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发表于 2015-3-3 17:24:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
朋友寄来一个单口华为光猫,说接上TTL数据线无法显示。根据他的经验,华为多种光猫的5针TTL接口的顺序都是一样的,所以排除接线错误,TTL数据线本身的问题也排除了。。/ T% q- J) R4 M! a8 T
拆开外壳,仔细看了下主板,TTL同样是J8接口,只是同样没有杜邦插针,甚至焊锡都没有,空洞洞的。/ L- Y8 p  Y) a/ k# a' l
+ o2 U: m# A. E5 R1 ]9 Q6 Q/ X
3 H" b% M7 \2 i$ {& l对应Tx的R229和对应Rx的R231这两个电阻没有焊上!+ g) \! I: Q! N* U7 V- X
! b+ }8 K! T9 P% O/ M- a
那么问题就好解决了,加电阻或者直接用焊锡连通即可,听说还有人用铅笔的……. b$ E# P' [" R  W+ \- ]! C

1 C  I& T  a& I7 \8 a8 ~
. i1 J- g) Y: x5 @2 o接上SecureCRT,一次成功,启动信息如下:% k5 k% Z+ t$ j/ z/ Q) Z* L
  1. HuaWei StartCode 2012.02 (R15C10 Oct 14 2014 - 22:49:58)& ~! |8 ^6 M- e4 l; e" B* v
  2. - a1 }# o- p& e0 ~
  3. SPI:  
    - v* i& E$ s5 T
  4. startcode select the uboot to load
    ( W! I$ [5 _3 F; O. a! Y
  5. the high RAM is :8000103c, v' `) f6 L3 d/ V( f# e0 a; e
  6. startcode uboot boot count:6422560
    # V/ n5 c0 M8 y$ |
  7. Boot load address :0x40000
    3 r* X$ w2 o4 B; T" Z; p& n" L
  8. Use the UbootA to load success, c$ ?$ E' D9 n( a% F
  9. 1 u. h6 T9 O9 B( b4 X

  10.   [7 _* g6 ]7 }( \+ e
  11. U-Boot 2010.03 (R15C10 Nov 20 2014 - 13:18:24)
    2 E# `( Z. o5 r) p8 |

  12. ; T6 q0 v2 i' m' m% a8 Q
  13. DRAM:  32 MB
    # q: a% L3 E  Y' B6 ]
  14. Boot From SPI flash5 j% Q# W/ g9 z  f) a- R7 Y4 e8 _
  15. Chip Type is SD5116S) L+ m7 G6 D! ?) v% m0 s6 k! w) S
  16. SFC : cs0 unrecognized JEDEC id 00000000, extended id 00000000
    8 J/ E5 r$ ?3 u8 j2 i
  17. SFC: extend id 0x300% O  h6 b8 F$ W3 u2 c$ O
  18. SFC: cs1 s25sl12800 (16384 Kbytes)& b- T7 O) o/ I
  19. SFC: Detected s25sl12800 with page size 256 K, total 16 MB) l2 t% ~8 w& x* V* x3 ?
  20. SFC: already protect ON !% }# Q, S+ O+ j( R3 `1 n" ]
  21. SFC: sfc_read flash offset 0x80000, len 0x40000, memory buf 0x81ea00084 j' |7 g# \9 w4 N- f, f3 Y' v* l5 K
  22. *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment. O2 n; O% b, V( F" ~& j* f8 X

  23. ' f9 k0 o5 a6 Q9 U8 p7 x
  24. In:    serial1 l% _* E1 c" D; F% ]  s3 s: B
  25. Out:   serial0 X  {( I" F1 o8 L) a; t( g
  26. Err:   serial. H3 G0 ~6 o$ X5 o0 Q% K
  27. PHY power down !!!
    ! z; }, j; K0 H# b  I6 U/ ?$ ?
  28. [main.c__5592]::CRC:0xa3c1ca20, Magic1:0x0, Magic2:0x0, count:0, CommitedArea:0x0, Active:0x0, RunFlag:0x0" }6 {4 m: D; t; U' ?( a
  29. slave_paramA in flash, CRC:0xa3c1ca20, Magic1:0x0, Magic2:0x0, count:0, CommitedArea:0x0, Active:0x0, RunFlag:0x03 n' W4 ^: |( K8 f  d3 I/ T
  30. MAGIC1: 0x0, MAGIC2: 0x0, the magic is error!!!
    2 A6 l. c+ {! g( L' j% _1 b
  31. Slave struct initializtion success!!' u1 G( [, P; B' e9 l6 h
  32. Start from main system(0x0)!
    * Y/ f3 R' S' A, |
  33. CRC:0xa3c1ca20, Magic1:0x5a5a5a5a, Magic2:0xa5a5a5a5, count:0, CommitedArea:0x0, Active:0x0, RunFlag:0xffffffff
    * W7 J8 l2 g5 N$ h' q
  34. Main area (A) is OK!! y2 F0 i( n/ q* U: q9 I
  35. CRC:0xe33b8857, Magic1:0x5a5a5a5a, Magic2:0xa5a5a5a5, count:0, CommitedArea:0x0, Active:0x0, RunFlag:0xffffffff
    0 u2 o7 k: i; M+ `5 f5 ^
  36. Bootcmd:bootm 0x1c140054
    % c- n1 F( g# M5 H! S" R
  37. BootArgs:noalign mem=31M console=ttyAMA1,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:0x40000(startcode)ro,0x40000
    9 C; l4 [2 s7 N2 [7 |' M% V/ m

  38. 1 P3 E0 Z. U  M% ^$ |
  39. (bootA)ro,0x40000(bootB)ro,0x40000(flashcfg)ro,0x40000(slave_param)ro,0x200000(kernelA)ro,0x200000(kernelB)
    ( _6 g. M" F( ^" I

  40. + A% c3 Q, J$ W+ E: r5 I" D/ I
  41. ro,0x480000(rootfsA)ro,0x480000(rootfsB)ro,0x180000(file_system),-(reserved) pcie1_sel=x1 maxcpus=0 user_debug=0x1f . y' N6 l1 j6 O8 r" i
  42. 8 q3 ]* k, i, i& v- H
  43. panic=1 skb_priv=128* J/ ?' ?7 t1 X( Z. J8 K/ C
  44. U-boot Start from NORMAL Mode!
    ' J! E! @" z; d( q  J9 t4 H; C
  45. ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 1c140054 ...
    + ~7 m$ g( ]9 Z* V2 W3 z* G" S
  46.    Image Name:   Linux-
    , U% d9 \+ D% s7 z: o! f# r
  47.    Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
    $ w. @' v6 P8 |2 Y. p
  48.    Data Size:    717896 Bytes = 701.1 kB
    4 z. B  }6 c7 Z' s, W+ B
  49.    Load Address: 80e08000
    1 _. b2 v1 H. C  ]7 m: O' g- k
  50.    Entry Point:  80e080017 G) ?6 O! [7 ^5 _% H
  51.    Memory Start: 80100000
    $ l+ ^; E7 [8 M7 z/ w
  52. SFC : cs0 unrecognized JEDEC id 00000000, extended id 00000000$ U0 }: u& ]# ^& t+ I8 R/ O
  53. SFC: extend id 0x300
    " e2 X% p% {# v, S' P( ?
  54. SFC: cs1 s25sl12800 (16384 Kbytes)
      D; h/ a# R' r5 m
  55. SFC: Detected s25sl12800 with page size 256 K, total 16 MB; k5 G! F6 ~" j6 _6 I0 X
  56.    Loading Kernel Image ... SFC: sfc_read flash offset 0x140094, len 0xaf448, memory buf 0x80108000. u7 t/ l. P1 P. H  E0 M# c
  57. OK0 a* v2 K7 |& `! @
  58. OK
    $ X" B# [% I3 o8 P
  59.    kernel loaded at 0x80108000, end = 0x801b7448
    - z) D7 Z8 u7 I1 ^  F5 n2 @
  60. & m! }) f* U" e0 q5 O! }* U% l
  61. Starting kernel ...
      n( w9 o5 i' E5 }
  62. ; S% B5 v& h6 B4 W& K7 c
  63. Get SD511x chip id...5116S...& D! r, e& @$ ]4 \2 B! D
  64. Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
    # V- C$ J5 W7 r4 T6 B5 Y
  65. Kernel Early-Debug on Level 0
    ( h5 R- g7 A* Q' [
  66. V: 0xF8100000 P: 0x00010100 S: 0x00300000 T: 0  W( B2 `% q* l. ?- d6 P5 M
  67. V: 0xF8400000 P: 0x00010400 S: 0x00200000 T: 129 Y6 ^* E1 q7 B. c
  68. V: 0xF8A00000 P: 0x00010A00 S: 0x00080000 T: 0/ F0 m, u" k& x. U5 {8 @8 N( A
  69. V: 0xF9000000 P: 0x00011000 S: 0x05000000 T: 0
    1 }: T: R+ S0 f: R
  70. early_init      72      [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    0 c  X% Y$ Z4 C4 A$ u" g$ ]. z8 q1 O
  71. sd511x_map_io   231     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]- W/ J% \( d9 w' X) G
  72. sd511x_gic_init_irq     88      [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    ' H6 \( d3 [2 T8 f+ n! W
  73. sd511x_timer_init       482     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    1 T# I  o. _2 ^" A. }7 o9 H1 E7 O
  74. sd511x_timer_init       502     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    8 f1 o4 \) S( I% p6 i) ^
  75. hi_kernel_wdt_init      209     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/hi_drv_wdt.c]
      s# D+ `- Z( u
  76. sd511x_init     318     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]5 z" y/ K  c5 E4 o" a
  77. sd511x_init     327     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]! L/ v7 Q- P5 {0 w! L8 F
  78. sd511x_init     327     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    % @. [% h, k( a# H
  79. sd511x_init     332     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]5 b2 m4 ?! {8 w" z7 U/ Q
  80. sd511x_init     335     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]0 g1 b: a" B. w5 l9 i
  81. sd511x_init     347     [arch/arm/mach-sd511x/core.c]
    # t/ H; K0 `3 `& [- U, B
  82. Linux version (root@wuhci2lslx00717) (gcc version 4.4.6 (GCC) ) #1 Thu Nov 20 13:18:10
    & F- `  s9 K5 q1 q. _

  83. 8 g( `# o& z8 y5 ?$ z# u, @$ Q, G% P% J
  84. CST 2014
    + U' W* c5 K, e& {
  85. PHYS_OFFSET = 80100000.
    / f) F1 w/ g  h0 g6 G9 l0 @
  86. CPU: ARMv7 Processor [414fc091] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=50c53c7f  n, R6 i" z# R2 N9 _9 T% i1 @4 }
  87. CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT nonaliasing instruction cache: M( M3 {( x& T, U5 ?  X
  88. Machine: sd511x
      W  Q% U7 `" r7 W( ^2 b1 v, i
  89. Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
    ' ~: @  V( M: Q; k" T
  90. SD511x chip id:0x51161110
    8 m1 D/ t+ p  }! A2 y5 k: J' h
  91. apb bus clk is 100000000
    " }( g; k  i) _8 H
  92. Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 7874
    + p) W) M9 n. n/ d. W
  93. Kernel command line: noalign mem=31M console=ttyAMA1,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock8 mtdparts=hi_sfc:0x40000(startcode)
    ; I! R: A+ l4 r6 O; F: {4 ?9 x
  94. 0 n& ?6 O) {1 L. I; i
  95. ro,0x40000(bootA)ro,0x40000(bootB)ro,0x40000(flashcfg)ro,0x40000(slave_param)ro,0x200000(kernelA)ro,0x2000000 f4 {/ M6 Q% T9 U
  96. ' P$ `7 {5 [2 t* g
  97. (kernelB)ro,0x480000(rootfsA)ro,0x480000(rootfsB)ro,0x180000(file_system),-(reserved) pcie1_sel=x1 maxcpus=0
    + y( H4 b5 X0 Q
  98. 5 L* b  \' q. h" P5 j
  99. user_debug=0x1f panic=1 skb_priv=128
    5 J& z4 D2 K5 ]; E* t/ ?3 I
  100. PID hash table entries: 128 (order: -3, 512 bytes)8 Z* z7 R* r! \2 n
  101. Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)* A, ^7 q- {% N1 i5 @
  102. Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)7 Y' M/ G' h6 B
  103. Memory: 31MB = 31MB total- T, D: W/ M! r
  104. Memory: 30024k/30024k available, 1720k reserved, 0K highmem4 E; B1 j- \$ U! E6 e$ w0 q0 p
  105. Virtual kernel memory layout:
    ; G4 z" z4 m% |, ?
  106.     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
    % P9 }$ M3 `* ^8 d+ R
  107.     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
    0 p: g1 N5 g9 k3 q+ C  w
  108.     DMA     : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (   2 MB)
    0 P0 ~5 J$ b2 K/ |6 h
  109.     vmalloc : 0xc2000000 - 0xf8000000   ( 864 MB)) F% I* ~- E( g5 m& E
  110.     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xc1f00000   (  31 MB)
    $ A; [0 v+ }9 H+ v
  111.     modules : 0xbf800000 - 0xc0000000   (   8 MB)
    ; p5 r5 N7 I& W2 `4 ^
  112.       .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0019000   (  68 kB)
    ) f) @0 e; `, L4 s! m3 d3 i) z
  113.       .text : 0xc0019000 - 0xc013b000   (1160 kB)' R& c4 [4 U1 g, _! e
  114.       .data : 0xc0148000 - 0xc015a3c0   (  73 kB)
    6 b8 C' o& \) C) i
  115. SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1- }( o% a  y3 q: ?0 H8 F, ~
  116. NR_IRQS:160
    ) F$ E% I+ o2 n
  117. Calibrating delay loop... 663.55 BogoMIPS (lpj=3317760)
    . w  q& q% v: m
  118. Mount-cache hash table entries: 5127 f; G3 r  H. N& D3 [* ^1 O3 s) z
  119. CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
    6 [" z; d; N' N
  120. Init trace_clock_cyc2ns: precalc_mult = 312500, precalc_shift = 8* N  U, h$ M! X( A0 D& R: M. C
  121. hi_wdt: User-Mode!1 W1 w% H) V& b0 r+ O: n
  122. hi_wdt: Init sucessfull!
    . ]! I3 U& ~# m, x  ]5 D0 L' o7 ^
  123. NET: Registered protocol family 16* {  g% E! c0 [! g
  124. check_res_of_trace_clock: sched_clock() high resolution$ G! H6 h1 m/ I1 M
  125. Serial: dw  uart driver8 A6 W4 [1 b! q/ ?1 ]
  126. uart:0: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0x1010e000 (irq = 77) is a AMBA/DW/ q$ N0 J7 ?* u& u
  127. uart:1: ttyAMA1 at MMIO 0x1010f000 (irq = 78) is a AMBA/DW6 ]0 O8 V1 q& G- Z" D7 p
  128. console [ttyAMA1] enabled3 I- k* g0 V  `4 ~6 \
  129. bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0% N9 w: e8 x& v' i8 |$ W, ~
  130. Switching to clocksource timer18 J+ R9 b, X% ^, x# S. I; E
  131. NET: Registered protocol family 2
    + s3 c: n3 B$ [  k8 u
  132. IP route cache hash table entries: 128 (order: -3, 512 bytes)* l4 c3 J# W4 b  T- G
  133. TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
    . w6 c8 X7 t+ S
  134. TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes), L6 q) f3 u% |  ^
  135. TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
    : k% K. c2 g! Z3 ]6 A( q+ {. P- @
  136. TCP reno registered
    % _5 D) g1 |8 e* b4 h3 M: H, T, J
  137. NET: Registered protocol family 1( o% [; _/ A- z' J
  138. squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher; L. ~. m0 s- K6 Z4 @( t6 P
  139. JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) 漏 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.* ]+ D8 S; Q7 X0 Y
  140. msgmni has been set to 58
    ' M4 l# m4 @7 j: i% [/ z  r; |7 g
  141. io scheduler noop registered (default)
    . e( o! ]2 X- R- a# l
  142. brd: module loaded
    ; F+ e: D8 a- K3 M- o1 k4 E  b* J
  143. Spi id table Version 1.224 K. |- l  C; ^. M% t+ o
  144. Spi Flash Controller V300 Device Driver, Version 1.10
    3 B4 ~' _+ z+ R" }* D1 G1 P
  145. Spi(cs1) ID: 0x01 0x20 0x18 0x03 0x00 0x00
    1 N' q; }! h  [/ l8 f5 x$ a
  146. Spi(cs1): Block:256KB Chip:16MB (Name:S25FL128P-0)
    6 X; B7 y$ X) m0 t+ g* e3 g+ O
  147. Lock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    $ l0 f" P: }) D. a
  148. Hisilicon flash: registering whole flash at once as master MTD
    8 y2 O% `5 o, e
  149. 11 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device hi_sfc0 M/ {/ n6 S# H. i5 [4 u$ _
  150. Creating 11 MTD partitions on "hi_sfc":
    - j7 l2 b! n+ |
  151. 0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "startcode"$ J( q9 i  V. Z8 L
  152. 0x000000040000-0x000000080000 : "bootA"
    . |7 p0 E  u# |8 u( y+ O
  153. 0x000000080000-0x0000000c0000 : "bootB"
    7 p0 o% \9 \) ^' P  D6 V
  154. 0x0000000c0000-0x000000100000 : "flashcfg": i' s; ?$ B; E$ m' V6 w6 ^
  155. 0x000000100000-0x000000140000 : "slave_param"3 S8 V- X" ]6 G3 u$ |1 x, }0 M
  156. 0x000000140000-0x000000340000 : "kernelA"
    + U) O9 {( B" Q) l
  157. 0x000000340000-0x000000540000 : "kernelB"' X) U. v1 H, _( U/ Y4 |3 x
  158. 0x000000540000-0x0000009c0000 : "rootfsA", Q. R# X' X: Y# t* Z
  159. 0x0000009c0000-0x000000e40000 : "rootfsB"
    ( W  ~9 A& |8 V( h! H
  160. 0x000000e40000-0x000000fc0000 : "file_system"
    ) T! p  A  W* n( l( w
  161. 0x000000fc0000-0x000001000000 : "reserved"* o5 O4 |( E) M- t* E' x# K1 X
  162. Special nand id table Version 1.33
    / e, P7 \& j, n$ e
  163. SD5116s cannot load Nand Flash Controller
    8 b% N3 p. M+ q' w2 a
  164. PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
    ! h/ z! }: a2 j/ o. Z3 ?7 u
  165. PPP MPPE Compression module registered
    ) h! o( h* H2 s  G* j3 _% D) o
  166. NET: Registered protocol family 24* y* k/ d2 T/ m4 x
  167. TCP cubic registered2 u. ^' Y+ a: N7 e
  168. NET: Registered protocol family 17
    : b) }5 l0 U+ H  Q2 k( |( v
  169. ThumbEE CPU extension supported.
    8 {. a# G2 I% A: G9 `
  170. VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:8.4 o) Q& }% Q: S3 Z5 s1 f) \
  171. Freeing init memory: 68K! q- a: F+ v) B
  172. init started: BusyBox v1.18.4 (2014-11-11 17:22:43 CST)
    1 a$ c1 m+ w2 j
  173. starting pid 30, tty '': '/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit'
    # I- c5 t/ s  I# s2 w2 I
  174. mount file system
    9 F- g" [: U. I5 I9 d5 w2 E* U
  175. ====system used 0[0]====
    5 E+ u% ~7 R/ B7 D- m% u6 J$ X
  176. fenghe.linux4.3
    . k% L8 ?# O9 B5 |
  177. Setting hostname:
    , ?' K/ Z+ @* ^: ^
  178. Setting up interface lo:
    - X# ^6 V, v! j# R  L
  179. ==== system mount used [4562], system total [4562], free [27182] ====( I. f# e2 V. F8 ~
  180. Running local startup scripts.
    + _) B/ }) @$ N( L- |' P' G/ B) r

  181. % |$ b& o. A, G3 s
  182. *******************************************+ P! Q/ ^1 x2 b( F* h! q+ z! A; U
  183. --==        Welcome To IAS WAP         ==--
    " h! s5 d. Q# a0 E( t& H
  184. --==   Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.   ==--
    % k5 C! n) i) b8 }
  185. *******************************************! v% D' ]1 Q$ ~0 v6 L7 G
  186. IAS WAP Ver:V800R015C10SPC090B102) O1 h1 E0 o! H
  187. IAS WAP Timestamp:2014/11/11 17:25:10
    $ m' R5 m' s+ I0 T+ O" N4 u4 ~
  188. *******************************************" g1 j# J1 \( ^! |$ b, y
  189.   \) `+ E/ ]% i8 e) X5 @: f8 m1 F# B
  190. ==== system wap used [62], system total [4624], free [27120] ====
    " k) [' k- d2 M6 w. P5 B
  191. hw_ssp_basic: module license 'Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd.' taints kernel.
    $ ?  c- {' |* R9 x/ j$ `
  192. Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
    ; n' A6 Z  A9 E: {- D8 s
  193. soft lockup args:snap=150; release=50; dump flag=1;
    1 M9 k3 r! j& ]- R$ l; u, i. V+ F
  194. hw_dm_init successfully...& B: c- `/ N5 f0 p" x% @
  195. Soc himem config loaded[51161] /etc/wap/wap_ssp_basic.5116s.cfg  E. p# Y+ [% ]) ~! y$ U( R
  196. Lastword meminfo:0x80002000;0x000fe000;1;0 U* _' P' V: n' O$ j+ v, D7 ]( {$ C
  197. current lastword info:Add=0xc2201000;max_num=300;Add1=0xc2201000;Add2=0xc2206000;Add3=0xc220b000;
    / M$ w% ]' \: ?9 _
  198. proc_dbg_log_get_last_logbuffer:get last buffer.$ R* G; I, h! C& X9 N; n% E- @
  199. ==== ssmp wap used [227], ssmp total [227], free [26893] ====! H. C, T8 B  k9 H
  200. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: /etc/rc.d/rc.start/0.wap_init.sh: line 81: chown: not found- E0 k2 |0 w/ R$ a* k( Z6 z: o
  201. reload log OK!
    & L& f& Z- [# L/ r; _% {8 B
  202. /sbin/Reloadlog: line 4: can't create /proc/wap_proc/wap_debug_log: nonexistent directory
      u6 b, r2 v, M7 B
  203. /sbin/Reloadlog: line 5: can't create /proc/wap_proc/flow_log: nonexistent directory5 t! Q2 O. x2 ?" U# F
  204. /sbin/Reloadlog: line 6: can't create /proc/wap_proc/dhcpd_log: nonexistent directory
    3 q6 W8 N5 {( n" S) d' S: @9 \
  205. /sbin/Reloadlog: line 7: can't create /proc/wap_proc/dhcpd_log: nonexistent directory
    - Y( D0 x7 E& n$ `  p  }
  206. Get kernel version:2.6.344 L% K1 T* i* W& o9 x& N* L
  207. Rootfs time stamp:2014-11-20_13:19:036 o4 ^* b1 x) l% I) R" K
  208. SVN label(ont):User init start......
    2 l* r3 R! k- d# \' f+ S4 ?* d, z
  209. Loading the SD5115V100 modules:
    1 k/ k  b$ @9 ~

  210. 9 N( o6 e, ^$ l- x4 d" H
  211. SYSCTL module is installed+ h/ J0 T- V. n' N* G: e

  212.   `; i" V) m5 F  p
  213. PIE module is installed/ T! @8 w/ ^$ c
  214. $ R7 A9 o2 |8 y( N. i
  215.   FUNC = hi_kernel_gpio_init:1370
    3 i' t  h4 @0 [1 H& E
  216. 5116 (0x4) can't insmod 5115 mod" d2 n3 x# V4 G; ~; f

  217. : G# i* b& [4 H' b! n( R

  218. - w8 @  r/ j+ A6 t- l
  219. GPIO module is installed
    6 a0 o# j+ e+ v0 R* D
  220. ! d% p9 j( h  J( n7 }
  221. I2C module is installed, |1 ]; q+ W5 |# x, X; x2 @

  222. & Q+ z. W7 G* e* V. N4 r* ^
  223. TIMER module is installed
    , z/ \3 N8 j" H% b
  224. : n  h$ T3 |7 |; x" s5 D7 F
  225. SPI module is installed
      @* ^9 P# i6 G5 D# n. q

  226. 6 f! {  `* E$ N. q8 ~9 o
  227.   FUNC = hi_kernel_dp_init:156
      p" K% H/ ~2 q- I& `
  228. 5116/5118 (0x4) can't insmod 5115 mod" K1 `% W5 h! g$ }; N/ k, }
  229. 1 H( M1 [. l, B& U8 Z

  230. : }/ Y" G( X+ V
  231. fail to install BRIDGE module  r  }: M% G; S6 q  v3 Q* y2 O
  232. ( e, ], V7 k, U5 K
  233. BRIDGE module is installed! X$ o- h" b" {2 Z: Q+ ]% z

  234. $ [, L$ W/ p2 k9 c9 N% l- }8 p
  235. GPON module is installed
    # P; v( S+ V) o
  236. # ?1 m) }% p1 t) v
  237. EPON module is installed
    ( N3 \0 e0 N$ l! N# \
  238. - s6 D+ _0 t& J, _3 ~9 R8 y
  239. OAM module is installed5 n2 B0 t& t  w1 }* M: l$ s
  240. ifconfig eth0 hw ether C0:70:09:E0:E8:266 c7 E7 d; @4 F' i9 l
  241. Loading the EchoLife WAP modules: LDSP& {* Z" B9 a( c  j" {4 ^$ i
  242. COMMON For LDSP Install Successfully...5 ]% \' X! C" g% B( x+ \8 `% |/ g
  243. GPIO For LDSP Install Successfully...
    4 N- C- {4 @: X2 c- E
  244. 0 Q* u6 b; U' Z: R7 m  x
  245. ------ SOC is 5116 S PILOT ------ . L9 y' Y2 O" s; s! O8 ]4 V  b0 B# X' E
  246. <ldsp>board version is 50239 ^9 o# q! n+ f2 c: V
  247. <ldsp>pcb version is 0
    & L+ O* i7 P9 K9 @: V, O
  248. <ldsp>orig board version is 2
    5 Q3 @3 r. g) C% K2 q+ S

  249. 2 U( R1 m4 |: o0 d, n  H
  250.   FUNC = hi_kernel_dp_pdu_trans_table_item_check:364 ( G" V3 {9 ^* B# [5 T/ C
  251.   the input parameter em_type(0x29), em_act[0](0x5)  is error (out of range)
    % \9 X0 ^$ t4 j* N8 K1 y
  252. - f( e# U- Z# e' s6 f
  253. CHIPADP-SD5115 BASIC For LDSP Install Successfully...& x! i; c2 e/ l/ H5 i# U' w
  254. I2C For LDSP Install Successfully...* m% t; E8 h2 L! S* t
  255. LSW L2 For LDSP Install Successfully..., ~/ {9 B# y% u6 C( H6 y
  256. DEV For LDSP Install Successfully...
      @8 d5 ]9 j- r
  257. [DM]:board_ver=5023,pcb_ver=0! G+ N3 `  [4 [8 v
  258. hw_dm_init_data successfully...4 m. Y( }* l9 e7 i
  259. WARNING: Spec SSMP_SPEC_ARPPING_PERIOD value  is error, and discarded.
    1 a' E* D2 ~! H" E0 |
  260. pots_num=04 {' t6 n$ t* l
  261. ssid_num=0
      }  }9 `8 @0 h" K. h$ Z! x' v
  262. usb_num=0
      u  Y9 W+ [2 T0 O5 k3 k
  263. hw_route=1
    ) }- G3 m  s* a+ q/ X. c2 I% ^& h
  264.    l3_ex=1
    ' F4 E2 Y9 V* h* a7 I0 R2 w4 M
  265.     ipv6=0( U$ q- ^# K" \8 t" @, w
  266. OPTIC For LDSP Install Successfully...9 B  O) L4 L/ X4 w6 X6 K0 w3 P
  267. KEY For LDSP Install Successfully.../ P* e! M4 R+ o0 t, w& C) b
  268. LED For LDSP Install Successfully...
    + T; H  O/ s" M- c% G* X8 y4 `
  269. insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/wap/hw_module_rf.ko': No such file or directory% L- ?4 H8 v5 C2 _+ S5 {- E' Z, F" W
  270. Loading BBSP L2 modules: 8 j( S- T4 D$ @, \5 c8 f6 K- T
  271. insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/wap/l2ffwd.ko': No such file or directory
    ! ]" }0 F6 Z3 m5 g( b
  272. PTP For BBSP Install Successfully...
    " a- p8 H7 {# I& I/ _5 f0 W
  273. hw_igmp_module_init ui_totalnum:7" x. T$ r0 g2 s1 h8 V6 D
  274. hw_igmp_kernel Install Successfully.../ u- x* E% A% L9 A  `

  275. ! O8 \- E1 J+ U) y0 W  R# N4 ~! k
  276. dhcp_module_init load success !& h. D" B0 ]) M" k; r

  277. + F. o1 U* Q8 `  l& Z8 I- O
  278. pppoe_module_init load success !
    7 _8 u3 m* Z" p: T
  279. hw_ringchk_kernel Install Successfully...% \5 G# B6 _, o! Z( B# _
  280. hw_portchk_kernel Install Successfully...
    9 t: P  c) N& d* p

  281. 1 J8 e1 r* S1 S! i: p: ^
  282. hw_socket_l2info_init load success !
    + F/ z$ J8 X/ [- l' x$ Y

  283. " U) k/ V) n' M1 A5 z5 n4 k( E
  284. hw_neigbour_init load success !/ `3 d- @) C! x! ]$ x# P3 d8 p
  285. l2base For BBSP Install Successfully...
    1 b% V" k9 e8 a, a$ V& i$ u
  286. vbr_unicast_car:50
    ; V$ A" x( i) i1 n2 B* ?* |9 w. {
  287. vbr_unicast_car:50
    + ^6 `0 B  e$ [: H, O" y
  288. vbr_unicast_car:50
    * U. {! W& U5 l7 M# h% s
  289. ( f6 o# b6 y, w- d! L# L& w
  290. [ker_L2M_CTP] for bbsp Install Successfully...
      o8 Q  h& S- i6 M* G
  291. xpon_mode:1
    $ w& v$ [3 A" U7 E& |
  292. PLOAM For LDSP Install Successfully...9 \* t8 @5 R& k; u
  293. GMAC For LDSP Install Successfully...' W! u) t' G& N! f+ D" r
  294. =======memory used: system:4624 ssmp:227 amp:0 bbsp:0 ldsp:0 sdk:0======
    + \2 U# r6 G+ s; f
  295. Start ldsp_user...0
    # E2 V  r/ o# \6 i4 ?
  296. <LDSP> system has no slave space for bob 2 w/ Y/ p/ `) l/ G0 \- o
  297. <LDSP_CFG> Set uiUpMode=1 [1:GPON,2:EPON,4:AUTO]
    * s. J% V; }. \: C9 |. U
  298. read data is over time
    + J7 v' g: ^1 ~5 J. W% e, n. H

  299. % P8 ?) H" z/ K( c
  300. SD511X test self OK
    : G3 ?1 U$ u* @- J6 g8 l
  301. Extern Lsw test self NoCheck8 ]7 c3 j6 v& g! t1 h
  302. Optic test self ERROR
      a5 x4 g6 V+ @" X4 I5 ~
  303. WIFI test self NoCheck7 a. J, f0 W0 J8 N3 K2 o  ]
  304. PHY[1] test self OK: U4 T- \; f1 l. a' ]% E
  305. PHY[2] test self OK& H5 r. H  ?  n' W
  306. PHY[3] test self OK1 b' K$ T1 |( k; Z5 L1 I; x- w' z
  307. PHY[4] test self OK
    " Q$ a& n9 b9 C: P5 H' Y/ _
  308. PHY[5] test self NoCheck) `" v' m; D* E
  309. PHY[6] test self NoCheck
    ! o" b# x- }$ a3 G- z
  310. 7 Q9 B2 L) Q: M  O
  311. <LDSP> 5171 optic
    % M; ~: X" f; {& y( r
  312. FILE = 6 ?4 D: N+ n4 m) G& I! _
  313.   M' M) b7 _5 m
  314. /usr1/code/ONT_V300R015C80_DailyCompile/code/current/ONT_V300R015C00/CI/Make/../../Source/ldsp/driver/optic/hw_ker_
    # d. ~' [* [& n4 J7 g% k  j2 `
  315. 5 d6 o& U: g8 G( H
  316. drv_optic.c + N6 l6 v2 S! \9 L( B7 y6 x1 f% g' P
  317. LINE =  5412, FUNC = hw_drv_optic_cal_sw_ver_set / _% V' Z6 y4 V4 k/ [
  318. <LDSP> read cal version file error ; u, }! ^8 Y! g6 M2 _
  319. 1
    ' A" Z# z% A: r) i, z* U8 m6 H

  320. ; H/ W+ w* J8 k' |+ }0 Z* f
  321. <LDSP> bob optic was calibrated
    ( _+ ^. ^9 c+ m5 ]/ O0 g
  322. 2
    * t( X. v3 A7 z' f
  323. read data is over time
    " t# h8 [  k2 M9 k) `' M0 T6 [6 v

  324. . e; H$ X  x6 E, C
  325. read data is over time
    ( {. @2 J* `6 [  L; Q

  326. & W9 l7 a- H% @6 x, Y3 k: o8 W
  327. <LDSP> optic firmware load success!
    . _. J' Y% q; i, w( ~
  328. GPON init success !
    1 J$ `8 T/ ]% j( X
  329. ssmp bbsp igmp amp omci1 A7 P" E; Z3 ?0 w
  330. Start start pid=184; uiProcNum=5;
    4 K' M% O$ T& c! y
  331. starting pid 198, tty '/dev/ttyAMA1': '-/bin/"console.sh"'
    1 n/ x2 ^* ~! u+ S
  332. profile close core dump
    + Q6 k1 [" ]' Y. A4 r
  333. InitFrame omci; PID=188; state=0; 20.951;/ n3 o8 i6 h% c& `  n! Z  m
  334. InitFrame omci; PID=188; in state=0; 21.004;/ j! ~8 d: z8 E7 u
  335. InitFrame omci; PID=188; out state=0; 21.004;
    8 z& \& ]* }: W
  336. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; state=0; 21.217;: L- N) x+ N# G' J
  337. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; in state=0; 21.218;- I3 ^7 R' _7 Y4 u% C& l- _/ {4 `6 [
  338. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; out state=0; 21.219;+ m5 P8 I0 H) E& a& {% l1 ?0 o
  339. InitFrame amp; PID=187; state=0; 21.317;" M+ {( _2 ?2 l
  340. InitFrame amp; PID=187; in state=0; 21.317;
    8 N' Q2 r# w# R+ D  ~# i
  341. InitFrame amp; PID=187; out state=0; 21.319;9 u3 ~  K- @/ w, V% i' N/ }4 W
  342. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; state=0; 21.490;
    . I+ f& J  I8 H4 A! S; F
  343. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; in state=0; 21.490;
    6 v: m- d, x9 ?5 @! C
  344. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; out state=0; 21.506;! d9 Q( q0 b9 y! \0 m& q
  345. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; state=0; 21.822;
    4 Z" D/ A0 ~; }: p4 s
  346. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; in state=0; 21.822;  w! k8 {9 {& t; X/ b
  347. HW_SWM_GetAddrFromMtdName SUCCESS, uiOffsetAddr = 0xc0000==! g! ^, H( \, v. q1 [
  348. DBCTree Init Ok!
    - t- u- P, ]5 T# b! P+ n
  349. Unlock Spi Flash(cs1)!% I: ^& `, Z* k' N
  350. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; out state=0; 23.012;' |% R, U: x- Q7 B

  351. 1 P' H* `6 V; {9 }
  352. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 0, uiEndPhase: 1, Seconds: 4
    5 z" l) y) |! c0 S
  353. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; in state=1; 23.014;* f9 O. l4 X  ?+ H$ D
  354. InitFrame amp; PID=187; in state=1; 23.023;
    : \# m# L9 K$ y: v" I6 p
  355. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; in state=1; 23.024;
      S3 a2 Y/ E0 z! U
  356. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; in state=1; 23.025;+ P  f# o  ?( m, T& x+ i
  357. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; out state=1; 23.025;
    ) V6 Z8 n; X9 U! H9 \

  358. 5 u% k+ d0 d* M  a( m) ^
  359. CALL HW_IGMP_LoadLibryAndInit!!
    - b8 n9 f! z$ H9 G) T0 h  ~
  360. CALL GPON init!!InitFrame omci; PID=188; in state=1; 23.033;
    # E& M/ n" r* P9 _4 ?

  361. % y+ b  Y6 x# n- P" \; ?* F
  362. CALL libbtvgpon_init!!; J0 w" I/ x$ k4 P: D  a( O
  363. CALL HW_IGMP_GPON_RPCInit !!* T" d9 g+ Q: I6 t! x0 P
  364. CALL HW_IGMP_WANMODE_RPCInit !!InitFrame igmp; PID=189; out state=1; 23.362;, N' H1 f8 f6 G8 n- |; C# U7 W- ?
  365. InitFrame omci; PID=188; out state=1; 23.423;/ q( @2 m# w3 S0 E! n6 Y
  366. Start ProcMonitor without vspa ...
    , X2 \! M7 s6 I4 ?# O3 A& P
  367. BBSP CMDAgent_Init msg init....+ N1 \/ Y, ?5 _. H- u
  368. InitFrame amp; PID=187; out state=1; 23.823;. s* f" n$ E# B
  369. Set CPU  Speed Car [1000]' g9 B: d6 n3 Q* e3 W
  370. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; out state=1; 23.845;
    / K* }" c2 {2 k) H

  371. / r' G' o* D) P1 {1 L. @3 h; Z+ V
  372. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 1, uiEndPhase: 2, Seconds: 0, u  o( F6 {# c" V5 N& p
  373. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; in state=2; 23.862;
    : C7 R# h$ D; t$ E' \' `
  374. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; out state=2; 23.862;; i5 ~$ b4 X1 @! R2 J
  375. InitFrame omci; PID=18- \; D, I( n3 e- r
  376.   FUNC = hi_kernel_dp_pdu_trans_table_item_check:364 ) c% T' ^( z. w8 k# |0 M+ J" Z: E, T
  377. 8; in st the input parameter em_type(0x2a), em_act[0](0x8)  is error (out of range)
    $ S: R% k0 O) {9 P7 d

  378. ) V% J( {# L% j6 q- D; l( F
  379. ate=2; 23.862;
    ! ~9 y( W& ]! T( f+ A6 t1 ]
  380. InitFraLock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    * @9 J6 J# }% Y5 Y
  381. me ssmp; PID=185; in state=2; 23.871;5 x5 f! f3 e$ q/ Q
  382. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; out state=2; 23.873;
    , V& J  t  ]( j# x! }
  383. InitFrame amp; PID=187; in state=2; 23.874;" j! j3 H$ a" M: b
  384. InitFrame amp; PID=187; out state=2; 23.874;
    " C+ V" U1 m4 C4 g: ^
  385. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; in state=2; 23.874;$ a1 ~' x0 q. m% d) D, F3 ^, \
  386. Press any key to get started3 I1 |1 _: [  x
  387. [ProcMonitor]: Start ProcMonitor Successfully!/ y* y4 f: U  O7 O8 B
  388. /bin/sh: iptables: not found" [: @2 [7 z( N$ o9 c& P2 t
  389. /bin/sh: iptables: not found
    1 A- ^* t8 q# f3 g) E! `
  390. , f& M7 M$ |- `8 a2 {
  391. ----  EthLink Up Index = 0x30000001  ----   D  j; z" ]  C3 X
  392. , K9 K. N! i; D+ m6 j( i' d
  393. ----  IPv4If Up Index = 0x30000001  ----
    9 ?) f. S- B. B
  394. InitFrame omci; PID=188; out state=2; 24.581;, o; {# C5 j+ e6 [& z2 M
  395. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; out state=2; 24.634;, h9 {( D; z( k: K6 K  {& x

  396. 0 P" [4 c; C4 M% c2 ^
  397. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 2, uiEndPhase: 3, Seconds: 1) H3 G5 j3 L& v# o6 t
  398. InitFrame omci; PID=188; in state=3; 24.651;
    3 t/ t9 w5 i+ _1 s$ c) v
  399. InitFrame omci; PID=188; out state=3; 24.652;$ R* \9 e2 p9 B0 X/ a5 |$ }; l
  400. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; in state=3; 24.652;$ M7 X; n' m6 f/ I  b+ j
  401. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; in state=3; 24.661;* T( H4 d# U. H/ |
  402. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; in state=3; 24.671;6 k2 \' Z: ^9 J8 e5 V) b
  403. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; out state=3; 24.671;- Z8 @& I% A3 e" w1 x) {
  404. InitFrame amp; PID=187; in state=3; 24.671;4 w0 n9 {; |. s7 n

  405. 5 V! g$ W2 Y% x, }  x: K
  406. ucQueuePerTcont:8 - L8 K* ~) J+ Z( K- a
  407. / E3 r; A8 l- [8 u
  408. ucQueuePerPort:8 # O9 Z- d9 N# U7 {
  409. BBSP CMDAgent_Init msg init....
    # h3 q: d6 {4 G) _8 J
  410. l2 mode is HW_IGMP_SPEC_MAC) A$ |  m) j( T) e1 p1 T% J

  411. * w9 k' R" j; I' k3 L* G
  412. enter HW_RINGCHK_EffectRuleWhenInitEponRingCheckSwitch:1, GponRingCheckSwitch:1, DefaultSpecifidVlan:,EthType:8300,
    . A1 m+ i8 ]- }5 G

  413.   Q8 s6 S: P9 N& E
  414. PkgPerSec:5, RingPortReCheckInterval :3006 m" C7 Q1 j7 q" }% N
  415. CFM begin::AppName[bbsp]. c# [* N* l( G. A" j4 o5 ~* U
  416. CFM end::AppName[bbsp] uiRet[0x0] Spend[69]ms" e, O" ?( L; `! R0 `+ I7 t" P
  417. BBSP status:1( B2 B. x4 i# D0 e# I0 v; w/ s
  418. [TESTMC]emIPVersion = 2 uiAct = 08 W1 z) z9 u4 o+ r# k3 D
  419. InitFrame bbsp; PID=186; out state=3; 24.886;' \( \- y) y( V$ c" B! L
  420. [StbMac]:uiPortNum=2 uiSsidNum=0
    ! `$ }+ x  `$ f. ~
  421. [StbMac]:IGMP StbMac Switch is off
      a' q$ |7 T3 F( L0 Z: ?  |5 q) q
  422. InitFrame igmp; PID=189; out state=3; 24.894;
    0 e$ Z7 Y+ x* Q/ `# P. t. G
  423. [TESTMC]emIPVersion = 0 uiAct = 0
    ! A0 i2 K% m6 A# F7 `( M- R  R
  424. [TESTMC]emIPVersion = 1 uiAct = 0
    * s. ?  Z3 m% P
  425. InitFrame amp; PID=187; out state=3; 24.959;. X6 b2 l) x4 }* @# F8 f; w. p8 M
  426. 2 l4 ^2 |" i# G; S! j- `9 X, A+ ?7 j
  427. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 3, uiEndPhase: 4, Seconds: 0
    ' |4 l+ e% N3 }3 M9 u& J+ h
  428. InitFrame omci; PID=188; in state=4; 24.980;0 U* d6 U$ b, A  o5 G! v2 y
  429. InitFrame amp; PID=187; in state=4; 24.988;( x, B  h' G4 J/ [" v
  430. [AMP]: Eth up at phase 0x4!) ^" U% |& X) k
  431. [IGMP] Init success.
    6 @' |! V( N. G' k6 n
  432. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; in state=4; 24.992;
    ; o4 ?; h* z2 P$ ]
  433. InitFrame amp; PID=187; out state=4; 25.046;. A) l! h! J2 v& d( M, ?* h
  434. InitFrame ssmp; PID=185; out state=4; 25.066;- `* N" I4 u. e
  435. The same port, do not deal!
    $ W: z3 ]% O& {: \5 G
  436. HW_MSG_ProcByMidInfo iTaskID changed from 273 to 1866 q6 |' N4 e+ ~7 C5 b* c* C/ R
  437. [hw_xml_basic_dbinternal.c]:[1707]Not Find in Ttree:CMO=2e296400
    9 e" k, N( P9 g  h: u
  438. WEB regist LAN IP change event success.
    % X% ]; e0 V: u- `" H, L/ m9 T
  439. notify http port Innerport: 80 OutPort: 80% y$ }+ G  t( g) a9 a' ~+ ?
  440. The same port, do not deal!0 n% ~) F, G" t( E6 O! O
  441. [OMCI]: MIB Rebuild Done!1 s+ b7 |0 L7 j) P. A
  442. Init Access Mode To GPON .................[PLOAM]ONUID(0): O1 => O1
    " R! ~9 n; m# Q5 O% M

  443. 8 ?0 }1 `: ]( ?/ m- |5 A! |# `
  444.   FUNC = hi_kernel_dp_pdu_trans_table_item_check:364 ! o& h# O. j! ^) m1 F5 k: E7 a
  445.   the input parameter em_type(0x2a), em_act[0](0x8)  is error (out of range)
    ; q4 u: U* O7 B4 z7 f( H! U

  446. , a, z4 T5 z6 j: }) w6 Q
  447. InitFrame omci; PID=188; out state=4; 26.830;
    ' \' y. `' Z6 s, D: u7 N4 O+ H

  448. 0 x" Z- g: c; p& Y
  449. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 4, uiEndPhase: 5, Seconds: 2! p9 S- C; r' e* d8 E# f. `

  450. & n$ o& k: p, x- l; b
  451. [Start Phase]::uiStartPhase: 0, uiEndPhase: 5, Seconds: 7
    - W7 W" T) O" P
  452. [OMCI]: Init OMCI Successful...7 I; J" {  t: T: u
  453. [ProcMonitor]: omci Register Successfully!" q7 @6 |3 P! X# ?5 a# n+ Y8 |# e% e

  454.   _8 b) v) |! V4 t, X! v
  455. [SSMP]HW_Init_Frame SSMP Success7 n" {# x8 W1 d; D1 }/ b4 E
  456. [AMP]: Init Amp Successful...
    1 q2 K/ y/ r2 f4 V( n
  457. <hw_xml_basic_dbmain.c:2471>pcCPath:InternetGatewayDevice.UserInterface.X_HW_WebSslInfo
    1 A# ^! {% [& P# d  f; `/ _4 a2 i/ L

  458. / M1 P* N2 D! c5 ]* ^% d
  459. Unlock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    : g; P" M4 X' a9 M  L
  460. Lock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    1 m8 C' F" \' _9 y
  461. [SLIC:1],[LSW:2],[SD5115:0],[WIFI:2],[OPT:0]4 @( d3 i/ P) ?( v# I9 \# P
  462. Unlock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    6 ^, T  h: q+ c7 j) T9 l/ C
  463. Lock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    , D9 V3 S  S* O% L! s  K; _. v
  464. Unlock Spi Flash(cs1)!
    " \% D3 J, \) y- X. r$ A
  465. Lock Spi Flash(cs1)!' e7 f( b  G5 ^

  466. 0 @% D6 C1 ]7 x* K6 F
  467. ui_esdtotal_flag open:ui_esdtotal_flag of ETH1 is =1, uni_phy
    " v$ c1 l- ?4 [9 ]7 E
  468. Dropped the page cache.. E, {4 N0 q  |" I  k
  469. HW_Init_Frame MU Successful. 9 ?$ t; O4 ]7 A2 ~8 Z
  470. ' k' q+ m6 L: q$ _( s
  471. telnet port:23
    + N0 B8 p5 O+ b2 k7 t* O: m- g: h: `$ H
  472. <hw_xml_basic_dbmain.c:2471>pcCPath:InternetGatewayDevice.UserInterface.X_HW_WebSslInfo
    6 t" k3 t# m7 W8 p6 x- K
  473. - r/ ~4 ~% P8 b. C" t0 |) m
  474. Unlock Spi Flash(cs1)!  |9 s# W1 H, r$ _* O
  475. Open device /dev/pts/2 OK!
    2 m6 G* Q/ p2 y  E

  476. 4 w4 k( i, Q! q) \6 g
  477. Entering character mode3 f  V: P" ]' C
  478. Escape character is '^]'.
    , W8 r. E& I5 R, Y+ }

  479. & b# F) V  l+ l3 M. E
  480. & T: |8 m% w) A, l
  481. Welcome Visiting Huawei Home Gateway; j; J4 {  _9 W, F8 i( `2 D- @
  482. Copyright by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
    $ Y  b! F) y1 n3 C
  483. + G4 }) \! H- ~; R
  484. Login:[Error]received netlink trace message. src pid:347;7 Y7 G6 c+ \% C9 j7 x  ?
  485. Set kmsgread process pid to:348;
    - ^5 q: E# b3 d4 W" C
  486. Lock Spi Flash(cs1)!3 r4 n9 s: ]: M' z  j1 x
  487. % G- s, T$ s0 n8 l
  488. User name is wrong, please try it again!
    : y3 V; I4 {  P9 R: q
  489. Login:root

! d5 |! P# v) J: u5 [, ~" `
- B# |5 @3 r  Z: J: E4 u" B$ f, p
- F! |+ W# |/ z$ l


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johnsonchou 该用户已被删除
发表于 2015-3-3 23:44:09 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
发表于 2015-3-4 10:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
2015 年迷你款 8010、8310
发表于 2015-3-4 23:47:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-4-26 22:09:44 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,搭楼请教一个问题:' t* p$ w1 e4 w3 I- G; z! d
我的光猫是华为8120C,想进入命令行去修改一些配置。但是接好ttl后,用secureCRT可以看见console的启动信息,也看见了login:提示符。但是输入root没有提示和其他反馈,很奇怪!1 Z! f: E) t" l& {
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-27 06:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
yeezhang 发表于 2015-4-26 22:09
0 P6 E6 G$ t% j) Q# ^楼主,搭楼请教一个问题:
& U. `. f# {$ N0 a1 f- n2 x7 z我的光猫是华为8120C,想进入命令行去修改一些配置。但是接好ttl后,用secureCR ...

1 t/ v9 V5 x7 K6 H1 o8 N有的华为光猫就是这样 只有输出不能输入
发表于 2015-4-27 08:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
MINE 发表于 2015-4-27 06:12
& v% K# U0 j8 G7 k3 N9 _' p有的华为光猫就是这样 只有输出不能输入

( h; D0 J1 c, x8 c8 H) `& C找到原因了,GND没有接好。。。。。+ N3 O& z# }7 p& L, h" m% p+ A
发表于 2015-4-27 23:02:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-1 15:53:16 | 显示全部楼层
yeezhang 发表于 2015-4-27 08:58
4 D& j; P" k0 ]- _9 X! {. e找到原因了,GND没有接好。。。。。: J2 P3 [4 K$ I: ^" G: }
- o$ x: _9 c; _
发表于 2015-5-6 09:08:57 | 显示全部楼层
MINE 发表于 2015-5-1 15:533 V7 o: B& ~' k' I( V: J5 L
0 p, \. @+ S" A- I8 K2 b+ T


目前不能  发表于 2015-5-6 17:12
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