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发表于 2022-11-25 10:44:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
删除了TR069,改了桥接。有会看日志的吗?求大神指教!/ V) c4 a6 Q( ?% h0 Q
0101 00:00:28[in]Add a ppp connection
! O& ?: w8 O) M2 p0101 00:00:28[in]Vlan ID: 100 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  / K7 a; i6 d) }1 n
0101 00:00:29[in]Edit a ppp connection " F: i% k: e, a. U* [& B
0101 00:00:29[in]Vlan ID: 100 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  
# J3 l# U/ }+ S& T" A" P6 s& Z1203 09:42:01[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.Password is updated 4 e! J, g! t4 z5 c7 E
1203 09:42:01[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestPassword is updated
" N( c+ l* ^1 l) m) ?1203 09:42:01[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestUsername is updated 0 U- }% u" @. O/ x& D) Y( ]
1203 09:42:01[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.X_CU_Function.Web.AdminPassword is updated 2 k5 s4 d6 d  D, p4 @1 n
1203 09:42:12[in]TR069 authorized remote peer ; V4 ^& b% ?) c
1203 09:42:12[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.X_CU_UserInfo.Status is updated ' P7 u1 E9 w4 Q' f0 k& ]1 W! ~; d
1203 09:42:12[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.X_CU_UserInfo.Result is updated # [" I8 Q* [: e
1203 09:42:14[in]TR069 authorized remote peer ( ], C" U4 {" T$ R! r1 r" j
1203 09:42:17[in]TR069 authorized remote peer   d$ P& \7 p4 A9 ]. J% Z3 F
1203 09:42:21[in]TR069 authorized remote peer
2 A6 F" U5 ~( X# }4 E& L1203 09:42:24[in]TR069 authorized remote peer / c6 t$ M; W; r9 {- K& Y, f
1203 09:42:25[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.WANPPPConnection.1.ConnectionType is updated 0 g6 I  o2 T2 n& w' r- I7 C
1203 09:42:25[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.WANPPPConnection.1.X_CU_ServiceList is updated   _" a2 L' N) V# E9 ~# ?
1203 09:42:25[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.WANPPPConnection.1.Enable is updated
; [* {  Y: {, A7 a1203 09:42:25[in]Add a ppp connection 9 a  T( \6 W  |8 T
1203 09:42:25[in]Vlan ID: 0 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  
" L% M/ s! i. S6 ]# i1 ~; h1203 09:42:26[in]Edit a ppp connection
/ ?% s2 A, E  P5 K1 W1203 09:42:26[in]Vlan ID: 0 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  0 @1 {! H6 x  H
1203 09:42:26[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.X_CU_VLANEnabled is updated
1 o" d1 B8 A! B- ^1203 09:42:26[wa]TR069 changes applied from ACS to ONT: InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.X_CU_VLAN is updated 8 j$ Q- l3 _# G+ {3 b; o) X. ~
1203 09:42:28[in]Edit a ppp connection
, O% }% S# F, b8 O3 N0 q) c1203 09:42:28[in]Vlan ID: 3143 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  
' y4 V& Z: Z% _0 _- N1203 09:42:28[in]Edit a ppp connection 6 v3 V0 K' s& v
1203 09:42:28[in]Vlan ID: 3143 ,ppp name:  ,ppp password:  
' t) z  [( }) y0 S. \1203 09:42:29[in]Edit a ppp connection
发表于 2022-11-25 19:33:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-11-25 14:20:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-11-25 11:32:22 | 显示全部楼层
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