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F460删除tr069,改掉远程管理地址 依旧被控制

发表于 2012-9-12 23:23:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 naoki66 于 2012-9-12 15:26 编辑 / c% E$ q9 |* W* L
2 `+ k  s  b! u: j5 l) ?: O# V
$ h5 C  w% N+ ~5 W* H5 l今天发现不了多拨,然后登陆f460发现这个问题
: r2 @* F: n) i. p7 |) U: j多了个连接,
- l- j/ w! O5 ]
$ I  x. a2 b  J! R% Y" E; p+ a( n/ F& i
" l2 Y! ^) ]" y) u' c$ T
T21:00:33 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120( X  ~$ f- g$ D% b, V9 O$ {) \
2000-01-03T21:00:33 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED( E+ O' R$ P' ~
2000-01-03T21:00:33 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=33 t2 B+ s. v( l  I6 i% G  r; x
2000-01-03T21:01:32 [Informational] Conn acs fail !9 H5 L3 `5 J7 i* L
2000-01-03T21:01:32 [Informational] tr069:Retry conn to acs after 3600 seconds!
7 Z; n6 X; s0 `# Z% u2 U2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for
% \! e4 W$ d* z4 `, N+ k7 q; l4 P! l0 ]2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found; ?; X# X) _* y
2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
5 _) ?+ P! [5 X, k2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120
- L. f( ]4 P7 _: \& H9 @2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED
' k" D: L8 o% B# c2 H' O2000-01-03T21:01:33 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=39 Z/ d6 V$ U  V7 c9 z- l
2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for
- W' _7 |7 T; z6 w5 |. b  J2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
  G* u; J  M' O2 n' J2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
7 ]) @3 M0 @$ C- R' c2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120' o5 z4 P8 Y: r
2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED: e; M, \( P) G( u. d" g
2000-01-03T21:02:33 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=3
8 m  {9 X0 X# ^. a+ K0 e$ K- h* L2000-01-03T21:03:33 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for
$ g$ M; i9 ]4 H( |7 [2000-01-03T21:03:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found6 ?) T5 ?1 R+ L( g% T
2000-01-03T21:03:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
9 q9 ~( Y2 a* t+ q* f3 W4 F+ G8 E* m, O2000-01-03T21:03:34 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120
+ u& d* ?3 z9 u: b% q8 C1 }) g2000-01-03T21:03:34 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED
$ D. _% z) B2 U( N2000-01-03T21:03:34 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=3# s- m( Q- S& k/ v) Y) }
2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for f. H  Q8 n% s5 M
2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
" Z( c- G' D* b1 P2 c  z1 [2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found5 }9 ^- R$ N8 J$ ~
2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120
8 u3 r; v! O5 l; w2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED: [: B3 U# L7 F1 l* u
2000-01-03T21:04:34 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=3; O/ |! |8 _* ^+ x
2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for" V3 i& [0 |* m$ ~6 t$ O/ @% g
2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
1 G0 z4 O& M7 j% ?( m+ Y2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found
; v/ e/ Q3 B3 T* z! l2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Informational] Recv Packet:ACK, Lease of obtained, lease time 120
( P) |3 y: ?3 j# r2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Informational] Recv Event:IGD.WD1.WCD7.WCIP1 rcv EV_DHCPC_GET_IP on WANC_CONNECTED$ P3 X3 {: f! g! c/ S: g! B
2000-01-03T21:05:34 [Informational] StateChange:oldstate=3,newstate=3& x' \8 d) _8 S+ b
2000-01-03T21:06:24 [Informational] Conn acs fail !
! }4 W% _; W0 j7 J- ^$ ~% g9 W2000-01-03T21:06:24 [Informational] tr069:Retry conn to acs after 3600 seconds!& O- f! d2 d3 G' f+ T
2000-01-03T21:06:34 [Informational] Sending Packet:Renew-Request for \' ?8 f- ~4 P, U' h) _
2000-01-03T21:06:35 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found% d4 L6 `1 i& o2 p
2000-01-03T21:06:35 [Warning] Call function failed!option not found% }. d& j2 b4 f
1 P! P3 u, f+ x" q% o
4 V* g; V+ J, b: m6 ?

9 m# n& G0 P( N


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发表于 2012-9-13 11:25:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-13 21:44:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-21 13:01:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-9-22 09:11:26 | 显示全部楼层
- a% N; y6 y6 [" K我的打开路由以后就没有再出现问题
发表于 2012-10-6 16:27:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-11 20:52:30 | 显示全部楼层
我的也关不了,有超级密码也不行/ O1 |6 v7 h/ ?  P- B. s/ ~8 K
发表于 2012-11-26 00:32:34 | 显示全部楼层
/ y& c+ C1 V: Q3 B* L7 l删了TR069和改动远程管理URL无效,???????以- h! h; V  L1 E& n( p4 q
电信还是可以改动回来??/ K$ z2 ~  ^+ E# E& }& C0 G' Z
发表于 2013-3-25 16:54:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-3-25 23:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
cliusn 发表于 2013-3-25 20:00
5 q4 X: r+ K3 P% i用超级用户进入web管理界面,网络——远程管理——中间件管理模式——“关闭中间件”(在本人F460S上通过) ...

6 t. }: _1 n9 @0 i  H4 D{{ask{{
  m+ h$ }$ R) f& L4 }) V. e
" c' U5 h0 q) L$ d什么是中间件?这个没有关闭,要紧么?6 Z+ F( w; h: ~- p
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