


查看: 18602|回复: 35


发表于 2016-3-12 15:24:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 softtip 于 2016-3-12 15:27 编辑
, A7 [& O, f. O0 x/ p4 a8 [* B$ x3 K+ k) p: m. Q( W' F3 U# T
, y1 z: d/ l+ R' U$ Y0 A0 o  w$ O现在的问题是UBOOT太新了,没有中断UBOOT启动的提示,不像其他人可以按D键中断
* S. W! l0 Z! o+ i只好研究使用JTAG来救砖
6 |; s' o  s; e2 d. {2 _8245的JTAG是10针的,根据查询的标准资料
* t6 l- J$ H& N
万用表测试TCK TDO 对地电压0 TMS TDI VCC对地电压3.26V
: G# ~( Z4 Z* i. G' u" uTCK对地电阻1000欧* {4 i% k# I8 r4 H* E1 `& B
TDO TMS TDI TRST对地电阻无限大: m9 \# Z- [9 \7 K. @8 S0 K
跟并口WIGGLER线和J-LINK线连接都无法使用ZJTAG BRJTAG等读取出CPU ID(不管支不支持至少连接正确应该是可以读取出CPUID的)
* c; S9 F: A1 b同样的链接 RG100A-AA在WIGGER和J-LINK上都没问题RG100A-AA的TCK TDO TMS TDI对地电压都是3.2V左右
. ?2 `" z- f$ Z( {: R0 i+ j
5 s: @" n  e0 D+ x0 i! m: q/ l请问问题出在哪里呢?
6 i2 f8 O6 f- ?9 b6 lJTAG口测得的电压不正常,是JTAG没有做上拉电阻吗?因为没有华为的资料,没电路图,不知道到底是不是这个问题?
0 c- v7 _( `: g# q2 N) R& ^& V# a9 Y) h. s7 }9 h( n7 t
还是说芯片击穿了?(UBOOT启动一切正常)9 h& s3 A) k- L! m
发表于 2016-3-12 15:41:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-3-12 16:38:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-3-12 21:41:47 | 显示全部楼层


不能!新版uboot关闭了输入控制,TTL只能看,不能操作,旧版的UBOOT才可以打断  详情 回复 发表于 2016-3-12 22:15
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-12 22:15:30 | 显示全部楼层
tm5880891 发表于 2016-3-12 21:41
8 b/ }7 l# F2 Q& P改错硬件不是可以TTL修复吗,多找下方法
0 |, \/ k- T! ~# R3 s: {% O* F; O
发表于 2016-3-12 22:22:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-3-12 22:57:51 | 显示全部楼层
softtip 发表于 2016-3-12 22:15& h6 F3 j6 b( B) i! Y& Q

, @: A% K; J7 |* i你不打断他,让他跑完,然后试着清除以前配置错的


/*.............. System start ... .............*/ U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jul 31 2013 - 16:25:21) U-Boot code: 90500000 -> 9051FC94 BSS: -> 9054658C RAM Configuration: Bank #0: 90000000 64 MB Flash:  详情 回复 发表于 2016-3-12 23:18
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-12 23:18:43 | 显示全部楼层
tm5880891 发表于 2016-3-12 22:57
# Y: c- A2 J$ v! Q, L你不打断他,让他跑完,然后试着清除以前配置错的
) a$ c- A4 \& o$ _$ U
/*..............# k  I, ?' i0 n2 I4 y5 M7 x5 G
System start ...
* z, A3 f$ s) g.............*/
3 l5 G4 Z7 \" Z1 B( G/ X& L# z) {
3 J+ ~1 t9 j& }0 B* t# QU-Boot 1.1.4 (Jul 31 2013 - 16:25:21)
$ A/ {: G* x1 K+ x6 F8 D$ i! s' S: z+ {, V/ B6 A+ @+ d, w; p( @; }
U-Boot code: 90500000 -> 9051FC94  BSS: -> 9054658C
0 K8 l  J, h  ~! z2 v3 K6 u4 C7 {& fRAM Configuration:
1 x' y: v" J; X$ `- LBank #0: 90000000 64 MB
7 w) V  h: O, e) s7 XFlash: 16 MB
6 I- \: r# v% J  \/ x*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
: Q9 e2 H# |! e  w  I( {3 h* q2 ~! P0 Q1 C) p: Y/ A5 j, |$ ]
In:    serial5 S% d' r5 a* l- I! p! w$ {9 k
Out:   serial
, m4 S" r- z  D" nErr:   serial/ {, O1 N3 ^5 s" k( R

* K3 T! g$ n& M0 h- v* ?( f. `Extend LSW IS AR8316( C6 r; I( U& X: U3 @
Initialize broadcast table ... ok
& d" `# w+ w) v' L3 @CPURTx Driver For Pilot <Board-A>!- S$ C# C; ?6 |- b8 @4 k9 l
### JFFS2 loading 'fsok' to 0x904bfe84& i8 S1 I4 W8 ^( N& s0 w+ A
Scanning JFFS2 FS: . done.
  g; c  N4 ]( `+ |### JFFS2 load complete: 2 bytes loaded to 0x904bfe84
# h* v2 |( A- q: y! gNo board type file!  W4 A$ ^: c0 j! j1 |; ?  I
ui_board_id = 1
3 v9 B3 U+ H, v7 k+ @[main.c__3719]::Magic1:0x5a5a5a5a, magic2 0xa5a5a5a5, count 2, flag 0, MainAreaOK 0, slaveAreaOK 0( ~+ T8 E# \$ }7 r! ^; k: v
[main.c_3784]Start from normal system!& g. v' F9 I; B- B3 V
Magic1:0x5a5a5a5a, magic2 0xa5a5a5a5, count 3, flag 0
7 l6 u7 S7 m) E! R2 fAddr[0]:0x0,Addr[1]:0x40000,Addr[2]:0x41000,Addr[3]:0x60000,Addr[4]:0x1e0000,Addr[5]:0xae0000,Addr[6]:0xe600008 D7 S- x' O) F" X* n- _; e
Start copy data from 0x201e0054 to 0x91000000 with sizeof 0x00865040 ....................Done!" F2 {! s4 V* L! I3 g
Start system with ram disk and set bootcmd to- k) S- o1 n$ y4 E
BootArgs:noalign mem=50M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/ram0 rootfstype=squashfs mtdparts=hisilicon:0x40000(boot)ro,0x1000(flashcfg)ro,0x1f000(syspara)ro,0x180000(krnl)ro,0x8fffac@0x1e0054(rootfs)ro,0x248fe0@0xc17020(minisystem)ro,0x180000(jffs2cfg),-(reserved) user_debug=0x1f panic=11 n% C8 A) i3 p# I0 v3 A

6 s& _' n8 g9 M4 QU-boot Start from NORMAL Mode !
4 ?# T* D) |  k( T! D## Booting image at 20060054 ...4 ?% b7 `2 \) R1 N* D
   Image Name:   Linux-
4 F" c; O* F8 ~4 h5 R   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)5 ^* b4 Q+ {" g! [
   Data Size:    1456776 Bytes =  1.4 MB
0 R" G" y; M7 V6 j4 k: F) N( u   Load Address: 90008000
6 x+ W  |5 j9 x+ x   Entry Point:  90008000
( B. G4 F0 a1 w) C3 C4 v0 o" P   Loading Kernel Image ... OK. a3 F. t- R5 ]5 r4 e1 R/ ]# `7 f
## Loading Ramdisk Image at 91000000 ...
. V6 \& o! y  g& p+ l8 b   Image Name:   squashfs" ^/ L! H! E$ @$ R7 m; o. {- `
   Image Type:   ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (uncompressed)8 M% F; c$ m+ h7 r1 L; @$ ^
   Data Size:    8802304 Bytes =  8.4 MB4 G$ D: S0 Y9 h- b# b* j# |
   Load Address: 000000007 p" ]" T' T$ Y% W" G% B
   Entry Point:  000000006 d9 ^: u0 }% k: }6 R6 W

4 ?; F  N( U( h3 ?Starting kernel ...6 M/ |+ O4 z$ m4 b2 F( R3 l/ n/ }
; F: v7 {. m: V( [. h( Z
Uncompressing Linux............................................................................................ done, booting the kernel.
) c$ M6 @$ w8 u1 p" gKernel Early-Debug on Level 0  V& @: D! M3 l! C
iotable information:1 `- B& f' u3 V* T8 Z, ^# {9 ~3 E
virtual: 4093640704physical: 262144  length: 4096    type: 03 j' [" V' n9 n5 J7 a! N; e
virtual: 4145283072physical: 90432  length: 4096    type: 0' ^" p9 P7 U, q9 s+ x
virtual: 4145295360physical: 90435  length: 4096    type: 0
7 w  Y: \% f8 @ virtual: 4145340416physical: 90446  length: 4096    type: 0& V# m  x9 m8 n7 d( C" _! e
virtual: 4145344512physical: 90447  length: 4096    type: 0% l6 C. b: O- a: _  x8 H( C1 G
virtual: 4093706240physical: 262160  length: 4096    type: 01 ^( d& J. B0 H7 g
virtual: 4093771776physical: 262176  length: 4096    type: 0/ A2 |5 C" A3 ]! l5 d
virtual: 4145307648physical: 90438  length: 32768    type: 0# g8 O, }3 T/ c: F
virtual: 4145287168physical: 90433  length: 4096    type: 0% I9 C! M7 p. V: V. @5 M
virtual: 4145348608physical: 90448  length: 4096    type: 0  T- V7 k6 u& j% A
virtual: 4076863488physical: 196608  length: 4096    type: 0: V$ @2 @* Q4 U* Z* }
virtual: 4145291264physical: 90434  length: 4096    type: 0( c( u) Z0 Z) M7 S* n: ]8 o
virtual: 4145299456physical: 90436  length: 4096    type: 0
+ ?1 ^5 ?3 d9 @4 z5 v/ Y  t virtual: 4145303552physical: 90437  length: 4096    type: 0" H' z& W! C6 D  T* m% w
hisilicon_map_io        281     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/core.c]7 w' ?! z$ a) s3 j+ `
hisilicon_init_irq      108     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/core.c]' P) ~6 n/ J6 I& x& g6 X4 o
hisilicon_timer_init    228     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/systimer.c]/ U; _" R3 O2 E6 b( o% E2 H
hi_kernel_wdt_init      216     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/hi_drv_wdt.c]
" o3 N! w% e7 o( G, V7 x% fhisilicon_init_machine  175     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/core.c]0 G8 q. }, l! S# _+ f
hi_kernel_pci_preinit   390     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/hi_pci.c]0 b6 ]9 Q$ Y& P  }2 B, ^2 k7 [# o# X" r
pci clock is on!" i1 f' f- i2 y- t, X% Q
hi_kernel_pci_postinit  488     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/hi_pci.c]0 B" S9 R# Y5 b: ^) j+ s
hi_kernel_pci_postinit on!
7 N2 G* o1 Y& x! G. c- G, p% b7 vhi_kernel_pci_map_irq   367     [arch/arm/mach-sd5113_v100_p01/hi_pci.c]
7 N4 I) s- p6 l8 @0 ]! qLinux version (root@vsut193167) (gcc version 4.1.2 (Wind River Linux Sourcery G++ 4.1-84)) #2 Wed Jul 31 16:31:00 CST 2013
4 j' r1 i4 s8 w; G% jCPU: ARMv6-compatible processor [410fb767] revision 7 (ARMv6TEJ), cr=00c5387f
( R$ d6 f0 W2 y; IMachine: SD5113-V100-PILOT-B010 u1 a2 m" P' D. w. a0 V% E9 ?
Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback, ~6 H; R. {; {2 s5 F7 y
Get mem size 0x3200000;  H7 z6 z3 T& B% C* e
CPU0: D VIPT write-back cache. w3 e% v% c  R; T6 P  e5 e6 z" M
CPU0: I cache: 16384 bytes, associativity 4, 32 byte lines, 128 sets, r) p2 ~! o# u. r1 w7 s0 N. f
CPU0: D cache: 16384 bytes, associativity 4, 32 byte lines, 128 sets$ A* h: O* A; _% @; |+ \  Q, U
Built 1 zonelists.  Total pages: 12700* {7 b4 V2 @9 b! D, h5 Y8 i
Kernel command line: noalign mem=50M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/ram0 rootfstype=squashfs mtdparts=hisilicon:0x40000(boot)ro,0x1000(flashcfg)ro,0x1f000(syspara)ro,0x180000(krnl)ro,0x8fffac@0x1e0054(rootfs)ro,0x248fe0@0xc17020(minisystem)ro,0x180000(jffs2cfg),-(reserved) user_debug=0x1f panic=1
  [% n, }. e) RPID hash table entries: 256 (order: 8, 1024 bytes)3 ]) U. m( c+ t" m. }
Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
5 Z, j& Y3 i4 v. p& P' p$ t; H6 GInode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
+ Y4 s8 p2 J% T7 Q: k* g; KMemory: 50MB = 50MB total3 G+ Y. W" @" a" t; l- w  k
Memory: 39080KB available (2636K code, 200K data, 108K init)
6 n" @: I$ ~/ h9 c# h3 L# x* @# m* sSecurity Framework v1.0.0 initialized
( a+ Q  J2 ]7 D) ^Capability LSM initialized
) Z, _6 K; s/ vMount-cache hash table entries: 512% p9 @- x1 ]8 W+ c
CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
: z  \; N+ U/ A( g# b" n& Q# YNET: Registered protocol family 16) a$ d1 I0 `9 D  o6 h6 D8 j, J4 s
Hisilicon clock system V0.01  E" D# V- Q: R( b! [8 ~1 \1 C/ \
[clk_register, 244]     AHBCLK+ D4 P1 d' y6 L) |
[clk_register, 244]     ARMCORECLK& ^8 k- h0 Z$ N/ u& k( A
[clk_register, 244]     UARTCLK
; x. A4 j9 y( @- e! t7 X, v% ZPCI: device 0000:00:03.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.# n# _) {4 i, o' j5 w5 f
PCI: device 0000:00:04.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.6 f) o- V9 d* L/ T' l) Z
PCI: device 0000:00:05.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.  ^8 w% b9 \# l  |/ J
PCI: device 0000:00:06.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
& M$ Y  P7 t% q1 f0 `. f& F, f1 ?PCI: device 0000:00:07.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
' h+ p* g/ C( N  DPCI: device 0000:00:08.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.2 g5 a% u7 _# ?" O# s# z
PCI: device 0000:00:09.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring., h; ?' }9 t4 P' }
PCI: device 0000:00:0a.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.; [  R  X% q+ h' a4 v, d& Z
PCI: device 0000:00:0b.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
% V1 E+ G, W6 q% \, E# h: e* Q; zPCI: device 0000:00:0c.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.$ H/ j; D* [% k( R# D
PCI: device 0000:00:0d.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.2 E( Y' n0 F5 n6 E$ T1 R, X
PCI: device 0000:00:0e.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
6 E9 M1 K( C9 t* a( A+ D0 ^PCI: device 0000:00:0f.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
6 a+ \- E2 p6 T. _2 CPCI: device 0000:00:10.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
; U- P! ]* ~7 C. r4 ePCI: device 0000:00:11.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.$ q2 O9 |% m5 ?7 \
PCI: device 0000:00:12.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring./ [+ T" u0 `# c+ K/ C& k$ Q
PCI: device 0000:00:13.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
9 Y$ F9 l% f! m, i( uPCI: device 0000:00:14.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
- [- W& s: w$ S2 ]PCI: device 0000:00:15.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.) c1 a: t* `, V6 K
PCI: device 0000:00:16.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
' |( H3 l2 b/ x9 v# V% L9 ^PCI: device 0000:00:17.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.% j$ R2 \* W. a- M+ P6 G
PCI: device 0000:00:18.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.6 l! Y6 y* V2 i& o/ ^/ c
PCI: device 0000:00:19.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.8 d8 [# Y( F+ s
PCI: device 0000:00:1a.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
+ e  b- s9 R/ \* P! J$ {' b  XPCI: device 0000:00:1b.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring., n! U% |/ ?0 f7 Y. ]6 x
PCI: device 0000:00:1c.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
4 w. A# S  E  O5 g8 OPCI: device 0000:00:1d.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
, D7 `0 u) i, `: bPCI: device 0000:00:1e.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.2 y# }9 e3 H5 h
PCI: device 0000:00:1f.0 has unknown header type 1c, ignoring.
# v, v" G/ P* K& E* UPCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers enabled, k9 g  }: t. d# z  ~- M2 L
istatus and imask 167772162 i5 M: l: V' T' N$ U7 l# D
istatus and imask 0
* o( U7 o# |* t+ v1 q, D3 smap irq: slot 0, pin 1, devslot 2, irq: 21; `3 ~( k" T( Y  T' n; ^( H/ P5 g
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
3 a! F( e1 ~& R. n' dusbcore: registered new interface driver hub& }- J8 Z; R1 [
usbcore: registered new device driver usb3 W. p" O. b- D% L4 ]4 `  p" S
NET: Registered protocol family 2
/ R9 e% }2 \& E7 T2 tIP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)2 E0 L  c6 Y7 M  ~. }1 Y2 A4 Y
TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
3 C7 d( j7 B1 g) [9 |. V( e! g5 p( x$ wTCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)5 [: j$ X  ~$ q7 P( v
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
) r% V5 Z$ ^1 }9 i. t- \) X8 CTCP reno registered& V. f* R0 d8 I8 X5 A3 f& n  z* `& [
checking if image is initramfs...it isn't (bad gzip magic numbers); looks like an initrd
6 f1 T' i. `3 T& QFreeing initrd memory: 8596K9 S: O) M$ p* B3 c' O  x
Registering GDB sysrq handler
, R- l/ o+ `" m* xsquashfs: version 3.4 (2008/08/26) Phillip Lougher6 p6 C$ @/ p  A0 {) c8 i# Q. m
squashfs: LZMA suppport for slax.org by jro$ \1 E9 M0 d1 Z9 Z
JFFS2 version 2.2. (C) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.1 A) U/ x" |  G7 E6 X6 i- _  W
io scheduler noop registered6 p' g; p* P3 E1 V& H
io scheduler anticipatory registered) }% v& d8 {  A, G! U4 h
io scheduler deadline registered% _/ h) D+ D3 w0 \" ?
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
# y8 K* a8 x% w+ ISerial: dw  uart driver
: e0 j9 b% F$ b6 c* Q6 ]dev:f2: ttyAMA0 at MMIO map 0x1614f000 mem 0xf714f000 (irq = 17) is a AMBA/DW  r: _0 V: S% v3 `; J+ k7 z* _* `
dev:f1: ttyAMA1 at MMIO map 0x1614e000 mem 0xf714e000 (irq = 16) is a AMBA/DW+ c  r) d4 R: ~) E7 l9 e$ T1 [+ G
RAMDISK driver initialized: 4 RAM disks of 23000K size 1024 blocksize
* f) B0 Q' O  E' |PPP generic driver version 2.4.21 w5 r1 E6 K% X- [* `" a& o3 C3 F
PPP Deflate Compression module registered8 k* J- }# \' S( f& y
PPP BSD Compression module registered/ q' \2 ~% @3 W/ }9 P) W6 v: {
PPP MPPE Compression module registered+ ^+ }2 c& |& z0 g
NET: Registered protocol family 247 P  v) \) F+ F4 `6 ?
SLIP: version 0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY (dynamic channels, max=256) (6 bit encapsulation enabled).( h& Q2 J4 ]" I1 v5 ]
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California.
8 B0 p; n* S" r/ TSLIP linefill/keepalive option.
% c! u, L7 Z" Z) O2 V" u. lStart to set chip MaxBufWriteSize.7 T( y; w+ Y: U
!Not find NUMONYX JS28F128M29EWHA chip.% x( Q: P2 K6 S; |9 G1 Q! F( e4 l
hisilicon: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
7 p: u1 u4 p. [6 M& F Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040* V* Y0 l) I7 v" V# {
hisilicon: CFI does not contain boot bank location. Assuming top.8 g. W1 `; m' q
number of CFI chips: 1; i  E5 V5 Y8 F" s  O2 G4 x1 M0 l" n5 z
cfi_cmdset_0002: Disabling erase-suspend-program due to code brokenness.
/ y0 T! i: \3 [, n$ V* `# [9 DHisilicon flash: registering whole flash at once as master MTD# J- O7 z) Y& P! U0 o+ q
8 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device hisilicon! M4 o2 b# Q, l3 f  v. z. y
Creating 8 MTD partitions on "hisilicon":6 H3 @. F4 w8 |* ?0 [9 }$ p
0x00000000-0x00040000 : "boot"! {+ p7 A, r6 ^7 S
0x00040000-0x00041000 : "flashcfg"
1 U* r3 k+ y0 H) I" D, {5 C0x00041000-0x00060000 : "syspara") f; g  Z2 P! g0 X8 j; m9 z
0x00060000-0x001e0000 : "krnl"
9 o: N; z* J% {7 X0x001e0054-0x00ae0000 : "rootfs"  z& L1 K7 c2 P- N# {0 K6 R
0x00c17020-0x00e60000 : "minisystem") a0 e1 |* {6 H2 _
0x00e60000-0x00fe0000 : "jffs2cfg"5 Y5 c8 A+ ~- i4 P
0x00fe0000-0x01000000 : "reserved"
2 X) S9 ~1 v; Rusb clock is on!
! T% c/ g6 T9 C: s6 Oh2v100-ehci h2v100-ehci.0: h2v100-ehci
. D+ v; f3 z+ ]& W5 th2v100-ehci h2v100-ehci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
' i: v& t3 D- v9 d# P1 ?h2v100-ehci h2v100-ehci.0: irq 23, io mem 0x40010000- c0 U8 g( h, r/ C
h2v100-ehci h2v100-ehci.0: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 20042 D, Y; _$ _0 _3 D6 V
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice. M5 ]0 W# Y6 Y/ i8 i: n
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found+ x( Q7 ?! M$ {
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
- D: w2 _/ I$ A, v4 E% F9 c- Y2 s7 _h2v100-ohci h2v100-ohci.0: h2v100-ohci, u* g9 i4 a& j; ]
h2v100-ohci h2v100-ohci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
9 k, z$ `# I& n0 V9 h, Bh2v100-ohci h2v100-ohci.0: irq 24, io mem 0x40020000
9 v0 C& V# |& f) ^) lusb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice5 r3 r) z5 t, ?! Q
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found3 U' q3 V  g6 z9 B% a0 |
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
+ i8 b$ B( c2 |3 X- X6 m3 h9 u9 N& ~. tNetfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
) D0 w+ G+ R, l) Jip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
$ ^* @  N/ w7 I/ r+ Earp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
) R- f  D  m- ITCP cubic registered
/ C- X/ S3 g( O: \NET: Registered protocol family 1
3 e: E/ y2 }% [NET: Registered protocol family 17
5 h! M) c. k) Gieee80211: 802.11 data/management/control stack, git-1.1.13
8 c) _/ H0 F) yieee80211: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation <jketreno@linux.intel.com>
! b4 L7 a0 i4 X6 LRAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block 0, block number 8596
+ Z+ H2 \4 F6 |5 S5 r4 m- ~, m/ X' iRAMDISK: Loading 8596KiB [1 disk] into ram disk... done.+ |' z. Y2 h+ c: j* K! G1 E
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.7 B. Q% E. ?* v2 S- l& m, E" X0 E
Freeing init memory: 108K
) G& C4 M9 F$ g0 f& c1 m% d% p$ ?  n+ U/ T5 e! z
                        -=#  DOPRA LINUX 1.0  #=-
1 o0 K/ z# `& c- p4 `* {1 x                        -=#  EchoLife WAP 0.1  #=-
5 k0 Y- z& a2 J) G3 }3 I4 B; ~                        -=#  Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd #=-( [2 U; e" j5 @

" x3 j  ^1 s0 V2 L8 r- \0 F$ ~mount file system6 U$ j7 v% G: F1 f2 d8 z
Loading the kernel modules:2 U( e1 [; w2 N1 H* W- d/ \3 K* T
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 37: sed: not found
% `6 m* ~1 u) r  Q1 ~, UMaking device instances:0 F5 c9 z+ [) N0 O
Setting console log message level:" {& K& g; O5 R! ^! }. T
Setting hostname:
5 [+ q' m1 h' T: m1 t0 H3 A6 PSettingup the sysctl configurations:0 P3 O2 g" [) X! b+ a6 i
Setting up interface lo:9 Z+ B7 w2 j6 S% }5 M' H
Running local startup scripts.! {) F) @& Z8 \5 I: d

* u( P- y0 G) W: J, M/ D5 E" c*******************************************
1 X! R1 f- h/ p: h# ]/ s--==      Welcome To EchoLife WAP      ==--. d7 H* g' q5 C* e, ]! Q
--==   Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.   ==--: {9 N' ]5 f0 T( O' ]& T
1 _  Z: I* z  P/ \9 D: @6 n$ [WAP Ver:V100R005C00B010
/ h6 r: t3 N6 xWAP Timestamp:2013/07/31 16:42:599 _1 p9 n" f1 t' n: H8 S5 G: P' w
*******************************************2 I" ]' D( L. Q& `
* E+ }5 M6 k7 B! Z
Mount the JFFS2 file system:
9 K  T+ }* ^  sStart init EchoLife WAP process debug module ......1 t1 C6 w7 B9 V- s! I0 o; y
Start lunch kmsgread ...
$ f) ?* }* o+ }/ ]Pid of kmsgrread is: 147
! d& h. X. \! a/ G, l. `) HSet kmsgread process pid to:147;
( C- L5 Y* U: z& S7 g7 kRootfs time stamp:2013-07-31_16:46:59" Z/ }5 z' G- R) H
fuse init (API version 7.8)* ~! X$ v2 C4 I" `
SCSI subsystem initialized
8 k7 G2 M9 \! A3 ZInitializing USB Mass Storage driver...
# ^3 {4 r* k! ?) [usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
4 E+ k! @5 ?# U0 y" F4 sUSB Mass Storage support registered.
+ Z, G$ D' ?( e. I. M6 p, v( VUser init start......
. ~  D+ V  f  q5 iLoading the SD5113V100 modules:* [( d/ m# J0 d4 Z
ETH install success!( T" G) y& I& V) y/ ?

4 O. ?& g* o7 Q4 y+ gg_dp_GLB_reg_s->VERSION = 0x0, ui_version = 0x0, ui_spec_index = 1& i7 ^# h/ Y$ U

4 N  m$ @" \# H) W SD511X  DP  V2.0 is installed !
' |% G/ y' K; d' k& i5 H
$ d( R: N3 J  l) n SD511x MDIO ID V1.0 is installed
: g" H$ {2 b4 ?0 Z$ m  w/ o2 r0 R: ^
$ \2 g) [# Y5 ~! w9 }, j6 } SD511x GPIO VERSION 1.0 is installed
$ u' _. B5 O! V& n
% J' t! Y$ [; O6 }; E) y1 { SD511x GPIO_INT ID 1.0 is installed2 q/ ?+ m1 J- t/ q4 N, U

, M6 g4 k; y0 H! m9 } SD511x I2C ID V1.0 is installed
- G, h( q% ], J9 W5 X# Y- j# ?: G. W
SD511x TIMER ID V1.0 is installed
( L% O& H' t) \, n3 ^  |2 Y2 F
SD511X SPI ID v1.0 is installed
& o  v# n/ D+ v
6 h5 S* L) n% R% F  ~ SD511X  SYSCTL  V1.0 is installed% i. R5 A+ _, t8 V) l8 {7 h" t

: o: X: _# o, i( Z/ H SD511x UART ID V1.0 is installed
2 ~% o, T* k( E  L! L<6>
* ?( C$ R  S( J3 P9 Z SD511X HW  ID v1.0 is installed
0 p: j: V/ p6 |0 k( {( S7 H8 w# D' p$ s+ T0 ^/ a
SD511x EXT_INT ID 1.0 is installed8 r. t" s* P6 w, x$ S4 _
ifconfig eth0 hw ether BC:62:0E:C9:0A:66
' l" d  ~7 d# T  Z% w$ i  ?Loading the EchoLife WAP modules: LDSP% Y5 z6 W& i3 W7 e0 k3 ?8 Z6 ^
SSP For LDSP Install Successfully...
% W! y; Y" i  U- {# N/ J# X+ _HLP For LDSP Install Successfully...
( t& O6 B/ D* l" ?% J  tCHIPADP-PHY For LDSP Install Successfully...
( X! W, @+ |. y6 N" O' b# O  h/ dGet version through hardware!0 }  H9 z- z& V
CHIPADP-SD5113 For LDSP Install Successfully...
4 ^3 x: W, [* _" D  E' a! lGPIO For LDSP Install Successfully...1 J7 V- Z2 d6 j8 b
HIGHWAY For LDSP Install Successfully...1 ^$ |9 x  s. b7 G
I2C For LDSP Install Successfully...' y, N8 t* G. N# D  A% b8 L3 a& t
MDIO For LDSP Install Successfully.... t2 y3 S" L1 C, @0 F- [
LSW For LDSP Install Successfully...
: j* O( T$ ]5 k
% l) w* i8 N3 I+ J aui_receive[0] = 0 aui_receive[1] = 0 aui_receive[2] = 0 aui_receive[3] = 0
* ~' y5 o* R% P- SDEV For LDSP Install Successfully...' @3 d6 M) C" ?& S+ F  x
CHIPADP-AR8316 LSW For LDSP Install Successfully...+ B! q/ {" k$ t) F6 y
TOPO hw_topo_init Successfully...
" Q- A- X& c0 o) ]8 Hhw_topo_pdt_sep_eth_port_init...0 z% h; W5 D. z0 K; y
End hw_topo_wap_init...
+ D& _) H6 h4 F" uTOPO PDT For SSMP Install Successfully.../ b: x# w+ k# B& s* L- p; y3 ?$ u
Read Topo Info Product Des:EchoLife HG82459 d& `% A$ c- X8 Y
Read MemInfo Des: 478444 X, Y3 ]$ y/ O/ F; G. h
SPI For LDSP Install Successfully...
2 U( ~- g* q  J" U8 wUART For LDSP Install Successfully...% Q% v( W: h, @& I, O% k
BATTERY For LDSP Install Successfully.... J5 Y3 i6 C: l8 s3 U! s
PLOAM For LDSP Install Successfully...4 W0 u( U; v9 I$ k3 c; u  e
GMAC For LDSP Install Successfully...
: v2 t6 v9 t1 e+ B& N& mKEY For LDSP Install Successfully...( q! p4 W2 y+ i3 n
LED For LDSP Install Successfully...# T* Y1 P4 r" {' R% n* f5 I
OPTIC For LDSP Install Successfully...( r9 Y6 i% k. p+ o! Y8 o, }3 c& d
RF For LDSP Install Successfully...
, |# v: _  n3 S+ V: Ale88226 For LDSP install successfully...
5 \) t" \3 i, i3 VUSB For LDSP Install Successfully...- M- \/ N9 Y% o0 ~- ?6 y: T
Loading BBSP L2 modules:
$ s" }0 [; D4 P7 G3 [1 I6 dCommon HLP For BBSP Install Successfully...
) R* Z8 Q6 Z6 p) Q% y
& r9 n$ K/ O( S6 R4 J6 s. u ont is not in Equip Mode:g_fw_equip=0( ?$ U) k3 h% M/ Q  S" u
FLOW For BBSP Install Successfully...
+ q1 h' J8 N4 N# PVETH For LDSP Install Successfully...4 O, _% k" o2 B& b' z8 R& w7 x
hw_pkt_tunnel Install Successfully...
  |3 Z9 p7 I5 L  x7 }' @& I; HEMAC For LDSP Install Successfully...
+ y4 q/ K  B- }! y% bMPCP For LDSP Install Successfully...
! A! j2 D3 I& z: f; m& z) U8 KLoading DSP temporary modules:
( ]% O# G2 J5 ?: ^linux kernel dopra is installed!" K% G2 Y5 v% x& s& h5 [+ x- _
& U, f& k. \  p" g) ^# Y8 u
dsp sdk  insmod success!  E/ C6 W  m) \/ W. o6 d5 J% h5 V
DSP For LDSP Install Successfully...
5 f. |: D0 Z1 e! E' R$ NLoading BBSP L2_extended modules:6 `& s' K+ z! b% o! m4 l) h
WIFI For BBSP Install Successfully...% f1 C8 ?. P" |8 ~8 j
ipv6 Install Successfully...
9 A% `) d! K6 \! [6 ohw_dhcp Install Successfully...
1 I5 |! `" S5 \! S. ]. Yhw_ethoam_kernel Install Successfully...
& f. ?# h% B9 Vhw_pppoe Install Successfully...
2 J9 x, `/ O# b5 t* Ahw_igmp_kernel Install Successfully...( H0 ^6 U. d  l3 |# B
mfw pkt per second: 80...5 D9 `9 D; s2 V% |- ]
mfw Install Successfully...- }+ s! [0 `. O9 B5 s
hw_bind_init...0 F+ G0 _% k0 H# X, s6 A0 _! H
KARP Install Successfully..." h7 _7 c# }/ G! K: j
Loading BBSP L3_basic modules:
9 P, a5 D9 m) ?6 fnf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (400 buckets, 3200 max)* O( p+ O' k. q" n$ l2 p
netdown replace to nf_ct_iterate_cleanup2# ?$ n2 [% E  x/ n$ k& D3 H  m2 ~

/ ^; H; j1 C3 ?0 V install success
7 q2 _% J2 u, W; U1 {' w2 XPktdump init Install Successfully...
, W: @5 ]# C  F# M; ~7 G; J9 |, EACl For BBSP Install Successfully...3 h$ f+ O: c& s9 s( g
Dosflt For BBSP Install Successfully...* V. T7 ^& h7 C& Q
Loading BBSP L3_extended modules:) m; b  H$ p* z& V9 g& ^: M- f. y5 ~
napt register conntrack_handler& k' w% A% _( S: E% Q0 V& H
NAPT For BBSP Install Successfully...
& s& A' m9 W  B8 K" Z4 N- |
+ W0 H/ t" M: O$ ?6 q& F_init_session SUCCESS
- A9 e4 O# m) q2 L( \4 B3 j$ etable_sizhw_ker_ffwd_ipv4  install' o( d, c+ V- _, q" y4 ~
e =3040 hash_size = 760+ h0 h# t- F& y' Q+ m7 w' H
ffwd register conntrack_handler
- {8 \* I4 y+ thw_ker_ffwd_core  install
; V3 }- @# q- |" q- H: {5 I( ~% p6 d5 l/ JPortal For BBSP Install Successfully...' W& {" F5 ^/ f& R& {3 g
User device for bbsp Install Successfully...
' o6 v0 W7 c' l4 ~" i; d3 q: eNO ipv6!% r9 f# c' B! ]9 E
NO hw_rout!
$ v! M& M/ U! P% g8 V5 }1 V6 R/ k4 \Configure Word   : GZCT+ E: t; K- R% H2 h0 k
GZCT:not BT mode: X" t: l* D- m) N6 o% l
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
( Q4 n0 i4 Y4 G* Zbr0: port 1(eth0) entering learning state
  z) B( h/ v6 `3 u5 J' Q3 ICODEC For LDSP Install Successfully...: `! G. ~+ _/ p. q( Z1 L% X2 L, ~
Start ldsp_user...0
3 i7 v1 W0 d- g" I4 R# D) i7 [<LDSP>HW_LdspCfg_XponProc start from auto, uiUpMode=4./ _7 Q4 H- h5 ]8 C. D% t
<LDSP cfg>Set uiUpMode=1.
  f& c& i- ]. e& z<LDSP>Hardware board id is 1 !$ k5 T& o% H7 H) @+ ]4 r
<LDSP>Hardware pcb id is 2 !' t( \/ j5 X5 f
SD5113 test self OK
# x! H) `( G; _# m# @6 D' LLsw test self OK
0 Z) w; J5 @' p3 qOptic test self OK
. ]* @( z  {9 g" ^: m: fPHY[1] test self OK9 @0 U. ^" j/ e1 c; F
PHY[2] test self OK
1 c4 H# p( |4 q1 APHY[3] test self OK
# W, {: `! V- M% x: ^- u2 GPHY[4] test self OK; v$ e6 y3 k5 i' X7 X
PHY[5] test self NoCheck
& i! J) ]+ d) n0 I4 F  gPHY[6] test self NoCheck  T7 }9 Q' w/ r+ f, T' d
, U, a% n6 D. |" P4 z2 [4 M6 g
FILE = /home/zhengjisheng/r1c01/sdk_optimize/sd511x_sdk/driver/src/./interface/i2c/hi_drv_i2c.c,) Z3 c5 k0 i# B' w# A$ n
LINE = 151, FUNC = hi_kernel_i2c_burst_read_bytes
, F' G6 ~9 m- `+ B5 _0 x read data is over time* O% h8 x4 a  t  _, Z2 s
Optic calMode 0
6 V( E: ^7 u& b$ O4 O GPON opened success !7 Y( Q& n% T2 ^% U# @. n
usb1 gpio clock open
3 u! C. t+ X# bssmp bbsp igmp amp vspa omci
+ x- _) d. L$ W0 ]; Aroot.reserved: fe0000 20000  o5 B. t' Q3 N" Y! A4 \
Start start pid=369; uiProcNum=6;; v/ d1 Q/ y" X$ |/ F1 r
Start VSPA ...InitFrame amp; PID=373; state=0; 12.136;
! d+ F1 r" I7 w' PInitFrame amp; PID=373; in state=0; 12.137;) {+ b# ?  S$ ?& y# \% ?
InitFrame amp; PID=373; out state=0; 12.683;. Y$ `1 }, u$ c6 c
InitFrame omci; PID=374; state=0; 12.749;- I9 P3 ]) g3 _
InitFrame igmp; PID=375; state=0; 12.786;
  p& X$ Y' i$ G7 P" k5 |' OInitFrame igmp; PID=375; in state=0; 12.787;) q) d: J; a( }" K
  PID USER       VSZ STAT COMMAND( w& e( ^. G0 W' w* H
InitFrame ssmp; PID=370; state=0; 12.976;
: A8 Y! g7 j+ zInitFrame ssmp; PID=370; in state=0; 12.977;/ B% R& c4 X$ `9 Q; }) f
InitFrame omci; PID=374; in state=0; 13.101;( Y5 K9 j% y! N1 u
InitFrame omci; PID=374; out state=0; 13.102;
; F' P, \1 d+ y0 E0 H3 F) N# jInitFrame igmp; PID=375; out state=0; 13.112;
: e2 {4 B$ B8 y7 _    1 root      2132 S    init; o, {# o* [4 H- {9 n; u7 L' n4 K
    2 root         0 SWN  [ksoftirqd/0]
. m& f! c, U  F9 U* R    3 root         0 SW   [watchdog/0]0 w1 ^) O% i& c
    4 root         0 SW<  [events/0]' `( s3 _! ^, Y; @- ?
    5 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
" c1 U, O& I( W8 V9 v4 h" z9 j    6 root         0 SW<  [kthread]
( i  M1 ^+ ^* E6 {1 f  [   29 root         0 SW<  [kblockd/0]4 `3 ^/ R  |) F" _. I. u. Z8 ^, p
   32 root         0 SW<  [khubd]
" n8 }$ W* [4 e* O( M' ?   46 root         0 SW   [pdflush]3 U- ^# J9 M! ^1 E/ J, V
   47 root         0 SW   [pdflush]
3 v0 z0 p! k3 C) R( B   48 root         0 SW<  [kswapd0]# ^5 C: [8 C/ X: E7 g
   49 root         0 SW<  [aio/0]
$ e- D; N, X! @0 G1 N& s! L, V   64 root         0 SW   [mtdblockd]! q; k4 Q% l# t1 H. b6 q
  111 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit- r; l& Y/ M! y* e% v4 H
  141 root         0 SWN  [jffs2_gcd_mtd7]
, z# a* p& G" m( ~! F# v  144 root         0 DW<  [wap_lastword]
/ J) G. }, J& ~5 ?. j: c  145 root         0 DW<  [wap_ktrace], Y7 o' S/ R- w: ~! i% ?
  147 root      1960 S    kmsgread0 _$ w! H! ~9 L& l
  151 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start
3 D% C, l/ u& W, d  u  286 root         0 SW   [mpcp]
5 K8 o7 v, `; c4 x/ Z/ @  291 root         0 SW<  [kTimerTask]! `6 q! i+ {: n  O$ o( b9 [
  338 root         0 SW   [cpucar]+ x+ w9 i4 h7 V& W2 z  O& o& H; `
  367 root     10752 S    hw_ldsp_user2 l1 E% [' G" Y: b3 I8 q
  369 root      2012 S    start ssmp bbsp igmp amp vspa omci
6 m1 M* a1 I, J  370 root      4036 S    ssmp8 A: @# t/ f6 s+ l  z) y
  372 root      4516 R    bbsp
+ |$ n0 a, V8 o. h; A9 Z3 B  373 root      3764 R    amp
- M, K" @0 m$ ~" H3 h! @, z4 j) M  374 root      5468 R    omci; |+ L/ p3 Q( m% n8 F; n* X
VSPA pri from 0 to 10( e/ W( h+ s# `, X$ V3 G/ l
InitFrame vspa_h248; PID=376; state=0; 13.254;5 c% b# w- t2 [4 R' {
InitFrame vspa_h248; PID=376; in state=0; 13.255;
' S2 M( \2 F1 H0 @InitFrame vspa_h248; PID=376; out state=0; 13.256;+ A2 p7 W* o2 }9 r2 n7 H
  375 root      4028 S    igmp
0 O6 h8 U- o/ M1 [/ ~  376 root      6464 R N  vspa_h248
; Z, j$ k3 M, v7 [+ Z  379 root     10744 S    smp_usb
; o) w: O; j. P$ W, f  380 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start
, x: B/ h1 z& M/ R1 }* ]  384 root      2000 S    sleep 1
' _% K4 t) ^& l6 [( o  385 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start) v1 ^1 j: h- p' u% ?
  386 root      2000 S    sleep 30# ?( b/ ~  l7 H: G! e
  387 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start
0 b: k+ [2 R3 d  `) Y5 ^  388 root      2000 S    sleep 40
' |* d2 _! J+ R- p& Z  P  389 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start
3 b$ ^) B4 i" C$ o4 D  390 root      2000 S    sleep 30+ }& E* {" x1 F
  391 root      2136 S    /bin/sh /etc/rc.d/rc.start/1.sdk_init.sh start
/ X+ {( k' c& P3 U  392 root      2000 S    sleep 1' G$ m+ ?/ H+ T
  393 root      2308 R    ps8 v9 O' M6 e, Y; N9 u; n2 i( A
  394 root      2132 S    sh -c rm -f /mnt/jffs2/Updateflag
2 S# ]5 ]* k. q2 q9 z+ l  395 root       832 R    rm -f /mnt/jffs2/Updateflag, ]# h+ }, w  F, B8 Z( b- @8 I2 D
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused' H1 U& s% c5 P6 q
InitFrame bbsp; PID=372; state=0; 13.773;
- w* M* Z' X: b1 t  S6 AInitFrame bbsp; PID=372; in state=0; 13.775;
9 U) E. e  A& L$ F5 F+ h% i4 EInitFrame bbsp; PID=372; out state=0; 13.777;+ [$ j4 O6 G" ~+ Y! v' d
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused+ N/ d4 E0 x; @- n, @
[HW_XML_IsXmlEncrypted] iFileDescryption::0x1
1 k  V0 h2 S& M# z1 j. @[HW_XML_DBCheckXMLValid] file is encrypt !
( W  W' B" M* \8 t% O+ b' F1 {Start HW_DM_PDT_Init....
# |" M+ k1 o/ A6 x. ^[DEV]HW_DM_GetBoardInfo failed.uiRet = 0xf710e059
) n1 m9 T! @6 `! W; `, I, @Init dm data err, uiRet = 0xf710e059* L" ]" x* s( X
Init DM Error! Return=0xf710e059;5 T1 p& m7 C+ i% `9 X
Deinit SMP Successfully!
' h* T7 B  ^, g" I! bSSMP init ManageModule ..................... [Err:0xf710e059]
# W! I( S( c  @3 G$ Q
0 H, m- e0 l. Yssmp InitFrame Err[f710e059],err state = 01 R2 T  _4 x" J# [% W& {

. z8 h/ p9 h& h* q8 j Get signal:0 backtrace ...: b! v- q7 m! Y! i5 ~  i' x
/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_OS_SignalTrapUser1+0x2c) [0x40065eb0]) t, y( W( q% e. y
2 S$ ^* L. }: ]SSMP HW_Init_Frame error. uiReturn=-149888935;3 U9 d' @+ h7 r0 X- a- Z4 F
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused1 y' M* s" r& h" ?, _$ ]* p
Start ProcMonitor with h248 ...- `. y# r, y, h5 P/ C2 l: r1 b& t
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused- Z! h- j% c6 w8 u% ?6 G
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused
. D3 K9 I0 C/ V/ C
 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-12 23:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
进不了WAP>的TTL无解,所以才折腾JTAG$ M# P" V) K& z
发表于 2016-3-13 00:00:45 | 显示全部楼层
我有一个8311 改板号  改错了 也是这样  ttl跑完了就是重启在跑在重启在跑死循环无解了
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