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求 贝尔I-120E 光猫升级方法!

发表于 2015-1-16 09:53:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
求  贝尔I-120E  光猫升级方法!
发表于 2019-1-21 19:59:09 | 显示全部楼层
& l) Z% r2 U. `& ]+ e, |& J
/sbin # ritool dump
1 D( X! E( h; x' J, k1 f4 D, fthe Format:00
5 R8 y$ D  e- n: `9 Cthe MfrID:ALCL; J' m. B5 H- z3 Z! _, c: j
the Factorycode:02- S2 O2 q) x/ ~5 F3 R  Y+ v3 J! T
the HardwareVersion:3FE45252ABAA# I/ w' [0 }8 j) P
the ICS:02: B' [6 x5 O5 q( g. S+ q: C
the YPSerialNum:        F2E85636* u  N- v" ?' Z1 w
the CleiCode:0000000000
% h$ w) l0 S8 `1 w% k& [; ythe Mnemonic:  I-120E
+ v; r  P; z' B; M: Y5 D1 X0 \4 w0 fthe ProgDate:151009
. z- e5 E' M! z/ N) K1 Ithe MACAddress:d0:0f:6d:24:91:4e3 Q& r" o- h; L7 I% p: @
the DeviceIDPref:0000& J; _" O2 W# k+ m  d/ X
the SWImage:005e
) A+ E( r+ O- G$ F5 Z& w3 g6 Ithe OnuMode:0002( i7 S; X& D2 z) v
the Mnemonic2:
& Q' N. a' {, |2 Dthe Password:00000000000123456789% O5 y( w4 Y6 c7 L
the G984Serial:f2e85636; x# M0 `6 M0 d. y3 C+ G  j
the HWConfiguration:00000000000000009 s; m0 R' p2 }6 V5 N8 ^$ |
the PartNumber:3FE45252ABAA! J, l/ r, O$ s. `
the Variant:AA
. F* R$ N  _' |, L* L  r% Pthe DeviceID:0001210d
9 K0 ]. A) z9 q' H7 lthe Spare4:3030303030303030
5 i4 X% X! a+ d. ~$ C" ?the Checksum:32e8/ f) N0 {- i" `2 A5 N6 s
the InserviceReg:0000
5 V% f; ^0 S. R5 x9 o% m' W0 vthe UserName:            user
8 k8 s8 \6 L* v$ D" rthe UserPassword:874376537 s$ P8 {3 p1 Z4 h; ~0 f
the MgntUserName:         CUAdmin
" Z6 B, Z" D" x7 c" @/ X1 @the MgntUserPassword: CUAdmin
( T! p. T7 x, `  r6 Z( }  fthe SSID-1Name:0000000000000000
( }; n0 U3 J# L: A+ c4 Sthe SSID-1Password:00000000' P" x' v  ]3 t( `5 g2 p
the SSID-2Name:0000000000000000' F  ]" D$ V: S- j3 ]; t" a8 D9 A
the SSID-2Password:00000000
& p. A$ u# T* m% T1 lthe OperatorID:LNXB
, s9 i; u. ^; M% J4 h, }the SLID:00000000000000000000000000000000: X) G" P! Y5 l: f
the CountryID:00
( e; ?0 r) t9 V' }( q9 p% Vthe Spare5:303030303030
/ R! {- t) h7 C' Rthe Checksum1:20e9
1 G1 K! {6 k: r9 D! n1 h& Hthe Spare6:3030
* m& b5 t: s9 v; P+ N# b% z; s8 Lthe RollbackFlag:ffff
" i" l! \7 g* K* n" X5 EProductClass[I-120E] Platform[401] Uplink[GPON] Type[HGU] EthPorts[2] EnetPortTy
  |5 z7 N9 _1 b" L1 Upe[GE] POTS[1] USB[0] WIFI[0] SIM[1] IsBosa[5] SlicType[LE9641] WifiType[BCM4321
0 A( d  }" o1 {$ o6 S* T! p7KMLG] JDM[T&W] SOC[MTK]& a( N* K6 X- K
/sbin #; L* v; `" P4 M( d: _) P8 S6 ]4 o

2 D1 \6 n3 j' t- F, R; J7 p- ?5 ?# D9 o1 ]1 k" U# C7 H( Q" L

( M5 F% B- o# ^& b192.168.2.1/cu.html  lnadmin  lnadmin1 b: i: C& r1 g' @& |6 `3 i
( A4 a) X+ U2 C+ l
- B/ G; u2 a& x     
$ U8 H& V' ?  t! U) B. l1 H
1 X, d, H" H! Y tel命令查看  ritool dump( I/ t5 K! I/ W1 A

9 p# T( O7 t" d- b. w0 S1 _# @3 i更改命令0 ^$ T! e) q9 R% p2 s
; q; x( n: k# b+ i, c  L
/sbin # ritool set YPSerialNum 12345678     SN码大写3 \7 m8 @5 t& y+ }# C1 n
ritool set MACAddress d8:37:be:13:f4:8f         MAC 码 小写
) F* Q# z7 d* o0 u3 J0 iritool set G984Serial 12345678               sn码小写
* p2 o  {2 b# B: n/ Q6 H; E
! l4 ^4 G7 a- |, y: {' b- G: Y' Q" H* s8 a/ V2 w" h7 O% B  升级界面
3 h3 Q  g2 ?1 V  s2 c
发表于 2015-1-16 11:06:23 | 显示全部楼层
10万块 该用户已被删除
发表于 2015-1-28 10:57:23 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2016-1-12 21:59:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-3-11 23:59:08 | 显示全部楼层
贝尔I-120E  光猫升级方法?????
发表于 2016-9-5 19:51:59 | 显示全部楼层

( J0 R- s5 z+ u$ |% N贝尔I-120E  光猫升级方法?????我也想学
发表于 2016-12-8 17:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
怎么升级呀 谢谢
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