[abs path]5 D- s3 o) M& |7 ^: P; T" b
  [PATH] : as, a.b.c(single-instance) or a.b.c.2(multi-instance)6 j' t; m# L% C1 H/ c; W% T3 I
Example:+ o1 f( A+ L4 z) S
  cfgtool add deftree InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.LANDeviceInstance.24 b# l: {2 Z  ~: B% q7 u/ U% S
  cfgtool del deftree InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.LANDeviceInstance.2
5 B! h! T6 [  _7 T4 i  cfgtool clone deftree InternetGatewayDevice.Service.VoiceService.VoiceServiceInstance.1 /mnt/jffs2/clone.xml
% \2 x: e: X: ^! z; N8 d9 I  cfgtool batch deftree /mnt/jffs2/batch.file, b8 @1 Y8 {  X5 L) m
发表于 2021-8-16 11:42:37 | 显示全部楼层
  v2 ~: u8 c: L# {* H* ~


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