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发表于 2020-5-21 07:09:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 oblitum 于 2020-5-21 07:14 编辑 + R/ ~. T- I9 c. L8 a
5 b- Y: e* n9 T; Y
2 o/ M. \; M1 ]3 e0 I有人在此设备上的以太网有问题吗?9 Y1 |" a$ m5 e2 g
WiFi不错,但是有线连接每隔几分钟就会掉线。4 Q2 \5 J5 Z3 d
旧的HG8546M工作。 问题不是电缆,电缆是好的(Cat5e)。 问题是HS8546V5以太网。1 J9 y  F: [$ p$ }! @6 P# H7 ^: n
8 N6 S: `* b4 c8 _
/ \, T* r7 C) t( P硬件型号为14ED.A。3 U, R7 V) T$ G+ @+ a7 U! ^0 ^
& l7 y1 s# Z1 G; u& H& Y
( z5 d  Y6 O( K$ a: Q' v1 h
抱歉,我正在使用翻译器。/ ?6 k# @; R4 q; \3 |& c% i1 ?
/ F1 u% X3 V/ s; R---
6 T) |) ]5 |4 T$ B
3 @3 U. b& ~' v3 Z- jOriginal Text
1 c+ }; s8 n0 g3 i; c! q( EDoes anyone have a problem with the Ethernet on this device?/ ^1 ]9 m" Z7 y4 E2 m* V2 }1 v
WiFi is good, but the wired connection drops every few minutes.
$ D9 o3 t- F" Q/ H# s, v4 yOld HG8546M works. Problem is not cabling, the cables are good (Cat5e). Problem is HS8546V5 Ethernet.9 R& E5 a  L' ^, d" p
3 ?0 H0 R5 f1 S" N# Q* @
I've used firmware V500R019C00SPC110 and V500R019C20SPC050. Same problem.
  F) j6 ?8 t( o# T% fHardware model is 14ED.A.- Z: F3 X$ \2 T' Z' p! K. W  c/ \
& P0 d, D( I6 f1 @4 @7 S) h; k
Sorry, I'm using a translator.3 I+ u2 S. W% p' c$ ^. b
I speak english.
$ z4 v; T3 W; ^( a$ o1 d/ B
! _3 E* p; X* H6 B$ @5 h  ]. Q& c
发表于 2020-5-21 07:49:43 | 显示全部楼层
Never encountered this problem
发表于 2020-5-21 09:51:39 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 10:58:09 | 显示全部楼层
8 i+ N) w! [! R+ w
1 Z5 ?6 b1 Z( }: n( V6 R遗憾的是,我的ONT无法正常工作,我花了数小时尝试了许多事情,不同的固件,修改了hw_ctree.xml配置标志等。- o% ?5 b' J5 t3 }1 Y( }- V- k
9 u- n/ K. ~7 p
. R9 Q1 z0 ^: g; _1 j0 X( U8 C" ?# l/ ~4 b0 p
我在我所在的国家/地区发现了另一个用户,面临同样的问题。 他使用WiFi到以太网适配器连接有线设备并避免了该问题,这不是一个很好的解决方案。7 U! O8 }, J; x# e8 p, G' h

6 G$ z; o8 U. W9 N* [4 n8 Z这是我应用最终测试以验证问题是否在ONT以太网上的方式:- q' g5 ]1 r1 s9 g# c2 N% @

: U; G" Q$ X1 v0 ?我使用相同的程序同时从不同的计算机的同一台广播中播放相同的音乐。
6 s* ?7 A, p! o$ E% C在通过WiFi连接的笔记本电脑上,音乐没有停止,而在连接到以太网的PC上,音乐停止了。" L5 @; N# L/ _( A* m

5 H" j. W4 n* I% K. w断开时间非常短,不到一秒钟,我可以再次单击音乐播放,音乐将立即播放。 但是它每隔几分钟发生一次,停止了音乐和在线游戏。 每隔10到30分钟就会有一个小故障。" B: r3 a: O2 M7 Z( b1 z
& F  C, P/ K+ w4 C; o, D6 u
& u* Z  C/ r  |" M1 R6 {7 D8 b. A' J, X+ _/ ?
Hi mainland!. r" ?( f2 ?3 i. s3 P

+ J, h, a& }& W" e. |Sadly my ONT doesn't work, I've spent hours trying many things, different firmwares, modifying hw_ctree.xml configuration flags, etc.
% q2 T. i- z; X! x2 }5 q  c# `0 W2 x6 q' I# M
Not many options left, I suspect this is a hardware issue, and I'm not much hopeful to have warranty covered.
3 l/ c$ S# f2 X3 N. R- P. Y8 n' O/ Z) N
8 ]9 E$ ~1 a( i; s* l6 YI found another user in my country facing the same issue. He used an WiFi to Ethernet adapter to connect wired devices and avoid the problem, which is not a great solution.  P& e9 c0 }9 J& _
7 R; t5 c+ S, O! @4 D
This is how I applyed the final test to verify the problem was on ONT Ethernet:
* [% F5 a4 N. @) {0 ?- s' `7 i  w; k6 `, t5 h
I used the same program to stream the same music from the same radio from different computers, at the same time.
; w: d  U5 V7 `On my laptop connected on WiFi, the music didn't stop, on the PC connected to Ethernet, the music stopped.
: {, ~8 O5 [( K; O1 y1 T9 ^. Z5 ?$ ^3 c* R8 E  J1 b
The disconnection time is very brief, less than one second, I can just click play on the music again and it will play right away. But it happens at each couple of minutes, stopping music and online games. At each 10 to 30 minutes there's a glitch.
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 11:03:34 | 显示全部楼层

Deleted duplicated post

本帖最后由 oblitum 于 2020-5-21 13:29 编辑 9 G" b% y9 f$ {2 A" s

1 [# g7 N! z  G' h8 _Deleted duplicated post
+ O9 e4 v: y5 Z# {  M, F7 n
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 11:12:32 | 显示全部楼层

Deleted duplicated post

本帖最后由 oblitum 于 2020-5-21 13:29 编辑 - Z6 A" G7 _, _
8 g- D7 f8 w+ D/ o( i
Deleted duplicated post
3 U0 ?4 K, B: s! A
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 11:38:10 | 显示全部楼层

Deleted duplicated post

本帖最后由 oblitum 于 2020-5-21 13:28 编辑
/ p1 h2 Z6 r7 h* F2 q" Q$ U! W, E; r* {4 d- s2 i
Deleted duplicated post( p( ]9 `; X3 ]. ?3 h" V+ H, l
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 11:45:04 | 显示全部楼层

Deleted duplicated post

本帖最后由 oblitum 于 2020-5-21 13:28 编辑 3 }# ?) _2 n$ L- ~- p
) X& E' y5 C! [
Deleted duplicated post
0 P' u# u, @6 y' e9 D3 {
发表于 2020-5-21 14:47:27 | 显示全部楼层
You can replug the network cable or try another LAN port
 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-22 02:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
liujc 发表于 2020-5-21 14:47
' ^7 ~2 R2 d- n, b6 }2 [, \) vYou can replug the network cable or try another LAN port
9 D/ r( N3 V3 {7 y" L+ x# @
我尝试过,不同的端口没有什么区别,并且不必断开网络电缆,因为断开非常短暂,它会立即恢复,但是很糟糕,因为它会停止服务和流式传输。5 o$ K, c8 I" j; i

" U$ C6 g; Y0 N- o较早的HG8546M型号在同一网络上不存在任何此类问题。+ N5 D: X. R8 M! v
) M4 ]- [, q. ^7 |4 A( `# u
---* R, @! v+ s: Y2 A7 ~
+ _( i7 D- g8 O5 O& q- N
I tried that, different ports makes no difference, and it's not necessary to replug network cable because the disconnection is very brief, it comes back right away, but it's bad because it stops services and streaming.$ S$ s# f9 {9 [9 I5 ?
( @' t; N+ |/ K9 B% @
The older HG8546M model doesn't present any of such issues for the same network.


I suggest you check the fibre conection quality, see if the optical power intensity is among the best working range. Normally when it's close to the threshold, the connection quality is of no good.  详情 回复 发表于 2021-2-27 17:22
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