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发表于 2019-12-18 21:41:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
+ G0 s# z: q, C+ }$ ~1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M( ]/ {/ H# R0 i) {+ G) s6 S6 N
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M. A7 }6 o9 w" D
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000008^M# M- n  \  C( E+ Z  Z
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
" T1 h4 b# O6 ?1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
4 i* l& ]$ G# y; o1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M$ f/ _  t  ?7 j, C; V
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000002^M2 p6 b8 g; ~. O' I
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M( j. T' }( I# [# D3 \
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
" E7 E  y8 X% f; w& U1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M/ m* ^, w  g* f9 }# ]9 y" I
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000008^M+ _' ^" F8 ^/ b1 G+ b+ n4 ^9 N9 r! p
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
7 d* j+ H& ~0 q1 E/ d1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M% d7 W) r& ^5 Q7 V
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
% ~) a: K0 A3 K& f" ]1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000002^M" v( b) _6 I, _: I4 u2 v9 Z
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M7 L1 t2 Y4 a! m2 Q$ I8 p
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M: F+ c) q7 p/ {1 b
1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
- ^3 C, D, n) V7 ~7 ]1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000008^M
/ e/ q$ R: v5 h5 [1 [1970-01-01 08:00:20 [Warning] ^M
5 u9 W" [9 r5 q/ E! p+ \: G/data/openjdk1.img
3 a! h3 |' c3 k: o7 j; e+ L. M[INIT] app starting... 7 `0 H" K! e, x6 s
mount jdk by flag success!!!) N, j! s8 y1 T- b& E& m
Starting Dropbear SSH server: adduser: user 'sshadmin' in use8 t8 M3 _1 G2 g
init mtk 5g wifi* t. l1 n1 p. ^
5g mac is 94:fe:9d:13:7a:8c+ w5 e4 D  \, O( K) I- j
evtmgr:critical: main:61:Event Manager start
3 S1 t$ ?: i1 Sdropbear.
6 u: U# n5 [4 n* f* H2 A####process_msg_thread pid is 328
; H" [9 z7 J3 U/ Z" m8 s: u: d& xsshadmin
' b6 M. k. l! oramond:critical: main:802:ramond launch successful!
( W7 {, t2 R$ Z1 V####process_config_thread pid is 324( f% n/ J+ k8 ^- h; j: Z8 `! E' X
There is 2 USB port no board, insmod USB drivers, ~- V0 w6 q& c
SCSI subsystem initialized3 Y& |1 k$ D* J7 E
1970-01-01 08:00:23 [Notice] SCSI subsystem initialized
9 O* S! R) f7 J8 ^fuse init (API version 7.23)
* _5 ^( [% l0 H4 B: ~, ~1970-01-01 08:00:23 [Informational] fuse init (API version 7.23)
! r; K4 Y% I) F% l2 \2 ]usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage3 @6 B  @; |' R9 g9 O
1970-01-01 08:00:23 [Informational] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
0 c5 V' a. ?& b3 I# O  t& p6 Dusb overcurrentprotection init. usb num:2
% O! r: `* E6 m+ m+ h3 r3 e6 Q2 n1970-01-01 08:00:24 [Warning] usb overcurrentprotection init. usb num:2/ A5 H2 j9 k- ~) ]) ^
cfgmgr:critical: main:582:[INIT] cfgmgr starting... / Z- J7 D! R0 g* ^1 o2 N
cfgmgr:critical: isExceptionReboot:628:begin ExceptionReboot
7 O9 X; o: e/ U" Rcfgmgr:critical: isExceptionReboot:636:/configs/excep_reboot is not exist!, m+ G4 w1 y5 }, g6 S6 ^
cfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2420:enter preconfig processing' Q1 }7 c/ r0 Z
cfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2440:find config.cfg,according RESTORE_DEFAULT_FLAG to begin preconfig
! A8 {( A9 ]2 x9 a# s. b% tcfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2454:restore default flag is 08 @7 c( `) T3 {- k0 J
cfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2484:not first online!$ [- K$ u2 M4 T# `4 g( d( C, V
cfgmgr:critical: isRestoreUsrCfg:667:begin RestoreUsrCfg% s! t/ y1 D$ ~8 R- L+ O2 T
cfgmgr:critical: isRestoreUsrCfg:675:/configs/rtscfg_usercfg is not exist!
" Z5 V0 K' w* |cfgmgr:critical: isRestoreCfg:1064:begin RestoreCfg
2 D2 m3 X: F9 x6 X% i0 Z5 }cfgmgr:critical: isRestoreCfg:1072:/configs/rtscfg_keyparam is not exist!
1 K$ G5 K2 M7 vcfgmgr:critical: isUsbRestoreCfg:2076:begin UsbRestoreCfg+ A$ w/ e7 o8 i" y8 o
cfgmgr:critical: isUsbRestoreCfg:2084:/configs/usb_rtscfg_tmp is not exist- }& V0 u; E* y9 N# D7 x
cfgmgr:critical: isLoadRemotePreCfg:2240:begin LoadRemotePreCfg# D! Y" C4 c4 N& D1 H8 C
cfgmgr:critical: isLoadRemotePreCfg:2249:/configs/precfg_remote_flag is not exist  x2 q# ], r: w
pi5 M2 N% @/ I4 R3 @; P0 f- E8 `% z7 ^& y

6 E1 K+ a7 H5 p/ n7 |mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000006& B1 a0 y3 c7 t8 V  g/ [/ {  k" N, E
9 [4 ^' Z9 Y/ \. q, s$ J( o
# \3 g3 u- G7 ~  C* s7 B0 ]

0 ]; A1 w2 b$ v3 dmipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000001' s, D  l9 S! ~9 I3 q

0 }$ {* J9 Z( ]( i$ o- W/ ?% cd 358's current affinity mask: 16 q! V( e9 \$ y7 J4 }9 n! l  ^
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M  a5 }; m/ |& ?3 i+ k$ ^) f
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M$ _' p: z/ P8 ]" A
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000006^M' c  {+ z3 W' e  p
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M" |) t7 Q: q' F0 U
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M: q$ p4 v3 `7 Z/ W+ ]* l4 L
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
2 b1 N( v( x  q0 C2 k1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000001^M3 ~; S+ y: m/ I
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M" N, _5 h- z8 Y; Q
pid 358's new affinity mask: 1
7 @( Q4 L! u* S3 Rinsmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/kigmp.ko': File exists
: `6 n4 G$ w" |, p1 Umknod: /dev/igmpdrv: File exists
8 k; }% _2 m) r# D0 n' Y! S/ B- {Rebinding voice and WiFI IRQ...: t2 F* |- c8 Y6 S9 W
Interface doesn't accept private ioctl...
& G# ^8 ^) F/ \% ]% aset (8BE2): Network is down0 N+ v8 `4 k8 e# U
% l+ G: W5 }$ ~5 H& X
write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000008  {0 v3 y8 X- ~3 @, n6 _8 v* M$ c8 z

( h. b5 q. z! Q- l! p: I, t9 F4 C& k0 t3 J7 d' ^' p' y: j" W
: S7 i, C4 A) [- _3 K, N
write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000002
$ Q0 U* B2 R" l# s+ z& t, P8 F9 y& @0 q6 W2 \& y
plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1
  C6 J3 a4 O# d5 x6 d! Xplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1 vpe_id 0 - o& U1 Z! F0 O5 k0 \/ F
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 0 irq_vpe1 1, irq = 12' g% O' I5 }/ H) V$ D& j$ n" O6 H
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 12
+ I0 D6 @  D& w: p* A) u# |
! `4 O/ E. T2 U! TInterface doesn't accept private ioctl...
) r1 S) y+ P; W- M' Kset (8BE2): Network is down
8 P/ q' n; ]- c$ N8 D1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M  I8 ^" f! O% F4 y- @
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
/ V: d* B8 X( D' @8 i1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity ne$ ~. Z" t% @8 l% o2 B1 W

, R1 J+ I: Y( T2 s8 ewrite_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007
9 v9 r9 @: H" X& y2 O) W. F7 D5 D
- Z0 h7 x, {0 j
+ [2 ~" J3 e  F0 }* I" a
3 l6 e' X2 j6 t# C) O3 W* L  vwrite_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000001
, X; Q& t  @3 w) r5 D3 V! t, z; J# H& _4 u
wplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0
7 y' o/ s: Y& Z$ Iplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 5 e7 |6 O. j  R6 Y: V/ d; t2 _
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 226 v9 n" W6 B, Y" `5 [% `, `
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 22
2 w6 f: e, _8 K  K0 u8 F_value origin value is 00000008^M8 P1 \- H4 k" N$ D4 v# }. r- R
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M/ Q- K$ e* w, a
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
) F$ p& g- ~; l1970-01-01 08:00:+ G0 ]' f; r$ ~9 X
9 s. E, E( w5 A' `" _3 o, @
write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000008
) v" P7 T- B, b% i# o+ D2 b8 O5 z6 t. a; ]5 t$ R4 e2 \
& s2 s! z( N% @' T* M) M
; s/ R- M, m/ o. W, o! w; I
write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000002
) w$ a3 p) E2 P
( |+ E- L: p& I" p3 D& H, fplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1
) M$ @. f; u' o0 Y4 _+ d& h0 @! o& H0 dplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1 vpe_id 0
$ z/ }* I# T3 M& q) ]4 gplat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 0 irq_vpe1 1, irq = 239 ]4 f' {9 r" c! q  q4 Y9 Q9 I
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 23
0 {6 W. Y$ U0 T6 @! t8 C2 t: V25 [Warning] ^M
4 U" r. k) C% _2 u4 H4 F1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value changed value
. |2 E' r7 j/ g5 U2 c% x0 Z4 R3 V" [
write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007
' B* v* H6 k( m; z( n# V7 H$ x0 a# k$ a2 R3 L& e0 m' m3 C4 w

7 o: P$ h9 D4 O3 D0 h0 A1 R) l0 B/ i! F+ p
write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 000000018 Y. f% A+ r) i

0 L9 B7 z. Z8 j5 Z& |4 V- Zplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0
) Z+ s6 Q! i: r" @plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 & W) W1 @7 E% g0 A( r
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 24
3 Q" a8 U5 U) Y9 a) ?plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 24 ! w% ?! p7 v' r) G" V
is 00000002^M
4 [- [0 T; e0 J: h1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
# l. w: e& A+ u/ I) U1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1 ^M' d! h" A' L5 C
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: c  p; f. R* {9 p0 S
" `3 V' q! K3 _9 e% e9 \
write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007
4 w! l" X4 T5 X6 Z3 L( w9 b% W% R7 V4 A* ?; O
  i+ B! O& z* i  x" M) L4 h4 |
/ o9 p* y# u! {3 t0 |8 w$ O
write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 000000016 L8 |1 {+ ?! Q! q' i

2 T, _% Z1 |) |  Z+ {5 Splat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0
/ ~. ^, \/ z1 a0 _) }plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 7 e3 A3 j+ p9 w1 j# q
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 25" f- Z3 k- ~1 b: s) \
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 25 ' L$ h' {' F, ~0 D
pu 1 vpe_id 0 ^M2 }0 L: i: l( K7 }) M0 W# f
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 0 irq_vpe1 1, irq = 12^M0 D( @2 W4 t6 V/ X) h! X5 _! @
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 12 ^M6 W$ X* @# q- n& @
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
9 q' @+ s" u* e1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
" w6 n# h( z; {+ S7 Q: Y9 X# u1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007^M1 J- \9 k' \; O' V
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M. l; ^7 J* u3 a2 m# l& \  U
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
0 G$ W. j) x( C  n1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
& O0 h$ A- _4 h4 ^% g  G1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000001^M
) Z7 H9 f7 l5 K/ a$ {1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
- O4 O# _/ e1 A2 t, a, p1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 ^M9 q. L0 m7 J4 R/ J. R! g' w& p
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 ^M
  i3 p" q2 ]' p2 J1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 22^M
" r5 a( v# l' q6 T- |1 A1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 22 ^M1 q- w. A5 o; v' n
1970-01-01ASB parent ctl, Loaded3 E) T5 c+ I# e4 g
asb parentctl dev created over
/ |$ L( y" m) h( p) ]% j! p 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M, k' V. c, L9 O' J; _6 V* c# Q
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M, N4 O! i& N3 S# a% f+ N  K$ C% n
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000008^M* V! @9 i0 ~% a) R6 Z( P# V
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M7 u8 Y! o8 `0 B
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
6 o+ S. ?0 H$ U3 G. V. R1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
; ~+ e5 C( q% H2 _1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000002^M1 p1 K" [+ T7 M
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
' s$ |, |+ D- E$ g- e8 f$ d1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1 ^M
6 p+ N8 @" E; ^+ {6 R+ l" o1970-01-01 08:00:25 [WarniASB traffic mirror,match rule interface Loaded6 b  H& X3 h2 J# L, j
asb traffic_mirror dev created over$ \4 d$ n" q( v3 B& m; u! C0 ]9 F
ng] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 1 vpe_id 0 ^M% C) G4 c4 c8 ~  p* k& S: z3 \
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 0 irq_vpe1 1, irq = 23^M
1 a5 r+ I1 b: C1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M: C7 i, @& w$ B/ j" t8 B) z
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
8 G! g8 M6 ]- Z% B2 ?1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007^M
) K3 K4 A, n. U! C: h0 I0 x1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
' y9 b4 F7 d0 S: W0 b1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
3 f$ ~  `4 c& S( D% Y1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
2 Y3 n% g6 H' A- E: n! O1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000001^M
. E' X' Z* {& L3 z8 d- q/ y. m1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
' e# E3 B! f" e  w& T/ o8 D5 L1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 ^M
5 t$ x, L) Q2 m# R$ `1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 ^M- |, R( T: S# {( b
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 24^M
+ A' C, P6 e  I1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 24 ^M
+ a# @& z5 U$ I( a1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M8 u* M+ k  {- M9 q6 E5 W# Z
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
: v* a8 s1 R/ b4 f1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value origin value is 00000007^M
" Q7 k& f- c# v) M! L$ z1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
$ Z7 e, S+ {4 j2 E' v% w3 T9 O1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
* P! l9 p+ ]3 u2 P/ \% G; Z, W8 K1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M
9 ~, y. N$ j8 S% h7 v2 l* z1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] write_irq_affinity new_value changed value is 00000001^M
' M; {9 R3 j/ b$ M3 R' P+ }! }3 e1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ^M9 L: K9 ^4 l  x: [5 L( }- r
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ASB parent ctl, Loaded% A( e( a* d- w& e2 |
1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] asb parentctl dev created over
, z& T) h+ I$ I. `6 p( _. h$ G% O1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] ASB traffic mirror,match rule interface Loaded
; [4 v$ Q9 G* d+ X# N- Y& Q1970-01-01 08:00:25 [Warning] asb traffic_mirror dev created over
+ P- x. p# d: O: E" E  u( }* H0 jadduser: user 'samba_anony' in use( ^8 P+ @0 v1 a/ G
start mdev for usb devices6 G  C; M" s: ]8 p' b" q+ D
[Write]pin_no 4  write value is 0
2 x" k# E$ ^7 _2 _# ^9 m; rstart g120ea ok
* e  [+ X8 t6 e% z' a* g  }- }nff tools already installed
' A% b/ S9 s" c  G" v7 Xstart nff
- s& V1 _* O* \: a. l+ ustarting nff ..." E& f$ C8 o3 O4 K8 R
killall: nffd: no process killed
8 k3 o8 e  B' f0 e% nkillall: shellinaboxd: no process killed
. u* G1 w5 Q& y  Z' Fcfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2420:enter preconfig processing
/ K/ Z1 J* l( }, V8 w4 ~cfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2440:find config.cfg,according RESTORE_DEFAULT_FLAG to begin preconfig5 u! w/ a& L# g4 @/ b
cfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2454:restore default flag is 0
9 r& u5 N, n" ^- X* \6 @+ ecfgmgr:critical: isFirstOnline:2484:not first online!
2 j! e; O  u. a+ |/ F: Ucfgmgr:critical: isRestoreUsrCfg:667:begin RestoreUsrCfg1 k8 h' o* N+ d, Q
cfgmgr:critical: isRestoreUsrCfg:675:/configs/rtscfg_usercfg is not exist!
3 m; V9 t# j% n. Kcfgmgr:critical: restore_loginid:2286:/configs/hgu_loginid is not exist!
5 Z2 t* {3 h, w/ ~7 C/ Lcfgmgr:critical: loadCfgLoidSlid:2444:loadCfgLoidSlid-2444: restore_loginid is failed!
0 c9 K4 g6 |) @7 jcfgmgr:critical: restore_slid:2353:/configs/hgu_slid is not exist!
  x$ t# U% H8 B' s+ f: Ucfgmgr:critical: loadCfgLoidSlid:2449:loadCfgLoidSlid-2449: restore_slid is failed!
; h: z, H  Y! V1 u4 y5 |: t! O2 |# pcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA# {2 `" O5 Q" y. Q0 W& P
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
7 ?+ N* p2 N: q- P( Vcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
9 c6 ]( N. A( g0 L# vcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
+ [$ B& `9 l" D5 rcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM  _2 I' r) b2 m# M* x5 W3 u' w3 T, o
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE$ q8 c& y! I% m$ E1 [! Q% x
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
; {6 F+ c# r4 V' Tcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=  h) \0 o6 @3 m* i8 ^
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
, q+ E  c% G) C/ Q$ Y5 K* fcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=; ~* E4 q! D$ o9 N, q1 G
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=( l& r& Q9 m% O* j; v6 w
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
2 C( h& ^8 X! V9 bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W% u( I, X# O2 f2 j  y' i# F
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
2 B, J" O( i) Wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
0 R! d/ @# J' g: r. U/ x$ d; ?cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA2 A0 D9 w$ c+ }( O, ^
start load custom config
" N1 c: f8 I6 }1 Z5 J7 v###4#onu type 2######
; P& A9 S! g0 U0 O[debug] onuType.type = HGU
$ E0 L, y. p. q% p3 y1 c5 D" e' _[INIT] start init RG slow path. isHGU:1,numPort: 4+ Q7 K/ ^" Y" o1 Z7 l
max port num: 4sal_netModelInit:L1280 [DEBUG]: to be implemented for brcm) p4 A: D4 {6 f$ A+ I0 d
[INIT] exit init RG slow path
/ v8 ?% C& M: c7 g% }0 rhal_itf_misc.c:hal_bcm_hgu_init is not implemented, TBD.
; g, c, z! G; @8 q: L9 l
( X1 {- W* |* B0 g6 O4 n(none) login: province_code=232 L0 z/ j2 e' r. Q2 X
get_device_identity NBELB16098EA
5 N$ H% H9 b  e  C  X8 b% v3 jModuleName: G-140W-C
" ?! V2 S- `8 M% }2 Z) |( M, C& j/ fstl_WanCommonIntfCfgObject - status=NoSignal  h( @: c& X! t# ]$ T" v
Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8$ }9 H: i6 r3 N. ?+ J2 k
. t2 Y" K7 q/ B9 m: ?9 O/sbin/wkick.cgi
* l7 S3 K) R  v2 @0 A) [7 oLocation:/. `7 ]* r/ f4 A; p
0 b: w2 D( L$ f  g' J
Password for 'user' changed
5 \0 M# K! }& j# \Password for 'user-Read' changed
! G& ?& L  A+ u6 c  Gprintf ResetShortTimeout > /proc/button/reset/mode; printf 10 > /proc/button/reset/short_timer; pset behavior:ResetShortTimeout,2: e: H2 N: _4 X0 \; z2 U% `( \
rintf 10 > /proc/button/reset/long_timer
. S, c4 T. U/ N7 G) I1970-0set short timer:10
$ ]/ z; e/ u! k# ~1set long timer:10
# c) u8 I+ N2 R# H. j; r$ `& o2 E* u  K-01 08:00:28 [Warning] set behavior:ResetShortTimeout,21 K: \6 U3 U/ ~  D+ S6 _
configResetButtonOnBoot done!
# e0 g  l( b: n( S3 e" w0 I####onu mode = 2####
, J" x/ c( `/ O& Y1 n/ EbootHguFunc
. g0 Y. L; q1 P, B: n& w: r1970-01-01 08:00:28 [Warning] set short timer:10
, I6 D8 E6 F8 T; Y1970-01-01 08:00:28 [Warning] set long timer:100 F* H# N/ s3 m+ T* V
cfgmgr:error: rutDpx_removeResolvCfg:153:Failed to remove /etc/resolv.conf2 o4 V" p6 M9 Z$ ^1 I  J
cfgmgr:error: rutDpx_removeResolvCfg:162:Failed to remove /etc/resolv_v6.conf
8 t8 j2 f- p: y6 @/ {cfgmgr:error: rutDpx_removeResolvCfg:171:Failed to remove /etc/resolv_global.conf
4 k& a8 Z& Y$ d8 ^. Z* rkillall: monitor.wan.bin: no process killed6 G0 q  ]% M0 s

. c& n! N; O+ R* a& F) g) x startVoiceApp: VOICE is configured as TR069 manually
( k6 [1 g) U+ ^4 }7 U! E4 s7 ?cfg_bootVoice::cmd:(cd /sbin; ./cvp_sip &) will execute!9 U& q& [# J- ?/ e0 I, b% ?
unsupported msg type 268445442(10002702)! h2 k: l8 h: W  ~
cfg_bootparser: start parser now !0 F* B% I5 S1 w" W' c1 E
parser:critical: isInitializedParser:577:Enter
0 F% s! r0 U: zunsupported msg type 268445442(10002702)9 N; ^! E# o( ^
cfg_bootomciMgr: start omciMgr now !
& n4 A* }# F) z7 E7 T[isInitializedParser]: Ready to get into startOmciRerangeCheckTimer()- `" D) ?4 N1 A/ |: h
% Y% r: f1 M2 U& t. k" B9 p

$ ~8 [  U( R7 W- Dmipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 0000000f% \5 e. K& ^, u( U6 s8 a8 j

  Z1 K& f, T# @5 O6 H2 H/ w
/ q( Y% X7 W# E5 X- z$ B( K* h2 b  Y1 K# F
mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 000000032 j8 g7 h3 z. k* r6 ]

. y8 t5 G9 ?9 B, w7 a. g" j: _1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M
6 [( r& z7 X2 t2 u% n1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M
# T, _3 l4 g; q' i1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 0000000f^M
, }  c2 X# C) J$ B1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M
9 ^6 ?0 W4 T; X9 d, x1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M
& \. K* i# d! V1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M  `6 r. ^1 }# U: E/ x
1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000003^M  w' @. p0 o+ P# u. [
1970-01-01 08:00:31 [Warning] ^M
4 R- z; V8 z1 l) D, uinitMemoryMngt(): potsNum = 1, adjust_syssemi_size = 692224, adjust_sysheap_size = 6144005 X0 U2 d6 P+ R- L
5 D6 c, M6 w# I5 I( b# S
common_pools: need 468528 bytes memory
, f$ ]/ B; y* N+ h9 b8 s# } msgbuf_pool_appl: need 325556 bytes memorycvpd.cmd not found.SipwStartup, fetched maxPrtZips=1
& ^6 ?& h: ?3 P* W8 b1 z# M5 C=== MsgHandler::initTable : partNumber =3FE46330ABAA ===# M+ V7 j4 \0 J% _" w+ d  @
port map is udLineMaps_aluonu_ct  {1,2}" f! Y2 T# |7 |- K4 ^8 {

& a( `2 S: b; n6 M5 a# c GVHW initialization, current onu_maxlines 1 is
2 y! e" E" Q/ c; N1 v5 bVDSP_GetInstvp stack start is ignored
4 |# |* }  v, _. i: G- J" ^ance:275
  Y2 h" a1 S1 h$ u. y2 M3 F[Adam] Change log level to (EVA_LOG_ERR).9 A4 \) X, k/ @8 e, j( E
[GDI] Change log level to (EVA_LOG_ERR).
/ `# p, D* s( H  @) V1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] vp stack start is ignored: Z: ^6 k7 X5 k/ o

* z* A2 x+ a/ u  t5 u; o5 K#sipcommon_root start
; q* x6 I5 [1 v) {% o5 n2 k) P4 O6 b8 B: |" g  D6 l' U6 S1 _+ w  y2 R
#InitCommon start
* F; s& q9 m( c( e  W[sys] yapi registerContainer(cid): 4
7 I! S+ u. H9 a* o- A, dleave tm_event()
1 S- U6 v- T4 Y  B! Z& Q/ F9 ~9 M0 R6 h# G! m$ z1 y9 E0 |
#pmc start 6 T" X9 @& H% v+ Z# ?) k

) c, f& X) V4 z" l: D#vm start 5 x1 H: O, b3 K/ Y' @8 Z' [! S, G8 v
voice_diagnosis_init: SIP
- s9 s7 Y2 E' X. V6 }#linetest start , }& P6 a  h: G' W# h. ]

* |7 G( N, |5 U" ^SLID Disabledpi" A5 x' U9 w- ~

- Y: Q: z7 S3 O! o/ mmipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000008
" R2 H7 [) c; K  E$ G4 K# t% [+ c* |$ o- R2 u8 H6 i. g! y. ?1 Z1 ~' M
# O/ ~4 z; P7 l: p
8 U$ V4 K3 S, A2 W+ N( s1 i
mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000002' F* O  j0 g$ i' j: R: ?
( S6 J7 c, a% }& }5 w7 \% T" b2 ~
d 448's current affinity mask: 1' N$ \: \1 D6 o# N5 T6 X
pid 448's new affinity mask: 2
% c3 R- E4 f6 b1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M/ O7 M$ a5 ^- A: E0 |; k1 J
1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M: `/ E- T; j1 C4 \, u1 B1 i7 \7 @
1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask origin value is 00000008^M
1 x6 c. [9 j4 M" J0 L  {. h5 _% J- a1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M1 L( Q/ d: t; u+ ]+ h
1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M4 B4 T# \9 m% ]) i) {' T$ M
1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M
6 c* k' l8 l' t1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] mipsmt_sys_sched_setaffinity new_mask changed value is 00000002^M2 o) _# v5 e2 y" T
1970-01-01 08:00:32 [Warning] ^M
* L% r) V- E$ i: xomciMgr:critical: isInitializedMgr:324:Enter
' ?" T8 F# h0 G1 {8 M>>>>>tttt:OMCIManagerAPI.cc:isInitializedMgr:326---   0m:33s: 455ms 8 `3 `; J1 Z: b
********OMCI Config Data Begin****************$ K. J1 h6 I& B
****ONU Type     : 9649992
& k/ o8 O7 f/ l# \; s# Y****onu mode    : 2
* T7 [5 v4 Z7 i& o. k; j7 p****factory mode: 0) u$ q6 h8 H" \
****max lan num : 44 u7 \  Z6 m: h8 |; z' B
****max wifi num: 2
& y' {) ^4 w" ]  j+ u****max wifi id start: 4
1 j  B- u; K4 k% Q" E, W****check wifi state: no
! B: B3 q) S4 M( U' w. L****1G port num: 49 Z% Y0 \6 t; E2 ^0 H9 \1 {
****FE port num: 0
+ S! D* d1 E/ S& I# j  u****OPID: SHSC3FE46330ABAA
9 J7 o$ _, c( r****voip stream map port: 7- \1 h: m! H1 |% y  S) v
****port 0 config by omci: 0
7 Z8 a: F' ]) _, H+ _3 K  @( R****port 1 config by omci: 0
3 Y9 ^; k( ^& s* s2 U; J****port 2 config by omci: 0
8 M. J. T" b9 B# s: k" L' J****port 3 config by omci: 0& R% E+ w& P. ?5 P+ L$ G/ C
****port 4 config by omci: 0
2 I* z) n! f2 m9 z# B8 ~/ B) p9 @) d****port 5 config by omci: 0
3 x- W1 G5 ~: d4 A+ A6 O- I. f3 |: w****dscp to Pbit for untag Config By OMCI: no. m$ I2 J5 _. W: Z& v- H$ }2 m
****ntp time get by omci: yes4 d+ o) l: |8 L# z7 S9 J5 |
****support double tag rules: yes
) k; T4 v% n$ k8 o  C! Q****accept all uni services: yes" N3 T) n3 t/ ^
****config uni isolation: no
3 x, X* ~3 y7 Z: T****config lpt: yes4 l: \( V. Z; D) g# d
****uni rate limit: no+ J1 M  }/ O0 k* r
****pon reg type: 4' I0 c; f3 {9 d! c* o" R# T% L
****china eqip info format: no2 j( D8 Y9 W5 L2 ]$ z* v
****omci pppoe auth: no$ I- Q( o5 f0 A
****omciV2 config: yes
3 |3 k! f- ?) J  k: z. n' |0 R****untag wan config: no
  u# A7 F9 j3 j0 D2 `' m: N****uni port4 config: yes
8 `6 V2 \- F/ i) U****slid 2 cfgmgr visiable: no
  X. Y" i5 h! K" T: u7 I' G****voip Pbit Map: no3 f$ U8 c# b) @9 p$ `
********OMCI Config Data End****************
* A" n: V, K0 t# t( O3 e   user_port    class       domain
5 C/ b2 q) _) g===================================* i( g: E+ O% t$ Q5 h
      1          ETH         HGU-DOMAIN
/ W2 x& ?) t: R" |: J2 r# j      2          ETH         HGU-DOMAIN
- e4 J# r: Z/ B      3          ETH         HGU-DOMAIN
1 ?4 O7 q- N  U% Z9 Z      4          ETH         HGU-DOMAIN! b# k# `+ T) \& m% {4 E
      1         WIFI         HGU-DOMAIN
) Y3 o; H) o1 e* J7 _      2         WIFI         HGU-DOMAIN
- O0 U6 V. c9 a3 v& I5 ]2 Y      7         POTS         SFU-DOMAIN
0 W, f  I+ z: m8 G+ k6 j. P+ j===================================6 ~* A0 D0 c) y4 q( z* O$ h
phy0 id test success$ C$ ^& s4 A+ E. B
phy1 id test success# J0 {; d" e: c  H1 z
phy2 id test success
/ R8 ~: S& m' Q+ p2 Y9 l/ i# N# I/ ?phy3 id test success
% G" |4 N0 B% A, ~BOSA module access OK!6 `& Y5 h' x& F8 `- q% Z- J
wifi chip test success
! x( J0 X3 V" D8 ?$ [) Qphy0 id test success
$ x- G5 _7 s$ Bphy1 id test success
& B- }# M* \9 ?( z5 |phy2 id test success  E' A# r3 C0 @- Q
phy3 id test success& T+ @# [2 h) c6 g# a
BOSA module access OK!
# m4 X  U- [$ S7 J5 C; Iwifi chip test success
5 c2 T7 G. V5 \: Q; f* D4 @InitPortStream() maxPort=6, enet=6,moca=0
8 x/ {  l; e& ?6 T8 _InitPortStream:: ONU type is HGU1 f$ _0 g/ d0 L* o- C/ i- M; u
Use CTC flow service
1 y2 K0 F4 [- ~4 w0 w! Chal_eth_configure_port_domain to be implemented for mtk....
; L9 |: W) G6 Uhal_eth_cfg_port_forwarding_mode to be implemented for mtk....  k3 t* Z  `1 G& f, g7 q
hal_eth_configure_port_domain to be implemented for mtk....
2 O0 \' \1 k8 T) {hal_eth_cfg_port_forwarding_mode to be implemented for mtk....9 i: r. G" O( q5 e, X. S( g/ {
hal_eth_configure_port_domain to be implemented for mtk....
2 J. |- ^4 L) T( ]hal_eth_cfg_port_forwarding_mode to be implemented for mtk....7 F: d# [% s  P" G
hal_eth_configure_port_domain to be implemented for mtk....
# M' s# }- z/ ~% d* C  \/ fhal_eth_cfg_port_forwarding_mode to be implemented for mtk....9 F5 K/ x, R& u9 |! e% M
[Ken debug] getponTempLowAlarmThresh: ponTempLowAlarmThresh = -5.000000
& I2 d( i; e7 a3 Y2 q[Ken debug] getponTempHighAlarmThresh: ponTempHighAlarmThresh = 85.000000% H7 V4 ~9 {# W; T4 R3 j* H
[Ken debug] getponTempLowWarningThresh: ponTempLowWarningThresh = 0.000000
' K7 z) ^8 x, o' \& P2 s  l+ a$ Q[Ken debug] getponTempHighWarningThresh: ponTempHiinit_userport_to_dev: i: 0, name: eth0, ifindex: 6
7 r% h% K* a- C+ s8 @5 Y+ ], Jinit_userport_to_dev: i: 1, name: eth1, ifindex: 7; R9 {  U8 N* |1 v9 x/ X/ E
init_userport_to_dev: i: 2, name: eth2, ifindex: 8
: a9 j3 r; p  H% f4 j$ Y8 Lginit_userport_to_dev: i: 3, name: eth3, ifindex: 9
7 H0 r  `7 ?' ^* FKlpd_UtilsMsgListInit: maximum msg queue length: 100
, ^# M, S  ?# G+ J; p# v, X+ B/ i6 VhWarningThresh = 80.000000# m" n2 e0 Q% {! ~# h2 V" I
>>>>>>>>InitPonRssklpdCoreInit: klpd loaded. mac_migration = 0
) A5 q. Z# s- U. B3 B+ miThresh
0 V2 v- S) J) \3 Q2 b0 C! L1 I        ponRxHighThresh       = -7.000571
! X& R0 P" w) C( f+ H' b        ponRxLowThresh        = -27.9587998 x3 ?$ h: `8 G
        ponTxHighThresh       = 6.000031
4 B3 t0 t7 m2 I  d        ponTxLowThresh        = -0.499761
7 r( y# y- H' X7 b+ X        ponBiasHighThresh     = 70.000000/ Q" @6 r6 a" `
        ponBiasLowThresh      = 3.000000
+ t$ z) G* v# M9 f, m3 P8 X" P        ponTempLowThresh      = -5.000000
3 ~* w  f. R) j        ponTempHighThresh     = 85.000000
) V" z' ?! R- @" g        ponVolHighThresh      = 3.600000
% C" F% b1 S  O6 E  x; y  U# q        ponVolLowThresh       = 3.0000007 r  Y8 D/ N4 S% Q
        ponTempLowWarnThresh  = 0.000000
% [' D' G0 _! K& V, _6 i. a9 d$ r        ponTempHighWarnThresh = 80.0000007 L3 H( R9 k$ C  f
        ponVolHighWarnThresh  = 3.4700000 ]9 U6 c/ L  Z
        ponVolLowWarnThresh   = 3.130000) N: s3 i0 b# V1 J
[PwrShedding]: BoardConfig are eth<4> pots<1> ces<0> vid<0>
7 M# b& }6 n1 K; _3 ~! m3 X: l# X# O. t[qos_itf_init_tsched]: call init tsched3 b# ?& A4 Y8 f3 N, p
[INIT] lanhostsd starting... 7 q6 k+ N( r0 O7 I
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] init_userport_to_dev: i: 0, name: eth0, ifindex: 6& A' ?, c/ \* {3 @2 C! Y7 ^0 ~
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] init_userport_to_dev: i: 1, name: eth1, ifindex: 7( Q" ~) @. s5 a9 ~. L, ?2 f
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] init_userport_to_dev: i: 2, name: eth2, ifindex: 8! {' O9 `8 c4 C( D5 T9 c
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] init_userport_to_dev: i: 3, name: eth3, ifindex: 91 V$ t% }, c/ z
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] Klpd_UtilsMsgListInit: maximum msg queue length: 100- b( X9 b: ^6 b( P( n2 ?
1970-01-01 08:00:33 [Warning] klpdCoreInit: klpd loaded. mac_migration = 0
$ g6 _1 ?4 |1 I9 H, Xrts_LanLoopbackDetectionObject: enable: 1, period: 5, cancel_period: 300, vlantag: untagged, EthernetType: 0xFFFA) _7 \1 c( H/ \
vlan_num: 1, vlan(use 4096 to stand for untag):" l' ]0 l/ S9 n! B# i) C
vlan[0]: 4096, " C2 `+ M3 K3 ^
Ebtables v2.0 registered
1 }. R. [- M% C( Q3 G1970-01-01 08:00:34 [Informational] Ebtables v2.0 registered
3 w( U7 W5 B- \0 V. p; H3 t*reg=0000211c value:6a010101
% t# k; o# q& T  d; E# J" s2 T*reg=0000221c value:6a010101( G7 i# c7 A& Q9 ?' Q& X
*reg=0000231c value:6a010101
* z) e6 S1 I; L( A- G' l; g*reg=0000241c value:6a010101
5 q# g. w$ U4 e3 A8 Jthe cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 1c
% t5 q9 L, _' U. Xcmd result is :*reg=0000001c value:08106810# d1 e% ?& a( b- W: Q

6 _" E& E. `  X( o*reg=0000001c value:00106810
  L" H: Z. v' Z" `$ @8 wthe cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 1c ' W! e' G4 T$ r, M: t+ q
cmd result is :*reg=0000001c value:00106810
4 A8 ]) N; S) e8 S/ w8 Q+ J4 L( D$ M; }7 ^7 m' x: \$ l
*reg=0000001c value:00106010/ J7 Y% z8 q, M  j% Q
the cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 20 / m3 Q4 n; G& n
cmd result is :*reg=00000020 value:08160816
( I2 X% h9 b9 q) P# u
* b- h: ^6 f. ^( Y8 }*reg=00000020 value:00160816$ }! f$ k' X1 g
the cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 20
+ R% }0 s8 w. l- E; Lcmd result is :*reg=00000020 value:00160816
) q( ?8 W: z6 X# ]$ |" X5 Z  O6 h9 ~6 R& t# _) x( e8 h- z, g
*reg=00000020 value:00160016
3 z4 i& U; C  r. Cthe cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 24
- q2 {' H+ {5 l4 Rcmd result is :*reg=00000024 value:0c100a10
% X" M! g7 Y( b: p
6 D" K6 y; w) Z, ]. `; [. q*reg=00000024 value:04100a10+ i/ \* X6 O) ]* H7 s9 j8 A
the cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr 24 : x- l# I3 ]: ?2 v# G3 q
cmd result is :*reg=00000024 value:04100a10
; ?+ v( @" m/ q  e0 ^% @; s1 {0 V+ s
. \) i5 A3 ~* }# \- d' Q+ K$ e$ x*reg=00000024 value:04100210
0 e* Y: D2 n0 l- I- I$ Nthe cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr a4
6 ^9 L/ d1 l# Fcmd result is :*reg=000000a4 value:081008105 A) Q! @. {0 J! K! K
& ]0 Z) E2 l8 w  q- E
onustate=1, currentONUState=100 lptPonDownCnt=00 u1 `! _, z8 l% k( ]1 e$ l) z
platform code is 5a1
( ]( Q# Y6 }5 e* |platform code is 5a11 V  u# {9 H; j9 W; m: H
*reg=000000a4 value:00100810& j% Z/ G6 _! C& g" p
the cmd is /userfs/bin/ethphxcmd gswr a4 * c/ F5 f; M8 G2 j
cmd result is :*reg=000000a4 value:00100810' q) o0 O: q7 ]+ K6 U5 r8 k# r
: f; h4 K$ w1 Q- o* F5 n
*reg=000000a4 value:00100010
9 Q" O% ?9 K. |) H0 {7 `% }! G* I8 qlanhost:critical: cfg_delObj:408:cfg_delObj  oid=187" O0 u$ X# C! Y" v0 X
lanhost:error: cfg_delObj:409:cfg_delObj  oid=187
, [+ W* `* w* @* e. JFunction cfg_initSecurity() is called
1 O" n$ R) ?4 C$ a6 ?1 B5 uarpwan main:arpwan heartbeat is running ..." V# g2 e" N# L6 R7 V4 j' O, O
hal_itf_figmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=0
' B' i, n# v+ G$ t- t: T* ~4 plow.c:higmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=1 # l# B( F- v9 Y' A$ ]! {+ u0 [
al_sigmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=2 + l0 I# H- X1 k, S* r! Z
treigmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=3
2 W* P# p5 u; ~6 Lam_k_hwconf_get_local_port_from_ethmap_tbl: eth index 5 is incorrect
. r. l5 E- w0 O/ H/ {2 Pget_mcasigmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=0
4 i1 h& f3 G( U' y2 zt_vlan_action_id is not implemented for mtk.
) ]$ {# f+ _  Y; L% A, A) ^hal_itf_flow.c:hal_stream_get_mcast_vlan_action_id is not implemented for mtk.' I1 s( _. U" G: S, D
hal_itf_flow.c:hal_stream_get_mcast_vlan_action_id is not implemented for mtk.3 s# S% `% E& z6 R
1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Emergency] igmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=0 % v+ \) d5 V4 y9 n) V; x
hal_itf_flow.c:hal_stream_get_mcast_vlan_action_id is not implemented for mtk.
+ V( b( {3 m( \7 H. R0 a1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Emergency] igmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=1 ) V/ V3 M( C- @3 k" {# U
1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Emergency] igmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=2
% v9 M! [2 p) e/ U/ ihal_itf_flow.c:hal_stream_get_mcast_vlan_action_id is not implemented for mtk.7 G3 S. @+ T  z: H: j0 F! ^
ioctl GET_LOCAL_PORT failed$ L7 Y" J* k9 l4 o
1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Emergency] igmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=3
: g# M8 K' O7 L1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Warning] k_hwconf_get_local_port_from_ethmap_tbl: eth index 5 is incorrect9 ~9 {7 Z9 N# h. ]
hal_itf_flow.c:hal_stream_create_mcast_ethflow is not implemented for mtk.& b) ?/ S& \2 R
>>>>>tttt:OMCIManagerAPI.cc:isInitializedMgr:427---   0m:35s:  51ms # h, Y1 }9 C+ \; I# A1 c
1970-01-01 08:00:35 [Emergency] igmpbl hal_kernel_cfg_mcast_vlan_action port=0 & _3 ]( W3 T( Q% O1 o& p+ b; F
configFilePathDynamic: /configs/omci/ALUOmciLib.cfg6 R. T) F" {! y+ p5 c1 `
configFilePathStatic: /bin/ALUOmciLib.cfg
0 N; `3 T5 ]6 q; s& r, C) ecapFilePathDynamic: /configs/omci/ALUONTCapability.cfg4 r8 {3 `! I6 t7 Z, o7 d/ g
capFilePathStatic: /bin/ALUONTCapability.cfg
- [. ]' ?$ ~+ o% f, K>>>>>tttt:OMCI_CVP_PROXY_INIT_START:OmciMain.cc:main:2043---   0m:35s: 145ms
1 X( r8 I/ E/ O" r9 a>>>>>tttt:OMCI_CVP_PROXY_INIT_SUCCESS:OmciMain.cc:main:2050---   0m:35s: 148ms
* h% A6 ^1 A! a9 W" }7 u4 Ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA  \# O4 q2 w( X1 t& ^
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
0 a$ e# I3 G2 X& J0 C9 Mcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
& t% L# l9 M2 C% acfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
; T" U: ?  s7 W9 t8 t# c3 b- ?; s$ Bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
5 L. @, i% h2 b. a; N3 j* X* Tcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE% N- d, V/ f5 c; B
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=% x! `8 Z+ Q, N5 Z: f( g
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
/ s# b) l; M# E: S7 I: `5 Ccfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
& V% m3 {) E) ]! Q8 ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
( B. c- U% E- j1 l2 W1 q7 {; zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
% j" A  c( }+ t8 Mcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
) }8 z, c/ I, q* R3 e2 ~: K8 F! Wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W4 m4 N8 i# _- k
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA. u9 V! ~3 b' K1 ]7 F
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
0 r+ M* Q" A2 V1 a8 k: icfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA" x, T) t5 G7 p% m" u9 ]
. u& H1 R4 Z7 Ltry mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave9 h( R* x( G- M% F5 \
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA( b" H+ H) @, S! o# p$ L
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
% }- l2 I3 e$ M, l& e% p; Lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
- z" w: n' H- `  J8 G$ I9 b  Wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
$ E% A9 V" N" v$ Wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
/ t0 o( B, [7 zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE$ b# P2 y1 F2 \) Z' W& f% J
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=7 ]5 P! d: ^+ z: |- E' q
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=) j. R3 P4 m2 ]7 f6 b* S
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=2 d4 o/ _1 B1 P, w! Q! F) \
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
% b+ T5 O9 g. S- E! Hcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=3 c# @3 F+ z3 Z5 f" o
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=* ^% V- G# |% d3 y5 I  c! r
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W1 ~' V  l* e* z, q
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
+ G8 ^, K& g  g& x' ]% F" ccfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W9 F9 h( P& G. x9 S2 l6 S
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
) ^# v; A/ |& R: I" X>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W
9 b& X" X% R9 f* q6 ]: PomciMgr:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W3 H  u4 a- C1 s% f
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
* A$ D1 d% A& V- p: p" N3 Gcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
% g. T1 O$ z5 x" v5 D3 Wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
. k% D" d8 i, r7 Y7 J; A9 F5 a9 O. icfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
* u1 Q# ]: I* n5 w- b& j& Ucfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM1 V8 a5 C% L1 L' }9 Y3 G/ P  @
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE3 D0 O* k8 x9 ~
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=# ^% v$ s& B1 T1 b; D5 u1 d
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=) x1 d# r; M& {
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
* n" R3 W9 E9 y: Q# |* Bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=2 _! ~0 {, O6 Y& N! u# a: ~% t
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
; Q& t! b7 y9 a5 lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
( P7 z  D& Y3 [' j% gcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W
7 s3 g5 w& B+ S( rcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA& E2 n' ^, j7 U, b
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
. k4 z4 f4 m/ V1 \: _8 Ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
4 |# k3 G/ p" C: \& a, N#####ROOTFS_ACTIVE=1#########
* c5 z$ u/ T* g  ?. stry mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave
' d8 s9 w( o% O, Zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA8 H. ?* Q4 ^% U6 ~
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
2 P3 Z+ ~# g$ D9 P$ ^cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
7 h7 z2 T5 e3 w1 L, Icfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!* Y& l! ~6 i  I' Q/ ]
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
6 a6 I) H8 b; a& @$ _6 Tcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE
6 L' R; D" E7 ~1 O% e9 ?cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
  |* }6 i+ B& \" r) @. Scfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=( `+ r2 |4 @& @% C
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
: D  z6 ^- x* @+ ]  ~  jcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=6 G' x% O* A9 k+ Q& r, o7 n
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=% m0 X8 n) K- ?
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=, B/ A7 W+ u6 m  b* z. f
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W
$ n3 s' z( A4 K9 @+ \) t4 Bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
$ u* f6 p. o( p0 w3 ycfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
  i! O8 G' E* l8 G" w! Q+ Ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
( A+ ?0 [0 L: x+ A>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:1,version:NBEL_MV00_140W2 P+ R0 e* Y! ?1 L  ^; z
omciMgr:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:1,version:NBEL_MV00_140W3 I. ^1 G  b) |* B5 M
OMCI_LIB: OmciMain:: Calling getSwImageInfo()swdl_get_image_status: cur image = 19 P) M) W' r# ^/ h; @4 P5 L
swdl_get_image_status: image 0 isvalid = 1
; z, W" G) G' j: R+ lswdl_get_image_status: cur image = 1( F: I" a- s7 Q$ E) ^. A
swdl_get_image_status: image 1 isvalid = 1
* s  M( L. d" G  N" Icfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA: s5 v$ k3 v6 N" N
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67, c& p  _" B. L" {# ~* I
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
2 d) W. a: o1 ^; N7 ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!  U4 k) T! Y1 R. Z. P6 ?& M. T
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
  B: k" w( U; e$ i. f, w; Lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE1 D6 m6 b- {; L& k! n2 t
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
% ^: c" ~. w$ ^9 w" ^. @cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=! P( T3 V) @8 L& K: t
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=. s( g& ?$ ^: b, x7 b/ o4 Q
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=% I: U4 G- T. Z" @
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=4 z' A! W: ^( R2 L& A' t3 c
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
# ^# @7 n. ?9 ?: a6 R( u' Ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W. `3 z" Z6 A; ^7 R
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
. X& X& O' E- y: q# {% ]' zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W" \& z; ?' c2 V+ }" I1 @" b
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA- K" Y7 ^* ^# e& J6 o. w( r
#####ROOTFS_ACTIVE=1#########* S6 |0 h. `) C& H0 u3 n
try mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave
- d9 E  i  s- F. k: d" jcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA" b# E6 r/ ^" k3 w/ x! c& v0 p
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
8 V  ~+ U9 w; V9 m! }. R( r. jcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC* F1 y& }2 M" r  E3 L
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!+ S) K2 p' b6 ]) Y& U
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM% }% Y7 Y- F  z& n$ k* Q
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE" O  h3 F& C' Y) I/ Q1 x8 H
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=* R5 H* v+ P/ `7 E
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=' Y4 G0 z. J. Z; e" y. D- d
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
4 B+ W( O- B, Y) n9 {& l7 lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=# F" i9 c0 d3 W
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=4 X" d' S" D. Y9 ?+ H3 m
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
5 E/ Q) l5 y9 lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W8 c! h8 N/ @0 C9 G  ?4 ~; |
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
( \/ x5 T: F. _$ W5 ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W1 R: r1 k* h- V' g- e- n# ~
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA" o. i+ Y) C0 z& g* R6 M
>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W4 J2 d: U3 O$ |, E1 R$ D4 R  a5 x
omciMgr:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W
, j0 m& ~0 O: P* C. U: ?cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
  J: o4 w6 d& q' wcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67; o7 \  y. f! r
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC5 c0 u, A; F' l' I  Z  O
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
& g) h& k9 B' I: [( b; h2 J/ V* ucfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM: ?5 X- M( d) v) j  \2 d
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE; o- Z! y  @6 Q% c4 D* N" f
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=* U# g  i* {, R: Q
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=: D, l3 K( L: f6 ~1 o
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
- F3 ^$ |& q# ?8 Y* {) r1 @( Fcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
3 J' y- y& V8 s/ Z1 Qcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
* A' u5 j. k9 o  [- Jcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
' h: E) R# e% Z- l% Ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W6 V% q8 C( @. _; `) L! f* U* ]; P
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA# K  I/ I; ], C0 f
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W  J! {' a4 D0 X- y
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
0 R$ P6 j0 O+ n; E: ]  w# R#####ROOTFS_ACTIVE=1#########  B6 n% i) g/ s/ Z
try mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave' E1 O6 g. U* l% B: |
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
' H, u! Y' b0 ycfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
/ |$ @( a& E! V  E0 M7 q( v. ncfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
  i/ s! f+ ?; s. j* t! icfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!  f9 q5 S7 P1 \
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
7 m3 G% D4 ^9 e, ^" }cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE
0 l- Z; p. f) D: l' _8 X  U' ~- a6 s1 Bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
  l, I0 Z0 t, _8 ccfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
( o1 S/ l& Q2 A6 Pcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=" B" g! _" c4 S# _5 m4 W9 H
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
6 x8 ^* \" x  N2 zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
/ k9 z7 C5 |" D+ q' Tcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=" Y8 q+ J8 ]! n; @+ T
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W8 ^; a5 O3 T0 x+ x( d1 r; ]
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
2 {9 p' n/ O7 S( j( \cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W  a* g2 H3 F/ v5 ]+ P+ v- V" t
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA) F7 s6 ~' t# J4 e3 y0 t
/ l: E4 Q  ~; T/ TomciMgr:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:1,version:NBEL_MV00_140W: c+ Y8 J, o- [, D
ploam.cc:read_sn_from_RI is implemented for mtk,sn:NBELFFFFFFB160FFFFFF98FFFFFFEA
* X% ]- M# P' m: r9 }[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=01 n4 H! B, R" h
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=1
* F! X! H/ \3 L- @! }' e[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=2
: x* e; V7 Y4 V- D" |, i7 C: z[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=39 R# Q! i$ G% I+ \" c2 M6 S
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=4
& M9 x, ~7 O5 b[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=5; }7 W) E( Y( i! x& ]+ ?9 `
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=6% L0 I  S: g+ j3 X% {
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=7
2 H" W9 c0 n' n0 |7 y: h, m4 Q6 f[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=8
/ b: Z" I; A7 T; K3 a9 T[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=9: R! Q- {4 b, l; q: y' b, b
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=10% D; r$ d: \4 G1 Y8 Q
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=11
4 |. _' p" B2 U; H* y* \[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=122 b3 m4 \/ Z: i( C" i- H: Z( l$ G
[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=13
( g" q6 n) ^* P0 K' z5 F[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=14
# H8 U* w3 S0 O2 V  q[qos_itf_get_tsched_info]: get tsched info, g_tschedNum=15
; K3 ~8 Y& E# G. J& r) o9 {: K( i+ Fds_sec=-1
( k* |. H' v' r5 M) r; Q* ]$ A; V Inside GatewayUniSupp_1Itf::GatewayUniSupp_1Itf constructor) O% T) q+ i3 c3 s  Y# M
Value of bit position is 5* I# I0 j0 l: F6 p
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name./ H( ~; X9 D; j, T
Value of bit position is 0
0 v, l$ T2 R! X$ ?[PwrShedding] dataPwrTime <0>,cesPwrTime <0>,voicePwrTime <0>,videoPwrTime <0>,restoreTime <0> ) y" r, Y6 p) m2 v1 j$ \% [
- create_instance_auto()  act_plugInUnitType = 484 t# J% n8 a  g! A% d
8 r4 u: [$ B8 v$ [& f! a( `[Tr069MgmtServer]: Create one instance of Tr069MgmtServer!/ m/ \( h& ], E8 S
- create_instance_auto()  act_plugInUnitType = 24' \2 M/ H  E: R" b$ Y
create auto instanmce gateway uni ME succesful1 K% v3 d" `9 K+ e% ]9 G
ERR sal_config_port_802_1x_action:do not support 802_1x feature port_id=1 dot1x_enable=0 action_register=35 B+ K$ c5 L1 H- A$ M) ^3 e
create auto instanmce gateway uni ME succesful' Y6 w( p+ H- w. g( i
ERR sal_config_port_802_1x_action:do not support 802_1x feature port_id=2 dot1x_enable=0 action_register=3
* o: O' H# n0 T) T create auto instanmce gateway uni ME succesful9 D: B- ]* G1 p# Z
ERR sal_config_port_802_1x_action:do not support 802_1x feature port_id=3 dot1x_enable=0 action_register=3
% I3 N1 p; ?4 u7 nERR sal_config_port_802_1x_action:do not support 802_1x feature port_id=4 dot1x_enable=0 action_register=3, F$ |; y- ]8 O. t
- create_instance_auto()  act_plugInUnitType = 32* I, B: y9 ?0 S8 V
OMCI_LIB: VOIP: indexID: 2& ~5 V( ^* j; |1 r9 x1 H0 Y/ o
OMCI_LIB: No of voip  ports after assignment is :1
0 r% i6 u6 o# d! G; g5 c' h: Htotal no of ports in pots sub card 62 K! J- R! p6 o2 ^$ a  d( e
POTS_PORT found with instance ID=513--port no=5
. G6 C8 [, q2 v' g6 DUNI-G auto created for POTS UNI with port num=:5
0 L  F6 b& A8 @2 I7 ?3 l/ ^Value of bit position is 186; `& K, w! V* i
OMCI_LIB:ALL PQs (US+DS) created, ~8 X, T# I4 m9 }/ a. L6 Q' Z
>>>>>tttt:OmciMain.cc:main:3604---   0m:37s: 238ms . g( o) ^+ E5 ^4 ?1 F1 J( c
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.6 w- j( N4 m' {" y& C% ?1 M' f
swdl_get_image_status: cur image = 1. V7 j$ a# ^2 U* J9 q* ]' w8 u
swdl_get_image_status: image 0 isvalid = 1* B9 p7 g6 R; C' g$ [/ ]! M
swdl_get_image_status: cur image = 1. ~- g5 J# H, T- Z' p  z
swdl_get_image_status: image 1 isvalid = 19 s0 o+ F2 V  X
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA/ k8 i# X! i/ ?2 b5 E0 t1 Q6 l
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
, D8 ]3 h6 o2 L) _4 ?% Tcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC  l& d# m, R* _3 w
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!. J* h+ z; R- ]
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM% f. h0 P, c8 e
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE. y) a$ L! D( [( m
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=; x( @2 p9 A" t0 @7 n( b
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=5 Z5 ]" g' d+ q/ W8 d2 U
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
# L5 k9 X* u5 e$ v: ^cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=- [+ s1 ?, |; c1 h  a
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
* r  Y8 D6 ~4 J) Qcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=8 i0 r6 l# V/ S% @+ C! G
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W! T; d2 g& ^9 I
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA5 [. s& N  \  h# j0 J  z
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W8 ]/ }# ~! k: X& h; H9 ^4 _; H
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
  @+ L1 o; q$ Q0 X2 x# W#####ROOTFS_ACTIVE=1#########& M4 ^" N, A# a& [
try mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave3 ^6 l5 y' z: ?5 P" L' k0 k& ]+ J
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
- b$ c9 |# _# C3 h3 Ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67
7 u+ ~% y2 e; m  o  {5 S4 a6 Ycfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC( Z$ l! K" G3 e
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
, W! d) c4 n& D7 T5 U' Xcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
6 z4 E& l$ z0 ], _/ U* L+ b, ]cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE. L, [6 C3 Q- q) q3 Z! a, a# b
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=; E/ c+ }* m) [
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=  r6 g8 C! E/ M  W" V3 ]( O9 S/ o, ?
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
# h6 S: h% `1 U& j9 ^cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=& p$ h( t4 z' a5 e/ O
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
4 J: }" }( k' n4 r! U7 Mcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=* U2 K1 T$ X7 p( K7 h
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W
; A: V* {  w) K' {0 _0 n9 Ccfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA! w& u1 P' i4 {6 W" j* @; Q/ @# I5 V
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
" C' Y/ m1 X1 O, `cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA
  X0 e3 Y, ]# g- M  Y>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W
3 B/ Z) K; r1 o3 `& @" n2 Bparser:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:0,version:NBEL_MV00_140W! [( ]) g5 z5 w
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
/ B, \- K! l8 v7 J- t* q0 o- ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA67- \) c) J2 j+ Y* \+ j
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
/ Y9 g0 J& U+ w! X9 x& }. N  _cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
* W# j1 V0 Z) b- u+ scfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM' C0 Z3 `5 T  I" I# w  P9 d
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /usr/VERSION_PROFILE
- t+ b4 F- f8 a6 ccfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
" j+ c; u- `7 hcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=5 R/ d2 e7 W6 k% Y# i! b% Y
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
) Y! M0 I5 E5 o/ L# Ucfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
8 a3 i4 f5 z4 J2 U% }  lcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=  }* c8 D1 z- _  O' t. ]
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
2 A- F) g/ I& ?, N4 T6 Vcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W
3 H: ^, N4 k+ Acfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA
6 ]5 T* V. e; K& ocfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W3 n% c, a' t5 {& [0 n) f
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA8 S5 ]3 W! n# `7 m/ x1 R
3 q: x! \8 {5 ftry mount mtdblock3 to rootfs_slave) M4 p. t. @, T: I7 Z
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.) ]! T8 n0 a; `1 q; C
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:127:partnamber = 3FE46330ABAA
/ s2 z4 G' ]  n, ecfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:136:$IMAGEVERSION=3FE46343GFGA676 S* m+ i! \6 K) e4 j3 e5 Z) R6 b2 p
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:146:operateid = SHSC
6 D# G% ^1 O' y& B% Z+ S9 |  zcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:152:getVoiceTypeStr failed, use default value COM !!!
8 E. N; o5 l* h! I9 Jcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:155:VOIP type is COM
. `( o2 {+ t. {& Acfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:200:Found Version Profile : /tmp/rootfs_slave/usr/VERSION_PROFILE) ^4 e2 N& q5 ^+ Q+ M/ A
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=; ~  Q, r1 R4 G2 V( v# q* B
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHSC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=2 L# p+ F9 P1 A" _. h" {1 H, s5 ~
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=
4 w% Y4 N% t5 k2 @cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:SHXC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=. m- I  B) ~4 J% O! V+ h( K
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=9 u  `/ n7 C; ~! F0 X
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:??SC.3FE46330ABAA.HW=
+ t# Q0 C6 ?" S( w) \3 ?2 x3 ucfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:241:???C.3FE46330ABAA.COM.SW=NBEL_MV00_140W. _5 N3 q1 W/ f/ Z/ l" f! n: Z
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:242:???C.3FE46330ABAA.HW=3FE46330ABAA) e9 k7 u1 K6 D1 p7 N3 n$ N1 n9 N" B
cfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:273:swver=NBEL_MV00_140W
/ e; P: f1 q8 {6 Bcfgmgr:critical: ProcessVerProf:274:hwver=3FE46330ABAA) s# b6 t2 T" K" f5 N9 y
OmciMgr: cvp initialized report received:succeeded!" L0 T3 N: Q2 u& V. U% p) g
) o- v$ X% K: ^! w3 g3 Bparser:critical: getSwVersionInfo:845:>>>>getSwVersionInfo(),imageBank:1,version:NBEL_MV00_140W3 k# F$ F6 b7 s' B. `( t% j
OMCI_LIB: Got swImageInfo = 1e, standby = 0: y, r  @$ g& R  a
/ d* l( C0 R( {" d: w. dploam.cc:read_sn_from_RI is implemented for mtk,sn:NBELFFFFFFB160FFFFFF98FFFFFFEA
; q0 E" @9 p$ nsal_ponMacOpt.cc:SAL_startPloam is implemented for mtk,sn:NBELB16098EA9 i8 W4 w- Z: @& a6 _
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.5 j5 d- j, k( ^" u2 N7 A
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
$ W" W8 A& v! r% T! \ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.0 u- y4 F( u3 u, Q: a% A
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
5 P- g8 u: G! K; J" c! nip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.3 S  U# y; h8 U
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
8 k; P) J' P4 ?  p% o, c6 Vip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
# L$ \# k2 O, \, Z& C3 a& C" W* iip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.) i; o4 h& A# n: n
ip6tables: No chain/target/match by that name.
& d8 G; k3 d  v  r# V$ @8 Y6 h/ k# n* d" d* ?2 x. K3 p
cfgmgr: cvp initialized report received:succeeded!portsNum=1& N/ m% J7 O: u2 Q0 r; y, r
Prepare MSG_PMC_CALL_HISTORY_REPORT_TIME_CONFIG_REQ: call_history_report_call =0
/ ?# C- ^7 L0 r! Ivp stack start is ignored# M1 \; q1 ]6 a+ T( h+ ?
vp stack start is ignored
, b! K8 A3 F. D: N7 ~6 wslic_chip start VpInitDevice No.0 DevProfile cfg status:0: [1 N& h0 o' n; ^% v
cslacHalStartTimer 10ms(1jiffies)
& q9 z  H. e7 mvp stack start is ignored
$ h1 `3 O  B: e/ f, D1 {* mvp stack start is ignored
/ g, v9 j' E4 v) ScslacHalStopTimer! B- B- S6 q. i) |6 e
slic_chip start VpInitDevice No.0 DevProfile cfg status:0
# P) I) `4 I* \/ P1 m" M( R/ OcslacHalStartTimer 10ms(1jiffies)7 Z# L& z" W; {( `; ^0 z" c
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] vp stack start is ignored% K3 c) r% @& M/ V
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] vp stack start is ignored8 _/ v* q( }& H- X5 q& D0 Z6 h1 E
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] slic_chip start VpInitDevice No.0 DevProfile cfg status:0^M
! `/ v6 ~" B$ A! Y8 `1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Notice] cslacHalStartTimer 10ms(1jiffies)
. u2 K" l% N8 O) J& A3 |9 U1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] vp stack start is ignored
4 P0 j4 i. T/ I2 @% k# g1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] vp stack start is ignored5 n; R/ s% D2 g% e: ]. @& R  O1 K* A
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Notice] cslacHalStopTimer- l( d7 V, V5 b+ ~
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning] slic_chip start VpInitDevice No.0 DevProfile cfg status:0^M  {' |/ k: O; n- s. s
1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Notice] cslacHalStartTimer 10ms(1jiffies)+ S+ L- L) |( n' c2 [% }  A

/ |! w4 c- _! C/ P* q* K VP_DEV_EVID_DEV_INIT_CMP: DevId=0, LineId =0, eventId=1024, eventData = 0
, P  j  O4 |" P: J& e, ^  \) e" C! x: p3 f* y- V8 T# Z* \0 h
VP_LINE_EVID_RD_OPTION: DevId=0, LineId =1, eventId=16 eventData = 10
% H* I  b# f( a- A1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning]  VP_DEV_EVID_DEV_INIT_CMP: DevId=0, LineId =0, eventId=1024, eventData = 0
/ w; ^$ ^* e7 U  H1 G8 J6 M1970-01-01 08:00:42 [Warning]  VP_LINE_EVID_RD_OPTION: DevId=0, LineId =1, eventId=16 eventData = 10
# W, x$ j0 s$ B1 n6 c4 ]. O" u3 ?  f7 ?3 s
!!!! VP_EVID_CAL_CMP: DevId 0, LineId=1, eventData = 0!!!! ; s% N- D1 D% A4 M' H
1970-01-01 08:00:43 [Warning] !!!! VP_EVID_CAL_CMP: DevId 0, LineId=1, eventData = 0!!!! 4 [& F1 D% K! z( V
Depth:3, iid={ 1 1 1 }/ h7 w4 l7 T! [" E4 _6 i; J
Depth:3, iid={ 1 3 1 }
. r. W: H/ J* U0 }Depth:3, iid={ 1 2 1 }
- [) W, Z+ `, X. D8 O, l' \. Pxhm debug 1:enter cfg_bootHguLan
, |: ]) x2 B5 d; {! x) U0 nbrctl: bridge br0: File exists
) ]$ Y5 y! c- w9 }pid_fd 3  pid==863
8 X8 S" V7 Q4 ?dhcpd:error: read_interface:72[vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]" `; e1 z; N6 ]: f/ u5 ^. w& r
:SIOCGIFADDR failed, is the interface up and configured?: Cannot assign requested address
9 d' n) k) e+ d6 U# B* ?( W0 f; `1970-01-01 08:00:43 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]- G+ n$ \% W/ a, F; w2 z- G3 ]* R4 v& M
# _" O( |; [& a& Y( I# T7 J2 c1970-01-01 08:00:43 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]
) T' J/ P- G2 V0 L5 k2 M' n; ?[vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]
3 l; W* o2 P# X# n$ `- G/ L1970-01-01 08:00:43 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]
8 Q7 c- [6 I. K+ G/ O9 o! VRTNETLINK answers: File exists* p$ _8 X7 }4 F9 f
$ Z- A5 K; s7 m1 o$ C5 f# uBCMVLAN : eth0 mode was set to RG- X( Y2 S# v( ]4 f8 k  T
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]1 C# J: O/ @* H
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Warning] BCMVLAN : eth0 mode was set to RG
8 t+ ?6 c& e4 r  c- d4 K7 l, tdevice eth0.0 entered promiscuous mode2 X$ }/ D/ U, m/ }4 n" O! p* e& V6 J+ N
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
! k% [) t# o# N# z. d' [3 |# Gbr0: port 1(eth0.0) entered forwarding state6 H) R$ G- N! b( @) S" @! r
br0: port 1(eth0.0) entered forwarding state8 K- A: l) r; Z) \; T
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Informational] device eth0.0 entered promiscuous mode* q" c' W0 \3 z+ b# A/ c
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Informational] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode( d& d* ?/ ~9 y
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Informational] br0: port 1(eth0.0) entered forwarding state' Y. [% Q8 i1 D; u. ?7 M
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Informational] br0: port 1(eth0.0) entered forwarding state
1 @! d; B( Z% \2 {hal_itf_misc.c:hal_misc_lan_port_accelerate_count_set is not implemented, TBD.
3 J" J1 F+ Y% x5 M) g$ bphy_change_dev_state eth0 up to down
4 m+ n" @+ W; N1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Warning] phy_change_dev_state eth0 up to down
- A) O" C/ a" W6 x6 {0 O6 lbr0: port 1(eth0.0) entered disabled state
* {0 Y) {8 T  [0 w1 F0 ]4 ?phy_change_dev_state eth1 up to down' w5 I1 l* o" ?3 o- W" [
1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Informational] br0: port 1(eth0.0) entered disabled state
8 X) s  G; \5 \5 a; Y- \. Q) o1970-01-01 08:00:45 [Warning] phy_change_dev_state eth1 up to down
& z+ p( X3 \7 Y! n( _  o! O[vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]8 V5 s/ g* {6 W$ B* {
BCMVLAN : eth1 mode was set to RG
( m  Y' k! T0 u' Y: S1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]
8 K- Z3 |2 {" ?1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] BCMVLAN : eth1 mode was set to RG
7 }4 [5 o1 \/ G2 `$ tifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Network is down" X3 C2 \/ |! A- }
device eth1.0 entered promiscuous mode
- J' n* M( W! C$ T. G, kdevice eth1 entered promiscuous mode
$ E6 A  A& C5 R9 j4 Chal_itf_misc.c:hal_misc_lan_port_accelerate_count_set is not implemented, TBD.
3 D% v" g1 U! E* D& N7 V" K; Q8 `1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] device eth1.0 entered promiscuous mode
; A: n% A9 [  i7 @; i! T' ~1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] device eth1 entered promiscuous mode
% T  W/ e3 B' r' ^[vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]
' f5 j( U# `9 X! rBCMVLAN : eth2 mode was set to RG
: U: k6 b# r, |7 w4 b2 \1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]& u( ]5 @4 m# L! |' d6 {1 R" |7 ~& R
1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] BCMVLAN : eth2 mode was set to RG0 h9 q9 g9 r$ J5 h$ o- ^* R
device eth2.0 entered promiscuous mode
$ m2 f, ]- ]/ k* `, V/ u6 qdevice eth2 entered promiscuous mode
0 s) G2 k' |2 d0 y4 [+ p! Obr0: port 3(eth2.0) entered forwarding state
, K. f% a: x) a( j( N4 D$ P7 sbr0: port 3(eth2.0) entered forwarding state
3 n" R$ b& u" Q8 I1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] device eth2.0 entered promiscuous mode+ k: L5 O, J! e
1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
/ l8 z# E) t1 a6 L* V- k# e* ~1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] br0: port 3(eth2.0) entered forwarding state
+ k0 \5 m; r$ E- E4 a; j- |- M) H$ H! u1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] br0: port 3(eth2.0) entered forwarding state! ]8 E9 g2 L! V$ p1 x: w; h" K# X  l! ?
hal_itf_misc.c:hal_misc_lan_port_accelerate_count_set is not implemented, TBD.
1 n$ ]- ~& E2 [* \: m6 Jphy_change_dev_state eth2 up to down
# k) C5 q( R# ?+ ]9 Y9 g1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] phy_change_dev_state eth2 up to down
2 A6 A9 P) v, d2 a" r( ubr0: port 3(eth2.0) entered disabled state7 _' |& Z8 A$ _1 r  ~" J4 T
phy_change_dev_state eth3 up to down
- {& g4 {8 @& ^, G5 ^1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Informational] br0: port 3(eth2.0) entered disabled state
; H/ g. N+ D6 E" W8 L  P1970-01-01 08:00:46 [Warning] phy_change_dev_state eth3 up to down" D6 o7 \9 f; J2 I" U1 L
[vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]2 R# ^# U. C4 ]2 ?( c; z  _
BCMVLAN : eth3 mode was set to RG
0 g9 j0 {4 r: r' V, ]* `! M' b% f1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] [vlanctl],[bcmVlan_isWanNumUptoLimit:398],WanUsedNum:[1]* J1 g1 `) P, [8 [! G
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] BCMVLAN : eth3 mode was set to RG6 D, v5 B" v6 F$ S7 a  m8 h
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Network is down
# m) x* d; l, K% j. Ddevice eth3.0 entered promiscuous mode
% U$ `; y" Z! ~* Z5 T* G0 J, Xdevice eth3 entered promiscuous mode" s( h( ^7 i) a
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Informational] device eth3.0 entered promiscuous mode4 B9 ?* _7 Q6 g* o
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Informational] device eth3 entered promiscuous mode
+ v+ q' s- A9 Ehal_itf_misc.c:hal_misc_lan_port_accelerate_count_set is not implemented, TBD.
2 Z' @; v2 _6 V" _! wIP or mask changed!
  {/ I; G* F. l6 D3 p& r1 krm: can't remove '/tmp/cgi_session': No such file or directory
$ X7 @: {9 U: n, s# aRTNETLINK answers: File exists- K$ `. t% y, o
rm: can't remove '/tmp/cgi_session': No such file or directory
/ s6 w  a- G: I% A& w. @ri.c@get_ssid_itf_name: board type = 1441
! }5 _  D' F( [8 Q8 ~! zplat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 / H0 B% U5 l" H+ H
plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 * s  O9 f3 z$ k( Z" y
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 25( Y; f! s9 M/ p
plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 25 6 c3 m6 I* \1 F; Z: q
TX_BCN DESC b9ef6000 size = 320
0 O7 F3 f( B  T, _6 P9 a3 ARX[0] DESC b9ef8000 size = 20482 ~0 b- h" @- u1 \* O
RX[1] DESC b9ef9000 size = 2048
# b6 V9 o% l& U6 q3 t% s6 p' r1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 ^M
4 V) E  K& U4 l1970-01-01 08:00:47 [WarninE2pAccessMode=4
; l0 T+ n. V8 W, B! Ng] plcfg_mode=9
: R; S6 e& ^7 x" Pcfg_mode=9
4 i! Z: @6 ?% Qwmode_band_equal(): Band Equal!% B: u& Z% q- T: h+ t" ]
at_set_irq_affinity: cpu 0 vpe_id 0 ^M
, |( y# k: D+ D5 T) U5 C5 S$ `1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq_vpe0 1 irq_vpe1 0, irq = 25^M
  [1 D2 ?/ O$ O- y9 g1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] plat_set_irq_affinity: irq num 25 ^M& v1 c& B; p( f; ]! u
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] TX_BCN DESC b9ef6000 size = 320( _) q. ]' M& O8 g4 N5 H3 K" H& B
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] RX[0] DESC b9ef8000 size = 2048% Y' B' e  y, P: N' m: s
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] RX[1] DESC b9ef9000 size = 2048" n1 J! v- G* n' B8 g7 h3 `" y
Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)5 T8 r3 _& C; P4 q+ I6 }7 T- y1 z
Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)
9 g5 M4 }( e8 {6 y5 BKey1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)0 W" b4 T, m4 N
Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)
. F! q0 p: g8 `9 k' V[PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0# c( q# D( z2 x- `$ G: r
[PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPR=0; U7 r. p! z" h: }* v
[PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired PMFSHA256=0
0 n3 P) m, m- W8 ]4 E9 X4 v; l. g' tPS_RETRIEVE = 1
- O; t6 M1 g; t7 b, o3 lFW Version:ap_pcie
$ r5 a6 o9 f/ d7 U0 u" _* qFW Build Date:20160107100755
* l6 @5 e! O8 Z1 N1970-01-01 08:00:47 [WaCmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
0 d# ?" @# c4 e& W2 lrning] E2pACmdFwStartReq: override = 1, address = 1048576* x# d8 H( `7 l
CmdStartDLRsp: WiFI FW Download Success
; Z4 H' ?, C' y( f: [1 {ccessMode=4
) W+ P+ u- \8 x2 I9 r2 X3 _1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] cfg_mode=9
# a/ ^# \5 M0 i; Z* h. i1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] cfg_mode=9
$ A! J+ S! }  e1 h. M1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] wmode_band_equal(): Band Equal!
8 o5 U& o+ D* ?+ h2 V1970-01-01 08:00:47 [WarAsicDMASchedulerInit(): DMA Scheduler Mode=0(LMAC)5 ~) \9 b) z0 B0 ~, h% B
nefuse_probe: efuse = 10000002" C! }+ D) a: O; H, z9 R7 Y
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=4, inf_Type=5
# [* y9 z: j# Y9 o% }& XRtmpEepromGetDefault::e2p_dafault=1' n/ d$ u% R5 L8 X+ o) j
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook: E2P type(4), E2pAccessMode = 4, E2P default = 1
, Q! ?1 G9 U  h! w8 ]: vNVM is BIN mode" C5 k8 _, B# D, R! X5 ^
ing1. Phy Mode = 14
$ A- I  C- L% T' _] Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)4 Y* B2 T6 f/ ~
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] KCal Free IC!!
  L; s- Q. u, T4 ]% H" fe@@@  NICReadEEPROMParameters : pAd->FWLoad=0 ( o5 z% `" n1 `  m
y1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)6 p" M8 v) }  P. D0 V) F- L
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)/ j, A' s1 k/ d% M
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] Key1Str is Invalid key length(1) or Type(0)
9 q( @3 S: ?* i# j+ y1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPC_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0
. H5 E7 r( K% T2 g! `/ O+ A2 M. F1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] [PMF]Set_PMFMFPR_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired MFPR=0
$ q  j! g. P. H) b, i7 f% u% b1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] [PMF]Set_PMFSHA256_Proc:: apidx=0, Desired PMFSHA256=0( s. e* A2 _* S. Q
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] FW Version:ap_pcie<4>CmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
. v: @  I; C$ F* l6 P! g, [/ E; c1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] CmdFwStartReq: override = 1, address = 1048576
! e% A7 p, B; \9 e, Z. i( {+ O1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] CmdStartDLRsp: WiFI FW Download Success3 T# {( d, p# S) W; Q
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] AsicDMASchedulerInit(): DMA Scheduler Mode=0(LMAC)$ l1 t" I  L7 x$ J  U# y
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002
8 M# V- R- I9 u1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] Cal Free IC!!8 D6 [$ t  Q( p: U) N
1970-01-01 08:00:47 [Warning] @@@  NICReadEEPROMParameters : pAd->FWLoad=0
" f  ]! d1 {/ S; }now bb MainSsid mac 3c:8b:cd:4a:06:d1
+ j( d* j* `$ _* |$ RCountry Region from e2p = ffff
" E1 a3 L1 F, I9 s: gtssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 32
- F- O! y$ h# n$ g2. Phy Mode = 14
- s( `( f% N; C( B3 O/ l; ?3. Phy Mode = 147 R5 y) y% u; O7 F; I
NICInitPwrPinCfg(14): Not support for HIF_MT yet!7 `) ~' s( Y" o! I& L5 w
NICInitializeAsic(585): Not support rtmp_mac_sys_reset () for HIF_MT yet!/ T+ H3 r. x+ X% \- z  [
mt_mac_init()-->. m3 h9 N: {4 x% {  n  N+ z* D
: K, W" j! L' D  v" F0 s1970-01-01 AsicSetMacMaxLen(1826): Set the Max RxPktLen=1024!) |- l( n9 b. A+ o) s
- n8 Q8 h; i7 [0        WTBL Segment 1 info:9 Z  Y, A4 p& R
+ Y" G" d+ ]4 a% [; `8 P                EntrySize/Cnt:32/128' F4 B) \5 K4 b) L7 j; h
        WTBL Segment 2 info:
. Z6 [0 R5 b0 G5 y- p" O                MemBaseAddr/FID:0x40000/0# L& a/ r0 W/ H$ a# L- d% _0 ~7 ~
                EntrySize/Cnt:64/128; A4 \  x8 J' k" c
        WTBL Segment 3 info:9 z! z  o/ `& d, J) ^
; n# {- k& x7 F, y% J/ U' E                EntrySize/Cnt:64/128
8 r; n3 i7 c4 W, `1 f, j        WTBL Segment 4 info:
# `) \, d. \: f8 U0 k; f/ U                MemBaseAddr/FID:0x44000/128
, N8 o; j6 d& u* ^2 ^+ Z8 f9 k2 @% s                EntrySize/Cnt:32/128. X" k/ O  W3 w4 H" x- f( ^
MtAsicACQueue: Write CR:21510, Value=10421
6 l# S/ K7 Z4 D8 V3 p5 @MtAsicACQueue: Write CR:21500, Value=104216 a4 g3 {) _  N4 S4 c  T
8AntCfgInit(2582): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
$ r/ `* E7 z) o& O:0MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 00" `. g% i; Z1 ?/ Y+ `. z
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
: `! U$ ?# p; t- E, M0 l) V/ q% I: Q[PMF]RTMPMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0
! |9 s1 U0 [) D! |1 G( e[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=1, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0( [9 |2 ?, k# B& ~/ k+ L
[PMF]RTMPMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0& s, h( r* _3 w9 j, J3 i
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=2, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=02 O. E9 P6 n9 B
[PMF]RTMPMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0
) Y# `+ @( C" O$ }- n/ T[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=3, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
: u4 e6 J4 G7 w3 u1 P% F- t  k7 H[PMF]RTMPMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0; X, q3 g, q) N6 a" j; I
0AsicSetRalinkBurstMode(4148): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
; Z6 x% ?- j3 PRTMPSetPiggyBack(876): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
2 G; Z) k" ^. w:48 [Warning] now bb MainSsid mac 3c:8b:cd:4a:06:d1
: m0 h. Z5 N3 x  w1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] Country Region from e2p = ffff6 y$ D6 V6 i! [8 v$ v/ p
1AsicSetTxPreamble(4135): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
) G+ L; P, e6 C& |8 a  _970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] tAsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1992): Not support for HIF_MT yet!, j, E6 p3 ^- _6 S
ssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 3AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1992): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
' N# G2 Y2 p1 R1 J6 @5 u21 Y9 V1 W! y  `& ^& h4 x
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [WAsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1992): Not support for HIF_MT yet!; ^' Z# t; s2 w1 P0 n
arning] 2. Phy Mode = 14
5 h- h  O  I9 N* \6 UAsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1992): Not support for HIF_MT yet!4 ^- }2 J9 ]3 N
The 4-BSSID mode is enabled, the BSSID byte5 MUST be the multiple of 4/ J" M+ P& o9 \; D3 T' D
1AsicSetPreTbtt(): bss_idx=0, PreTBTT timeout = 0xa07 D8 h+ J, [, E* f* x7 U
Main bssid = 3c:8b:cd:4a:06:d1
2 ]8 S! L1 g# \( X97<==== rt28xx_init, Status=06 e; y5 L. X! ^) [$ b5 [
<==== 7592 ecnt_shortcut_init* E% G* B* ]' E. _% N
0-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] 3. Phy Mode = 14% T) [$ i2 G  J4 T6 ?5 _
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] NICInitPwrPinCfg(14): Not support for HIF_MT yet!9 Z8 v- U- f1 n% i4 h9 {. M; m
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] NICInitializeAsic(585): Not support rtmp_mac_sys_reset () for HIF_MT yet!( C6 \9 ?* o: A  g
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] mt_mac_init()-->' ~& b& f# u& K3 p6 u6 i
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] mt7603_init_mac_cr()-->! B, W- H, K. C( V5 m: a( m
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] AsicSetMacMaxLen(1826): Set the Max RxPkt@@@ ed_monitor_exit : ===>
0 x3 s( ~9 e/ U! i9 J@@@ ed_monitor_exit : <===
" U* G, b1 Y  d  A: R9 b. j# o( yLemt7603_set_ed_cca: TURN OFF EDCCA  mac 0x10618 = 0xd7083f0f, EDCCA_Status=0
$ H" V' z. P6 _, injiffies=ffff9db0, POLLING_MODE_DETECT_INTV=3007 X7 Z! @7 f0 p3 l! _1 `. U
=WiFi Startup Cost (ra0): 1.110s$ A9 f( k7 d# W* {% ^( ~
1024!3 M6 B2 a! K3 d. g& l$ ^2 ?! K
1970-01-01 08:00:48 [Warning] <--mt_mac_init()6 Z( |3 l4 N' ^
ri.c@get_ssid_itf_name: board type = 14415 l4 l* [! C8 Y3 x1 n
watchdog timer interrupt
% u8 K- m7 N/ T& ^& K1 q7 eCPU: 0 PID: 971 Comm: mdev Tainted: P           O   3.18.21 #4
" @4 B! K, D# s' kStack : 00000006 80086d9c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 807e9842 0000003e1 R9 c0 @& G9 m( o8 o" o
          00000aff ffff0002 807e6433 00000000 806c47b0 807f0000 000003cb 00000000
4 }) r& z9 O" U2 H) u          807e44d8 9749be88 8076e280 807b0000 00000001 80610f48 950e7ae0 00000001
( V7 v5 K1 }4 h- i, o          00000006 00000000 806c47b0 950e7afc 950e7afc 0000000a 807e9842 8076c987  P& R* _; n6 W+ U
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000009 T' a' M3 l# {# _8 ]+ L
7 I$ ]5 F  \+ j5 {6 }1 _2 ?Call Trace:* k/ ^$ x; X& R2 o  k9 {- {
[<8001552c>] show_stack+0x88/0xa4
6 ?, p9 ?' W; L[<80612db8>] dump_stack+0x64/0x88
2 [. U! `0 r9 k3 T  t( y% x; V% H[<80007030>] watchdog_timer_interrupt+0x74/0x8c1 }* g! l  o1 m( t; z( {
[<80620cbc>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x60/0x18c
) e/ K9 X) M: y6 y4 H( s* {[<80620e38>] handle_irq_event+0x50/0x84
+ `9 |! h1 D3 V, Q" M1 f[<80620f44>] handle_level_irq+0xd8/0x19c1 q) S8 S, l/ [2 j8 T
[<80620c44>] generic_handle_irq+0x3c/0x546 L2 B; F* X% c" v3 K
[<806202e0>] do_IRQ+0x18/0x24' u: k, }: W$ Q
[<8000fa70>] ret_from_irq+0x0/0x4
; L+ {4 e% V! @[<8062079c>] __do_softirq+0xb8/0x2dc
7 N2 x0 C/ u& V( K[<80620b54>] irq_exit+0x78/0x84( D7 `1 \6 y9 a1 `0 K1 m+ V
[<8000fa70>] ret_from_irq+0x0/0x42 p- ?# I- V' \
[<8002de84>] __update_tlb+0x1d8/0x230, z, m, ~/ J/ |# T% c0 E( V3 y
[<800d70e0>] handle_mm_fault+0x878/0x1400
6 t# [& M4 S8 n, q- l& ^[<8001dd5c>] __do_page_fault+0x11c/0x42c+ m- B/ ~% V/ m
[<8000fa60>] ret_from_exception+0x0/0x10  ?  U# l$ h- J2 z/ d

7 x# j* D# B: k5 l% U3 d& H) ~failed open file0 F+ m4 i# V+ _
& J2 S" D7 ~( I7 w4 d% O, l
. M, ]( n" L8 k; g! ]' u! [6 e
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