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发表于 2014-7-30 21:52:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hg8245A5 G7 i/ i7 i1 f2 Z, ~
3 G9 c' y8 m( U先通过
  U2 Y3 ?4 J" O% e6 ]! f+ lLogin:root. _4 C  n8 ~4 d1 l/ N0 r
Password:admin$ [& d0 K1 Z! R; ]4 y" v
WAP>shell& B9 n: V+ r1 U+ r& e/ I
BusyBox v1.18.4 (2013-03-26 12:11:33 CST) built-in shell (ash)
& h+ G3 ~  H; X0 JEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.- l2 t* f: k0 R
profile close core dump, flag=7 D/ s( @9 _$ L) A2 Z) \
WAP(Dopra Linux) # cd /mnt/jffs2/ O7 ?3 R& N& b) Z
WAP(Dopra Linux) # vi hw_boardinfo
- g6 a: [/ _. a- Y
3 X. y: n! q0 t  x5 K# u: Y然后将其中的BJCU改成COMMON/ k& v# T, f, J" M: o, T, D! z3 Y
+ P8 S' Y( P  L4 V8 v8 b/ X% }再次登录192.168.1.1系统变为华为原厂界面。: @8 D9 j$ ~: s; J1 s: @' r/ ^

: L! `" F4 V1 ^* |2 R8 v在通过
. J1 s0 ?  @9 l. s9 @8 W; ILogin:root
) a) g3 U  p7 d6 m6 wPassword:*****
$ M7 u8 C0 z6 [7 y& I5 SWAP>shell
) K6 A* M6 @! J1 p* z" k: a6 EBusyBox v1.18.4 (2013-03-26 12:11:33 CST) built-in shell (ash)
( c: L: }! l  K: q6 ~9 v- aEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.' v8 `6 J+ ?, x$ c! \
profile close core dump, flag=, V" v" N7 g# ~+ v; ^0 @
WAP(Dopra Linux) # grep telecomadmin myconf.xml, T( o0 w3 t3 h
grep: myconf.xml: No such file or directory9 v4 |3 @& n5 v% D) O
WAP(Dopra Linux) # cd /mnt/jffs2
* S+ I4 Q* p+ ?% VWAP(Dopra Linux) # grep telecomadmin myconf.xml- R: Y! \- _$ P3 S8 v: a
<X_HW_WebUserInfoInstance InstanceID="2" UserName="telecomadmin" Password="admintelecom" UserLevel="0" Enable="0" PassMode="0"/>
5 `# M8 ]2 u" ?! m9 l" \; ^/ T. @; v( ]9 v6 O' e  x; {
看出超级密码为 UserName="telecomadmin" Password="admintelecom
9 S8 b6 a: I7 h# T* p; ?
- Q7 y8 q' h9 L4 q* x2 w现在的问题是这个密码登陆不上去!提示帐号或密码错误!0 f8 X' W" y* d7 V
又知道咋回事的么,晕了我都。2 c( R2 \% Z) e
, ]5 o4 `, Z6 M! Y6 k
发表于 2014-7-31 12:38:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-7-31 22:18:10 | 显示全部楼层
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