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[ASUS华硕] 【华硕ASUS】RT-N16_3.0.0.4_220.18b【Asuswrt-Merlin加强版,支持双拔】

发表于 2012-10-11 11:42:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自merlin改进,主要是针对华硕官方固件BUG修正和小的改进,非常稳定,重新启用一些被官方禁用的功能,主要改进查看下图:/ k2 P& x1 g7 M* l* E( V0 z8 ~
  ~9 B( s* w: x% V2 a/ K/ Y
  Rebased on 220, includes AiCloud; added wifi client stats# S) j& [* `$ Q  i8 n8 x
6 Y# `) ^8 |: j7 D  1 c% n5 `$ K3 ~  d. I
  2 n3 s, W* ]; l6 C& `6 z7 @
1 V- r& p9 A) @$ r$ M  
( [4 b# J3 }% Y. T6 U& D
' M2 S" h9 `1 C* N3 v' r0 H
$ |1 n: G- o! w5 f0 a& \
2 \5 |$ Y) h+ f( d' A1 f6 Q
4 ^- Y: x8 X9 q" K3 {3 X; o! x5 g0 T: [) _5 t1 ]4 h
. ~7 \4 x  O& I2 W$ u5 @1 q

& x/ r% [" Z* [" G+ }
6 R$ F) ?0 b* T* h3 b) U8 x- \$ ]7 ~" k2 v) n% F

) D" ^  k3 {# ]$ Y% L* m3 y: Y; S! Y/ s# T& k
Asuswrt-Merlin - build (24-Sept-2012)
7 S0 n# Z0 p- p9 f! `; m9 @=====================================================; E1 K+ A; M9 F5 V2 }

" R$ s$ r3 f2 f8 x6 S  ^
4 K1 Y2 X$ ?7 I! }, R, }0 T3 C% {! jAbout7 [1 _4 u+ N( x1 {* }  G
% H2 K+ E" J2 a% f2 DAsuswrt is the firmware developped by Asus for their newer routers.  They are
* r0 ~1 D0 I' U, ~- D$ aalso porting it to some of their older models, like the RT-56U and RT-N16.  
0 B4 V# Y9 P5 B7 y2 }While originally based on Tomato-RT, Asus has disabled some of the - q  S3 w5 i+ ^7 y% g8 k! F
original Tomato features, and added others.0 \1 F! ?/ ?& U8 @6 g
! f% w$ h! ?9 k6 c; @" O1 h6 ~
Asuswrt-merlin is a customized version, which I am developping.
( Q# p; f: _6 d5 `2 N9 S' \5 zThe goal is to do some bugfixes and minor enhancements to Asus's firmware,
) D0 I) h1 x4 P8 f* s' _# g8 e: w" |+ xwithout targeting at full-blown advanced featuresets such as provided by 3 [! p) A) }3 w9 i. ~% S1 \2 J* |! v
excellent projects like Tomato or DD-WRT.  Some of the features
# b3 ~3 W4 m$ Y/ }. j( Vthat had been disabled by Asus have also been re-enabled.$ `" K" ?" N# N0 h
This aims to be a more restrained alternative for those who prefer to stay / p! j: t. t# ]  G# T8 t
closer to the original firmware, with limited risks of seeing new - T( x' G. u! R2 `6 o$ ?$ z8 E
features bring in new stability issues.  I value stability over
8 c. Q' J4 j2 A: b6 l) _performance, and performance over features.9 ~% S, t, _/ T7 G5 X) }
# |5 m8 j% ]8 I5 s( ^. a8 q9 b

# ^( T+ v" X3 Z* w8 i' Y) n6 d- L
+ y+ r3 {# i- eSupported Devices
: i+ g) c7 g. ^0 Z$ n* e" t-----------------* S) g* w; J# Q, i5 f- ~
Supported devices are:
! n* l9 K$ W+ y* D$ v * RT-N66U. W& V6 `) H4 r& y5 G7 Q6 v7 X6 L0 m
* RT-AC66U  \% c" Y# I$ B2 o! {
: {7 \& f+ G7 N+ m& L$ l4 _
These devices have experimental support (because I don't own one to test it):- x6 c6 c# J; c; Z
* RT-N166 k; `0 F# `! x- n$ Y' r" F
2 l( D- a  E0 A+ c( r; H2 O
& S& z" f* v# \( Z' q# G5 B

; ^8 ~  I# i( c3 CFeatures
3 t# U7 t8 b3 d" d--------4 F/ _' T  s% k
Here is a list of features that Asuswrt-merlin brings over the original firmware:
$ p3 o, K7 `: C# b- l, G* a: Z7 ]# g/ l! Y+ j$ [
- Based on the source code of release
4 q6 m' C# c: z2 h- Various bugfixes (like the crash on VPN/NAT Loopback access of LAN devices)- v3 L/ z- [/ v; V
- WakeOnLan web interface (with user-entered preset targets)1 ~) D6 |8 z- Z
- Persistent JFFS partition0 w% F( ~- B2 ]0 a$ F* C
- User scripts that run on specific events
! S% p0 o4 s  T8 i  L- SSHD (through dropbear)0 K& B+ A8 Y/ k
- HTTPS web interface9 _" d$ U; @- U) O* I
- Crond! g  k3 C; Q4 V3 [
- Clicking on the MAC address of an unidentified client will do a lookup in6 Q4 y* E6 A2 O- g- B0 f
  the OUI database (ported from DD-WRT).
4 v3 j9 I/ X- ]1 \! w; [- Optionally turn the WPS button into a radio enable/disable switch  p/ K# y9 @, _9 c& h" U3 i6 a
- Optionally save traffic stats to disk (USB or JFFS partition)
+ z3 U$ ]5 ]- b( A+ a8 X- Display monthly traffic reports
2 l: d8 Q; t' ?& w; G2 }2 {- Display active/tracked network connections
; Z* W3 F3 N  H( Q2 I" N% x- Allows tweaking TCP/UDP connection tracking timeouts3 L3 a  Z) z  i5 i& \* S
- CIFS client support (for mounting remote SMB share on the router)
0 s' I  s) k$ a- Layer7 iptables matching) H8 r9 ?0 D/ c# G: a
- User-defined options for WAN DHCP queries (required by some ISPs)* z2 m  U! C" F8 S: L* b0 i8 H
- Name field on the DHCP reservation list/ g9 M8 {' g; U- N3 [. m; J3 }% J
- Improved NAT loopback (based on code from phuzi0n from the DD-WRT forums)* L% r" L  S+ o7 u" w. w# z* f: Y4 P
- Dual WAN support (both failover and load
/ G- y/ M$ X( j9 s  balancing supported) (EXPERIMENTAL) (RT-N66U, RT-AC66U)& Q7 ]7 I7 L* p5 V+ K3 ?
- Disk spindown after user-configurable inactivity timeout
& ^* c$ o* p: C0 b- System info summary page
+ o/ ~8 q$ y3 x3 i5 J- Wireless client IP, hostname, rate and rssi on the Wireless Log page
% }, t2 ~3 \' _) b7 X8 }% s- OpenVPN client and server, based on code originally written by
4 D7 |6 ~# T9 {/ g3 H" k3 M) K  Keith Moyer for Tomato and reused with his , y* ]) O+ }2 T, ~! I' K  c$ u
  permission. (RT-N66U, RT-AC66U)
7 ?; D7 Y" Q  i; v
4 B% J. Y: R: a( H
4 v% G3 ^8 U- L% a* b7 P
3 f# Z/ j* ]% l0 W+ DInstallation+ N# }( j( O8 G5 o2 V( g  L# a8 y
% F7 J! K( `% o: Z( p2 q: x* KSimply flash it like any regular update.  You should not need to reset to
# V4 d& s1 m  k+ N# t3 I% Mfactory defaults, unless coming from a version that used a different 7 P% X9 a; k. \2 H0 T9 p
nvram size.  You can revert back to an original Asus firmware at any time just
# R; G. g) L' i. |2 |* qby flashing one.7 j2 R8 j) u* p$ `: D

9 g: w5 o0 q; p6 N1 ]8 BNOTE: If you were still running a 32KB nvram firmware on an RT-N66U, the! W- U: o& O0 G, x
first time you flash a 64KB-enabled firmware (such as Asuswrt-merlin) it . i& h' \; x" e5 _3 z% S( K
will wipe ALL your current settings and revert back to factory default!, E' K. E6 Q: w6 _) d" b2 g6 P
This is required to upgrade the nvram storage to 64 KB.
9 f; f% c6 e) P0 l' G" h) g3 `
& x/ D5 Q+ B( g1 o/ q  t9 R( i$ v# {0 i7 J' ^- ^6 p7 |
7 T* ?) ^9 z% X3 `-----0 f& j- e4 l% c5 O
- F; a# D6 J3 c2 X6 h
* JFFS *
! T+ e" }! Q2 |8 OJFFS is a writable section of the flash memory (around 12 MB) which will
' S! D4 n! w# g$ K& Qallow you to store small files (such as scripts) inside the router without ; m3 h/ E5 S! d! O4 r& q
needing to have a USB disk plugged in.  This space will survive reboot (but
5 S6 H4 n" a* F' }it *MIGHT NOT survive firmware flashing*, so back it up first before flashing!).  , u0 e: O) l$ {3 B  [( O
It will also be available fairly early at boot (before USB disks).- Y( \6 _7 u" z) G2 Q
" V" f& \0 h0 `8 ~' A2 }. e2 x
To enable this option, go to the Administration page, under the System tab.0 |% f% m5 }$ d

) N: }( Y- {/ bFirst time you enable JFFS, it must be formatted.  This can be done through
. O+ Z0 y8 N2 Y: ^9 Hthe web page, same page where you enable it.  Enabling/Disabling/Formating
+ ~3 @% A" Q8 Q* i) O2 xJFFS requires a reboot to take effect.
, v3 C$ I# K1 T8 `# S9 r
" Q2 ?. s; b) {# E3 BI do not recommend doing frequent writes to this area, as it will ' v1 [/ ?8 O% P- l; c0 M* J
prematuraly wear out the flash storage.  This is a good place to ( C# F! @/ |1 r" O) p
put files that are written once like scripts or kernel modules, or
1 Z! x  O4 y- g9 [. H4 Ythat rarely get written to (like once a day).  Storing files that ! B& D1 [; s. w! m( d5 A! y% C
constantly get written to (like logfiles) is NOT recommended - use
& H2 ?" Y9 b8 Q# @  ta USB disk for that.
: U1 v& h0 }7 u& A# ?* J% J: |9 `( k8 I9 {

$ ?$ g5 y3 E% ~- q6 O* C" M( p
' h8 m& v* e) _# X5 Y! C! n* User scripts ** ?+ h/ Q* W, |& y: }1 k
These are shell scripts that you can create, and which will be run when 7 J3 f& Q' i) E2 k4 K, {! d1 J: ~' G
certain events occur.  Those scripts must be saved in /jffs/scripts/ ) r7 b# v/ k2 ~% f1 v% t
(so, JFFS must be enabled and formatted).  Available scripts:: B# s0 ^: E) N0 ?, Q6 _7 M
! A+ W: y9 v1 q4 y, r2 X
- services-start:  Services are started (boot)
6 M3 a7 P9 R/ r5 [- services-stop:  Services are stopped (reboot)) b, F! ^8 q( G: W. S/ C) J. v
- wan-start:  WAN interface just come up (includes if it went down and back up)1 U. N0 }6 c, T. c( c  ?
- firewall-start:  Firewall is started (filter rules have been applied)0 E/ m% k- G: U& x) B! Y# s
- nat-start: nat rules (i.e. port forwards and such) have been applied (nat table)5 k9 u. f9 S/ J5 P0 E
- init-start:  Right after jffs is mounted, before any of the services get started
, P; e0 g- o0 i5 N4 K) X- pre-mount:  Just before a partition is mounted.  Be careful with
5 B/ l: d7 {* W! t  this script.  This is run in a blocking call and will block the mounting of the + m  R& _5 }' q, h
  partition  for which it is invoked till its execution is complete. This is done . t( f# q% N" Z" E
  so that it can be used for things like running e2fsck on the partition before
% _9 \( o( _7 @! ]- N5 d$ G  mounting. This script is also passed the device path being mounted as an
8 Q" g* \- u. S  argument which can be used in the script using $1.
1 y9 q! m. ~6 {# ^" j: p/ T- post-mount:  Just after a partition is mounted
% Q5 L7 Z0 P6 j+ K$ |5 O
# ?8 G3 Q" \  [6 B! qDon't forget to set them as executable:
* Z; w" \& G* [1 P2 }3 I0 v' J# B8 J: c2 B- [/ ^- Y5 a
   chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/*3 q2 p8 z' L1 V- C
* M3 j$ R, J* C6 g
And like any Linux script, they need to start with a shebang:& n; t) e0 A: |) i  ~3 G( f0 N
% H. `0 {4 [$ B1 L
   #!/bin/sh7 }1 S4 \& Y, b' O

# c+ l( h$ l2 Z* D* Q
4 p+ H8 t5 S7 Z0 K. Y/ G" K) ^  I
* WakeOnLan *
' b: ]9 z6 C0 [5 X" Q  Z" v6 BThere's a WOL tab under the new Tools menu.  From there you can enter a, y* D  l$ H$ t  R8 o! v
target computer's MAC address to send it a WakeOnLan packet.  You can also7 i) a: d6 G  D
create a list of MAC addresses that will be stored in nvram, and on( B. E2 [% R" M3 ]* z( W
which you can click afterward to wake up one of the listed computers, without 5 g' e! r: k3 ]' ~3 D' {
having to remember their MAC addresses.
3 S# ^/ h# |: j' @* T! ?6 ]1 f  P* u! |4 `  V) J

! t# |+ x: J/ ?; C; Y
+ T/ `) w% }' a/ u* SSHD *
, O: P* A1 O+ W1 HSSH support (through Dropbear) was re-enabled.  Password-based login will use
. y/ z! w$ {1 Zthe same username and password as telnet/web access.  You can also optionally
0 p' Y% o  v, U$ r* ~/ A& z6 _  O$ rinsert a RSA public key there for keypair-based authentication.  There
- R; Z" U0 \% C. y% b5 Wis also an option to make ssh access available over WAN.$ x  b# ?; ]/ M0 n+ p- m

) c0 Y8 S  c1 q/ J0 ^  P. `, M: z* \4 j5 a* G9 {; [& v
* HTTPS management *- m4 {+ H3 n0 d& B4 n
I re-enabled HTTPS access in the firmware.  From the Administration->System
6 E, p( E+ o* R* Z, j3 Vpage you can configure your router so it accepts connections on http, https 4 u$ B& S' n' e! j/ ?1 E) n
or both.  You can also change the https port to a different one
0 l  p1 x1 p# V: {) S* \# |- c(default is 8443).+ U6 L% R5 K# x3 U% k9 u; B2 v
2 j9 l1 z, l8 z, v9 E
0 B& ^5 q# S/ W; w' F
! N8 u9 v) \" H% q( i
* WPS button mode - toggle radio *9 Z; p' n) e) _, {0 Y/ m# l$ Y! u
You can configure the router so pressing the WPS button will 3 f7 c0 X: S$ g# |* F; O
toggle the radio on/off instead of starting WPS mode.
) x$ ~( N7 O. d7 A+ w* r7 K6 oThe option to enable this feature can be found on the
0 i+ O+ I* T  yAdministration page, on the System tab.
1 a: d  ~% r  r. [3 @- ?$ ?; H& I; D% @
0 o* R& u/ y7 w( D  Z
9 O: \8 [5 U4 L# T
* Crond *0 k; ?# h3 e% ^2 r; a1 q/ Z3 ?
Crond will automatically start at boot time.  You can
" s3 y0 i! J2 s0 B4 g  j, Eput your cron tasks in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ .  The file
( n  i5 I4 x; S0 e, Umust be named "admin" as this is the name of the system user.
( V$ W" e8 x# i! pNote that this location resides in RAM, so you would have to ) C+ Z7 l  M2 `" E
put your cron script somewhere such as in the jffs partition,
& V. b  d( P; x" z3 o. k2 wand at boot time copy it to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ using ( [0 q; v1 V9 ~( \
an init-start user script.
# V0 A8 z& w* [( W6 c
5 W/ B) W4 K) C, D/ R/ c  x$ B
  }" Z# ^% g/ Q) f" }$ J3 W- I  A# ]) n
* Traffic history saving *9 u% a% o1 q3 y5 V
Under Tools -> Other Settings are options that will allow you
' S7 _7 B5 S$ y2 G0 d' ^9 Fto save your traffic history to disk, preserving it between ( O# k  G% ?' v  l4 m
router reboots (by default it is currently kept in RAM, & K. D' S( Q/ j* q' k) j
so it will disappear when you reboot).! o7 t5 T  ?# e% k9 I

6 H! h! e9 m, L7 P. f5 [* cYou can save it to a custom location (for
3 [$ a  R# l% v! }; p( Gexample, "/jffs/" if you have jffs enabled), or 5 _  O; _2 g% i0 S, J
/mnt/sda1/ if you have a USB disk plugged in.
$ _8 e, z" J5 z& Z) n" C! k4 TSave frequency is also configurable - it is recommended 9 B; B8 q$ ~6 s0 l. {* K- y# i
to keep that frequency lower (for example, once a day)
; h/ P+ p' I, }+ e! U' }2 r6 Yif you are saving to jffs, to reduce wearing out : H$ q9 `- E9 V% Q4 g" P- J/ E
your flash memory.  Make sure not to forget the trailing
! n1 c8 H+ a' _! |; E" }slash ad the end of the path.( E  [. M* `( P* d

4 D9 `* v& q5 @! p: ?Also, a new "Monthly" page has been added to the Traffic
8 P* I; Z; a. \; _' M) jMonitor pages.$ u1 m, g. w, m# _

+ X0 {& G% ^& }. f1 ?4 @1 F; {+ c7 |+ x4 u: ~7 u
5 J8 L5 `# [% |/ n8 m- H
* Display active connections *1 m- X% c* \$ d. A- I& j
There is a new tab under System Log called "Connections".
4 ~3 P' w. A. z1 ZThis page will list the currently tracked network connections.( `. x: q. d) e. n
You can enable name resolution for IPs on the Tools menu,) C2 g0 E# m7 X1 {
under "Other Settings".  Note that name resolution can
, V% Z, s: T. m/ Eslow down the loading of this page, especially if you have
9 {+ u% ]  x3 Oa lot of tracked connections (for instance while torrenting).
9 r( C+ G, a9 S* w* }9 i( K+ @: h+ o

4 E( w8 r7 U. _
3 j" [% f* F  P8 g: `) D* Adjust TCP/IP connection tracking settings *9 ^9 N0 \) C3 U  n0 L
Under Tools -> Other Settings there are various parameters ) Y8 x( `( k* S5 p/ M* R% m! f0 v
that lets you tweak the timeout values related to connection
, Q  Z3 o( K6 @! K# R7 J9 ftracking for TCP and UDP connections.  You should be careful with $ ^: w2 }) B. s9 V8 k/ b8 [
those settings.  Most commonly, people will tweak the UDP timeout + z1 I5 |2 L: L7 e# c4 m2 \
values to make them more VoIP-friendly, by using smaller timeouts.
' J1 ]( r; p$ u% ?- R# O8 zTimeout values are in seconds.
/ A* Q0 ~/ w' a8 g9 I+ y* l3 W* i
" K3 ]7 `  k( m: T6 C3 p' R
& o! v* D) v& ?+ p) i, Q) T+ _4 H) T% h: I% w; W
* Mounting remote CIFS shares on the router *% w' Y; C8 H" G4 u% L# `% j6 v) O
You can mount remote SMB shares on your router.  The syntax will + u3 A7 D2 i  s6 N2 G+ b
be something like this:/ q+ U' d9 b+ O7 B" R+ @

5 l+ Y" `2 C' K" |mount \\\\\\ShareName /cifs1 -t cifs -o "username=User,password=Pass"  R9 f0 w; |" r5 @' V  @  r! {

/ p6 I. P% i, z* L8 _8 R(backslashes must be doubled.)
. T  e! G: x* q# u! Q8 Q6 Y( R
, s) I" Y# A5 q5 q/ Q: o) p( r7 q9 C& Z3 [8 Y3 C# ]5 j

( b- B+ Z/ }/ K9 X0 z* k* Dual WAN (EXPERIMENTAL) *4 q& q3 e0 w* s& _& U
Asuswrt originally supports using a USB 3G/4G modem to use as a
4 o" r. A8 M6 a1 t, _' `2 O' mfailover Internet connection.  Dual WAN is the next step, also # F7 j7 s0 |( V! v7 \0 V! @6 r
developped by Asus but left disabled so far in their official : G2 C3 d% m1 N( y# E$ P  K
releases (probably because this is still work in progress).  ! m; L1 e- }/ n5 A% |

- Q" b) J' v) `The first improvement over USB failover is that it works not only
2 T) @& |& ]( j/ E% T% @with USB but with other ethernet devices, which can be plugged : F7 u0 M1 A9 O
on one of the LAN ports that you will select as the secondary WAN
+ j5 v: {' b) k  b) @6 n$ Einterface.  The second difference is that in addition to failover 7 P) r( y3 @, E! _: x- S
mode, Dual WAN also supports a load balancing mode, allowing 4 h  a1 I  o' |2 v6 q6 m( o. S
you to share both connections at once.
$ ]1 H5 L0 a. w! _- X1 H
+ O+ A& i7 Y- ZKeep in mind that Dual WAN is still an experimental feature, until $ R2 b8 E% A# a9 h+ t4 O
the time Asus finishes developping and testing it.$ W8 Q. M2 D  G6 X' k( X
+ f0 l# s2 ^3 D# N% E# @
7 m0 q. g7 M: h* |  u
; y" Y  x( \2 h. P& n
* Disk Spindown when idle *
& b- p. T7 Q0 H5 v( R6 dJeff Gibbons's sd-idle-2.6 has been added to the firmware, allowing you / s9 d( A4 h. J! O3 n
to configure a timeout value (in seconds) on the Tools -> Other Settings 1 _9 H; C" V! e  h" }6 l
page.  Plugged hard drives will stop spinning after being inactive
# S2 G% d$ B) u3 J4 [% b0 F  H3 ?for that specified period of time.  Note that services like Download Master
! U2 r% Z! Y7 v: H+ ^; Dmight be generating background disk activity, preventing it from idling.) ?; H  ~: p* p: ~$ u1 I; p& \) }* {
' F- R) L+ w7 ~5 @/ Q0 e5 |
1 q1 K; R* I. n0 p& ?& F
9 n7 F+ K. F2 z8 T+ V
* OpenVPN (client and server) *
% s0 N  d9 b$ d8 b2 VOpenVPN is an SSL-based VPN technology that is provided as a
* b# w9 T7 T' O( Z9 {secure alternative to the PPTP VPN already included by Asus.
5 B+ R4 V+ K, V4 @OpenVPN is far more secure and more flexible, however it is
* c( A- _: t6 b$ {, t# l8 k3 ]5 r- Nnot as easy to configure, and requires the installation of
+ C6 u* \8 `' Na client software on your computer client.  The client ) D4 Q8 C: h, L5 r7 T; A
can be obtained through this download page:4 z. K4 \, ^  J8 D1 @, i" |8 o2 h

0 y( _" N* R( A. shttp://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html
: z. s1 c$ m+ X/ z6 Q  G$ Z4 n! D" B, f( V* }* ?+ B; a. j( j
Explaining the details of OpenVPN are beyond the scope of this 1 M" G  o( M7 P6 O9 H. @
documentation, and I am in no way an expert on OpenVPN./ z4 w  _: j2 g5 k. D
Fortunately, there is a lot of available documentation and 2 z1 t8 P, Q- {! T: R9 S
Howto guides out there.  I tried to stick to the same option
  o& n. W' h8 |; \9 m% @descriptions as used by Tomato, so about any guide written 7 W5 r1 Q" b2 e; i$ F; v
for Tomato can easily be used to guide you on   G2 w/ J( Q! q: ~- f! H
Asuswrt-Merlin.  For pointers, check the Wiki on the Asuswrt-Merlin 2 _8 a$ l# U# b2 ^# v$ f2 Z, l2 t
Github repository.# Z' q% F( f( I8 F4 t, E

4 V$ ?* y$ z9 J4 P9 v& r7 U
. c" v) F: {1 Q& D! H& D5 r+ J6 E+ f$ E
Source code
; I4 A# x6 C7 Q* m' D8 }-----------
* r1 c% y% B  N6 A$ w" |; X, LThe source code with all my modifications can be found ) I. y0 v( |/ d7 U) T- G( b9 t
on Github, at:
$ ^( O6 C5 \1 D5 |/ a, _; C3 h+ e4 f6 ?& T: ?3 C$ E
2 C' [8 ]# k" m( `& k7 Y2 q) K/ Q5 ^: ^. Q5 N" r' Y- c5 a
( C+ Q- q: J8 O7 n

% G& A1 T! H# o4 g3 J- C" iHistory
# }. W8 k4 d( Q! Z# N7 ^1 m-------0 r# C3 @; d/ y+ _. n% e v/ B* J" Y3 ?1 N0 s: j
   - NEW: Report both rx and tx rates on wifi connections
/ R, N8 M  P  h# U* S2 C- z  T5 H+ }   - FIXED: Handle cases where the wireless driver returns a speed of -1, ^* f* ^; k# F3 S" g( M
   - FIXED: Removed rssi retrieval retries, as it would make the first access to
! s2 p7 `% X; L+ o            the wireless page take forever if you had multiple connected clients.
' m+ [6 e# [- o% E            You will have to manually refresh the page the first time you access it
0 G, H' o& p. o+ Y; ?- ]5 W            if the RSSI is reported as "??".
" L0 w: T3 H1 @+ ]% q
/ D2 n+ J" u- L
+ i( c- L3 B2 o3. y3 B/ ^9 [! E2 B; M  }
   - NEW: Added OpenVPN logging verbosity setting (vpn_loglevel, must be  Y( \  J' h0 l& o% Q
          manually set to a value between 0 and 15, with 3 being the default).! D; G* t) @' d! I
   - FIXED: Buffer overrun in init code that would crash the router when
  g' i( Z7 a, w5 \* _* I            too many features were enabled at compile time.
) I* }; ?8 i& G   - FIXED: Re-enabled DualWAN (RT-N66U, RT-AC66U)
# f" G' ~5 @* X9 A3 y8 K: X   - FIXED: Re-enabled Beceem (Wimax) support in RT-AC66U.
& u8 ^, d$ a9 w   - FIXED: OpenVPN 'Start with WAN' and 'Respond to DNS' settings were 2 D. w1 `7 R+ f, }
            not properly saved.. t) _% _9 C* a
   - FIXED: First time a client's rssi is polled it would return 0.
$ k$ e8 j; W  Q8 y6 H/ a& \' k   - FIXED: post-mount user script wasn't executed (regression in 220.17)3 ^; t7 {' h. e$ b$ k  J+ r+ v
   - CHANGED: Added some info to the OpenVPN server and client pages.
  _6 ?: S) f+ [* u$ @   - CHANGED: Improved load time of the VPN Status page.
, A; z- a  [0 f' m
: O; f* ?2 v, {5 M& K5 R1 W0 F! n7 m- X4 m! r i0 j8 h- S2 d/ [
   - NEW: Rebased on, which includes:
; z  ^. r* o) R7 u            * Fixes to IPv6 6rd
5 y# L8 w% |( @9 r            * Fixes to AC66U Wifi + QoS
5 B! q3 |! j* `& e            * AiCloud/ @- p& ]7 J1 Z7 Q( C/ [* X
            * Interference mode once again enabled
' Q; h5 k" m! v7 x! `' H) c( m  - NEW: Display last received rate and rssi for each clients on Wireless Log page.
* t/ V2 b$ v! H  - FIXED: dnsmasq not listening to DNS requests from OpenVPN clients
  O/ ]5 G- o9 J- I           if you had just enabled the option on the webui.' X8 J1 M, t4 f4 T8 x# [+ ^/ M4 p
  - FIXED: PPTP clients not always showing on VPN Status page.
( f9 x. D- ^; ]' L% z, a0 l' D( f  - CHANGED: Disabled DualWAN as it's currently broken in 220.3 V$ q7 z9 g: y& m" O7 M- V4 z
  - CHANGED: Disabled Beceem Wimax support in RT-AC66U as it bricks# v; x# D. h$ k  Z. N  r" v8 D" o' P
             the router.
; J8 V, O+ h, N0 j* ?* b  k  - CHANGED: Removed firmware update checker to avoid accidental1 b, {( D* w- f" B- U
             revert to original FW.9 {' M7 P+ X( r  R) K; G

( ]. m: G+ n" i# T! ]5 Q3 ~8 A
4 ~* [3 m$ j7 q0 b- P3. Beta:7 ^6 p: l. c. b
   - NEW: (RT-N66U, RT-AC66U) Implemented OpenVPN, based on code written by
$ m# x9 M0 `4 `" o3 U# M- F* D          Keith Moyer (from the Tomato project).
& {2 n6 H& x1 q8 _5 N   - NEW: Added crontab command
: h6 w- z5 K$ q4 b1 g% C5 ~/ C! `   - FIXED: (RT-AC66U) Would crash when accessing a LAN device through either % \0 P6 O+ J3 f* l4 h+ h7 O
            VPN or the NAT Loopback (GRO is now disabled for that device)8 D% h4 v5 u( o9 }( M: j8 n
   - FIXED: dnsmasq was listening to all interfaces by default, allowing ( y  a6 @0 H( H" z0 _
            even dhcp requests to be serviced from the wan side if you
4 ^5 I" T# Y$ x- E" D$ O* k            had the firewall disabled (Asus bug) (fixed by dev0id); x' e6 h1 A$ Y0 r! R* V
   - FIXED: Default disk idle spindown now set to 0 (disabled).
. G4 Z7 C! _4 d* ?   - FIXED: Corrupted WOL list when using IE.4 {" h! Y* a" W
   - CHANGED: Upgraded openssl to 1.0.0j.
7 o, E" V" x4 A1 d0 D7 `$ c& b   - CHANGED: Included fully functional openssl command (will allow you to0 z( ^! a6 H% q* Y4 W" q/ W
              create keypairs and certificates from the router).8 {, u* m) [4 c
   - CHANGED: Removed power adjustments from the Performance page, as they
3 [( y% o3 q6 T) v              are redundant, and not as reliable.
; f. @, e, z* P" j% `   - CHANGED: (RT-N16) Disabled Dual WAN, as it exhibited many issues, and I
3 c( o# N+ u3 |2 N* T( R( u              am unable to work on them without an actual router.8 I8 O% x& s# h8 _- [

* \$ X# c' b; Q% K
+ k. ]/ l# t! r, Z3.
* Q. |; M5 m; F2 d6 y4 ^; ^+ B   - NEW: Rebased on  Notable fixes by Asus:
. W% K1 N' W+ l" o( j* x$ c& E           * Radio turns back on based on schedule% Q$ Z2 N+ z; |( y
           * Reorganized QoS pages4 y7 G  T) O* Y
           * Turning WAN DHCP connection off will first release current DHCP lease5 U, ^3 c+ n" k' N7 e2 u
   - NEW: RT-AC66U officialy supported, with all the same features as the RT-N66U.
( E2 I$ n% X0 C  H8 Q   - NEW: (RT-AC66U) Implemented JFFS support.  Limiting partition to 32 MB
5 Z; o# {! V0 B% ~. p! J) X; h          max, as using the whole 90+ MB available makes little sense for : u' r0 X7 K3 F6 l, O
          JFFS, and was also displaying some issues.2 ^6 E) y! g1 I
   - NEW: Added nat-start user script, as NAT rules get applied separately from5 F7 ~. s& B$ i0 q, m9 E  T1 t% m- k
          other firewall rules (firewall-start changes to the nat table are ' r$ h) O- `0 [% j+ ~& A9 [7 I
          being overwritten when the router starts NAT)
  l5 g! @* ^& d) V8 }. C" s, }   - NEW: Added additional info to Sysinfo page+ D' C" q+ g! `0 N; Y2 d
   - NEW: Added chroot applet
7 U+ M# W8 Q$ W/ g, t; S3 H) a& F   - NEW: Option to allow SSH access from WAN2 i5 Y  ~5 U2 c2 [& x3 ~5 o
   - NEW: Option to exclude specific devices from idle spindown
, U/ @5 ]) S' }! S; t   - FIXED: Performance page now uses the new Sysinfo API, and is now able. {  F5 h$ N. G" K
            to deal with cases where radios are disabled.
' g( n' n& [3 ?/ H$ L3 E) U1 @
& y1 N; q% X. a( C0 k5 F  \: M0 V6 I8 W% _, @4 n: k
- C' ~/ W! d- ?0 O$ N0 l6 N$ w% |; i   - FIXED: Web server would crash for some people when accessing
  N6 z, J& J3 X            the Wireless Log page.. Q* c& I% M5 b. A- _4 F* ?7 V9 B
# q7 P7 M' G  p% \
4 @4 O: G; K' H) M0 S9 S: s9 [ v/ N/ v! @* F1 B( d. C2 a# V& y# W
   - NEW: Spin down disks after (user-configurable) inactivity timeout- R; j% E" P( M9 w9 l
          (using Jeff Gibbons' sd-idle-2.6)
+ U/ r1 G, O9 k8 |6 R* C8 A   - NEW: System information page under the Tools menu./ ^3 ~2 g0 _0 C1 {. i$ [$ K
   - NEW: Station list on the Wireless Log page will now report associated
6 G3 g* Q, x$ @* G          IP and hostnames (when possible).9 ^5 S7 j* n0 `! {% E
   - CHANGED: Upgraded to MiniDLNA 1.0.25 (changelog:
" ^& i  f2 V& A$ T  s6 L- S6 W; t: S# m              http://sourceforge.net/projects/minidlna/files/minidlna/1.0.25/)* a) x, ^7 d' F& @9 I  S! r
   - CHANGED: Better integration of the Run Cmd page.1 V0 Q# A+ K" Q2 `# f) k
   - FIXED: Incorrect left menu rendering when under the Tools menu.* _! h1 k) Y# ~* ?+ V( q% }: z+ a9 j3 {
4 s& Y3 a: V- P0 K. A. s4 o

: y# G: ]% u8 E& H* |* W! C3. a7 d1 F) o% E& c: M+ w" j
   - NEW: Rebased on H4 {2 y# z3 K
   - CHANGED: Switched to WPS radio toggle code Asus added,
5 x, @4 Y6 ]  L9 f5 ~, Y& |; {              now on the Administration -> System tab.) B/ q2 k. j! V7 ?) M5 p# F+ Y

! L$ ?( D6 _2 Y5 v& T
* b, X: q% H6 c+ o7 H3. Beta:) e$ r# x6 T8 y. F+ D4 C
This is based on unreleased Asus code, which they have 0 o/ |5 g3 M/ ^
graciously provided me with.
, {9 ]$ j) U7 ^* M9 {+ T" o; l9 U3 |0 u- \. y9 {% s8 `3 @
   - NEW: Rebased on  Notable changes from Asus:9 [# u+ f2 `2 b
      . IPv6 tunnel memory leak fixed# ?% w/ [. ~- l9 g8 b# w
      . They fixed many issues, making some of my patches   H6 C) K# B8 @! J) E; [/ v
        no longer necessary, such as timezone DST, https auth, etc...
+ `" f- w, q# h2 z  |8 ~      . Upgraded radvd: L! H8 ^$ z! i
   - NEW: Added link to the command shell page in Tools menu.  f9 j" y9 E5 u
   - NEW: (RT-N16) Enabled power settings (EXPERIMENTAL)
* \2 @; a% ?  N- Z8 \- C" g, X3 u1 V3 a   - NEW: Added "tee" command.
+ m8 F+ w9 ~; D   - FIXED: NAT loopback rules would actually NAT every lan to lan
- Q7 y3 {9 @/ M5 x            connections instead of only those needing the loopback9 b) _1 C) t& j  q% |; U
            (bug in Asus's code).  Replaced with new code based on a
1 w# x8 L8 c8 u! [            suggestion from Phuzi0n on the DD-WRT forums., H. @  l; o6 N. Y
   - FIXED: Accessing the WOL page would make it resend the last$ @3 v  T' B" w5 L
            WOL request.. P4 u4 I3 O: K" Z% P) Z) ?4 n
   - FIXED: 'cru' was using 'root' instead of 'admin'9 i9 J8 o5 g# s, \  e: W. K: d7 n* c
   - CHANGED: Re-enabled Dual WAN (EXPERIMENTAL)
" G' {/ {  C& I/ t" B. x   - CHANGED: Made tracked connections load async from rest of the page
+ p) F* X( i! H4 ^$ i( c& O1 k   - CHANGED: Increased hostname width on Connection status page
: E# s. S/ N2 {0 S- O* ?2 y   - CHANGED: Improved WOL page functionality.
) f9 [8 x# {$ i* {0 L1 t+ p* k' }1 C6 v  g8 w+ U6 Z

# G& q  G0 t  C, a! V# j( n3. Beta:
8 q7 a; K% m, w; T5 h# A: i7 v   - NEW: Name field added to DHCP reservation list
& |# Q6 Y7 Z! y9 r$ U6 ^   - NEW: Webui option to enable resolving IPs on the Connections tab
$ m1 y! f' W# G$ S0 f5 Q( B3 v0 q$ j   - NEW: Store a list of computer MACs to use as WOL targets
, m4 Z) Z4 e: @4 V! W. c   - CHANGED: Increased dhcp options from 32 to 128 characters
# p9 k& C1 P# ]1 g( x8 B4 F* f   - FIXED: Brought max PPTPD password lenght back to 32 chars (Asus had reduced
# |3 D& _5 v4 J5 k& D     it to 16 in recent versions)
1 ?7 h* d& J8 M! r* r4 a6 ^   - FIXED: Retrieve dhcpc options for the correct wan interface( L+ p; i. n; a7 b7 E, K

( t+ q9 I& L" X- {5 X8 K# Y/ a+ E6 K/ _' E0 T) K
4 \: r% x0 h8 C# a. k# E7 a" k, n   - NEW: Rebased on
  D# t) _4 s9 i1 P9 \7 U* W) q+ U   - NEW: Support for 64K NVRAM enabled.  ***First flash will
& \+ d; ]3 L) V! q          wipe out ALL your settings!  And you cannot restore
/ D6 T) a" O0 }6 h- h          from saved settings - you must manually reconfigure . x8 h) x1 u5 |
          everything.  Be warned!***
" c$ [- M  G+ W" X  M$ V   - NEW: Enabled support for Broadcom Wimax devices* B$ W- C" ]9 N3 ^$ J1 _
   - NEW: Added cifs kernel module (for mounting remote SMB shares)& a  z+ O; B, }
   - NEW: Added layer7 iptables matching
* @5 a/ b( J1 B0 Y2 _+ t4 n   - NEW: Added user-options for DHCP on the WAN page) J' B; ?+ |  Q2 F7 z( i) K
   - FIXED: Router crashing when connecting to it over Wifi
- e: s/ ?4 p$ [9 b            and running the newer QoS code (disabled GRO)) C, W' d% `: Z
   - FIXED: Router crashing when connecting to a network
  S; O# Q3 m8 x+ Q& s            device behind the router from over a VPN
& y5 u3 C& |- X/ V2 l7 y            connection (disabled GRO).: {$ I8 ^3 Q7 D
   - FIXED: Incorrect timezone set unless enabling
2 C# E* e2 K* V# R1 G            manual DST.
$ P8 S& q$ @( b( F: B! O; d. h" W% J* o
0 ~- B7 \& @1 L# ^4 K* A0 N- r# z R/ [  j/ ~- ^2 f
   - NEW: Enabled new Dual WAN support from Asus, f* K+ I" b% _; p- K9 o
   - FIXED: no-ip DDNS entry would revert to Asus DDNS on webui# G( z/ f, l2 e" o6 L

! e1 Y  n1 @( W3 Z) S$ N& ^" ~( @9 z! B: `
# X" c/ L: E0 P3 I9 p5 f*** Reverting to factory defaults BEFORE and AFTER flashing
& u( E6 f! h0 I9 @this version is strongly recommended!  The newer Asus code base 1 ?1 M  {  |" f# q7 ~. b
seems to have changed quite a few settings, so you'll want to
" l" s2 m6 u1 k5 Z" unot only start with the new default values, but also get rid % G; V$ w+ J- R4 V
of obsolete settings.  Otherwise you will be wasting a 8 g& h3 P5 A- t4 ^, S5 r; V& }
good amount of the limited available nvram. ***$ L- W6 s2 [- V% G$ Z1 {9 m; F9 B
/ Z1 Y  t- W9 U: I6 a* t
   - KNOWN ISSUE: Memory leak when using IPv6 (bug in Asus's code
4 y# H" T! ?" ]' z& P                  and/or kernel code)
5 Z; p! y: R! S
* C' G; ^! J# |  o8 }   - KNOWN ISSUE: PPTP VPN can randomly reboot the router if accessing
9 Q5 Y# A+ r: @+ O* V6 }                  a LAN device behind the router.  Workaround is to
" p; s6 K8 ?' g2 p* i, ?2 @                  use an IP range outside of the local LAN4 {. v4 B! o! y* a4 e' t3 _" z
                  (i.e. instead of, and either : }5 z& t& u) D$ r
                  set your VPN to use the VPN tunnel as default
: U$ ?; W: ?& e; ^* G/ u0 h1 g- R                  gateway, or manually add a route to your VPN
7 ^/ ~; B1 g% j# B3 |9 X+ ^2 y$ @  Y  {+ r                  client.
. `; E, v: _3 B8 S: x& L
$ O2 M' J# j1 N2 G9 t  P  r* k" M   - NEW: Rebased patches on (RT-N53U sources).2 e( e2 b  B; H- J# p: ~" t
          Build 130 brings various code changes to IPv6, not sure 8 P  A6 Z$ [3 k9 }
          what else (as I have no changelog between 112 and 130).
1 v; J6 ]& V" E# V          The QoS code remains from build 108, as build 130 is ' o4 d: s' G3 r2 a, _3 t
          unstable.& ~+ T$ s( c& U" W" V/ w+ F/ v
   - NEW: Added "diff" utility
0 I4 W, m8 W/ x1 ], r   - NEW: Keyword-based filter (new in 130)) l. m. M7 s* X  ?
   - FIXED: Firmware/settings can now be uploaded over HTTPS
; f1 {8 N, N; ^            (bug fixed by Asus): }% [% {" b  H
   - FIXED: Buffer overflow in networkmap that would cause garbled
) o# D+ y9 G; W# z; \+ c            device names to appear on the clists list (bug in
- r. A# X# F* J1 L; j$ c, U            Asus's code)( ]5 h3 j% l) C; G. {7 `
   - FIXED: Firewall would break when applying a game preset that & Q3 i$ B/ ?# R4 ~
            had multiple ports separated by a "," (bug in Asus's
1 A; D9 f6 n1 I$ W( Y            code). I' @$ A0 q; _) j* D; n) F
   - FIXED: WOL through webui wasn't working when IPv6 is enabled; F# a3 g/ S/ Q$ B# m. D$ J
   - FIXED: Memory leak in sit.ko (backported from Linux j8 w0 n; }- \
   - IMPROVED: /jffs/scripts/ will be created automatically if it8 M% h1 h5 A/ ]4 K& k
               doesn't exist (you must still make any new script
6 ^* b7 n: g- @4 V5 N: b               executable using "chmod a+rx script_filename")
5 Q) \# ~4 N4 w
- p) i! k( X2 a1 G' X, o
$ x& z3 r3 q+ n8 N7 F7 s3. }+ A' d9 c8 D% q! I/ G; T! {
   - NEW: Added no-ip.com support to DDNS (patch submitted by Igor Pavlov)
; Z$ Y; [( q) `   - NEW: Added webui page under System Log to display active/tracked& K( t9 p+ O/ `- m. W5 ]% R' g
          network connections.
$ @0 J  s) q+ }6 L   - NEW: Added netstat-nat command.% U& T( i3 f! u: X4 [+ Y) {7 V3 b0 d
   - NEW: Added pre-mount and post-mount user scripts (patch submitted by 7 |0 w5 ]3 M3 j) k7 g  K) v- X
          Shantanu Goel)
2 v% c  r1 s3 ?; `   - NEW: Allows tweaking TCP/UDP connection tracking timeouts  z" o& \& d0 @9 {+ U6 z
   - FIXED: Removed check in Asus's code that would reject txpower > 80% E5 N3 L7 F: M, d; Z6 \% g" u
            unless you clicked three times on Apply (?!).
$ l5 {3 R+ S) ?% U+ X( o- a            NOTE: Still not sure power setting even works, as I get- {8 \& K) G7 {
            -80db from the other end of the house no matter if I use , {: b! Q3 U* l
            40 or 500 mW.
' S' t1 f( Z1 ^6 y/ Q* `
5 V/ m* B9 @% ^6 a6 U9 X7 R/ D
2 d% x# t% |) P$ S3 r3.; f$ }. D8 e2 q7 ~
   - NEW: HTTP access list (backported from build 112)
, R" t; t$ D( O   - NEW: PPTP VPN encryption options (backported from build 112)
7 q+ G! G: x/ V& a8 _   - FIXED: Traffic history location was't properly saved6 W) e4 p" x" S+ f& H
            when changed in webui.
0 Z1 a) E( X3 E7 P6 P: s' Q   - FIXED: Disabled traffic history saving to nvram for now,
. W2 z- d9 \7 t  ?! x! A            to avoid people accidentally filling their limited nvram space.- w6 l; z% j' T" \8 W* c
   - FIXED: Missing bottom pixels from the bottom of General menu" L% `- }( {+ k, U  u
   - FIXED: Removed invalid CSS attribute  E% ^& t6 }0 ^# V% _
   - FIXED: typo in VPN iptables entries (bug in Asus's code)
. |: t1 X  s! o% `6 R% Q5 W, p  k9 S8 I" J5 g4 R& x7 ]: k
4 L# J* a! T1 V Y0 n1 F' W. @5 J  L
   - NEW: Crond starts at boot time.
! T; ^/ j5 |$ b+ ?   - NEW: init-start is a new user script that will be run early on% S& U3 b: B% [. K4 ]
          at boot time (right after jffs is mounted, and before any 0 f6 S- h! P/ k/ C
          service gets started)9 m1 D' y2 J" n3 `* z' n/ L
  - NEW: Can save traffic history to a custom location (USB or
" Q% Q7 \$ Z6 y+ w1 y( o9 [7 a         JFFS, for instance) to preserve it between reboots.' @- v; w4 x9 g. D
  - NEW: Added Monthly traffic page (ported from Tomato)
$ y( z7 x" v# a8 S, R  n  - NEW: Added the Performance Tuning page (with temperature).: R0 h. r9 r) J7 b/ B( H) C6 Q
  - FIXED: Webui authentication was bypassed by the web server (bug in& `  z  L: u2 c8 G
           Asus's code). v7 Q" q( r, p# e  g2 K1 V. G+ z
  - FIXED: Httpd crash when uploading a FW or settings file over
& C) _3 e( f/ H: a: ?1 U           https - should simply fail now.  For now you have to . ^8 L& M2 s: Q/ r; O. V
           use http for flashing the FW or restoring your settings
8 b  _  |+ r  ]9 H           from a saved config file.2 A  D* ]. C7 I2 O8 E0 P+ z
, r4 @. Y, {7 ^2 i: z& Z
8 r; N+ [  P; v4 S0 v$ B X- G+ a0 @# c$ N* a
   - NEW: Clicking on the MAC address of an unidentified client will do a lookup in* m% j. V3 Q1 U2 ]- G7 a3 e
          the OUI database (ported from DD-WRT).
2 Z& l( w6 C: G7 {9 R0 I   - NEW: Added HTTPS access to web interface (configurable under Administration)
# b- W  a1 ]( y   - NEW: Option to turn the WPS button into a radio on/off toggle (under Administration)
, A, N+ h( S9 ]! f3 }* T0 L0 Q   - FIXED: sshd would start even if disabled
! j2 I5 z1 i8 X: ?. G% t   - CHANGE: Switched back to wol, as people report better compatibility with it.
/ Q* r$ M) Q# V( b" R             ether-wake remains available over Telnet.
  p  D  ?, j$ R8 g1 {( F/ @, K6 d) c. p6 U# h

8 z8 q" g- k9 Y3 `, V; V3. A& Q, N2 S% e8 p$ s9 e
   - NEW: JFFS support (mounted under /jffs)) ?* S  ?6 X0 R  p- m1 T
   - NEW: services-start, services-stop, wan-start and firewall-start user scripts,: J; h9 n2 \( s# D
          must be located in /jffs/scripts/ .1 f, w/ @& t4 c. o1 }
   - NEW: SSHD support7 F9 @+ c, z5 |4 S% f. r9 r6 J
   - IMPROVED: Fleshed out this documentation, updated Contact info with SNB forum URL! K, F/ v2 A0 l; J
   - CHANGE: Removed wol binary, and switched to ether-wake (from busybox) instead.
4 K. Z4 ?: i% T/ b/ R. L   - CHANGE: Added "Merlin build" next to the firmware version on web interface.
" P$ g. Q3 d% U% Y: W  D- B8 ^! q& e* E5 u& L7 f

% w& _2 e9 g+ K" d; w3. F4 l5 D3 c! z. r6 F! z
   - NEW: Added WakeOnLan web page0 ?5 V0 m- _8 t

' v+ @3 G9 Y" c0 |1 Y7 k0 x, D' M  a& \% v- I, O I$ G* G9 O/ G1 j+ P. L3 ~
   - Initial release.* U, {+ W- q; p2 m
0 V) W4 m; e* }8 {

5 Y. H$ H& g3 Z, H  TContact information6 t/ X  M. w8 Q, U
-------------------5 K; g& k4 m5 M# D, E! @
SmallNetBuilder forums (preferred method: http://forums.smallnetbuilder.com/showthread.php?t=7047 as RMerlin)6 t8 c$ j: V! z7 T( B! J: r) q
Asus Forums (http://vip.asus.com/forum/topic.aspx?board_id=11&model=RT-N66U%20(VER.B1)&SLanguage=en-us) as RMerlin.! v1 e+ I+ y) F4 n0 H/ u& T7 F
Website: http://www.lostrealm.ca/' R$ Z4 i# c  D1 P" k
Github: https://github.com/RMerl/asuswrt-merlin$ T  b4 |% I1 V/ y8 _$ u
Email: rmerl@lostrealm.ca/ E+ C+ H! C) `% ?0 ?$ N8 B
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RMerlinDev
4 @' z* Y) e% {% t7 H
# Q* k8 m  k8 u: M; t; S# XDevelopment news will be posted on Twitter.  You can also keep a closer eye 1 W6 Y: K4 X0 I
on development as it happens through the Github site.
; T7 b7 N' o4 U4 ~) @+ u/ X
, x2 j7 p3 G% X6 }( w& H3 _For support question, plese use the SmallNetBuilder forums whenever possible, I regularily 4 U' Y" s# ?* G, y. f8 v9 z8 v
post there (in the Asus Wireless section).: S! r# U1 K4 M% g" q# T& ?* o

( z# o" ^6 j# k* w7 K/ h6 h( s  G8 G# U! V8 o5 K
Drop me a note if you are using this firmware and are enjoying it.  If you really like it and want ; N9 f7 j" [1 t9 q! g
to give more than a simple "Thank you", there is also a Paypal donation button on my website.8 B# H. C4 v% M0 Q# C

( r/ P% |( w; B* Z: V4 S" HI want to give my special thanks to Asus for showing an interest in this project, 4 a: I4 k* l6 D6 l2 }- C
and also providing me with support when needed.  Also, thank you everyone who has : I- T' H0 ^1 w/ G* B; d
donated through Paypal.  Much appreciated!
! f. x! L6 a. W, j* W
2 |7 u. M4 g2 n3 ]% h, i3 p2 \0 r& p5 {9 R

7 |: r, e4 \, k- X. _' g0 W---
. O. \0 `$ s8 JEric Sauvageau% e# m+ L: T0 L7 K# @

. K5 h/ b* H$ v
* L' F4 Y/ j+ |5 d$ C- p0 ^5 T


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发表于 2012-10-11 18:05:37 | 显示全部楼层


文件很大,功能也很强大。你试试谢谢体验。呵呵  详情 回复 发表于 2012-10-11 18:30
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-11 18:30:16 | 显示全部楼层
zhuanghong 发表于 2012-10-11 18:05 ' `4 B+ t, C1 t, `8 E& G- |
% ]/ P. p. y$ g8 x7 O: a% c
发表于 2012-10-12 00:42:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-10-12 22:17:40 | 显示全部楼层
这个只有顶一个了  M  _. }0 M& ~
发表于 2012-10-19 13:33:04 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢“YES东”!管理员!3 m+ W  M$ |% _. A& x' ?! S7 V
发表于 2012-12-5 13:38:04 | 显示全部楼层
szllbswz 该用户已被删除
发表于 2013-1-7 10:55:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-8 13:33:46 | 显示全部楼层
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