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[固件] 华为smart-AX5626配置手册&空库文件&固件

发表于 2021-3-1 20:59:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SmartAX MA5620/MA5626 远端光接入单元/ [5 X8 L/ m* f1 ?' W* i
/ r8 M7 U# B! N) n配置指南$ z* w' r6 h* n9 O/ }0 V

6 O4 X; d' \2 B
  j7 R# x! k  y( q, }# F空库文件:& r- J, r, ?& I# H- P6 D/ R+ n+ `

4 ]0 M9 W1 q: x" Q* e System is booting from base BIOS...
7 v  M1 n" j3 ]" t. q2 P
; j$ k, r, {1 c  _ Base BIOS version is 107 . M, J" H# S# s: d$ l6 a, O

2 Y* x6 u% J/ U& f# z Press <D> key to stop auto-boot    0
" O2 |3 k4 Y  }; ?) R; d, `4 s* Q& e$ D
Now system will boot program.4 }  p8 N. k# r0 u8 l

8 s. i$ ?1 H* d* h: J Testing program memory...OK!4 @& j9 e2 B7 F% H
0 }2 s/ O5 M. M9 Y3 E, m
Select area information : Program Area A ,Data Area B . 9 P; Z6 M- O$ ?

7 F6 ~8 v0 Y$ \4 E- X1 | Begin to expand program... OK!
+ X3 e% |- P2 Y( a5 k7 ~$ M# X+ W* c7 |+ H* v. Y2 b+ C* ]

- ?* ?" B3 q1 w" L7 ] Transferring control to the loaded program...OK!
* d2 _4 q" v* P
% v( [( G! ?; f4 }0 a Starting system application init......successfully!
' k* C- m6 t* ]5 E# M8 k& i6 B7 v4 g
Starting system configuration data init...successfully!' Y" \# V) G# ~' D
# `! E( Z* ]: k+ F3 V0 F1 u
Error: The type of device [235] is different         1 r( J( E; c# e
from the configured type [97] in the database!/ P" t* r5 [& B8 I
8 o2 V# {& i+ K
SubMenu: Load files
* R, l8 D. F+ B) s! y: T ==============================================
" k) ^, C, y6 A( j3 I0 u* _ 0    Back to main menu2 ?: |! m; {& O/ ]' [/ @
1    Download program file to flash9 i* @$ d2 ^/ {$ T# G9 n# Y
2    Download Data file to flash
4 t9 L  P: `& o# U: X  B 3    Download basebios file to flash1 i9 G7 ?0 F$ d! g
4    Download cpld file: Z, n8 p# T9 i: ]; [8 @  e" V
5    Download packet file' O5 Q' K% u3 Y* a( @
p    Download cold patch
8 V( E0 s9 L/ Y/ S l    Download any file to flash by tftp3 N5 C1 X4 z! h+ F
d    Download program file to ddram. ~: I6 o4 H% j+ r1 c* e. P
6    Download updatetool file to flash: ?  @1 G! J) C9 }; a$ c
7    Download equipment file to flash! @9 Z! V+ J9 [6 |
a    Download slave core program file to NOR flash
: Q( H- E1 U3 m( l4 ~& `
9 V* o# j* ~1 I1 [2 b% j8 z3 d; u Please enter a choice : 26 A% x8 a: j/ W) \* @: k

( y  g9 \& _! x# [ Please select load mode[default: 1 -- TFTP load mode]:
9 P4 I  X/ m* V$ L' D! Z; ^ ============================================  z# Y) c9 r& p" U: H) B
0  Xmodem load mode* ?- E% r" l! L1 D# e
1  TFTP load mode
/ E4 Q. Z7 j* R2 ?* g7 Y Q  Quit% I+ o) J( H/ I- Q3 |" q
3 s% Z) a9 l1 W: Q- K
Please enter your choice:1# L) }, l  B9 m5 v
4 k  w/ @; T8 X& M1 E. _" p5 `1 P
Board IP address   : [] ( M9 i  B8 T, ?- `+ F
9 ~( ?+ C$ u7 W! |5 V. V
Board mask address : []
$ r( a  b4 L' l4 y7 ~# Y8 l4 G: c3 z
TFTP server IP     : []$ D8 f! S) G) |) {- q
- ^* c1 [  m6 ~4 S/ P
File name          : [db_h831ccue.dat] 5626.dat
, B- \; d9 l" G4 e4 e! g' p; ?, u' v" l/ [
You will download file '5626.dat' from TFTP server,! ~- v  C' {+ `! I, L* D
are you sure? (y/n) [y]y3 `+ s6 M" G( R, H

- C# E" o: T+ r' R! s) m) | Downloading file, please wait... 44658 bytes download OK 3 q- {/ c) H" K5 x, }
save file to main area.....ok!
1 m5 ~( e9 n% L7 n( b save file to spare area.....ok!" s! i5 j9 \+ S6 p& f- s+ \( E
Main Menu:( ]+ }/ d* _3 M) m$ [! M
2 q# `" k$ }) s1 c 0    Boot program& T* e, o8 |, N" F4 @/ t# E
1    Load files
- w6 y0 g2 ]1 W8 U# Z. n: } 9    Reboot system
8 d) ~; Y! _5 c, \7 y. U6 W+ {, P0 |" R0 W7 G- X* j- b1 U7 l
Please enter a choice : 0
5 I$ O) p5 v4 E7 v1 y" ^+ y9 P7 _3 K8 ^
$ H) c4 y' Z3 w: _* {6 W; m
Now system will boot program.
' S* z5 Z5 g  Z. ]* Q' X$ v2 [" q# c5 m2 T
Transferring control to the loaded program...OK!) I: F$ J" Z( z4 x! J0 w4 \/ [2 u, P
/ x. W2 _2 B( G# [$ e* ^
System Vfs init...OK
# t$ h5 j$ z6 T/ ~: k1 U3 t% M- Q" P# f! E
System is upgrading database.... start
4 `  U1 T7 u1 g  b5 ^
( r  j. k9 Y5 T- \# Z; D System is upgrading database.... 3% % W$ K, ~9 ^4 D4 }

; T2 T: r0 H% G- J System is upgrading database.... 15% $ H; ~# S! e3 x- d$ O9 ]
* y- `2 e( a, z7 G: |2 N6 K
System is upgrading database.... 30%
' ~9 D' |: [/ H0 G. V5 V( X( a* L$ Z
System is upgrading database.... 45% - r! B3 P; H8 J7 C
% Q0 E# w/ \- K/ R% Y
System is upgrading database.... 51%
+ g% k3 R. ]1 [2 K1 }9 x# y4 v+ u: s9 l; y  {- M( m% u
System is upgrading database.... 90%
& W  C' V9 ^, O, I9 {' w/ o" j
System is upgrading database.... 91% 3 X6 ]* |+ W# H$ @" v
: B+ @- Q  t/ H$ B2 u' j1 l
System is upgrading database.... 100%
& E) B2 f: Y# b: K. y
+ ^" \2 p0 j6 E+ Z$ T3 d& T System is upgrading database.... success / n8 y; [' g! v" B$ x
- e# ~& W8 ]& F# {6 v
8 D- g  Y+ D. @+ J/ I; X
Platform System start ...* @8 E0 b1 q4 V

4 q7 o$ e0 O/ P# [8 A( @' t& k Master Core Bios Start!* b2 W/ K4 h! T0 J
Memory Data Bus Test .................pass.: |' }3 X: }" v3 ~$ A1 A3 S
Memory Address Bus Test ..............pass.
  c6 R* f) t  u& { Press 'Ctrl+T' To Start Memory Complete Test
( H) D& K" P  o7 p7 l* v$ Q+ z; C" S! ` Trace code : 0x11060A026 E7 h- |0 u1 R7 p0 _
Copy MasterCore Bios From ROM to RAM ............ OK!% `3 P, U5 L3 o) X% ^' j9 i4 V
Uncompress MasterCore Bios From ROM to RAM ...... OK!# `2 G& o! |  a5 d& m4 T5 m

4 _( F3 p' C: ]5 u System Vfs init...OK# F! \6 O# W& {) @  d- x; h% `8 @! d
/ Z8 H& A7 p7 b7 b& H; D) f- t

; x2 E3 t2 l) c, ?# W" @) v! g, ` The latest reboot is caused by : watchdog
. H! W0 u: R3 M9 R7 v( U9 {0 l" |# J/ W, h( W2 K& b
Copyright (c) 1998 - 2014 by Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.* l( X* `3 c& I6 y9 i$ A$ a/ o
All Rights Reserved.
: _% v) \% s$ Q0 ~" p4 I1 d
4 I1 C6 M; D, x9 y8 z- s固件文件:MA5626H825Epub_packetfile_all.
2 c/ q4 p; b- _/ F大小: 14187520 字节 (13 MiB)( ]8 @) n1 `# _( n- ~' f/ ]

5 G9 l6 i7 T5 S. t' u3 ]SHA256: 7FBB446B9CD216E9187FCE4E8D36D0C9403CB0D07F0315B8D4DC8AA58CCAE9CE
+ y1 H* h% ]+ q6 R9 G. j' E- h! u! f
* L- {9 F' A+ h- N
" E8 u  q* v  h8 v4 H8 H) D
8 e/ A) z; O5 T- o
! H+ Y1 h+ k1 n* E" a8 q' s. @9 `1 b! P+ V  f


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发表于 2021-4-16 13:37:14 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,下载的文件显示损坏,能私发一份给我吗?, s4 n4 Y% Y+ b& f
- V# ^5 V1 M7 @' c4 N
w1193929191 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-5-19 01:36:50 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2021-6-4 22:03:35 | 显示全部楼层
下载的文件显示损坏 无法解压 手册
发表于 2021-6-26 22:22:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-11-10 21:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
楼主有华为 SmartAX MA5626V800R312C00SPH232版本固件分享吗?
发表于 2021-12-11 20:27:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-4-30 19:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-10-31 10:53:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-10-25 23:35:19 | 显示全部楼层
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