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发表于 2016-7-26 15:46:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 dj518 于 2016-7-26 07:49 编辑 * L0 u9 E* q- ?8 H6 ]  {
% E$ m3 M& @, E  ]4 U" {0 f
8245c2乱刷固件成砖ttl不能中断,不断重启,能使修复也不行。下面是ttl信息  按D  tpl  键都不行
* Y  @6 S! ^' h$ K
, ?' {+ T6 Q3 V% m( L% Q! X: [$ j% U6 ~* ^

8 r/ q$ ~* j8 C# s1 p6 finsmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/linux/kernel/net/l2tp/l2tp_core.ko': No such file or directory( x& L. L# C; z& M
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/linux/kernel/net/l2tp/l2tp_ppp.ko': No such file or directory
3 y' L; K2 f% k4 a5 n$ A[ker_pdt_wifi] for bbsp Install Successfully...( i  U5 a5 z2 f# j7 H( @9 N
Start ldsp_user...<LDSP> system has slave space for bob * |8 b9 P6 ?0 ^! j0 G+ Q' T* o
<LDSP_CFG> Set uiUpMode=1 [1:GPON,2:EPON,4:AUTO]
; o+ }8 K0 b' Q& m7 @<LDSP_CFG> Parse hw_ldsp_cfg.xml file fail!  uiRet  f710e063 $ z/ m4 E8 \  N% ?
5 u3 U1 E& f2 Q6 c  f: Z+ J<LDSP>[main_1426]uiRet=0xf7500003,par1=0x0,par2=0x0,par3=0x0,par4=0x0,
( j9 ]9 N/ p' y! }9 C! ossmp bbsp igmp amp ethoam oamomci app_m voice wifi cwmp
! g$ U# k) o% l+ m" n; ZStart SSMP...
) `  u: [! i/ g* t0 xStart VOICE ...Start WIFI...3 Z+ j+ m5 h4 I2 |% d4 |% @2 A8 J9 [) c
<LDSP>[HW_LdspUser_GetLosStatus_127]uiRet=0xf7500020,par1=0x2000302b,par2=0x0,par3=0x0,par4=0x0,/ w3 }+ y, x2 d1 R, C( W1 u3 D; x0 c2 H
Start start pid=424; uiProcNum=10;% w3 T9 P. w" A' w6 G
current soc is 5115T: k, a5 L) d9 e1 S, Q; g% |
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; state=0; 10.623;7 r$ |" u; _  l7 a/ s. |
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; in state=0; 10.623;
' {# s9 C8 w9 a9 LInitFrame app_m; PID=430; out state=0; 10.623;
! @; b  ]3 k0 P5 `0 bInitFrame omci; PID=436; state=0; 11.052;- k7 C5 ~$ p1 \+ V7 v) C
InitFrame omci; PID=436; in state=0; 11.053;
8 ?* B% C+ h  q* d( b<LDSP> HW_LdspUser_Gpon_Los_Timer GponLofState = 0# c+ ]5 [6 L# d; A/ M. r8 s
<LDSP>[HW_LdspUser_GetLofStatus_190]uiRet=0xf7500020,par1=0x2000302c,par2=0x0,par3=0x0,par4=0x0,- t! ]1 s0 ?6 t2 J2 g0 B
<LDSP> HW_LdspUser_Gpon_Los_Timer Los and Lof Clear
" _4 z# O  n2 K, v) e* M7 kInitFrame omci; PID=436; out state=0; 11.116;& T) G" ^( g+ C
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; state=0; 11.587;9 i( ?+ ]# P, r
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; in state=0; 11.587;- Q# Q' u% d' `0 ]8 ^4 I$ X# {$ y
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; out state=0; 11.588;
5 d& u# _" x1 Q8 Q3 H InitFrame amp; PID=427; state=0; 11.841;
% C. O* x7 ]+ K' rInitFrame amp; PID=427; in state=0; 11.841;( d" I# w6 e% w) r
InitFrame amp; PID=427; out state=0; 11.842;/ q) ], l4 K' V, p! r- i( x
InitFrame cwmp; PID=435; state=0; 11.946;
$ c3 z3 |& ^( y  e& Z9 B1 e4 k. pInitFrame cwmp; PID=435; in state=0; 11.946;% C+ a2 Y& z4 I; ]7 ^
InitFrame cwmp; PID=435; out state=0; 11.947;: E; P  ]; u% e* p4 r& {
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; state=0; 11.973;
0 |& y" A2 o# T* f- tInitFrame ssmp; PID=425; in state=0; 11.973;
0 ?8 a6 B" L' L% F# ^2 N$ Nubi_open_volume error with 2, try UBI_READONLY;# j9 W+ S1 }& X- r4 a' c! e
InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; state=0; 12.128;
$ D. Q, g2 _. S4 J: n) VInitFrame ethoam; PID=429; in state=0; 12.128;# V" x$ y- {2 w9 `$ I
InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; out state=0; 12.129;3 D5 i. t* A/ |7 D. t( s: h* R
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; state=0; 12.190;: ^, V$ R1 q7 L' ^
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; in state=0; 12.191;
3 K2 k0 p5 {0 ~6 K4 }, v6 ^1 rInitFrame wifi; PID=437; out state=0; 12.191;
4 U. \4 o8 u9 n! V) ?; w          InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; state=0; 13.457;
( z8 E; i) Q9 B, q7 `$ WInitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; in state=0; 13.457;& ?6 M% O9 y$ r) k% R. R/ R: J- A9 T
InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; out state=0; 13.457;
3 C4 y9 d: a+ W% H3 G4 ]InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; state=0; 13.558;5 v6 o# D4 A' ^& t8 Y( T
InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; in state=0; 13.559;, \- @1 s5 e- T
InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; out state=0; 13.560;" ]! W# r8 |" W% c5 z$ }' G' D
DBCTree Init Ok!& f2 s* c2 r$ e7 _
CFM begin::AppName[ssmp]% B1 n$ o8 H! {! F% U! S4 o" W. i
CFM end::AppName[ssmp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[6]ms' o2 u' ~& b, L* K2 t
Reset reason: unknown reason, except oom, watchdog and lossing power!7 v, ~" U5 f6 X
Obj[0x26081000] is not exit!1 x1 L) j3 e+ b( G* b; w. i$ k8 s$ b
Obj[0x26081100] is not exit!& u) Z, v2 R' _1 ]& s* M/ ~
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; out state=0; 13.957;) N8 ^/ C1 I* G2 {; `; E% I; t) H
[Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 0, uiEndPhase: 1, Seconds: 3- }* E# C0 ~7 X* V8 n
InitFrame omci; PID=436; in state=1; 13.965;
! s/ U: m& n( r) o5 V. X3 NInitFrame igmp; PID=428; in state=1; 13.965;
4 N* K; c" q2 z, C; R/ g! a* GInitFrame wifi; PID=437; in state=1; 13.967;# [8 h  d4 U. c1 |  w6 A* z
CALL HW_IGMP_LoadLibryAndInit!!1 r+ N/ h: L" g8 L2 `* c! U
CALL GPON init!!InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; in state=1; 13.980;# \6 l6 k8 `: X/ O+ N/ A$ e# w* D
InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; in state=1; 13.981;5 z8 @& q/ G7 u, W4 e! |
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; in state=1; 13.981;, L9 u- B' a0 f
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; out state=1; 13.981;* l0 w, {% d4 L6 R1 y
InitFrame cwmp; PID=435; in state=1; 13.985;8 Y% z$ J6 A0 c) H8 f& w
InitFrame amp; PID=427; in state=1; 13.986;
: u9 o6 f* u2 [; ~1 BInitFrame ethoam; PID=429; in state=1; 13.986;) h, i+ }. d( ^- {
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; in state=1; 13.986;
) x+ k1 v9 S' e% y2 f; `InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; out state=1; 14.002;$ t8 {. n0 N/ {! n1 q& ~( H
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; out state=1; 14.019;
+ L  _& C, b7 L7 RInitFrame cwmp; PID=435; out state=1; 14.020;1 m, C. N" ~, V/ P' B
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; out state=1; 14.020;
' X( V, \5 e9 I  P$ N& VGet ethoam mep max num is 16$ {  m5 B* S; m; B3 ^* H7 @
InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; out state=1; 14.026;
: @+ S; z  I8 }) m! K3 a# h Start ProcMonitor with h248sip ...
' T! Q. x$ c- b" Z8 G, ~CALL libbtvgpon_init!!8 e  h! u, `8 h" y% e0 ^
CALL HW_IGMP_GPON_RPCInit !!  `+ l9 X0 T; D; K* V/ N
CALL HW_IGMP_WANMODE_RPCInit !!InitFrame igmp; PID=428; out state=1; 14.119;
! ~, n8 H# a" f) eInitFrame omci; PID=436; out state=1; 14.254;3 {! [* \# f4 S3 X
Start ProcMonitor Successfully!
- }$ g0 O$ b$ a3 Q' n ---PDT_WEB_RedirectInit---
$ h. A6 y4 Q# ?8 @5 d<hw_smp_wapinit.c:489>HW_SMP_RPC_RegRedirect( T9 G, Z$ K" j# X4 B5 m" [+ v' o
<hw_smp_wapinit.c:489>HW_SMP_RPC_RegRedirect0 r7 e) Q" E' T7 G: ^  `
0 ^' E7 a% O4 NInitFrame amp; PID=427; out state=1; 14.407;5 t, n+ a: z1 F9 l. J; M7 m
[BBSP] HW_PDT_OSGI_Init success! pfInitFunc=0x4206eb9c
! {0 p" [' Z4 X  T% q; G. w  y# C   warning: process `bbsp' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 3.12.16.-2.1.0.; k: t! i% r% ^& Z& ^
warning: process `bbsp' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 3.12.16.-2.5.0.- D6 X3 \" F8 E  T; s+ O  u& p
warning: process `bbsp' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 3.12.16.- M. ?& B1 ]1 M
     ofc remark=[0 1 6 0 4]: l) J" ~3 ]* Y
ofc pri num = 1 64 09 [0 c( n$ j/ p# {
  [HW_PDT_InternetLedInit] Mode: 0. j# p' s0 e' f  j
HW_RAWIP_Init SUCCESS! ! B* G/ @# [  J
[BBSP]video diag feature not support!
& B1 @" r, J# D' KInitFrame bbsp; PID=426; out state=1; 14.966;0 n( p2 t  x, R
[Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 1, uiEndPhase: 2, Seconds: 1
$ [' F1 j7 v6 ~0 g2 [. l1 hInitFrame ssmp; PID=425; in state=2; 14.977;
* ~! `7 ?$ J& J% X* d+ WCFM begin::AppName[ssmp]2 z; @: y5 B" _0 K. {
CFM end::AppName[ssmp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[6]ms
# d- m5 M7 O1 z/ K1 Z5 a7 BInitFrame ssmp; PID=425; out state=2; 14.984;
, J4 V1 p; r1 o! w" YInitFrame cwmp; PID=435; in state=2; 14.984;3 Z  x4 H0 W6 \# W+ f
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; in state=2; 14.986;: i& [( E1 o7 d5 W3 p" S3 t) V
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; in state=2; 14.987;8 X$ E7 K- Z$ r! C) ]7 a% y
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; out state=2; 14.987;1 c7 j$ \5 [0 Z1 N' ?" f
InitFrame amp; PID=427; in state=2; 14.987;
7 ]) V: V! e) A( R! r0 \InitFrame amp; PID=427; out state=2; 14.987;
. F. L) ~$ B# k, S$ i! RInitFrame app_m; PID=430; in state=2; 14.996;
; d2 V& x, o% A) w* l. mInitFrame ethoam; PID=429; in state=2; 15.001;
' u1 ~+ \9 F4 N3 r! u2 DInitFrame ethoam; PID=429; out state=2; 15.001;! a" {- p7 _& |" ]
InitFrame omci; PID=436; in state=2; 15.001;
  ^2 \$ C: [. K7 U2 w" [ InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; in state=2; 15.007;
% m! T2 Q+ s( }# y3 O7 k: MInitFrame bbsp; PID=426; in state=2; 15.017;
, I5 u0 m% h+ t. z( F5 g# o
& w5 i* w; z( F6 H; |7 ?SNAT_IPMAPPING ft not support7 ]) @. e" m: N# ~- K
Come in libhw_ssmp_appm_intf_init+ L. j6 {2 w# U4 H
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; out state=2; 15.174;& J3 [# Q/ b1 M
Come in libhw_smp_mobilemng_init
' F& C  N7 m8 h8 T  o9 tentry into libhw_bbsp_rpcmethod_init
4 [4 ]/ ~. \2 y! i: k% viptables: No chain/target/match by that name." u' I) K0 h: n, [0 @4 o" i
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name., F4 X2 P, [9 x8 Y
----  EthLink Up Index = 0x30000001  ---- ; }$ x: D# S  W0 }, T
load omci_eth_mac_cfg.so!. K$ Q. K2 c. C+ P, z# ~. P
gpon omci mac learn control feature initial!
* E! b  ]- x7 r8 i; f ----  IPv4If Up Index = 0x30000001  ----
' |9 O- r- Q8 h$ w) }* xAPP_M_LOCAL_OnLanAddrChangeHandle index=805306369 alias=br0/ q, z8 @% T3 l' h' v* Z$ p& S
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; out state=2; 15.777;) k( z/ r2 ]9 C/ }- ^& X
libomci_l3_shell_init SUCCESS...
5 T8 G4 v2 u6 `2 `1 W- n$ m' \[BBSP] PDT_WlWan_Init ! HW_OS_LoadLibrary fail , {4 v: k2 G! s
InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; out state=2; 16.207;
( p, {/ S2 K0 _/ a2 bInitFrame omci; PID=436; out state=2; 16.277;
0 i6 f2 ~3 S/ C! ^! z- r$ ?8 C Alloc uiSize[1048576] uiLoop1[4]3 H  ?$ a4 j9 l
OS-Functions are registered !CPU-TYPE=3
' B0 L8 A3 h5 |0 Y$ a3 ?1 I# Y' E  HIAPI_ZspBootCompleteWait: Boot Complete!. g  W; U  ~2 S' c
7 u+ O! P3 U$ [8 RHW_VAM_InitRecoverAllAlarm Enter
; a! d$ V+ X$ k+ NHW_VAM_InitRecoverAllAlarm  User disabled or blank,ulFirstLineId=[0],port=[0]
, V) ?- y3 L4 y* R! V: b* i# L" F( i1 P+ }1 KHW_VAM_InitRecoverAllAlarm  User disabled or blank,ulFirstLineId=[1],port=[1]4 G  o( u* _  J
HW_Init_Module:: Wifi Chip Num[0].- m$ v0 i, {! ~; k( ^: t& i
HW_Init_Frame VSPA Successful. ( I4 a6 o, x" ]9 u: x
InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; out state=2; 19.428;
* V' o5 \7 l' w( HHW_OS_SafeMsgRcv time out. 0x00000033; - G( Z: ]0 e- L  n0 z/ I; B
Warnning: syn-message response receive time out. & b, V. w, d$ C2 A! [) _
uiFuncFlag: 0x0
/ f7 z% |# j" E8 n- S$ V4 c acSendApp : cwmp8 e; H* F' Y$ L5 |+ ~; l! Q
uiSendMid : 0x0* R! T: T  s6 K$ C( I% Q0 O
acRecvApp : bbsp
6 x, y& e# G* u uiRecvMid : 0x62
9 M  b! Z8 B/ Q3 z& M' P, K uiLength  : 0xa0 $ P( Y5 f& H2 U+ K% i  u: g1 s
Content: 43 05047 0 0 0 084 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
. E0 T( h) I$ L5 @9 j; `, U2 z7 F HW_OS_SignalTrapUser1:0 backtrace ...7 E( m! |: O2 b1 _. o  f. B
os/hw_os_signal.c <382> backtrace:
, M; ^/ {- q5 k, s# JSP:0xbe87ff50;FP:0xbe87ff9c;LR:0x400c53a0;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_OS_BackTrace+0x2c) [0x400c53a0];
) u( G, J; `8 \2 ?SP:0xbe87ffa0;FP:0xbe87ffb4;LR:0x400bb224;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_OS_SignalTrapUser1+0x34) [0x400bb224];: _+ }) J- b4 m; \/ V
SP:0xbe87ffb8;FP:0xbe880094;LR:0x400f3ff0;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_SynSendByFlag+0x39c) [0x400f3ff0];
6 K! R/ I; g8 l) MSP:0xbe880098;FP:0xbe8800dc;LR:0x400f4128;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCallBetweenProcs+0x88) [0x400f4128];
  U3 V, x( q- t3 p  b9 z$ D5 fSP:0xbe8800e0;FP:0xbe88014c;LR:0x400f435c;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCall_Ex+0x1d4) [0x400f435c];, d2 q  ?+ |/ a/ l; f2 m) D
SP:0xbe880150;FP:0xbe88019c;LR:0x400f44d4;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCall+0x100) [0x400f44d4];
7 v/ {2 P' ?1 n. ~5 d  USP:0xbe8801a0;FP:0xbe880224;LR:0x4021d200;/lib/libl3_base_api.so(L4_Protocol_Identifier_Config_Public+0xa8) [0x4021d200];9 t. x: `  S+ D+ S6 @
SP:0xbe880228;FP:0xbe8802e4;LR:0x4029de70;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so [0x4029de70];- y2 S. e, Q3 ^6 i& P$ a9 i
SP:0xbe8802e8;FP:0xbe880424;LR:0x4029e2e4;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(ATP_CWMP_StkSetAcsUrl+0x174) [0x4029e2e4];
; i; D5 W2 N# ~5 r! L$ `/ K1 ySP:0xbe880428;FP:0xbe88051c;LR:0x402a29e0;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(CwmpGetConfigFromDB+0x39c) [0x402a29e0];
# M6 z/ h  b7 rSP:0xbe880520;FP:0xbe880544;LR:0x402a1b04;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(ATP_CWMP_Init+0x44) [0x402a1b04];
1 t' [! J/ J- }7 }8 [) Y0 YSP:0xbe880548;FP:0xbe88056c;LR:0x4028fcb4;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(HW_CWMP_InnerInit+0x5c) [0x4028fcb4];
, ~7 l+ z. ]3 ~3 i8 q- v  I  z1 eSP:0xbe880570;FP:0xbe8805a4;LR:0x40290044;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(HW_Init_ModuleCwmp+0xbc) [0x40290044];# w! d" T& }  B; M+ `5 a
SP:0xbe8805a8;FP:0xbe880744;LR:0x400c4740;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_Init_Frame+0x16c) [0x400c4740];
  D2 F$ O) S5 |; ]* hSP:0xbe880748;FP:0xbe8807ac;LR:0x4028fa78;/lib/libhw_smp_cwmp_core.so(HW_CWMP_WAPInit+0x48) [0x4028fa78];
) `2 }# S  U4 {+ w: T2 NSP:0xbe8807b0;FP:0xbe8807d4;LR:0x00008cb0;cwmp(main+0x78) [0x8cb0];5 d: m: x$ ]2 n& P) \
SP:0xbe8807d8;FP:0x00000000;LR:0x4005a89c;/lib/libc.so.0(__uClibc_main+0x230) [0x4005a89c];
# O( s) m* h- uInitFrame cwmp; PID=435; out state=2; 20.348;9 h1 z% n5 T/ j) \9 S
[Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 2, uiEndPhase: 3, Seconds: 65 R7 W9 o2 Q- Y  x$ W# W/ U9 s
InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; in state=3; 20.367;3 R; F$ x6 A3 H+ H/ W
InitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; out state=3; 20.367;- e) T2 D7 E3 o2 \0 b/ I. e) N/ e
InitFrame cwmp; PID=435; in state=3; 20.367;
1 \+ v- E) L) m, e0 T, |<db/hw_xml_basic_ttree.read data is over time
/ o1 I2 m% s" {# f( Y; r9 ^ * n) ~3 n# U0 I6 |. K+ i
c:1401>Hread data is over time% ~5 L! q) H) N6 }0 j
: \; n( z) f4 \' c+ p8 U! N* g6 f* `. _5 Q
read data is over time- H  ]1 R  x- X& Q8 ?, l' c
- g, |; C) z* V. }% {
read data is over time( ~# u% e+ a: o9 L- f

- s5 W, q" Q2 Gread data is over time
  v- V  J; i; ~8 X0 x
- F0 G1 b( l% E" }5 Gread data is over time, n6 u  ~" h& M+ o3 H6 {. w
. F$ `# m" I( [% X- Z: Q
W_XML_SetNodeTR069Val: CMO[0x2429120c] not find in hashtable!
1 R$ ^; D2 j* I1 vInitFrame app_m; PID=430; in state=3; 20.387;
( {& s. }' @' q, O1 Z2 m, AInitFrame app_m; PID=430; out state=3; 20.387;% o% M4 f) |1 {+ B/ L9 b
InitFrame amp; PID=427; in state=3; 20.387;
! h' s3 m  i; A! | ucQueuePerTcont:8
9 r9 q: \. q1 x1 B ucQueuePerPort:8 : K7 D/ J- W" C  A" a! n8 Y: Z" r
InitFrame omci; PID=436; in state=3; 20.390;
1 r- U; |6 k$ r+ eInitFrame omci; PID=436; out state=3; 20.390;* G( e- `' v- X# r
InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; in state=3; 20.390;
# ^6 r) D) A3 I$ a( F8 UInitFrame ssmp; PID=425; in state=3; 20.395;
( O2 \8 q% L4 r1 G- R: MSslConfig version=[] [1][1][1][1]2 F: u' E+ ?! P; O) d
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; out state=3; 20.396;
3 W; o% D, O% ?- c/ }& ?3 [: n/ sInitFrame wifi; PID=437; in state=3; 20.396;) W. P8 n3 l: \( v3 B
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; out state=3; 20.396;" j1 h" b7 y0 ?/ z0 l. o
InitFrame bbsp; PID=426; in state=3; 20.396;- q( [/ F4 V6 m7 C# ^& @
InitFrame igmp; PID=428; in state=3; 20.402;
$ O" u3 ?; n/ H* Qenter HW_RINGCHK_EffectRuleWhenInitEponRingCheckSwitch:0, GponRingCheckSwitch:0, DefaultSpecifidVlan:,EthType:8300, PkgPerSec:5, RingPortReCheckInterval :300
' P( F7 q4 o5 f9 Y Begin HW_CWMP_InitMonitor; ~2 T% ~& D" F+ X
9 v# h9 h& s, X2 Sl2 mode is HW_IGMP_SPEC_MAC7 {& u' J5 z$ T1 r
CFM begin::AppName[cwmp]: j+ I! ?, e6 b9 R# b  e- l
7 l7 X; l1 b5 B7 @; L' \
HW_QOS_GetQueueSchPara UpQueueBufLen:16, DownQueueBufLen:16, CPUQueueBufLen:16UpShareBufLen:1660, DownShareBufLen:576, CPUShareBufLen:872) w# T- U% U! C7 p6 e
CFM end::AppName[cwmp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[24]ms( x! |9 |0 l! @* G2 \: t- ?
InitFrame cwmp; PID=435; out state=3; 20.525;  J- m( w. h, F( j5 m* o6 r! H
HW_ETHOAM_Init_CBB_Resource succeed!
" ?# @8 ]& ~1 Q" ^0 v/ ~InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; out state=3; 20.751;
4 a/ l3 `, P+ s0 jInitFrame amp; PID=427; out state=3; 20.818;
+ {: Z, v' L8 ^4 v4 a. LGet ipv4 route max num is 192, mode is 2 cfgMaxNum=1500& k3 v) t& S, J% T& t
ip: RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
& b: T2 W' z5 R. eServer Option Num:0
) z+ Y9 F3 ~2 P  GHW_BBSP_FEATURE_OSGI_POP_WINDOWS feature is off!. Q( m2 J5 C* k  A$ P1 }% A
----  IPv6If Up Index = 0x30000001  ----
& i. s* C& v8 O" W- knet.ipv6.conf.br0.proxy_ndp = 1
# V0 P8 @( W6 e& @2 K7 E1 M HW_Route6_Policy_Sip_Init enter Get ipv6 route max num is 32, ipv6 mode is 2 cfgMaxNum=1500  e4 o( r5 F4 M( X
TUNNEL_6RD_UpdateDB call
: o1 h" u9 D; ]- S  K2 VInitialize Bbsp IPv6 successful) W+ h4 y+ A9 F/ {  p- _8 A
CFM begin::AppName[bbsp]5 ]+ w* C* s$ z9 I- ^
[ProcMonitor]: bbsp Register Successfully!7 n  [7 V' m! J7 z" S# @
----  IPv4If Down Index = 0x30000001  ----
3 I) ?  W  e" w ----  IPv4If Up Index = 0x30000001  ----
4 s" w( ]* D; j6 oAPP_M_LOCAL_OnLanAddrChangeHandle index=805306369 alias=br0
& G" R: H6 ~3 t% Z+ Nifconfig: ioctl 0x8914 failed: Cannot assign requested address- \" f  ]8 d$ r
ifconfig: ioctl 0x8914 failed: Cannot assign requested address% @! k* M& E- i6 Q8 J
info, udhcpd (v0.9.9-pre) started
3 R/ p% C( x) t  ~, w5 w' ]" cnull ptr!HW_MSC_PonArpEfcDel succeed! 9 x5 \5 u& W$ u/ q" G! T5 o
HW_MSC_PonArpEfcAdd succeed! 0x164a8c0, 0xffffff 4 u  V+ U; P0 M& E2 U, a- @
Start CFM Dnsmasq!!! ' i* U; s# a# q# K, n
End CFM Dnsmasq, br0flag:1, br0_0flag:1, br0v6flag:1
+ @' j, g% Z' _9 Y: \iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.: f/ o- s9 C- D. r
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.+ `4 d  ?. L5 F' j: u8 s. e# x
iptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).$ g5 i' |& h# t0 _; @6 w
iptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
. a$ s9 q) n+ m5 b! b* T  M/usr1/code/CLOUD_V8R15C10_TR5_WAP_SMP/code/current/WAP_V8R15C00/Make/../WAP/source/bscp/l3_base/userapp/pktdump/hw_pktdump_main.c 1625 version(1 for china, 2 for abroad):2
7 Q( G+ L* f/ l1 g# G acCmd=pppd nic-wan1 unit 257 maxfail 0 persist debug echo_interval 30 echo_fails 6 mru 1492 holdoff 30 echo_req_enable 1 padt 0 expbackoff 0 &
- b! d$ c- _  U. v) G1 [% XCALL WAN init!!
8 t! I* J7 a2 ^7 ?8 WCALL libbtvwan_init!!
- b: S: B  [0 S- s( B; L !!!bbsp_pid=426 ppp_pid=756
5 R& ^/ N! \+ t! u; c" ddnsmasq[765]: no interface with address ?' F1 G) O/ A' O$ r( P& ~" U
Plugin r: ^9 p2 y3 N5 y8 R
ppp_open: br0_ifindex 6$ c+ h' |" p. n
p-pppoe.so loaded.
9 Q2 w& C& V3 H8 P* v( LRP-PPPoE plugin version 3.3 compiled against pppd 2.4.46 w& `3 ^6 v/ j1 Z, B
send_siguser2_to_bbsp: user2 type connecting--5 disconnected--6!!
$ \# o. d' Z/ k5 ~2 r* esend_siguser2_to_bbsp: send user2 (type 5) to bbsp (pid 426) on wan1!!, n& }" r/ W; J( R, p
waitForPADO: wait for PADO on wan1 5 sec.( e$ S; f* A: h, X, B$ G- b
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
! }. Y. X- t- @iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
0 }1 q2 A" _! J: Z" Y- Piptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).9 d9 V9 U/ P) c0 P" ]1 a2 G* g
iptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
' O! N( J& n, B* v  {% V/ T9 c+ H acCmd=pppd nic-wan2 unit 258 maxfail 0 persist debug echo_interval 30 echo_fails 6 mru 1492 holdoff 30 echo_req_enable 0 padt 0 expbackoff 0 &
& Y" r4 j, j: e5 gCALL WAN init!!
; ~! }$ _3 }' e; K, w$ wCALL libbtvwan_init!!' B3 C# }' V- s. Q1 x
!!!bbsp_pid=426 ppp_pid=787 ' m, F" q6 D3 X+ L: L7 ~
Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
* K4 t: O+ N: T5 c8 Y7 gRP-PPPoE plugin version 3.3 compiled against pppd 2.4.40 i1 r$ c" R! ], ~
send_siguser2_to_bbsp: user2 type connecting--5 disconnected--6!!5 U; L0 v/ J4 r  ]; [6 T  t& z% o. T
send_siguser2_to_bbsp: send user2 (type 5) to bbsp (pid 426) on wan2!!
& ?! l7 U+ o" {1 ^5 p! zwaitForPADO: wait for PADO on wan2 5 sec.- F: S  U) _* m2 r
info, udhcpd (v0.9.9-pre) started
! w3 N7 e, b! y# Knull ptr!iptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
) Y1 B. y. Y- Z- u# i/ biptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
, b# V- o0 I6 r7 m/ x8 Liptables<errno:2,ret:0>: No chain/target/match by that name.0 O! \. l: F' y7 \, R. o* g
Jan/01/1970 00:00:23: setloglevel: Setloglevel debug_thresh=3, foreground=1
+ |; Q1 ^' l* p9 `. O* C" tJan/01/1970 00:00:23: dhcp6_ctl_authinit: failed to open /var/ipv6/dhcp6s/dhcp6sctlkey: No such file or directory% m6 a+ L( N& N+ V! C
/bin/sh: can't create /proc/sys/net/alg/nf_alg_rtsp_on: nonexistent directory
) n# v3 S0 i& }5 a( U% T* l# t2 {* `/bin/sh: can't create /proc/sys/net/alg/nf_alg_rtcp_on: nonexistent directory
8 i! n; ]2 a$ p8 `) d+ p/ g- Tiptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).+ @9 s3 R  q1 E& o
iptables<errno:2,ret:0>: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
; s, e, a3 k0 W2 h3 [6 T& b: Ldnsmasq[814]: no interface with address P8 A! n& Z& J7 p5 P
On add sport policy route action.
5 `3 Q2 Q  q3 l( N! n# g, u/ ~CALL WAN init!!
* }7 y  P/ q3 j8 B$ a; @5 y, \CALL libbtvwan_init!!; k/ ~& |( `) k# `
On add sport policy route action.
, y2 S# S8 }$ X. qread data is over time
) ~+ B/ l1 Y5 o: U' N# E
! a# Z, R, r/ W- y7 F; j" t: \) }6 o[SLIC:0],[LSW:2],[SD5115:0],[WIFI:2],[OPT:1]
( y  }) M# A- `' S3 |CALL WAN init!!
8 P& s- ~) A$ Z$ I1 E. s, _* R' DCALL libbtvwan_init!!Internal interface bind port is 49652+ M* ~' @. o9 D
copy file /etc/linuxigd/ to /var/upnpd/
+ W( \1 l3 M# w. \Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: Initializing UPnP SDK ... - A( b4 p) w0 f' o: s2 j- [" [( i
* {; U& O' B% b2 r5 M[upnp] Use Config IPV6:[fe80::1]
8 A4 v( E3 W! y1 y3 v% EInterface name=br0, index=6, v4=, v6=fe80::1, ULA or GUA v6=8 o. {- |' }. p
start bind ipv6: 49652! q! y0 R9 J' r+ S+ F! P9 {1 p
start bind ipv6: 496536 \; ]! a( y( r0 j5 V; h$ R
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: UPnP SDK Successfully Initialized.! c2 z6 U; t2 I( c/ N1 @
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: Setting the Web Server Root Directory to /var/upnpd/! {# }0 F( j' I7 e, o
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: Succesfully set the Web Server Root Directory.
0 |% z: r5 X8 D, [8 {Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: New description document name is 49652gatedesc.xml: m( M( S# q: ~5 J: B6 b
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: node value is (null), len 15 P8 b; q' ^. ?( p
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: textNode 23F502 y  t/ |! k6 i( m- s0 B4 _
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: nodevalue for presentationURL is
. g$ M( d& s; F+ N/ c5 Q9 Z7 yJan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: mac = {88CF987D9C74}
) u* v& e* O3 zJan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: sn = {48575443CD04D73E}2 S# }1 [0 M& t4 ^" Z' Y" l
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: New description document path name is /var/upnpd/49652gatedesc.xml7 t# p9 q& i; x+ k  ]: {6 N) x0 m' X
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: Registering the root device with descDocUrl$ B' W6 X1 a+ ?
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: IGD root device successfully registered.# B- y& Y3 y+ u! Z4 t8 J
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: portmapflag:0!; G6 \& ^0 _/ m3 G" |# v
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: gateUDN={uuid:00e0fc37-2525-2828-2500-88CF987D9C74}: S$ f( m; X3 ]8 B. n7 h& h" a% a
no mapping record(/var/upnpd/record_upnpdmain)
- L! J, w, e! n$ t ipv6_logo [HW_RA_OnSwitchChange][260]: dev=br0 bOld=0 bNew=1 uiType=05 j& Y/ j) D& g: w' Y
CFM end::AppName[bbsp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[3201]ms
- {% h  d8 \  W  S1 }9 a9 dInitFrame bbsp; PID=426; out state=3; 24.528;" p; c- |, `' h' e# ^5 }, T
Enter HW_PktDump_Capture_Voip:1
$ W& C. ?% ?6 k3 z: sWarnning: syn-message waread data is over time5 c: n1 G9 [" j* l, N  p
; b7 _1 w* f7 k) @1 k; _+ i& t
sted 4 secondes.. x& ]4 j6 A8 e* K. c
uiFuncFlag: 0x0
+ S1 _$ M6 O  v7 U acSendApp : igmp
) R. |3 \* U  f, ~0 {& W; Y0 X uiSendMid : 0x0
: ^1 G9 ?. I% Y7 [8 } acRecvApp : bbsp1 o7 Y& M) X" L5 t/ D
uiRecvMid : 0x64
! p( R6 N) Y+ [3 I8 q; d# V uiLength  : 0x24 9 Z' K! |8 v& n1 f
Content:  CD03048 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0  i9 y. ?) D# @: a1 r
HW_OS_SignalTrapUser1:0 backtrace ...- O5 Q' y4 u- [
os/hw_os_signal.c <382> backtrace:
# I" ?4 P; _! i0 Q. x; h+ b5 qSP:0xbebef0c8;FP:0xbebef114;LR:0x400663a0;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_OS_BackTrace+0x2c) [0x400663a0];6 m6 ?" Z5 g4 n/ V$ j( N
SP:0xbebef118;FP:0xbebef12c;LR:0x4005c224;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_OS_SignalTrapUser1+0x34) [0x4005c224];7 O: l$ W6 `2 y  r- w
SP:0xbebef130;FP:0xbebef20c;LR:0x40095064;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_SynSendByFlag+0x410) [0x40095064];
' m7 u/ C+ S* H6 S' p9 M- W+ K4 G9 mSP:0xbebef210;FP:0xbebef254;LR:0x40095128;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCallBetweenProcs+0x88) [0x40095128];: a& }3 E& {. b% s) [' m2 @
SP:0xbebef258;FP:0xbebef2c4;LR:0x4009535c;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCall_Ex+0x1d4) [0x4009535c];
, @- B/ z3 a* `) T+ n' p2 }SP:0xbebef2c8;FP:0xbebef314;LR:0x400954d4;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_MSG_RpcCall+0x100) [0x400954d4];
6 k9 g) w: r9 K9 K0 `SP:0xbebef318;FP:0xbebef3b4;LR:0x401db36c;/lib/libhw_l2m_api.so(L2M_MSG_RpcCall+0x8c) [0x401db36c];
8 D+ C2 G# n& U3 Z: DSP:0xbebef3b8;FP:0xbebef3dc;LR:0x401dba8c;/lib/libhw_l2m_api.so(L2M_Ctp_AddPortMVlan+0x34) [0x401dba8c];  ?& ^) h& a$ k! Q' P' M
SP:0xbebef3e0;FP:0xbebef434;LR:0x40176d88;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(PDT_L2M_AddPortMvlan+0xc8) [0x40176d88];
* i" K) G# h! }3 U% P4 HSP:0xbebef438;FP:0xbebef474;LR:0x401885a4;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_MC_MVLAN_AddPortMvlanAndTagMode+0x68) [0x401885a4];0 V. V# n1 G! V: U1 y" ]
SP:0xbebef478;FP:0xbebef49c;LR:0x401888d0;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_MC_MVLAN_AddPortMvlanNoSwitchEqualOrLowPriInvalidMvlan+0xb8) [0x401888d0];
0 z  g; N: z* s! s6 kSP:0xbebef4a0;FP:0xbebef4d4;LR:0x4018a210;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_MC_MVLAN_AddPortMvlanNoSwitchEqualOrLowPriProcess+0x224) [0x4018a210];
3 H0 r+ _* ^& _! H" k9 JSP:0xbebef4d8;FP:0xbebef52c;LR:0x4018a43c;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_MC_MVLAN_AddPortMvlanNoSwitchEqualOrLowPri+0x1bc) [0x4018a43c];% L2 W9 Q/ A6 O6 U
SP:0xbebef530;FP:0xbebef554;LR:0x40175620;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_IGMP_DefaultModeInit+0x84) [0x40175620];- x9 b7 R' w: o$ X6 P
SP:0xbebef558;FP:0xbebef5a4;LR:0x40175848;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_IGMP_CTP_Init+0x218) [0x40175848];
. ^9 J4 @; P/ C6 B6 ISP:0xbebef5a8;FP:0xbebef5c4;LR:0x4015fbf8;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(HW_Init_Igmp_FeatchData+0x3c) [0x4015fbf8];$ t2 ^( a. r1 [1 p' J
SP:0xbebef5c8;FP:0xbebef5dc;LR:0x40160364;/lib/libbtvcommon.so(WAP_Init_ModuleBtv+0x8c) [0x40160364];: d/ }. V& o6 \+ J
SP:0xbebef5e0;FP:0xbebef604;LR:0x0000a6e4;igmp(HW_Init_ModuleIgmpPdt+0x78) [0xa6e4];
; C: ?" a4 q7 a! L4 ~" GSP:0xbebef608;FP:0xbebef7a4;LR:0x40065740;/lib/libhw_ssp_basic.so(HW_Init_Frame+0x16c) [0x40065740];, ~# ?( M' r# W7 Q2 `" T
SP:0xbebef7a8;FP:0xbebef7d4;LR:0x0000a5bc;igmp(main+0x84) [0xa5bc];
6 r4 y5 {$ x" D5 B2 I$ C" fSP:0xbebef7d8;FP:0x00000000;LR:0x4028c89c;/lib/libc.so.0(__uClibc_main+0x230) [0x4028c89c];
/ G1 l+ Q: d+ M5 A2 W/ c7 s  V[SLIC:0],[LSW:2],[SD5115:0],[WIFI:2],[OPT:1]; X! ]; ^0 T. J
CFM begin::AppName[igmp]4 B  w+ l8 A* r0 o4 B% Z  Z
CFM end::AppName[igmp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[6]ms3 Z& L- M& g1 W- G, A, F* f2 p
[StbMac]:uiPortNum=5 uiSsidNum=4
9 o  r8 W5 p! h* kInitFrame igmp; PID=428; out state=3; 24.605;
5 ?7 y+ s, D( c9 C# ]( f+ d[Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 3, uiEndPhase: 4, Seconds: 4
2 H8 h/ u" Y* A' V' U* X5 M& TInitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; in state=4; 24.615;
0 K9 c$ C4 f7 p( YInitFrame voice_h248sip; PID=434; out state=4; 24.615;
. c4 L, L6 Z+ i+ z; F4 @- _4 GInitFrame omci; PID=436; in state=4; 24.625;
) N' y8 a5 N$ g; nInitFrame amp; PID=427; in state=4; 24.631;) u" ^; p/ ~# F  O( w
InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; in state=4; 24.634;
) |) I$ S# @# b" ^! Y3 TCFM begin::AppName[ethoam]
, W" \9 [/ j( l  O7 c3 \CFM end::AppName[ethoam] uiRet[0x0] Spend[1]ms0 N# m5 ?5 M( O
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; in state=4; 24.635;! d! T# ^2 ^" p3 H2 }
InitFrame app_m; PID=430; out state=4; 24.636;
, W; h! @. s+ O, _9 a# N, TCwmp init Successful.
2 ?: I' f4 ]  W: N; A- Q8 sInitFrame ssmp; PID=425; in state=4; 24.637;
$ d5 E3 J- n8 l8 c/ I- t/ YCFM begin::AppName[ssmp]2 P. U5 ~0 y. J0 a8 l# [
InitFrame wifi; PID=437; in state=4; 24.645;
) N6 W- B# I, C% \+ P! }7 Z5 n[ProcMonitor]: cwmp Register Successfully!. O% D) g: r! S  B
[IGMP] Init success.
3 v7 m3 E" f9 ?InitFrame ethoam; PID=429; out state=4; 24.695;
: ^4 v' j: d2 i; t) t; t[AMP]: Eth up at phase 0x4!0 q1 r" h' P1 T* @
InitFrame amp; PID=427; out state=4; 24.696;1 J6 d) ~+ ~! o) d8 U
Jan  1 00:00:24 upnpd[918]: Advertisements Sent.  Listening for requests ... 4 z3 V9 z7 I* |
CFM end::AppName[ssmp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[107]ms
3 W1 u. s2 Q8 I9 e" x; n<hw_smp_wapinit.c:2345>Syetem Pattern is 1.8 p: y3 j" [' O% z+ n& c
InitFrame ssmp; PID=425; out state=4; 24.768;
4 c# b! a1 e9 nRegister Wifi Hook(2) Successfully...
7 ?  p* n, \. Y: L) K$ v* i GetRegDomain: CCC
, k( W" ~3 S2 i  K wifi RegDomain[2.4G: CCC        5G: CCC] for LDSP 2 e; _$ k+ D, z. `/ _; |2 X
Current sntp process is 951!3 h. P! E- q8 \; u
cp: can't stat '/etc/wifi.txt': No such file or directory' R" P  \3 f( E
[WLAN]: Init WLAN failed(0x100)!
5 f+ K- F, _! n, dInitFrame wifi; PID=437; out state=4; 25.074;
& u4 k+ n3 {$ Kread data is over time& y; p( {, Z. p; C

+ T# s# y+ ~; k  Y[SLIC:0],[LSW:2],[SD5115:0],[WIFI:2],[OPT:1]2 b4 e4 j$ @; u! L
read data is over time8 ?' o4 d, z4 v' A* g

0 K& @7 m- |( q7 b5 yread data is over time% `" C0 ]* V, l8 ]
$ q4 E! n( |: N4 E+ w% c* Z) w6 \' x
read data is over time% E3 r, b7 z* ~+ m1 X% X& @

6 @. w" s: H* `7 ~3 A& c' w; Xread data is over time
, l7 X7 O0 `$ M/ N5 s
$ c$ B* C) J4 |read data is over time
6 \1 A9 O# Y' x' ?& Z5 e
+ G' H: W$ l" n+ k8 D$ j7 iread data is over time
# D9 k1 |# O  }3 C% z& L0 h8 |: D
5 S+ c: b$ E3 x8 Z  E2 Sread data is over time
/ h$ V- \$ R1 j! n 3 C& S  d3 D% ~' {/ c
read data is over time7 ?( v. Q4 k. n
) t$ l4 e+ [6 Z
read data is over time
4 ?4 ^- b% R( W
/ v  {5 T0 W3 ~+ ~& _& b% N" m( Eread data is over time
- ^( H6 G2 m9 v
3 A2 W: M8 }: L% Lread data is over time
% r; T+ j. c  [0 [- Q . |; `0 `0 O* E
read data is over time
- M& v3 W5 L3 P1 n& ?! ~6 ^) G
0 |6 B5 N6 ^( g% w/ o6 P5 xread data is over time* d* W( p2 B* O6 K2 p/ \% Y

2 [- M/ G; [$ U  v( ?' V2 G- ]read data is over time% h, S" S* }  w- R; F# T
& P4 }6 R- m1 K' o3 [" {
read data is over time
3 c2 b  w7 D# u+ z! X2 ~ - K8 q* u# c. [. W2 z/ H5 Y
read data is over time! c( ?+ z' ~! _1 D$ U3 [
7 T9 T7 ^( p5 |3 n1 J/ g6 p
read data is over time0 @$ l/ v' X4 V0 i+ ^) X+ z9 q8 r

! X) R" |8 E3 w& w  DHW_MSG_ProcByMidInfo iTaskID changed from 942 to 426
" g6 J. I$ U, ?- h: m4 Hread data is over time( v8 }* i( N. ^% k7 p: R

5 |! Y+ L5 c8 U9 n9 U# a3 e. G[SLIC:0],[LSW:2],[SD5115:0],[WIFI:2],[OPT:1]
0 B# [: j$ o% I$ K" m8 i[OMCI]: MIB RebuInit Access Mode To GPON .................ild Done!
; W# w. `$ e; S6 V$ J5 h2 L" {kernel BUG at kernel/workqueue.c:355!
! N) W# M- I" k, G/ iUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000. V1 I- J1 ~7 Z3 U/ \* Y- P* z+ D+ y
pgd = c0004000+ \2 d( [6 Y3 z7 T
[00000000] *pgd=00000000: M$ R" b) }- d+ i. g; w
Internal error: Oops: 817 [#1] SMP
0 ]1 l. ?/ }, L5 d/ E' _last sysfs file: /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi0/ubi0_13/reserved_ebs
% F1 I  z  d) D7 V& g  x8 f5 sModules linked in: rng_core nf_conntrack xt_mark xt_connmark xt_MARK xt_limit xt_state xt_tcpmss nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_nat ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_REDIRECT ipt_NETMAP iptable_nat hw_ssp_gpl hw_ssp_basic(P) hw_smp_dm(P) hw_himem_soc_config(P) hw_ssp_depend(P) hw_ssp_extend(P) ipv6 tunnel4 sit hi_sysctl(P) hi_pie hi_gpio_5115(P) hi_i2c(P) hi_timer(P) hi_spi(P) hi_hw(P) hi_uart(P) hi_bridge_5115(P) hi_gpon(P) hi_epon(P) hi_l3_5115(P) hi_oam(P) hi_sci(P) hi_adp_cnt(P) hw_module_common(P) hw_module_i2c(P) hw_module_gpio(P) hw_module_highway(P) hw_soc_sd5115_basic(P) hw_soc_sd5115_ext(P) hw_module_lsw_l2(P) hw_module_lsw_l3(P) hw_module_dev(P) hw_module_wifi(P) hw_dm_pdt(P) hw_module_feature(P) hw_module_spi(P) hw_module_uart(P) hw_module_battery(P) hw_module_optic(P) hw_module_ploam(P) hw_module_gmac(P) hw_module_key(P) hw_module_led(P) hw_module_rf(P) hw_module_sim(P) hw_module_codec(P) hw_ker_codec_pef3201(P) nls_ascii nls_cp437 nls_utf8 nls_cp936 fat vfat fuse scsi_mod scsi_wait_scan sd_mod usb_storage usblp hw_module_usb(P) smp_usb(P) hw_amp(P) commondata(P) sfwd(P) l2ffwd(P) hw_bbsp_lswadp(P) hw_ptp(P) l2base(P) acl(P) cpu(P) l2m_adpt(P) qos_adpt(P) hw_module_emac(P) hw_module_mpcp(P) hw_module_dopra(P) hw_module_dsp_sdk(P) hw_module_dsp(P) l2ext(P) hw_ssp_gpl_ext hw_module_trigger(P) l3base(P) ip_gre napt(P) l3ext(P) hw_module_conenat l3sfwd(P) nf_conntrack_ipv6 ip6_tables ip6table_filter ip6table_mangle ip6t_REJECT tunnel6 ip6_tunnel wap_ipv6(P) l3sfwd_ipv6(P) ifm_adpt(P) route_adpt(P) napt_adpt(P) rawip_adpt(P) ethoam_adpt(P) video_diag_adpt(P) wifi_fwd(P) acc(P) xt_TCPMSS nf_conntrack_ftp nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_tftp nf_nat_tftp nf_conntrack_h323 nf_nat_h323 nf_conntrack_sip nf_nat_sip nf_conntrack_proto_gre nf_conntrack_pptp nf_nat_proto_gre nf_nat_pptp nf_conntrack_rtsp_alg nf_nat_rtsp_alg
1 l. d& b  {, [CPU: 0    Tainted: P            ( #1)5 P! |2 t% d. ]6 V# b2 `+ N) B
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Stack: (0xc2201cc0 to 0xc2202000)0 b2 B/ N, q  l: u  L
1cc0: bf2e400c c005c110 bf2e400c 00000001 bf2e3f80 c2201d70 c63f2e40 bf295780
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1da0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
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1e40: 00000000 00000001 ffffffff c2200000 bf38d38c bf38d7dc c2201fbc bf38d38c+ r- ~$ V, w6 y. I9 `/ w
1e60: 00000000 00000000 c2201ff4 c2201e78 bf3857b8 bf37e2d8 c34ad8f0 c34ad8c0
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1ea0: 00000000 c03fa534 c2201f4c c002d014 c2201edc 00000000 c2201eec c2202000
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2 B/ h3 J4 h7 c8 O  a0 N1f00: c2201f14 c002ac40 001c882e 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
& P$ g. h. v: @1f20: 00000000 c2200000 c2201f28 c34acc60 ffffffff c34acc58 c6e20000 c34ace6c
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1f80: 00000000 c004d434 0004d2f0 00000000 40086414 c04f8c40 c2201fac c0041e5c
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1fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c2201ff8 c002dac0 bf38574c 00000000 00000000; X7 E# a. o& {8 d* u1 X
[<c0030708>] (__bug+0x18/0x24) from [<c005c110>] (queue_delayed_work_on+0x100/0x114)  |. U) R8 n- z- D7 q
[<c005c110>] (queue_delayed_work_on+0x100/0x114) from [<bf295780>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_vldn_timer_start+0x34/0x70 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]), Q/ P' B+ s0 a* K
[<bf295780>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_vldn_timer_start+0x34/0x70 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf296700>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_on+0x78/0x1a0 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic])
3 n2 w$ E9 q" n" @4 M. h' C8 i[<bf296700>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_on+0x78/0x1a0 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf296894>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_control+0x6c/0x7c [hw_soc_sd5115_basic])3 h2 `% C$ }2 A0 m1 L
[<bf296894>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_control+0x6c/0x7c [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf367734>] (hw_drv_optic_power_control+0x38/0xb0 [hw_module_optic])+ p# s- g  x; f- k+ j! n$ C! `% y
[<bf367734>] (hw_drv_optic_power_control+0x38/0xb0 [hw_module_optic]) from [<bf37e340>] (hw_drv_ploam_gmac_init+0x78/0x244 [hw_module_ploam])
+ Q' b/ h6 [* k& m: r' Q+ s[<bf37e340>] (hw_drv_ploam_gmac_init+0x78/0x244 [hw_module_ploam]) from [<bf3857b8>] (GONT_RegTaskEntry+0x7c/0x424 [hw_module_ploam])+ r) A) ~1 k) F4 w4 ^$ P
[<bf3857b8>] (GONT_RegTaskEntry+0x7c/0x424 [hw_module_ploam]) from [<c002dac0>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
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---[ end trace a10df382e7a1a8fc ]---2 _* k9 V, K: n$ p& q$ ?
Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception) _$ l5 b: \3 \' Z# C: E
[<c0032b30>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xfc) from [<c02e4370>] (panic+0xa8/0x124)1 X8 C' U! x/ D- p! e: a# j
[<c02e4370>] (panic+0xa8/0x124) from [<c0030c94>] (die+0x1b0/0x1d4)0 \" F  T& p9 O7 d* _! Q
[<c0030c94>] (die+0x1b0/0x1d4) from [<c0033a2c>] (__do_kernel_fault+0x64/0x84)
; B: {2 `% Y0 }$ Z[<c0033a2c>] (__do_kernel_fault+0x64/0x84) from [<c0033e0c>] (do_page_fault+0x140/0x1e4)# ^. J: Z: `! e! u1 Q8 G' K
[<c0033e0c>] (do_page_fault+0x140/0x1e4) from [<c002c45c>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x98)
6 `% U4 e  [. y. O5 g[<c002c45c>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x98) from [<c002cbcc>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60)
6 t* ^2 H/ \  v* H9 J- X" e0 J' MException stack(0xc2201c78 to 0xc2201cc0)
; \; K/ |# c8 ^8 W9 m1c60:                                                       0000002c 60000093
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/ t' z! ~) `( k% F[<c002cbcc>] (__dabt_svc+0x4c/0x60) from [<c0030708>] (__bug+0x18/0x24)7 y4 W0 p. W* [4 W$ x
[<c0030708>] (__bug+0x18/0x24) from [<c005c110>] (queue_delayed_work_on+0x100/0x114)
! K! t8 ^3 @6 i5 Q. d! V3 N[<c005c110>] (queue_delayed_work_on+0x100/0x114) from [<bf295780>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_vldn_timer_start+0x34/0x70 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic])2 e! g: R( m* K7 h4 Q# G+ y
[<bf295780>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_vldn_timer_start+0x34/0x70 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf296700>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_on+0x78/0x1a0 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic])( b% ~3 N: z1 V% r
[<bf296700>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_on+0x78/0x1a0 [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf296894>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_control+0x6c/0x7c [hw_soc_sd5115_basic])
/ M( t+ [+ I4 Z! F' \6 \; S1 b[<bf296894>] (hw_sd5115_chip_optic_power_control+0x6c/0x7c [hw_soc_sd5115_basic]) from [<bf367734>] (hw_drv_optic_power_control+0x38/0xb0 [hw_module_optic])0 P7 j+ m/ v$ ?% S6 N3 ^
[<bf367734>] (hw_drv_optic_power_control+0x38/0xb0 [hw_module_optic]) from [<bf37e340>] (hw_drv_ploam_gmac_init+0x78/0x244 [hw_module_ploam])& q& D4 d5 G! y5 U* m# \
[<bf37e340>] (hw_drv_ploam_gmac_init+0x78/0x244 [hw_module_ploam]) from [<bf3857b8>] (GONT_RegTaskEntry+0x7c/0x424 [hw_module_ploam])0 }: ?; X7 ]' F( {& R/ F0 m' w
[<bf3857b8>] (GONT_RegTaskEntry+0x7c/0x424 [hw_module_ploam]) from [<c002dac0>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x0/0x8)
) ?1 W5 s9 w, U  q2 E5 iRebooting in 3 seconds..Reset chip directly!!, D" L0 z1 e" y/ p2 {) L
Wdt chip reset!!
9 d) C' d3 U4 T( s" }; A  j: F
发表于 2020-10-27 15:41:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-4-2 12:40:08 | 显示全部楼层
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