


楼主: 小小的微风

[固件] 华为MA5675M固件和华为MA5675固件,亲测!

xtangliangqq 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-2-7 15:34:45 | 显示全部楼层
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wypzss 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-2-7 19:11:45 | 显示全部楼层
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xtangliangqq 该用户已被删除
发表于 2021-2-8 17:00:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2021-3-11 23:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-21 22:10:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-21 22:13:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-5-12 02:49:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-6-18 00:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
刷了你的固件现在TTL不能输入了。我都不知道是哪里问题3 U/ h- {( ~0 o. [' B3 `/ x
[2135] hi_L2_flow_port_get_511x, warning: flow[6] not find) j- M& v# G5 }7 I+ i
[7263] hi_vlan_user_add_511x, error: ret 0xfc000108 !
( M" R2 ?7 e! o" ~. ^. |[0060] hi_l3_if_rule_check, faltal error: ip_version[0] nonsupport4 U6 i6 G% V7 w( r4 E5 _
[2135] hi_L2_flow_port_get_511x, warning: flow[8] not find+ H% y# c. }  I& ]9 K
[7263] hi_vlan_user_add_511x, error: ret 0xfc000108 !% o+ `) `; U+ a" v, r
[0060] hi_l3_if_rule_check, faltal error: ip_version[0] nonsupport* s2 X2 K2 x" X) N4 Y8 }
[2135] hi_L2_flow_port_get_511x, warning: flow[10] not find
- z, d* ?4 K! s: ~) n[7263] hi_vlan_user_add_511x, error: ret 0xfc000108 !
$ A& j; Y8 n1 y" Q7 k( d( p" B6 J, U: x7 ?: P( ?3 o
ppp_open: br0_ifindex 78 {) U9 z& m& V
+ [: H% ]- h/ ~$ q" ?0 H7 \
nf_alg_rtsp_nat_policy:0. V  ]# C6 d3 |, \9 i* d4 W
[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 2, R4 k6 [. Y7 P  {! e. d
[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 3
3 d! G$ U/ u) O) ]0 J% _8 W/ j[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 4
( ]. s: I7 f+ ]! ~0 I: w/ i[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 5
& m2 o1 U! e# A7 U$ u7 O0 ^' H[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 6
& f9 U0 p( b5 V# y! v[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 7
# ?$ f% }+ N; T/ S, x# \- E[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 8- j# g& q: ?3 ~& P& i$ S
[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 9
- B, I' I/ O+ e- a+ ~; k: i( x% T[7802] hi_egress_car_resource_get_511x, info: car id 10
: o7 Y5 ~3 N+ c( V wifi para select A
. }: {' u+ f2 v) `6 m3 q4 NPCI: enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0140 -> 0142)
: R8 T  a# R+ g8 R2 O% }# A1 _4 Z( M0 ]  ]( z/ Z
+ h% P; `2 e6 g9 w2 P7 V
=== pAd = cf5b1000, size = 978744 ===) }+ c$ S( y* C" }; a

- L1 \7 l: ~4 D0 v7 x<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
5 O$ m& `& t" Y( V- ipAd->CSRBaseAddress =0xcf5a0000, csr_addr=0xcf5a0000!* v0 r/ J& i% U( z1 T0 x
RX DESC c1880000  size = 4096
3 L9 W5 b/ Q" Z<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0$ R. [3 g# @5 ^; C: m) ~0 v" P
2 d/ \/ T) J% C1 x1. Phy Mode = 99 ^  Q# u6 C' b2 _0 r2 [( q
2. Phy Mode = 9
& ?; ]$ q) t6 [  B( a8 h! kfilp_open err9 ^( h6 S: F5 s  i, l5 j
filp_open err
5 s1 i! H+ j" U! i2 Y( vThe EEPROM in Flash is wrong, use default. t3 L) m/ p5 G
3. Phy Mode = 9) w/ y- \( q2 g4 D. k, z' h! L
AntCfgInit: primary/secondary ant 0/1
3 |1 @! s& I' n% VIS_RT5392 = 1, bAutoTxAgcG = 1/ _/ m: m8 b, M6 j$ U9 o8 F
MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 00) F& c5 K% D0 H0 k
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
+ O( k9 G  \5 d# k+ `# G: D5 [
. U3 y% t# J+ ~( p' B/ ~1 p, c4 DThe link of ETH2 is up, uni_phy, p  n6 z) N7 c: V
eth status changed: port 2, status 0
( ~, z4 r( |! t. AMain bssid = 20:f1:7c:a8:58:64
6 H' F8 ~' T$ F' \3 v<==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
5 G7 G. F% [: Z+ b/ z0x1300 = 00064380
9 _, w$ q: }. }  W$ e1 t- Fnf_conntrack: automatic helper assignment is deprecated and it will be removed soon. Use the iptables CT target to attach helpers instead.
1 Q8 [  w8 [( u9 x" A0 |* k
3 |6 R; A6 B, h) X/ | DeviceType = MSFT 5.00 ?: C8 r! q! g; E2 m
IP:            33663168
( ~' G# n: W% w% u- xdevicetype:    MSFT 5.0  n/ U  o  ?! D! @

) O( i4 X. [3 m/ V3 ]0 ^ start [datacard_thread]
5 y$ }8 c  Q/ Q9 O" M  {: Y' f1 yset log file to:/var/console.log
( Q! F- p0 I5 V- }, ?8 D
8 [5 M$ M' m( o7 R===Voip_SendQuerySetting=========
: F* n' q1 F. K3 d===board kick off=========5 I& r/ N( t+ f* q6 W+ [
The link of ETH2 is down, uni_phy
2 i5 m0 q) }# U* D5 aeth status changed: port 2, status 1
1 Y; ?! k- }1 V+ W  I; n


这个固件前后刷了4次,说一下情况,这个固件可以恢复定制界面,而且无法TTL。这个固件没有不全SHELL,基本没什么用。  详情 回复 发表于 2021-6-20 13:35
发表于 2021-6-20 13:35:23 | 显示全部楼层
jsksjhp 发表于 2021-6-18 00:19
* i5 `! Y' k7 c7 V刷了你的固件现在TTL不能输入了。我都不知道是哪里问题. w7 c8 s: ~6 Q; Z
[2135] hi_L2_flow_port_get_511x, warning: flow[6 ...

$ F) [- K% V  |/ O% M# I/ b% O* v这个固件前后刷了4次,说一下情况,这个固件可以恢复定制界面,而且无法TTL。这个固件没有不全SHELL,基本没什么用。
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