sparkzhu 发表于 2014-12-5 19:47:03


本帖最后由 sparkzhu 于 2014-12-5 21:53 编辑

最近闲来无事,重新测试了下ADSL的SNR(信噪比),发现自己的SNR 无论是DOWN还是UP数字都很小。安照东哥的思路是SNR的数值越大越好,可是我的数值才9,想想我家信号没有可能查到这种地步啊,于是上网一搜,发现有一个真正关于SNR的英文解释,相信很多朋友都走人了误区

A high SNR simply means how loud the signal is over background noise. The higher the SNR margin the more stable the connection. You have a strong signal and have plenty of head room to receive faster speeds. Generally you would have a high SNR if your on a restricted speed plan eg. 256/64, 512/128 or 1500/256. The faster your connection speed the lower your SNR will be. Generally on unrestricted speed plans like Adsl2+ up to 24mbit the isp will set the SNR margin at which your modem connects generally a range between 6dB to 14dB. This will give you the fastest speed while maintaining a relatively stable connection. iiNet currently allow Adsl2+ customers to choose their own profile which ranges from fastest possible speed (low SNR) to slower speeds (higher SNR).

Attenuation on the other hand is a measurement of the resistance to the signal on the line and should never change regardless of speed.

There are many factors which affect both SNR and attenuation. A few are line distance, gauge or thickness of line, quality or age of line, number of bridge taps on line etc.


有太多因素会影响到SNR和衰减。比如线路的距离(到基站),或者(铜线本身)的规格或粗细,线的使用寿命和质量。(最后bridge taps on line我也不知道是什么,不知道怎么翻译)




sparkzhu 发表于 2014-12-5 19:51:06


hutterx 发表于 2014-12-7 19:06:41

你这个SNR差的说.中兴9806的 正常我拉的不超过一公里的线路的ADSL开12M/768K,正常是在20-25之间.开8M/768K正常0下行会在30左右,上行会在20-25左右.

hutterx 发表于 2014-12-7 19:13:58

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查看完整版本: 关于ADSL线路SNR信噪比的一些误区