


楼主: 1531

天邑光猫TEWA-1000G 改mac变砖了 求大神指导一下 怎么接TTL 改...

 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-25 14:10:44 | 显示全部楼层
zhjook 发表于 2021-11-25 13:22
: `8 q$ T7 ^: r' E捅菊花,开机,接ttl  重置nvram就可以了

% Q8 n4 h9 J& D0 j7 h大佬 有没有相关的教程文档 或链接 我去参考学习一下


CFE version 1.0.37-106.24 for BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE) Build Date: ?????? ?????? 21 08:38:40 UTC 2012 (legath@desk) Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation. HS Serial flash device: name S25FL128,  详情 回复 发表于 2021-11-25 15:57
发表于 2021-11-25 15:04:37 | 显示全部楼层
1531 发表于 2021-11-25 14:07
  h) a$ i, P! _9 p4 _- L9 g; M第一次学习 TTL模式,菊花是啥 ,是拆机的意思么
; w7 H+ x" Q$ M* N  p; I


我还以为是后面的 螺丝啦! 有涨知识了   详情 回复 发表于 2021-11-25 15:25
发表于 2021-11-25 15:06:39 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-25 15:25:17 | 显示全部楼层
hutuch 发表于 2021-11-25 15:04
; ?  {; U# _% L( q) p! s0 A菊花就是光猫的复位键。
+ ]! w: S7 V# ]# p, ~
我还以为是后面的 螺丝啦! 有涨知识了
发表于 2021-11-25 15:30:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-11-25 15:47:29 | 显示全部楼层
1531 发表于 2021-11-25 14:10' Y( H$ Q+ t& q$ U" h5 C8 W" b. A1 ]
大佬 有没有相关的教程文档 或链接 我去参考学习一下
* z6 y! S& \/ l
类似这样 ttl 进入cfe 命令模式之后
  j5 h2 `0 J9 N& @. ^一般是 输入b 回车% \1 w" T, Z. b
就可以进入底层参数设置模式包括 CPUID ,mac 等等- Y4 Y5 Y7 M. I0 L) L+ L' W5 v1 I

: h: L! t& s4 ^% B2 |7 T% N; k3 e9 e+ w5 t' Y
发表于 2021-11-25 15:57:09 | 显示全部楼层
1531 发表于 2021-11-25 14:10
/ c5 K4 Q* B( l8 J! \) f大佬 有没有相关的教程文档 或链接 我去参考学习一下
  G' @* s9 Q: i; J0 `
CFE version 1.0.37-106.24 for BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE)) ?( g5 C6 T9 [% G( y
Build Date: ?????? ?????? 21 08:38:40 UTC 2012 (legath@desk)( P- m* s4 O. d2 f3 L* w: d* X+ F
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.0 y4 ]$ w! ?% O6 h" a/ M

8 T7 Z( b# I; v3 sHS Serial flash device: name S25FL128, id 0x0118 size 16384KB
6 j* [4 I9 R2 \- A4 A/ MTotal Flash size: 16384K with 256 sectors
' A) O: Q2 V* {* u4 {6 }7 y7 A! sChip ID: BCM6328B0, MIPS: 320MHz, DDR: 320MHz, Bus: 160MHz
3 T, E3 Q& ?3 c& aMain Thread: TP0
$ d+ |0 G" u5 c, ?7 u" M4 UMemory Test Passed  p% v% y2 `  i3 q% h
Total Memory: 67108864 bytes (64MB)
4 Q8 ?, k- A% l  XBoot Address: 0xb8000000- V9 `! S1 ]6 H9 T3 G4 c& R; \
5 m" R1 f* F( [2 Y; Z$ Y: e1 j
Board IP address                  :  % {* S! A" M. A0 m0 N) }3 t  [
Host IP address                   :  
% B$ C( n" S0 a6 |' }Gateway IP address                :   9 n: ?/ l* P  h$ P5 v0 M
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f  
& |: ]' B- B5 p2 v. n. KDefault host run file name        : vmlinux  6 _/ R  H5 o2 [
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel  % w! c$ P0 ]0 G9 {9 A
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1    f+ S7 F1 Z1 r& z# [% x% v4 M
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0  / U1 z/ m+ r' N$ v) G
Board Id (0-6)                    : 96328avng  3 P! s9 O9 t2 G7 H1 i+ c; Q
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 12  * J$ d4 s4 e6 d( l, ^+ ^/ c5 j
Base MAC Address                  : 00:0a:c2:c3:fa:a7  
& \# e0 P  Z, A* Z8 _: R' qPSI Size (1-64) KBytes            : 48  
, O, _1 Y& s, [0 g% pEnable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 1  
2 d9 v0 _% E2 ~# kSystem Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 48  ! k1 L+ z8 ~+ p( }# v
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0  + \0 t0 T. ~# L2 z
Voice Board Configuration (0-11)  : VE890    e8 c# ~! S/ |' T/ z, ~3 r
# H8 `! Q  a6 A7 |- X" y: W
*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
2 S8 V; q8 o! y5 h# g0 z' n5 bAuto run second count down: 110( ?, Y2 _( r  b, m. v7 C& z. Q/ O$ A
Booting from latest image (0xb8800000) ...9 ]& w$ x4 N' b. j/ a& O$ k
Code Address: 0x80010000, Entry Address: 0x80014230- N: j9 U7 t9 j5 ]# N' k, q  t
Decompression OK!
发表于 2021-11-25 22:08:30 | 显示全部楼层
照片光模块右边的 J2 是TTL, 从上到下顺序是  vcc
& c1 r, j' L. ^7 m* E, f   gnd7 S; i0 v) N& |9 ]. ~
  rx3 \! j$ o# Z( H, _3 X


你提供的TTL 接口是对的,之前是我的TTL转USB被弄坏了所有测试有误!最后买了一个万能表 测试了一下 J2 中的第二个是GND 其它三个都 3.27V ,最后测试结果 和你说的一样 第一个应该是VCC 3V ,第二个是GND (地线)  详情 回复 发表于 2021-12-2 22:21
TTL 接了图中J2 处 1和3 就正常显示跑码 按道理4应该是gnd 但接上去无反应 ,还是无法进入CFE  详情 回复 发表于 2021-11-29 03:25
 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-29 03:16:30 | 显示全部楼层
zhjook 发表于 2021-11-25 22:08
" T, A2 j2 Z8 G  I  t4 V4 y( X照片光模块右边的 J2 是TTL, 从上到下顺序是  vcc/ Q6 N7 r/ @8 X$ i
   gnd. M5 c1 c) X* K$ }

4 `" [5 K" ]' i% eTTL 显示 ,mac地址位数:显示只有11位 估计是这个位置错误导致无法启动,同时现在也无法进入 无法进入CFE ,一直重复如下:
& X/ Z& U& ]9 W* uBTRM
# t+ P# Q: ]# j% h3 IV1.0- ~: J6 d3 y% z: \; m
9 R9 \, o0 {& W' L% i% vL1CD
( ^" ]' u9 n4 c8 k6 m4 ?MMUI6 k$ M) C3 q6 u2 s+ G* f
+ t. L+ c5 r: ^5 i( gDATA
1 B- R9 M! P. G- |% CZBBS. P8 B6 C0 L& X7 ]  M- s
MAIN! z" Q8 h2 o2 K
OTP?& _8 I2 K+ u5 C$ U
! j) R0 o: `1 S/ p/ s# S7 z' OUSBT: |$ @  x3 ?. I7 p% _& J* H" j
/ Q# d9 p# }7 `; P% h+ z' LIMG?
" e; B0 E/ P3 P* }) t: w6 x* S, {5 cIMGL
) l& M: z, @% Y' \: x3 F& [UHD?7 L. Q& ?% P. q0 S' T9 s, Y
UHDP/ g/ a' K& r' p+ p
RLO?  \. V- b2 o) t' J2 |( I6 p
RLOP& g4 S# P: s8 }% Q: p9 t
UBI?4 h6 N( ?" O- J+ K5 S! Y
UBIP) z% F' n, L6 n4 S- M9 S
PASS* ?- q! z* C. h
----  S7 M3 L! `. y  g& C
HELO  {  @7 O5 J. i" q; U; B/ R) e
' w; @+ U0 b: E( }+ U; L$ `2 ~" g) HCPU0' T/ \- x3 H$ {
3 Y* Q- }0 V  n1 XMMUI+ F1 m/ \5 g( z: L- f! f7 z# }
" w5 G; U! S% L/ S1 wZBBS5 M1 o2 A( d0 T" q+ k; w
+ T$ A1 i4 A. F; X! }9 F$ wBoot Strap Register:  0x12008076
0 _9 C4 q6 M, Y* j, P& lNVRAM memcfg 0x142f! Z* r. T. N, Y7 c; k: o: D, n
MCB chksum 0x7a5e439d, config 0x142f
' M/ P- A$ ?: ?/ o# I
6 _+ }6 y0 w! E& v7 \9 `' l4 T: u- SMemsysInit hpg0_generic_aarch64 20171009
3 ]; A9 W& Y: p4 e) nDDR34 |3 p$ O9 R0 q* ?
8262B278 80180000 801A0000 00000000 00000000 0010598A
2 \' A  Q. f' C* I7 Q- u+ JMCB rev=0x00000501 Ref ID=0x0598A Sub Bld=0x001" f- _$ G' ]2 S! l' ^3 o. N2 _- h; j
Dram Timing 12-12-12) ?- F$ x# z( c

' F5 x8 E5 T% q2 J( Hstart of memsys_begin6 v8 S( L( Y6 j- D1 K& g
mc_cfg_init(): Initialize the default values on mc_cfg& A$ _$ a" N# m
init_memc_dram_profile(): Initializing MEMC DRAM profile2 o) O6 |" t: }; w4 p3 @
  C% B) q- R1 u; k  ?MEMC DRAM profile (memc_dram_profile_struct) values:- ]* u7 [' x: n! b1 a! g' N
====================================================& a3 Z% {, j* d# C: q8 M: f4 M
PART values:
' n( W5 A* b" F/ U  ]7 q4 `  part_speed_grade    = 14
, u7 q/ |2 \1 }  M  part_size_Mbits     = 4096 (DRAM size in MegaBits)
* }) d/ H- I) _' K, c4 ~  part_row_bits       = 15 (number of row bits); z" U( C0 V/ _" [7 _
  part_col_bits       = 10 (number of column bits)$ Y" A  m- _) q$ B. ~2 E8 S
  part_ba_bits        = 3 (number of bank bits)
& f  I! o: G# g, ]) D) t" }- S  part_width_bits     = 16 (DRAM width in bits)
0 U; t  S  n6 X6 }NUMER OF PARTS:9 @: e1 f% V1 z. c6 y+ X
  part_num            = 1 (Number of parts)
, o% `+ @( N: X. `0 f+ _TOTAL values:. t! a; h: [3 L- ]; H3 O9 s
  total_size_Mbits    = 4096 (DRAM size in MegaBits); d" I6 g: ^* |! s1 d8 u6 r
  total_cs_bits       = 0 (number of cs bits, for dual_rank mode)& O" G! U% L& ~% u& t- Q: @
  total_width_bits    = 16 (DRAM width in bits)
4 v8 g. e0 m" u  o% H  total_burst_bytes   = 16 (Number of bytes per DRAM access)
2 U7 h& v- ]7 Y: W4 ]  total_max_byte_addr = 0x1fffffff (Maximum/last DRAM byte address)
1 S4 U- \; W: j% M; D/ _) v4 i                        (Number of bits in total_max_byte_addr is 29)
" l# E& R7 B' X/ m- @                        (i.e. total_max_byte_addr goes from bit 0 to bit 28)# X  y+ s6 J6 n* C5 P& P" h
  ddr_2T_mode         = 0& U& s2 {1 y  C0 z5 T6 `
  ddr_hdp_mode        = 1
6 f1 [% p+ m" \3 ~  large_page          = 1
# W; \4 `# k4 _8 p+ a) I: r5 \  ddr_dual_rank       = 0% N4 Z0 O, Q( E# |8 P
  cs_mode             = 0& m& O2 S& w5 `" G8 q( z
MEMC timing (memc_dram_timing_cfg_struct) values:
& b& L2 i  d9 {" E# F5 \3 m$ q6 H====================================================+ ?4 @$ d9 u! X2 o8 d+ z+ {
  MC_CHN_TIM_TIM1_0 register fields:
* i/ y4 ?5 Z  l* I    tCwl   = 9
6 x$ ~& {$ s+ s  {7 k- a    tRP    = 12
# m: u+ d1 p+ G8 i    tCL    = 12
6 W3 ^; f0 H; y5 F  x4 y    tRCD   = 12( _1 P& y& ?  n0 t, ^5 \' X* B
  MC_CHN_TIM_TIM1_1 register fields:
3 \, U; b1 i) u& d, }    tCCD_L = 4
. [% X: I9 C- \9 S/ W    tCCD   = 4, d8 l% P, j4 N7 ~
    tRRD_L = 6  i2 j1 `  B) J3 J
    tRRD   = 6' s5 e& ?  v# T7 j
  MC_CHN_TIM_TIM1_2 register fields:. G& d- o$ {* Z; v: T! ]
    tFAW   = 33- d0 \0 \$ _: K% T- d
    tRTP   = 7
4 g1 v- L. T" B/ i# N    tRCr   = 44
* z* j6 i" q; q  g( |3 s# F  MC_CHN_TIM_TIM1_3 register fields:  G5 F0 [3 ?: ~
    tWTR_L = 7
( h" e$ f" e" N0 k" \7 b    tWTR   = 74 Y5 E+ I' x" d7 |' M2 T6 i& G
    tWR_L  = 14
$ \+ ~; }9 p- t8 s1 f    tWR    = 145 N! R. w: o" O8 f3 |0 p
  MC_CHN_TIM_TIM2 register fields:
( w7 s5 O1 U* C/ v5 R    tR2R   = 0
; N8 r- W; V6 \, u& a    tR2W   = 28 s4 g6 I' S( e0 z5 t
    tW2R   = 2
+ G1 p# s: H7 Z0 e( {6 C' K+ i& M! V    tW2W   = 0
1 |: a4 k- Q! t3 D+ j    tAL    = 0+ Q" P, ~, J) M5 t
    tRFC   = 244' G7 `, A8 q* c' D
Poll PHY Status register
1 H6 w( D7 }- F# U4 Y, ^PHY Status= 15 Y# D, @$ x) P0 d
Disable Auto-Refresh
6 y% N+ e+ A1 `/ ]refresh_ctrl_cfg writing to refresh control register (dram_clk_freq_MHz=933 ; ref_rate=0xd4 ; ref_disable=1)6 C+ n+ e/ P5 c6 T0 W% v& y
[0x8018020c] = 0x8000d400
3 V, l. O; y3 C; f8 x- h4 |( P# e[0x80180200] = 0x000003059 R3 ^4 q" \/ H' \
End of memsys_begin% Z6 V, f7 `; u7 P1 u% e( {
Add/Ctl Alignment) t# W5 c, o4 k/ X6 T
Coarse Adj=0x087 deg, cmd steps=0x0AC
+ x! q( m) a/ t0 Y" p9 q5 treg 0x801A0090 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg; ~( t# @( M- @6 }3 H' ^. l. i
reg 0x801A0094 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg1 d- m% W! }$ c. ]4 d* _
reg 0x801A0098 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
! i) Q) G  s" k1 l" u1 ^reg 0x801A009C set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
) Y. |/ O, C; K8 \8 S; Q; A0 @' `2 ~3 Nreg 0x801A00A0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg* h  L+ L# e+ x3 W. t
reg 0x801A00A4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
  b! E% `( H- {$ d) b$ ~reg 0x801A00A8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg* z$ P+ k1 w) @) ~3 y
reg 0x801A00AC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
- `+ p* Z1 A( Ureg 0x801A00B0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg: r& d& W7 b, h" r
reg 0x801A00B4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
3 L1 B& x$ h7 m& J# Qreg 0x801A00B8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg! ^( E( f1 i$ q2 `
reg 0x801A00BC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg: p- q- Q6 G/ H
reg 0x801A00C0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg+ i: X% ?6 n" I3 x, s5 C6 r: I
reg 0x801A00C4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg9 \% K  s3 E  {/ |* F
reg 0x801A00C8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
6 L! E) z$ Z1 `reg 0x801A00CC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
! G2 |  D$ p' freg 0x801A00D0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg. Q  m# Y, x! Z" J/ v
reg 0x801A00D4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg0 o  o5 d4 ?. @2 }( j
reg 0x801A00D8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
+ b, g( y7 Z% Q4 d/ k# Qreg 0x801A00DC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg% p* ]0 V1 O0 W# c, l
reg 0x801A00E0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
2 j+ `/ S, B& c# I7 ]reg 0x801A00E4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
9 x9 z" G: s& `4 ~, greg 0x801A00E8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg! W& ^. |6 L+ ^# I& e4 N' ?
reg 0x801A00EC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg$ k/ H) x( e; b' C# H9 |
reg 0x801A00F0 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg! k2 s* @! D) D& i7 M1 d+ }" d
reg 0x801A00F4 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg: U( X$ k; Z- |# W: X8 \  B
reg 0x801A00F8 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
$ r2 m% [- C) U6 wreg 0x801A00FC set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg$ T7 ]# b% [1 \( n( \5 M
reg 0x801A0100 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
) n: d5 g. ?5 {9 areg 0x801A0108 set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg
/ i- }7 ^9 R9 f3 [: jreg 0x801A010C set to VDL 0x041 with Fine Adj=0x01 deg/ a9 T3 I" m# Z8 ^2 i
: y; S4 v; W8 I; {: m7 E7 sitrim = 0x0. _! M" n& H/ h# \' F# h* ~0 Q
lstrim = 0x9% i! q: l2 B, x5 T' K+ M+ |9 d  J
( G- D0 h9 m( u8 w: d& y
ZQ Cal HP PHY$ w: g: ~0 S2 f
R in Ohm+ n% r( K# k2 n
P: Finger=0x364 Term=0x7C Drv=0x273 w7 W5 h5 Z3 A# J
N: Finger=0x336 Term=0x75 Drv=0x27
( `& K" O+ C6 A7 S: ?( e" R0 Y2 W3 f: @
PLL Ref(Hz)=0x02FAF080 UI STEPS=0x056. M/ r4 n, ]7 T7 t% d1 V# B
DDR CLK(MHz)=0x39F WL CLK dly(ps)=0x0C8 bitT(ps)=0x21B VDLsize(fs)=0x187B CLK_VDL=0x020# A0 i6 R# l, d  C1 z3 n; ?
start of memc_init4 p; T7 P. t: E6 T
[0x80180004] = 0x0110061f
8 t" O' Z  J, E. |[0x80180234] = 0x000011019 x: F+ N/ o5 h, I& l* e8 {
Enable Auto-Refresh
& u/ R. N* ?6 @+ qrefresh_ctrl_cfg writing to refresh control register (dram_clk_freq_MHz=933 ; ref_rate=0xd4 ; ref_disable=0)  H6 G$ o, Y, W; L+ N, B/ _, `% }7 M
[0x8018020c] = 0x0000d400. q" W+ G. F; f6 c+ j6 z
[0x80180110] = 0x11100f0e
: \( K( A3 _$ o$ {- I[0x80180114] = 0x15141312' Y. N4 R+ J) d8 v' p
[0x80180118] = 0x19181716$ ?- I  b6 d8 l$ H
[0x8018011c] = 0x001c1b1a; Q6 \" \- ~& ^% M
[0x80180124] = 0x04000000/ J& h6 l9 z7 v/ ^
[0x80180128] = 0x08070605* r9 [; K, U8 C8 g3 S
[0x8018012c] = 0x00000a09
4 d; j$ t1 _1 j[0x80180134] = 0x000d0c0b
( J9 n& Y3 Q" n1 I! Z Writing to MC_CHN_CFG_CNFG reg; data=0x00000000; P+ S) H$ q( s# v
[0x80180100] = 0x00000000) T+ P6 C2 Q0 |8 b4 S9 j+ R
cfg_memc_timing_ctrl() Called% G) V/ N' B4 u# l
[0x80180214] = 0x090c0c0c
! p1 [4 J4 I9 F' o, j[0x80180218] = 0x040406065 b" q" w7 K) ?, ?" s
[0x8018021c] = 0x2100072c
! H" s6 i: q/ n% @$ a7 O4 O+ h% g[0x80180220] = 0x07070e0e; ]  j2 `1 Y5 h
[0x80180224] = 0x120000f4  `" _( Y& A' m- @2 d; A7 i% m
End of memc_init
) T6 N1 C+ Y2 ]; B! i$ [start of pre_shmoo
; H: ~4 r) i" {" i% h[0x80180004] = 0xc110071f
, ]8 `8 v; z  M; l& O$ I/ Qend of pre_shmoo; V* G5 I# c7 K! l5 {7 {

) `# ?/ c8 m6 n, n5 Z) a6 n& mSHMOO 28nm
! f* y8 _  ~' `* h801A0000 80180800 00000000 00020000 00000000
( v( _  n' f, D' b, O6 U2 v
3 \8 {. ^; r0 h8 n/ P( g9 RShmoo WL
1 Z2 @' n9 M$ i+ ^* o/ d
6 c  ?/ O& F- b* lOne UI Steps : 0x61
/ O( X3 H. W! u
0 s4 R' g! ^4 r7 ^% t- y- Fdisable_dram_refresh' _0 z! x( j) Z) n! [& }+ p0 L% I
refresh_ctrl_cfg writing to refresh control register (dram_clk_freq_MHz=933 ; ref_rate=0xd4 ; ref_disable=1)
4 i  ]' I) `3 u$ f: m. ~8 l% J[0x8018020c] = 0x8000d400; T. i! `- C; j  c
auto-clk result = 00B (filter=0C steps)& [5 u+ r* s8 {# g
initial CLK shift = 020
% d, N7 s7 K: o5 w% `1 j- T% |3 @& Hfinal CLK shift   = 00B
/ A9 _3 E+ @+ i) T, K( L. ?0 Y
; S9 e7 ]) M+ M7 i6 |- }/ Ndisable_dram_refresh: @2 W5 N& `7 I" e3 W! H
refresh_ctrl_cfg writing to refresh control register (dram_clk_freq_MHz=933 ; ref_rate=0xd4 ; ref_disable=1)
6 g  P$ R% [0 [! I6 ]& {[0x8018020c] = 0x8000d400
# o$ I0 Q$ a; Uenable_dram_refresh
8 `6 ?# X7 q2 }) \7 ?# ~- |refresh_ctrl_cfg writing to refresh control register (dram_clk_freq_MHz=933 ; ref_rate=0xd4 ; ref_disable=0)
+ z. u8 B* i8 D[0x8018020c] = 0x0000d400
- C2 k4 ~/ ]; G' [, [* M# ?( |+ e   0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999
4 F! V0 {* J1 b$ B; b   0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
/ M4 L8 d. L, }& O7 I00 S------------X-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" P6 d# m- T: [$ Y5 l
01 S------------------------X-----------------------------------------------------------------------
: T# V2 ~. Z; K8 J
" j5 \7 H  L0 n( `' _Shmoo RD En( n* }: {$ E, F9 d" Y8 A
FORCED WR ODT = 0x00001800' y; a' t1 ~- C
+ K0 ?% q6 L2 S& ^3 I. ^7 | B0 00039ED5 00079ED5
0 {0 B3 o2 Q& \( g0 s" r B1 00039ED5 00079ED5' z0 [: V" W/ K
B0 RISE UI=1 VDL=3F PICK UI=2 VDL=3F- \" o5 F0 [$ U  Y. e* O
B1 RISE UI=1 VDL=23 PICK UI=2 VDL=23. J& x& P6 Z2 o( K: ?2 m/ h
2 [% Q0 ?* C/ A* e9 v1 p! U$ Y   0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456* ^1 {; D* d; C3 }/ }& h& D
00 --S------------------------------------------------------------X+++++++++++++++------------------
$ a8 I5 P2 G; e3 R; x01 --S--------------------------------X+++++++++++++++----------------------------------------------3 ~) H" Y$ K6 k+ S, n

# M9 d1 ^! b  lShmoo RD DQ NP1 M& ~# }9 M9 `
DQS :0 F6 i% R# d% d  X1 x
B0 VDL=56 ok& s, ~$ o! a" o0 Z2 e; K
B1 VDL=56 ok5 @# Y4 A7 ^8 U  |" z6 c
. F7 U, x+ R7 T* f/ R3 k& T   0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456* j% W3 ~2 J9 J- L0 W/ S: l
00 -----------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* N6 I5 w5 h$ M
01 -----------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 v+ w6 A# w8 s% |+ X5 a$ Q
02 ----------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
. a1 N) {% R: o* Q0 F0 d" \" r4 n03 --------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
9 I. O4 K! V  B5 ^04 --------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---4 e9 l4 r; C/ z2 [3 a
05 ----------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
4 d; w# r& a. I; v: Z( k3 R06 -------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--0 r% T8 C8 f$ u5 L( M, T
07 -----------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
$ E% v+ Z$ H: Z$ T0 B08 --------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-) E  H- D4 ^3 {5 F( W
09 ----------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----! J  D0 f$ [& {. G  O
10 ------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---3 a! `9 Y, r( |. z
11 --------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
0 V, n! ^- N2 a+ n; S9 \. A3 a12 ------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---; S4 R+ X1 q  |
13 ------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ h+ i5 _0 u! E, _8 Q( K  O$ ?
14 -----------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----! w3 R, `0 C3 o) b6 x& I% }4 T
15 -------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------$ I4 C; \7 K: L# N

, u3 I) u' @8 r& ~2 bShmoo RD DQ P
$ N/ n0 s. W0 O2 B! R# P   00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999993 d% Z" j4 c: Z- x" E, a0 B
/ ]+ u& q& H) }. s8 k00 -----------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
& u  K- t' U# `: [( ~8 a01 -----------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
! w" }( L, D" _02 ----------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
8 x5 @+ T# u1 o3 ~! l& W03 --------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
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05 ----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- {* e3 n5 N3 b9 z7 A. f% I& n2 K
06 -------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
$ s- ^, ^- i$ k3 U07 ----------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
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10 ------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
, Z! |2 }3 [% J5 G& v11 --------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- J- K0 U, l0 a6 y% K
12 ------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--% U+ @/ q8 N0 N( n5 s6 A2 I$ q4 t
13 -----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
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% n" Q- k) V- z) K. T5 N% kShmoo RD DQ N
9 b. D% u3 R- {( s1 A. o4 L/ T' m   0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999) w2 i  \3 t/ o# a7 R  m, S
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00 --------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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02 --------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
, |: t3 f  A: Q2 H' D03 -----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--8 z, [. b/ o+ l" W3 s: X6 V
04 ------------------+-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
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07 --------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
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10 ---------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
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13 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
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BL1: Start: 0x56 Final: 0x566 L7 u7 g+ ]' \3 W' h5 X! Y, e
, e) I( _3 u! ~3 A8 O
Shmoo WR DQ
& W: Y7 y5 [1 f- u4 _   00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888888899999991 Z& s9 ]- e7 r( k
2 n4 r) h/ ?  q) ^2 O# |; |# O00 ----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
. O9 ^# J- H8 f0 O8 W, H, `" S# h5 `01 ----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
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03 ----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
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05 ------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
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  F( F/ [+ b$ w) D7 \07 ------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------8 |* z2 X# i5 N
08 -----------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
6 w0 O1 f+ R9 h  d+ f+ a09 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------+ Z7 o; C/ [, M  P1 v! W/ n
10 -----------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
: t, D+ U. a; y3 _" w/ }11 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------" e7 R5 E8 L# ^8 T- K% K
12 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------3 J* L# E6 c- c. A1 r
13 --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
! `% Y" m3 C* f* A; t# x' \* q7 M14 -----++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
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% C, c5 ~  L" P9 g* w3 X& v& Y! N: LShmoo WR DM! z0 j  E% r* ^/ Z2 l
WR DM5 l, |! h- Q# S. H- P$ s  R& |
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01 ---+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------  B3 R! X9 ?, i6 x# }% ]
start of memsys_end) h- \/ C* ~4 T+ T. u  F
[0x80180004] = 0x8110071f
' O" B& I/ y# K% F6 _[0x80180010] = 0x00000009
% a% b/ P3 K- [/ d) R. A* }4 Iend of memsys_end/ z# I7 a' {3 C
DDR test done successfully
- A6 d" c" j( E7 G4 jFPS0
, p& Q, q. }9 p% @, ?2 `----# ?4 A8 P- V; a: ]# ?
PAR17 ]. z& u0 z/ B0 d
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- y3 w! n# ^0 [0 I1 A
( a& p2 I4 Q" [: \& x) J8 |! x3 ^- L7 f# h
Base: 5.2_05DW1
5 y/ ~1 D, [, p3 HCFE version 1.0.38-163.156 for BCM96856 (64bit,SP,LE)
6 x2 |$ A4 D( ]: f1 {( @1 i) ZBuild Date: Wed Jan 15 17:21:31 CST 2020 (publisher@publisher.rd.scty)% Z& H7 \( q3 F4 ]
Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Broadcom Corporation.
) N( x- E( I  B7 e* {$ |6 z5 e5 B% m3 n6 l  I. u' z
Boot Strap Register:  0x120080764 c. s! A7 P9 P( B4 \& Q) y* Y. m
Chip ID: BCM68560_B1, Broadcom B53 Dual Core: 1500MHz
5 V5 }" j+ |  Z; p4 F! [RDP: 1400MHz* z& h- p% A! \0 ~7 d( ]8 Y. U- A# j
Total Memory: 536870912 bytes (512MB)
5 N! z7 a) O& G6 V; W/ LStatus wait timeout: nandsts=0x10000000 mask=0x40000000, count=0) q0 G" l* C) I
NAND ECC BCH-8, page size 0x800 bytes, spare size used 108 bytes) c  [# |9 L# ^: l0 v0 ]! A* `
NAND flash device: Micron MT29F2G08ABA, id 0x2cda block 128KB size 262144KB
5 f; ]3 u9 I; V( D" ^CPU1. [4 ?0 R3 r! `: I
Take PMC out of reset
& g+ q2 Z5 M! _* Jwaiting for PMC finish booting
; u: c# J% j" E9 j" l8 D& XPMC rev: running- B$ J5 K7 S# F8 g: ~; V
Dump Current setting of SWREGs) f% O+ C: k- n+ D9 q2 {6 R
1.0D, reg=0x00, val=0xc6902 u( D( A1 T$ _# ^1 B
1.0D, reg=0x01, val=0x0d06
6 Z) ^4 `' b  D5 [7 U! F1.0D, reg=0x02, val=0xcb12
5 A% k* i1 F7 P1.0D, reg=0x03, val=0x5372
+ M1 \6 Y+ `% L0 n- D1.0D, reg=0x04, val=0x0000
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; [5 ~" W6 j4 E, c( a( E1.0D, reg=0x07, val=0x0029
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1.8 , reg=0x00, val=0xc690
* u- H/ N& K, u/ ^$ d# Y1.8 , reg=0x01, val=0x0d06
6 m& w/ W1 j& ~# O1.8 , reg=0x02, val=0xcb127 E' O. F% \0 v
1.8 , reg=0x03, val=0x5370
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1.8 , reg=0x06, val=0xb000' U8 H& r: ]1 T* T
1.8 , reg=0x07, val=0x0029
8 e& w# ~3 `5 g3 _9 Y, `1.8 , reg=0x08, val=0x0c02
5 t" M8 p$ j5 \3 A8 l1.8 , reg=0x09, val=0x0071
8 Z8 o6 P5 d1 v! G% F4 ^1.5 , reg=0x00, val=0xc690
7 U' V5 s8 u$ L" t3 a/ z4 g3 }2 L' J1.5 , reg=0x01, val=0x0d06$ u1 k. T& Q; @/ @, g. H  W
1.5 , reg=0x02, val=0xcb12
8 r4 Q' r* C# `( v/ @1.5 , reg=0x03, val=0x53703 [' e1 z3 s; G4 h( Z
1.5 , reg=0x04, val=0x0000
& j# q5 e! r* R! m6 C) G1.5 , reg=0x05, val=0x0702% X% c2 b$ a! T0 l* ~9 {' b( W
1.5 , reg=0x06, val=0xb000
+ G( M% z5 R3 C# C1.5 , reg=0x07, val=0x0029
/ A5 ^4 k6 _2 q1.5 , reg=0x08, val=0x0c02
! k3 ~% s7 I" Y3 W3 @& |1.5 , reg=0x09, val=0x0071
) v( F  a" J- |1 r2 M& C4 {1.0A, reg=0x00, val=0xc6909 f- a5 f  d2 C1 z& ?9 P8 n
1.0A, reg=0x01, val=0x0d064 M2 t6 F2 G5 w1 n' N
1.0A, reg=0x02, val=0xcb12
+ {  B7 z$ o: f7 M: O( L' p1.0A, reg=0x03, val=0x53700 A0 o$ r: `, \+ V/ O
1.0A, reg=0x04, val=0x00008 P3 x0 _  U' {/ J' G% P
1.0A, reg=0x05, val=0x0702) {" r7 c" Y9 i, B0 _
1.0A, reg=0x06, val=0xb000
/ G. T. E) O7 \8 [" K4 `( o& d4 b$ l& i- x1.0A, reg=0x07, val=0x0029
, X8 d. S/ y; {1.0A, reg=0x08, val=0x0c02
7 j0 E, l  E, j. v1.0A, reg=0x09, val=0x0071
) _" `" m4 \1 S) O6 T6 s6 Npmc_init:PMC using DQM mode
% f/ R5 z+ U/ g) f7 X2 q0 w9 M+ NBoard IP address                  : V5 i8 z# N- w; {
Host IP address                   : @- V: G0 y3 D( L, l& z
Gateway IP address                :
, Y1 u" Z; |- n5 R" T. @6 ]Run from flash/host/tftp (f/h/c)  : f! h# f- c% a. T- U. l8 X' l
Default host run file name        : vmlinux
+ \) I3 R4 n' w+ m4 lDefault host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
6 J0 V% l+ T5 |' f) EBoot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1' V- B, z2 D. O$ y
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0
' P6 i* d9 h8 LDefault host ramdisk file name    :$ W- R$ V- q! o6 Q3 d" M' ^2 L5 ^+ E
Default ramdisk store address     :
( n1 w: H: k( v1 W& TDefault DTB file name             :
3 H% O: G; l, O" m8 hBoard Id                          : TY968560D9CT
" }+ t9 _9 v+ M% tNumber of MAC Addresses (1-64)    : 11
- f7 c3 D& S7 l/ s& z! n9 sBase MAC Address                  : c4:a1:51:0c:d8:cc. l  {8 `0 k  L/ ?
PSI Size (1-512) KBytes           : 24
1 G6 R# h' i; @/ \9 aEnable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 1& h) y0 R1 q# w- h' V8 i% e
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 07 q! }9 h+ N$ n  S: q* p
Auxillary File System Size Percent: 0, |& P5 B  K% Q; B* D
GPON Serial Number                : "XX"
0 j, J8 s0 [0 P% D; u+ PGPON Password                     : "          "
! k4 }+ k+ P) Y8 B+ iRNR_TBLS memory allocation (8-13) (MB) : 8
( \0 R# P6 O9 b  B6 PFPM_POOL memory allocation (MB)   : 32& j* W. v! O3 w- _; S  s$ B! T
DHD 0 memory allocation (MB)      : 0
# t9 @% f( C( c7 IDHD 1 memory allocation (MB)      : 05 C8 s4 c  ?8 R) F% p( g. z
DHD 2 memory allocation (MB)      : 0
( D, r( p7 s" g: [# J6 y6 L4 qWLan Feature                      : 0x00( f+ J# j- K! C% y' c) O
Voice Board Configuration (0-2)   : SI32192_ISI_CB4 _' z6 z8 N7 ^) m" T
Partition 1 Size (MB)             : 128M/ L% K" ^: t( W
Partition 2 Size (MB)             : 0M
. K  k- t9 r8 k5 Q9 v+ s! U$ p/ |Partition 3 Size (MB)             : 0M6 K- p" u2 f. e% k5 _
Partition 4 Size (MB) (Data)      : 4M
0 H# L) }( ~2 T  Z
8 \, A, Z6 B8 M; T+ }*** Press 'ty' to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
3 v, [4 _6 R2 Y4 rAuto run second count down: 0
) Y0 M8 `- L$ k' a3 [& i4 PBooting from latest image (address 0x03e00000, flash offset 0x03e00000) ...
0 W$ S" W; M3 k2 J' [ubi_find_file: got vmlinux.lz  size 2818667
; b6 j" z- d8 j; DDecompression LZMA Image OK!
) |* |$ c1 J, y* @Entry at 0x0000000000080000
& |4 I* g/ N+ o( P7 M5 B. c( \Starting program at 0x0000000000080000
! O, Q4 A; H) U5 [* U" _+ Rubi_find_file: got 96856.dtb  size 2905
3 X, i" V2 [, _- r" s7 m/memory = 0x20000000 bytes @ 0x0
8 m8 w' T1 R- R0 zAppending CFE version to dtb, ret:04 K9 D; C  X' l& p
Appending NVRAM to dtb, ret:0" k1 p  t7 x; d; U4 \) V+ t
Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x03 A( v1 r* F* X7 c
Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset9 f' l! E( B0 k9 L# `# {4 g3 y
Initializing cgroup subsys cpu6 t% z* D- I( J) Q: K) R  t
Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
; L4 G/ m1 ~4 W0 z5 F$ Q% FLinux version 4.1.51 (publisher@publisher.rd.scty) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 15 17:29:53 CST 2020# b. e7 Z! m2 O6 N0 |" c) [
CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 05 q5 B6 p. w* X- ^! V; f3 M! k
Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU0
5 f4 [- ^, W( d- L# Q+ V& halternatives: enabling workaround for ARM erratum 845719. N% d+ s0 {' `9 q3 ~: c
PERCPU: Embedded 16 pages/cpu @ffffffc01ffd5000 s24792 r8192 d32552 u655367 G  ?7 u7 [; `* D1 q0 i/ t/ q$ N+ [
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 118944
7 U# V; R6 s4 U1 cKernel command line: coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe
  G, V* c# e/ P1 MPID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)  V: m& W- B# _9 Y! Q' [; C
Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
8 T2 |/ [% [" T, ?+ w& \  S( C4 OInode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
6 Q! {) E# V0 r0 E" z5 B4 b& ?1 VMemory: 456452K/483328K available (4723K kernel code, 1053K rwdata, 1912K rodata, 212K init, 444K bss, 26876K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)! l- I1 [% N! q' g/ L5 D% R# h! s
Virtual kernel memory layout:) u+ Z' Z) R. w) N! t1 V, h4 x( A
    vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdbfff0000   (   246 GB)6 q3 V( i& D$ S" l! t$ o3 T
    vmemmap : 0xffffffbdc0000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     8 GB maximum)4 k9 [& |) \: d
              0xffffffbdc0000000 - 0xffffffbdc0800000   (     8 MB actual)
, E0 w1 H" _! s/ v7 w& k. b4 m& ^    fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
2 |/ Y8 R  V3 A+ I# s# u    PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
# a5 w: Y4 @. O    modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
6 U! O/ M# {* a* L- @    memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc020000000   (   512 MB)
7 D& {1 I6 b  t# a8 q; S/ G      .init : 0xffffffc0006fc000 - 0xffffffc000731000   (   212 KB)
8 L: a5 R" w) p9 a; V$ `/ q# A! O      .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc0006fb694   (  6638 KB)
4 c& n2 E+ ~5 i; Q      .data : 0xffffffc000732000 - 0xffffffc0008396e0   (  1054 KB)
/ K  z: |( F9 w5 |Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
/ O7 O& r  A! V7 _; t# x- T. L        RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=4 to nr_cpu_ids=2.
1 @# J) C1 m5 G) C- hRCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=2
1 o6 V. M, S3 E$ g3 w, @NR_IRQS:64 nr_irqs:64 0
, M) \: D3 l; \  \Architected cp15 timer(s) running at 50.00MHz (phys)." u# D$ C4 E0 l" [; z- d# B1 \
clocksource arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xb8812736b, max_idle_ns: 440795202655 ns% I/ Q, A) i0 R- B
sched_clock: 56 bits at 50MHz, resolution 20ns, wraps every 4398046511100ns
5 i5 K0 `0 S% i5 F9 A+ _BRCM Legacy Drivers' Helper, all legacy drivers' IO memories/interrupts should be remapped here
! D- x2 g( q) K) @. e. e# }     Remapping interrupts...$ t# H  S$ {5 T* u
             hwirq      virq& e2 S+ M0 n8 o/ V2 y+ Y- d
               61         5! ^. u7 i! }2 R* L% L. p7 d
               64         6( L: C- S6 n1 S8 }. r& S
               65         7
# X( B1 B% I2 E7 f              125         8# W' H4 M' q' \$ ~% f; t4 Q# J
               92         9
* K1 w  Q. D0 `7 X4 ?5 m1 E! l. w& D* g               93        10
2 I; \/ O& `" f* ^7 u               94        11
. {) c9 L1 E" X: ^               43        12' \  I5 H0 Y0 w
               44        13' J7 N4 ?  H# M( m& E, ~8 w; K
               45        14
. @# _% |* c& L4 |  X5 ?4 u  w               46        155 c# U9 M7 x6 g' A% c
              213        16
4 X5 o0 V) M. E: Z# V* h8 ~              214        17
: K  T  [( C2 F5 M$ \" H& R              215        182 F8 O  \: @. l9 @' Y
              216        19( _( G' t, }* R0 }" P3 R; m5 P
              217        20
6 v( |: i0 q8 e. j              218        21
, G% e: d- M" b6 S% I% a              219        22, j, w2 ?% S* S' \( q( m% E) Q
              220        23; |+ V' N) W1 b4 i
               70        24
# g& ~- \" f5 t9 ?; U              116        25
8 b* D. x6 k- U              131        26( |7 w% [* ]# S2 p
              130        279 j* t+ |( L6 {+ P
              137        28
/ f( W/ ?, g' ~0 ^  h! m) _              138        29
1 ~9 B! l# q) F# K) i              139        30
# D+ L4 Z" H: ]# D              160        31
" @; y& U. Y7 n9 X              161        324 W+ t( v0 `9 H6 `
              162        33
3 Q  I; h$ \, x9 h. u- L) a$ V" N              163        34
9 r! N) N( J8 A, K% |              164        35. [9 Y( g1 Z- x' S, A
              165        36
5 f: i+ E2 P5 A( G6 u              166        372 c- t8 ^# b; j6 k$ v  o
              167        38
* D; r. Z% y8 W1 C: B              168        39. s3 \9 N' {3 ]  `
              169        40
8 g5 g4 |! ?  J/ b$ K2 M7 Q- L              170        41
, l! Z6 l0 m( @              171        42: t6 S3 J! c, j2 }
              172        43
5 o- n0 m7 @$ N3 G& \0 I1 h              173        44
, b3 b4 U, E4 W/ q: f              174        45
" M! N( G# D# d& `0 k" `" m- N              175        46/ }& j0 C, a" `! l# X
              176        47
5 |$ q* Q2 E, c. b4 z- I: P              177        48" L% G+ M. ~5 L" l
              178        49' F* F1 z' j. k, Z' _- A8 j
              179        50
7 ^: |! Z$ V% B( O9 I( s: |1 {( m5 @              180        51
3 b  _; o6 O/ ?" N5 {! _. Y              181        529 {% Q2 b9 i* @7 p# K
              182        53
* z9 _7 w/ S4 W3 f              183        54
( }. u7 G4 X& L2 I              184        550 ~% h, n7 _4 x7 A# s  U
              185        56
1 l# M1 \6 s1 Q, l, ~: x' J              186        57' k* t0 y7 N$ p' E: ^: f' j
              187        58
7 ], k0 b5 `7 I# z! ^/ O- c  C/ H( h              188        59$ l0 ]+ L/ Z5 J6 x; I5 ?
              189        60
% m& x  A( M# U; G. c' s              190        61  Y4 N7 E9 p0 Z0 G! L
              191        62% Z: J! x8 ?4 I% e; C. D* a
              146        63: o. ^, R6 H! H$ g( ~! @- Z
              153        64! Y% i1 _. d. ^: j& g+ P. Y, m
              156        65
+ i. D: }" O4 Q: `0 W$ J              157        66) [4 M$ G# b. m! l
              154        67# Q; b4 o/ `3 m
              155        68
; F% ]' Z) f$ n2 q- ?     Remapping IO memories...+ _& E; q, Z5 i4 ~  K
             phys              virt          size6 {7 D6 f8 A: ], p8 t  `' o
       0000000080180000  ffffff8000040000  00024000
7 ~, t% v  v2 x) w% I* I3 H* K4 d       00000000ffb00000  ffffff8000008000  00006000/ h/ J; [3 Q0 V7 ]5 N
       00000000ffb20000  ffffff8000002000  00001000
6 ?. R5 _( J) }3 f& b2 I       0000000082000000  ffffff8000080000  01000000. d* R$ N0 t' {( Y
       0000000083000000  ffffff8000010000  000010008 o: b/ J- X/ U# q; n( f
       00000000ff800000  ffffff8000014000  00003000
! k6 g4 G2 |  @3 w$ d       00000000ff854000  ffffff8000012000  00001000/ D3 ~  {3 _. B/ h6 p0 c
       00000000ff858000  ffffff8000018000  00004000
2 J/ \- {& G( ^+ n' M       00000000ffe00000  ffffff8001100000  00100000* ]$ A2 {  ]2 u1 @+ F4 C# d: A
       00000000ff860000  ffffff8000020000  00002000, N0 _6 v6 [  l/ g5 _! y2 a  ?
       0000000083058600  ffffff800001e600  000001006 E0 @0 f" [1 k* g) T! ?
       0000000082db2000  ffffff8000024000  00001000
2 e7 C) d/ I2 j6 h       0000000082db4000  ffffff8000030000  0000e000) A# p+ E+ }* N' M
       000000008000c000  ffffff8000028000  00003fff
; z' f& b9 `9 b) A0 O" p' U2 [: u3 w       000000008300c000  ffffff8000026000  00001000
( I8 n, ?- T' M; Y. E! _7 z       0000000083028000  ffffff800002e000  000010007 G! |/ _4 Z, c2 J! q4 F
       0000000083020000  ffffff8000066000  00001000
( H3 ]1 j; F. {) i7 [       0000000083038000  ffffff8000068000  00001000
# e$ y; R/ R% A, J% Y       0000000083058000  ffffff800006a000  00001000
* a8 N. _, b3 S# \6 b       0000000083064000  ffffff800006c000  00001000
7 i1 _  f3 u9 K       0000000083068000  ffffff800006e000  000010009 \2 Y! `- s7 W4 O- L: ^, w1 G
       0000000083080000  ffffff8000070000  00001000
2 r' L6 z! y/ [# X- z$ k       0000000083088000  ffffff8000072000  00001000: L% q/ q+ H3 p8 Z  @$ s
       00000000830a0000  ffffff8000074000  000010009 z, X- H% I# |" o% p, e
       00000000830a4000  ffffff8000076000  00001000
* B+ e5 S; d6 _$ n" Y$ r       00000000830ac000  ffffff8000078000  000010003 m! I8 E5 I; c1 K0 q2 n: Q
       00000000810a0000  ffffff800007a000  000010003 J, p& q) f& I
       0000000081060000  ffffff800007c000  000030002 d$ i0 |! B" f2 U% \/ D4 A  P6 r4 ^
console [ttyS0] enabled
; P- B. K" r) m$ ?% Y9 wCalibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 100.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=500000)
$ o0 l( F# i% Q0 K( G' Rpid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
: K' a3 @7 F9 C( {* FMount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)- [% G& \6 }' ^- z! L' M# ~  u
Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)1 s, K( u3 ^3 w) V/ ~
--Kernel Config--5 l& a( H- ^+ Y- a, B9 S0 a: _' Q
8 {5 F1 {+ D0 F0 c* q, `  PREEMPT=1
* @3 v) {# _: \1 K  DEBUG_SPINLOCK=0" b7 ]9 m7 {: [: t' p& x
& g: `" e+ w$ a/ f$ U. z  B. UInitializing cgroup subsys blkio
+ X  ^" D( y% b) N( C! E; DInitializing cgroup subsys memory
  g3 ]1 C4 `* ~8 ?* OInitializing cgroup subsys devices0 P1 a& {+ M* [6 E
Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
, F; p( R+ U& W7 r# `+ Wcreating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x0e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for fpm_pool3 x1 p$ V0 ~, _' r4 E& @
creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x0d800000 virt 0xffffffc00d800000 size 0x00800000 for rnr_tbls
% a0 v+ H! v, Apmc_init:PMC using DQM mode+ @. j" R1 {6 U
Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb$ K- `% N7 ^$ I8 f+ t
cfe-v: 1.0.38-163.1563 m( g: W7 R7 n& P
CPU1: Booted secondary processor! n! z; ^# u0 C1 J! o- ^
Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
7 E& v. T2 V1 Q& H! C. H6 q  X) x9 ZBrought up 2 CPUs
! S9 i4 q% f9 E6 [- ^SMP: Total of 2 processors activated.
( g; R1 _9 H7 U( k% g, nCPU: All CPU(s) started at EL2. I7 D. ?' W0 n1 ?% t# h$ l- K5 X" C
alternatives: patching kernel code
9 e8 U* J4 H5 x+ T$ Rdevtmpfs: initialized, m7 H# o8 M( g% _/ I
clocksource jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns9 R2 a! T. B8 C! z
futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
" S' U  h5 D- w+ U- p: sNET: Registered protocol family 16
; h+ c' s. k4 C, `cpuidle: using governor ladder, g0 e, V& K1 T, V
cpuidle: using governor menu
, x1 I# |! _  oToggle reset of XRDP core...
9 R' g+ O+ {5 Y( T  m. y1 Z4 XToggle reset of XRDP core...
: }( D4 I) c. ~$ x% g3 Q' Avdso: 2 pages (1 code @ ffffffc000739000, 1 data @ ffffffc000738000)0 R9 J) X8 g% P# K+ U' ^
DMA: preallocated 4096 KiB pool for atomic allocations
0 M4 l2 \! C0 Q4 \- S6 rBroadcom Logger v0.1
: g2 D* Q- `+ Y9 h* W! ?1 o& TACPI: Interpreter disabled.
3 s$ f6 w+ e: n, d% a- hSCSI subsystem initialized1 C! c* N# u' ~$ z' J" r/ m/ V
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
9 w  ?  K# R5 O+ i" I6 iusbcore: registered new interface driver hub
: O# o- ]; p% Q* z4 \  m: tusbcore: registered new device driver usb) l# B1 m% H1 S$ m* k
bcmhs_spi bcmhs_spi.1: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
9 v$ N, T2 I. l: Wskb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256* v2 T. U' r6 x+ p; ^! R# q
gbpm_do_work scheduled+ ?& ?7 h# w3 G5 v: |
BLOG v3.0 Initialized
$ e. c8 a0 v7 k: V+ X4 h3 o. e' W$ XBLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
4 ^2 G% X! W$ Q9 PBroadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized/ q. |( b* d4 M
Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
! t* u2 B7 r: w$ O6 n. hpnp: PnP ACPI: disabled0 r4 I% `+ g2 }: j- W7 P' q0 K
NET: Registered protocol family 2
  R: P8 y" P9 Y5 ZTCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
  x5 A) ?+ z8 g# {+ P: c1 V- \TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
8 n: |4 Y; s+ m& uTCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
9 ]& [( P" ?: EUDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes); q. r4 J: ]" J) Q1 W
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
  K) Z6 w3 Z* X" J1 P- k- P# FNET: Registered protocol family 1
% W& ?% |2 [- E& q; V/ t4 Vsquashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher, B7 U" S* p& ?! p
jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) (SUMMARY)  © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
/ t0 R7 A) W# E6 N5 t7 U" k/ cfuse init (API version 7.23)
- I. j! \/ G9 ]1 Q- {io scheduler noop registered (default)% u4 q$ w) p: G% Y  ^
brd: module loaded
& P4 p7 h- i+ ]" H  n+ V0 L# {" Nloop: module loaded* R3 I9 i- U6 V4 Z8 l0 b/ I6 \  a
nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0x2c, Chip ID: 0xda
* \+ F, Q' X% Unand: Micron MT29F2G08ABAGAWP
; K2 s: I9 D2 I0 ~% ~2 Mnand: 256 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 128
& t1 i7 d0 W# z) }bcm63xx_nand ff801800.nand: Adjust timing_1 to 0x6532845b timing_2 to 0x00091e943 z/ ?: i# i' h  W/ C
bcm63xx_nand ff801800.nand: detected 256MiB total, 128KiB blocks, 2KiB pages, 27B OOB, 8-bit, BCH-8- f7 g- i9 M. ?
Bad block table found at page 131008, version 0x01
7 R3 F) n9 E3 [7 J& B# l$ _& @2 }Bad block table found at page 130944, version 0x01; O, W$ S/ P& m, W9 j% ?' t
>>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as squash fs on UBI <<<<<2 V+ V4 z6 ^# r4 B2 v0 z. m, X
Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and squash fs on UBI for vmlinux filesystem
) ~4 q+ C, s0 F) Q2 @0 {& S; {extra max size:8000000
/ F& k+ }2 @0 c" H2 l9 k; _6 [! CCreating 10 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":% b' }) ~$ M+ K* {" n
0x000003e00000-0x000007b00000 : "rootfs"* |# s7 Z! u: h3 r
0x000000100000-0x000003e00000 : "rootfs_update"
, `0 K3 ^3 X; y6 ^$ W$ m9 }0x00000fb00000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"4 c7 c$ m+ h, a2 t% @% I% m9 J( c
0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
% l; ?$ o; }) V4 S# V6 S' E# ?0x000000100000-0x000003e00000 : "image_update"
3 y$ b- W8 o2 F# h4 Q1 C0x000003e00000-0x000007b00000 : "image"
: L9 a' M- r* g4 i& B1 K0x000007b00000-0x00000fb00000 : "saf"
" @% M- t( r* ]( H0x000007b00000-0x000008700000 : "frwk1"* F# K" y- H8 m; t
0x000008700000-0x000009300000 : "frwk2"
3 F8 ]  Q. U* {8 X2 Q' n! b, Q7 g& A0x000009300000-0x00000fb00000 : "apps"
' \: Y0 r9 {1 ~PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
& N& s. V  t- N# i5 k! mPPP BSD Compression module registered$ E8 A1 `0 u* X/ N& p: [2 p
PPP Deflate Compression module registered
  ~, b7 @( {- FPPP MPPE Compression module registered
8 n' Z" r- o8 I- x: K6 JNET: Registered protocol family 24
# D! I! U3 b! O% Uusbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm) Y6 K+ m( w4 o) Q6 `: T
cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
4 \$ z! M( Z, z3 H( t3 H' ousbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial/ t$ H; O2 v0 W0 ~8 Y; d" v
usbcore: registered new interface driver ch341% l5 S* p# z2 i) W9 @# j" N5 X
usbserial: USB Serial support registered for ch341-uart
& Z7 o$ Z% e$ R" ~4 rusbcore: registered new interface driver cp210x1 h2 k! e3 X3 u$ J! A+ c
usbserial: USB Serial support registered for cp210x0 O* O( U  e3 i; Y2 ^) a
usbcore: registered new interface driver ftdi_sio
$ {5 l0 V+ B0 e# R6 eusbserial: USB Serial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device: n, U1 R# E- Y, B. v0 c) ^
usbcore: registered new interface driver option7 H/ L" H0 J* F1 D, \7 _
usbserial: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)/ s* r8 I1 J* F, \
usbcore: registered new interface driver pl23031 H2 o+ h7 `+ J; \3 C) @
usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303- \  I- v; ~; L
mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice: @6 n! H% V8 O3 N# M& U" E
i2c /dev entries driver
# ~4 N4 F! z/ s) e, j# ^( F1 Cusbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid& I  U4 A' I" a" u
usbhid: USB HID core driver0 |( N8 |* S! J
brcmboard registered. m+ K% @0 w# p5 j2 o6 N
brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
% T3 b5 @3 r+ |set_location_info: init location code:0x3300, J4 D# U" d2 P1 }( Q3 Q" V7 B# A
print_rst_status: Last RESET due to Unknown) |& o3 s7 S  |' E. p9 ^7 Y
print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000! m, e; [" r' v0 s! c/ \; ]+ W8 S( l1 i
DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
2 J( o. _3 x' m5 ?map_hw_timer_interrupt,127: interrupt_id 12# s7 Y1 x* U9 u# L7 q7 i
map_hw_timer_interrupt,127: interrupt_id 13
/ |+ M. L9 k+ l+ Bmap_hw_timer_interrupt,127: interrupt_id 14( V2 I; Q$ E- U+ Z7 \: {
map_hw_timer_interrupt,127: interrupt_id 15
* j0 e+ S: q( L/ l) l2 E7 Gid[0]:1
/ b# f: [4 K* o% p; Did[1]:1, ?. N+ D7 i$ L/ m) e( |) J
id[2]:1; |7 C7 O6 d0 ]2 x1 B& O
) c* o# ^& o6 a  v2 Hid[4]:1
: \8 U( o: J3 m; `9 A# ^! G- }hw_id:1f
, y. ]/ {* x) v+ u; E( e4 ~- j$ ySerial: BCM63XX driver $Revision: 3.00 $
4 A+ i  I: }: D2 NMagic SysRq with Auxilliary trigger char enabled (type ^ h for list of supported commands). p5 j3 q9 ]6 `- k, n2 x
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xff800640 (irq = 6, base_baud = 921600) is a BCM63XX0 o+ v% t1 b, U) I4 |
ttyS1 at MMIO 0xff800660 (irq = 7, base_baud = 921600) is a BCM63XX7 p! H3 Q3 u& K9 q
i2c-bcm63000 ff802100.i2c: Broadcom BCM96xxx I2C driver
6 U4 I- h5 |% G. z9 nbcm_i2c: prepare_sfp_detection i2c bus 0 sfp detection using interrupt on gpio 23/ A/ R+ `; s# q- ]; h; C  E
bcm_i2c: probe_sfp_sff i2c device at address 0x50 detected
: O# W  W+ d" v- F% `bcm_i2c: probe_sfp_sff i2c device at address 0x51 detected  N& J( T6 A9 ~+ k) q
Opticaldet: optical module detected on i2c bus 0:
/ M' u6 ~  v; c. v' L1 XOpticaldet: Illegal TRX type 255" f2 j. Y6 ~0 s  e
& k& i: h, }) w* a- x4 r
Optical detection module loaded.* r3 q; q" b+ W" K2 y/ I; l
GACT probability NOT on( e. V% p; R  x" B6 r2 n
Mirror/redirect action on$ ]1 B+ U; R) H9 z
u32 classifier, Y0 [! W; h6 W. t2 C
    input device check on$ e0 n5 @+ P7 a* |
    Actions configured
& T& L0 p) f/ z! [. g$ L8 f) K4 TNET: Registered protocol family 10
2 I) `1 L# L* @, K. gsit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
3 W: e3 `! r" o" X* \' c# a& K8 ^. eip6_gre: GRE over IPv6 tunneling driver
  c$ @# x. P/ a; N! rNET: Registered protocol family 17
" ~1 C2 [: k+ E, n7 h8 hbridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.0 l# R, k. j7 f1 T& Q$ w5 a  \9 ]! V
Ebtables v2.0 registered
) T. l" J$ S! d7 l) w% N8 {ebt_time registered
3 H. N/ C5 M# v& c0 c; Uebt_ftos registered$ a$ ~' _! }0 P
ebt_wmm_mark registered
/ j( I& |7 o5 @9 ^: L( x8 V: B2 S/ xL2TP core: blog_l2tp_rcv_check' C" S4 R7 J1 p% ~5 K3 }5 o
l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0
: [3 J4 w5 E' o% x% h$ ]& K- el2tp_ppp: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
* h2 _! Q% A$ }- F5 H8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
6 T3 E4 y3 |, ~% A2 S7 Tubi0: attaching mtd0
& I# r$ z& v. z6 n7 q, l& _8 [ubi0: scanning is finished
3 @: O/ P/ I' R/ lubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 61 MiB)8 I+ L$ W1 ~0 `" j, S- Q0 t
ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
5 d: C) }) O7 A/ C, a) Lubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
! d3 h" j  [. v8 H% @ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
, Z! |5 k) O+ Y! D5 Q: q1 \! vubi0: good PEBs: 488, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
$ g, n/ E1 A2 E; J( Z2 u; N" ^ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128" i, v7 P5 o8 ~" y
ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1412928644
& x0 ~! J8 m7 ?* M# qubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 488, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 1% d( C7 I% a6 a" C4 m& V6 V
ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 390
) h5 K& B( n6 y$ L( g+ oVFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 254:0.
" |- B. p) C5 ?3 ]* Wdevtmpfs: mounted
! @* p5 B" E# E- IFreeing unused kernel memory: 212K+ ?; H9 B" n8 _! ^8 I" G- f7 H9 c
init started: BusyBox v1.28.3 (2020-01-15 17:35:00 CST)% D9 ?/ c; d# m7 o$ n
starting pid 420, tty '': '/bin/sh -l -c "bcm_boot_launcher start"'! Q. w  @6 y- m# [, A8 N( b' b% ?
Mounting filesystems...6 D6 K8 q2 P) q2 _* w. }/ a8 s6 q3 R
>>>>> Starting mdev <<<<<
; f: y8 }: }& m; i5 ^>>>>> Creating static device nodes <<<<<4 t# U, L* p1 G3 L, i- x) \" Y
>>>>> Mounting /data partition <<<<<5 ~5 ?$ g: _  r$ T/ |5 |
get mtd 'usrex' info failed
( X  X/ l" r( p* @2 x# U  I) H# jjffs2: Empty flash at 0x00278004 ends at 0x00278800, m# y# Q2 p& W5 m. F3 V) T
jffs2: jffs2_scan_inode_node(): CRC failed on node at 0x00278fd8: Read 0xffffffff, calculated 0x9c10f1f9
- y- w  s9 A- l6 N+ a- Zjffs2: notice: (550) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 0 of xdatum (0 unchecked, 0 orphan) and 0 of xref (0 dead, 0 orphan) found.
5 A) C8 y+ D0 j. t  w! WConfiguring system...  b- f0 K6 I5 t8 D
mkdir: can't create directory '/opt/upt/apps/probe/': Read-only file system
- G' e: z1 s3 U2 I1 q6 Xmakedir /opt/upt/apps/probe/ succeed failed: l' j3 ~4 U$ Q/ j) b
mkdir: can't create directory '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/': No such file or directory
* V9 D# @0 @3 K7 ^4 g* |makedir /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/ failed/ }9 |7 F7 `* p% B- D  w
mkdir: can't create directory '/opt/upt/apps/probe/tool/': No such file or directory
8 c# |1 z: l+ L: z9 s- Y- pmakedir /opt/upt/apps/probe/tool/ failed+ |" L9 B4 e0 B7 f! J
mkdir: can't create directory '/opt/upt/apps/probe/boot/': No such file or directory
2 `6 E) {$ P7 u. `; c: lmakedir /opt/upt/apps/probe/boot/ failed
! Q9 l/ {9 [/ _# Hmkdir: can't create directory '/opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/': No such file or directory
+ S' D: Y! g8 i- i6 T) dmakedir /opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/ failed
4 H9 p! r- H$ B2 H% B: h* e/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/: No such file or directory% F. n3 T+ w! X# K/ |
start download curl
8 P2 P! P4 `# K, Y7 ~/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/: No such file or directory
& h6 Z& I- w) H! T* L: D4 estart download curlinfo
' B1 M# |- @2 B: Q3 ?rm: can't remove '/opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/curl.info': No such file or directory  q' z8 A$ I. W" W) w1 E. a
download curl from  Z7 a7 K  t# b& ~1 r* I1 B
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Connecting to (
6 h7 c7 Z+ z: d. V( y9 \6 }! Y. nwget: can't connect to remote host ( Network is unreachable* h  F6 G+ M% J1 J5 w, H
Loading drivers and kernel modules.... F2 U; ?$ ]9 q, D# }' @( ^7 k! T
) d/ J+ Y- e" v1 A# r+ H& s# [; H
bcm_pondrv: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel." R" e  C. n) ]: R/ A2 q: N
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint3 c" A* W* M' i6 p; Y- n4 F
RDPA_MW: scratchpad get_or_init: WanRate - 1025
& O- T- |" a5 j, NRDPA_MW: scratchpad get_or_init: RdpaWanType - XGPON1$ a& j1 l7 U9 B; T1 l$ \' y- A0 |
fpm base =0xffffffc00e000000 fpm poolsize 33554432, MTU: 1536, token: 512 rnr_tables=0xffffffc00d800000 size=8388608
; h9 G: H3 i. ^9 |INFO: _data_path_init#2139: Start.
' q! g8 W2 \! J- ?4 VINFO: _data_path_init#2149: Driver init.9 _4 z; Q3 p" G; J7 z7 m- t, }& I% I- \/ t% y
FPM driver: base 0xffffffc00e000000; buffer size 512& f( G; \% ?: l% G( M: E- k
INFO: _data_path_init#2171: EnCreating CPU ring for queue number 17 with 16384 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512ab8, size_of_entry 8& U* W. j) r0 E( Z- C. L5 _
Done initializing Ring 17 Base=0xffffffc01dac0000 num of entries= 16384 RDD Base=1dac0000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512ab8
# x) y/ z2 q+ r- p( g6 VCreating CPU ring for queue number 18 with 16384 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512b30, size_of_entry 8
- E: F$ e$ [) v* o/ pDone initializing Ring 18 Base=0xffffffc01d5c0000 num of entries= 16384 RDD Base=1d5c0000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512b30
% g* s4 x0 Y' P1 ?3 \Creating CPU ring for queue number 16 with 2048 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512a40, size_of_entry 8
7 ?6 S4 f7 B* e1 G: V5 t& S# P2 ?able Accelerators.# C( b2 n6 X7 ~  K& J! s
INFO:Done initializing Ring 16 Base=0xffffffc01dab8000 num of entries= 2048 RDD Base=1dab8000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512a40
( r1 b' [/ j, h! b3 o _data_path_init#2173: End.; r. c& y  D% k) o; r
Bridge fastpath module
/ ~7 R9 Z4 p2 N9 K$ m' ~% bbrcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry5 L3 P* M' e1 o: b
NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
; R0 Z: B: I( \1 ynpe_max_ent<32768> npe_ht_ent<8192>+ @- s# V- [' t3 H! _- Y
Total # of labels = 66
5 z; T7 f5 X% o( b' i8 l+ sInitialized fcache state7 R; Q0 W& ?% V) _; B
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<3002>5 B: m% ~- [, E1 l* P# P% |+ {
fc_timer_task created successfully
9 p) H, n8 |0 _2 y# MCreated Proc FS /procfs/fcache
3 O/ _8 e0 d& X/ ~1 ?Broadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain
( D; X" B. D0 K( DBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.9 T3 s7 N2 y* ?! a& |
[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc95ac08]=0
3 F: A9 O' P. b3 h, p, D[FHW]  fhw_construct:. P. z3 f5 A* _5 g( ~. j8 {
Initialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state3 E. a! x) F3 z- C# K+ U/ D; F
flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383; V4 k6 ]& I$ A# W1 a
Fcache Pathstats created
) w; }6 P: z7 n" {- TConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0
+ `( [$ j! \. x* y5 C, A) kCreating CPU ring for queue number 4 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5124a0, size_of_entry 16
) `5 i6 |. L* M, A! v" S6 DDone initializing Ring 4 Base=0xffffffc01a208000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=1a208000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc5124a0
  N/ b3 m( C$ l; Y9 k. c$ t" ^7 |; wCreating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512428, size_of_entry 16
! |6 {+ E. R/ l7 z3 f7 wDone initializing Ring 3 Base=0xffffffc01a090000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=1a090000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512428. x6 U) B& q3 I
Creating dynamic meter on cpu/index=0 queue 3# v5 X# t; J/ T. t
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
, Y( L- j; G8 s& h8 j; J/ ^2 iIPTV ddr base addr: 0x000000001a1e0000  A0 q3 c' t/ p6 a3 F: D8 f0 D
IPTV virtual ddr base addr: ffffffc01a1e0000
; ]; b5 I8 R! m# p8 B9 uRetrieve num_fhw_path=32, o: g3 R9 P7 i( d
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.( m& \1 C2 z8 x, }9 X/ h( a. o
Retrieve num_fhw_path=32
) f; z1 Q2 @5 k( b/ v" v  }Broadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.
7 j& o) e& x0 _" F/ W1 [9 QInitializing WLCSM Module
. J$ F" J' ~  f7 U) ]+ wWLCSM Module loaded successfully
1 w9 E3 x* B' d" {! Vdownload curl from x+ g: x7 r# \* ~5 X: n; h
/opt/scriPCIe HCD (impl1)
" F( E9 u8 l: N4 Apts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/: No such file or directory
6 e1 H* X2 V# bConnecting to (
0 W( U) g4 {. N3 _/ f% k4 Vwget: can't connect to remo  bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.21] with 1 Lanes$ J0 r4 X+ q5 N2 D0 P/ E4 h% g1 D/ t
te host ( Network is unreachable9 i% j8 Z5 |' i0 }
  bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed
0 s" O: c; ^2 j8 ibcm963xx-pcie bcm963xx-pcie.0: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00; N4 n: {+ c0 s# L
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x90000000-0x9fffffff]
& _: P2 d, W% ]+ x5 y1 Npci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]3 i1 q$ r$ ^, S1 v! a% B' H
  bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts+ I9 p  D2 `( a* x8 ^1 u% M7 G* ]" M
  bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]
. T1 x& f% y& J8 Z# zpci 0000:00:00.0: of_irq_parse_pci() failed with rc=-22
2 g7 B  e4 u0 d0 Qpci 0000:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring3 E# l2 e9 K2 P
pci 0000:01:00.0: of_irq_parse_pci() failed with rc=-22
; I0 C4 ?9 X, ?6 {pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x90000000-0x905fffff]1 o7 k/ ^3 N$ S- d1 B
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x90000000-0x903fffff 64bit]
9 |* O* Q( O2 B* g6 X6 u# opci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x90400000-0x90407fff 64bit]+ z7 u2 Q8 H/ G6 p" Y% I. e
pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01]3 z  g! @- {$ u5 B0 q" d' K
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x90000000-0x905fffff]: t9 W  u. h$ C0 j( h5 M" b
pcieport 0000:00:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
( P1 d: Q: h1 H) h& Opcieport 0000:00:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  512/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
6 Q8 z  i$ d! Z* {& Opci 0000:01:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  512/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
: x- S; J+ `( S5 m" Q1 |  bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.21] with 1 Lanes
8 N% v4 y/ s- l% ddownload curl from$ d; f" t' h! p; M( n! A
/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/: No such file or directory% o2 l3 L* A2 Z  v! C
Connecting to (
% ?4 H& u+ R4 y% O% C$ _$ E2 pwget: can't connect to remote host ( Network is unreachable# r: @5 u% d4 k
  bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN1] speed7 j* J. v* g3 X
bcm963xx-pcie bcm963xx-pcie.1: PCI host bridge to bus 0001:00
) o( D. v+ ~% k! T! K; x. Qpci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [mem 0xa0000000-0xafffffff]: }% s% K* v8 w. U1 M4 g) t7 e
pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
7 f( Z1 R( T( q  bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts
4 h) x- P" l2 J# ^: J' s0 `  bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]$ v" v- ^+ z& G$ B3 }) r
pci 0001:00:00.0: of_irq_parse_pci() failed with rc=-22: d  v4 V; d" {4 `; `+ H
pci 0001:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring
/ e7 {9 l2 R( m9 T' v/ mpci 0001:01:00.0: of_irq_parse_pci() failed with rc=-228 P8 [  @, u# w- h2 h
pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
8 N# ?* O/ {  u3 D- F( |pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa0007fff 64bit]! a( ^7 T8 w# d) @1 I7 ?4 c# V; u
pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01]
, c# Q6 n* Z) s9 c7 [pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
3 P* S0 k/ d. ^: ^* Q2 h) Opcieport 0001:00:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
# A5 D9 o) w& l3 g+ Ppcieport 0001:00:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512) M) E6 a" K% W* |2 ?. i8 p1 Q
pci 0001:01:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 128 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
$ O: U& a+ f1 N/ Q  bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.21] with 1 Lanes- M8 b  b! [2 b) f7 Y
  bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN/ W: X- B$ z% A# b6 C1 z' ]
  bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down7 ?. W' J7 z' f0 Z. Q; D  r
Wifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!0 M8 q, S# W! h1 Q: \* \9 t
[DSPHAL] dsphal_init: Starting DSPHAL driver.6 r* b+ w' U6 R) t: N4 {. e1 C
Configuring PCM bus mux
) }' D% Z, A: E5 s( c& w[DSPHAL] pcm_clk_init: starting PCM clock
6 u$ m& q9 u2 t. B. V, B# K( g+ {[DSPHAL] pcm_nco_init: PCM clock in ISI mode- k6 B  r, D# i0 n5 C
[DSPHAL] pcm_nco_init: loading MISC FCW to PCM NCO: 0xa7c5ac47
4 \' A4 {: T  N% `! O[DSPHAL] dh_configure_channel: device 0, channel 0, id 0, devType 22, intfType 0, status 0, chanType 0, rate 8000 Hz, comp 0
# Q4 t# q. n: J/ N+ X( J[DSPHAL] pcm_config_channel: channel 0, S2 \; t3 p% I$ ^. J( H; q2 I7 g
[DSPHAL] pcm_ts_alloc: DMA timeslot [8-bit 0, 16-bit 0] assigned to PCM channel 0: ~. b, [) e. U9 f8 ^; X# _( }
[DSPHAL] pcm_ts_alloc: DMA timeslot [8-bit 1, 16-bit 0] assigned to PCM channel 0
9 Z, F6 S2 G: S8 H; U0 z- [7 x[DSPHAL] dh_configure_channel: ignoring non-active device 0 channel 13 {" W4 I3 [3 a4 K2 T% T: G# t! N- x
cat /opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/curl.info
, ~2 `( ], u4 M* xcat: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/curl/curl.info': No such file or directory
2 _, E/ }% k% I. O' C6 R3 G" G+ A. N" _: t$ ~& b. F/ ?
5 ^% X$ [2 \$ z, A3 m

6 N/ ~  d  ?/ b5 q" U7 Y3 B/ J. ]3 D/ h: R* I8 t1 a
download curl from
8 {2 t) `7 Z& J! T# J  {; Q/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib[SLICSLAC] slicslac_init: Starting SLIC/SLAC driver.
) d. T' F2 i4 A6 O/ g' z/: No such file or directory% H  n% c9 N& q" K4 x
Connecting to (
3 V; \/ ?6 G: @; ]  h3 U1 ]wget: can't connect to remote host ( Network is unreachable
- q3 Z/ `) H3 S" ~' Omd5sum ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver4 |; \$ Q6 `5 N1 x( n# o
/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz9 V& V+ I1 X% f. C
md5sum: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such fehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver% u5 K# x9 y7 J3 P* ]7 t8 d
ile or directehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
9 z( @8 T0 c3 mory3 i- u: I2 o+ A  }9 z
kkk# w- I8 M" }6 `" e1 M% _' \
correct curl.tar.gz
9 X  e8 C- \9 b/ O4 k: t( Ntar: canohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver/ T/ E; N2 ]& J2 M* j5 f  c
't open '/optohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver8 {' n0 C* z+ Z+ G0 o  k6 \
/upt/apps/proohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver7 N2 F/ h' i, s7 P! W, a
be/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such file or directory
: I; v4 P6 K) n/ _++++ Powering up USB blocks1 W' ~! G3 w- v# c
xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: xHCI Host Controller
, f) E5 t- Q( X# B, p: exhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1$ k- u+ D* ?/ ~- d
xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: hcc params 0x0250f17d hci version 0x100 quirks 0x00014010
2 j! ]. b- F% d0 G0 a$ O( Kxhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: irq 64, io mem 0x8000d000
; u' |% ^! x4 V- e* U* a) h: nhub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found; H  \) u& e! c+ j
hub 1-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19)" v( ?& _4 N( n
xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: xHCI Host Controller9 n) [) p5 ~1 j( n8 g
xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
: v4 K/ K  l3 p  Z3 @/ ~9 Q( _hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
. e; K& _5 U3 T, k$ F# o+ xhub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected( E$ e4 l) r4 @; c7 {: N8 ~9 c" c5 O. H
ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: EHCI Host Controller
5 R6 d" t* k8 C7 T4 \: ~ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3+ U( X. W9 O$ V, V: M
ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: irq 66, io mem 0x8000c300( E; o! ^& Y  e- W9 w, G! h+ y& P
ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.007 C9 J( d% m; Q( L
hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found4 K7 [& h3 g3 ]1 g; @
hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected
- c% w- P. E  `+ O! m7 R% J% wohci-platform ohci-platform.0: Generic Platform OHCI controller( {7 d6 J+ t" E1 Z  K
ohci-platform ohci-platform.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4. W! z: t4 n0 n$ d# ~  O' U
ohci-platform ohci-platform.0: irq 65, io mem 0x8000c400
% K. K# H! a. u+ N: d& `8 S- Yhub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
) H: q' `  i1 r- I1 h+ }hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected$ V0 g( C9 e1 U
ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: EHCI Host Controller# D3 |- s3 {  o" p' t0 T* p- g
ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5/ U; n3 K+ g$ k' o& E
ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: irq 68, io mem 0x8000c5007 t. y5 D2 [* n9 y2 ]6 |
ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.004 ^  `% m! ^+ B. j
hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
8 I3 j) y+ ^: ^) ohub 5-0:1.0: 1 port detected
. f& r% R' w; R8 hohci-platform ohci-platform.1: Generic Platform OHCI controller
- ^' ~. p- j2 j8 h2 @$ v+ Pohci-platform ohci-platform.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6$ a2 ?3 y" o, C/ S% i
ohci-platform ohci-platform.1: irq 67, io mem 0x8000c6005 U' E. ^4 ?# m, T7 U* l' N$ W
hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found
' S& H6 W' @! z$ J1 C4 Uhub 6-0:1.0: 1 port detected
/ D! C$ x( S# E5 I$ g5 s# Susbcore: registered new interface driver usblp# p  g) v( K4 o: w
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage& V& k$ ^& @8 f+ T. `& r( I4 j
usbcore: registered new interface driver uas, A6 p- T+ C$ j- u8 G) `. @
Broadcom 802.1Q VLAN Interface, v0.1
$ i. J( _5 U, W" z+ G- xi2s registered; O- f; c5 R5 d8 |6 O& l1 v- {/ A2 L
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (8192 buckets, 65536 max)
/ Z* T  g2 A; U. N4 x: dMAXNET DPI interface Loaded5 M! v7 r" s2 B: D) }$ c6 ^
Loading GRE kernel modules...7 L6 U, X/ d, U6 n( }6 [
gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
! l. t$ I2 ]0 c- w2 [ip_gre: GRE over IPv4 tunneling driver
/ [+ d  A2 l- U* {+ tmounting cgroup...: P7 `* ~" U: [- l% X! H4 ~
get mtd 'apps' info success
# M( U0 z8 D- F' ^) T3 WDEVNAME:mtd95 u- g" x. ~+ R
- _( d9 E* M3 C" ^MINOR:18; m7 D' i1 }) t$ E
attaching mtd apps(mtd9)...
, U" M5 L4 u4 J: P- E, v  Vubi1: attaching mtd9
4 f1 T/ q& W% p4 _  m5 r& U: n' ]: }download curl from
; C5 z4 x5 I6 J, b" N: P) A/ r6 b% I/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/: No such file or directory. ^) O" D8 t* t1 I4 |# P4 T
Connecting to ( A# a, I; H% g7 g
wget: can't connect to remote host ( Network is unreachable
2 Q- |" y, F( R! E$ m3 |md5sum /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz9 g1 t; P' R6 Y% z1 ^' c* ^( ~
md5sum: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such file or directory) w1 j7 @5 N# v, p9 n
kkk# @  v& l, `/ k" X, p
correct curl.tar.gz
3 D0 W& x, J* r5 K. Qtar: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such file or directory
$ I' o5 r$ L/ c- ^( Z: N/ U0 Subi1: scanning is finished' C8 Q% Y0 K$ |0 \! g* Y
ubi1: attached mtd9 (name "apps", size 104 MiB)
4 Z* U+ d' F1 ?4 M5 Zubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
. Y* b. X& T- b2 `% u0 Nubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 20482 s( Z. ?3 \" O( d4 a; |% W
ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
2 j3 W. u2 t) u9 }7 z5 w, ~* Oubi1: good PEBs: 832, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
6 `4 Y( G; ~8 p% y. dubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
8 [' R4 q7 T8 P- K5 j% Lubi1: max/mean erase counter: 7/3, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 2706998041
$ V9 ?- z0 G6 y% I% _  F$ E' T; ?ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 832, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 11 g; P6 p  ^6 O' y
ubi1: background thrUBI deviceead "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 1259% z$ _) v9 X% u7 g# t1 o; m. s/ i
number 1, total 832 LEBs (105644032 bytes, 100.8 MiB), available 0 LEBs (0 bytes), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB); F" s4 B. r! l6 C/ x. [5 Q
attached mtd9 to ubi14 c8 }. f2 K  a/ {
MAJOR:250. [0 S& h+ t5 Q/ F9 c% [3 G/ S- Z
. n, f6 e+ b$ h3 |Volume ID:   0 (on ubi1); N$ C7 D) X* K; k% H) W
Type:        dynamic
1 e% U, Y4 ^+ U2 \! ?Alignment:   1
1 N4 f6 Y% ~% a  B9 T3 |2 H+ TSize:        827 LEBs (105009152 bytes, 100.1 MiB)
/ _" f# `5 ~! ]State:       OK# a6 _, `, c9 B" i
Name:        apps2 _- c+ y2 u. D, Z( {8 n+ o8 E
CharacteUBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 1303+ s7 |$ @- r, p
r device major/minor: 250:1
9 ]& j+ j- }3 q; X* Nmounting ubi volume 'apps' to /opt/upt/apps...5 s5 j1 [! ?7 w% I4 f1 e
UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery needed# U* M" q/ e: |1 x' l: _0 l& p
UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery completed7 h. |5 p% Q4 `) U
UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "apps"' b; W' K$ I$ j; p0 q7 @  _
UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
& `% V( f; J+ T& S; W, H( fUBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 103612416 bytes (98 MiB, 816 LEBs), journal size 5206016 bytes (4 MiB, 41 LEBs)
! q) e7 N! Y) a+ l6 g7 qUBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 4893869 bytes (4779 KiB)
9 h- D+ v  M# }6 YUBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 79B380D4-4FB3-491D-ABDA-4FA94488DB75, small LPT model9 O. R# T; V% L  V
no modules list in nvram, using defaults...) M( w  P" n* q
loading WLAN kernel modules ... wlemf wl dhd wlct
! x, q$ u- B6 a* u6 a4 Xdownload curl from
- j4 x3 D' H. U. L( o, e& W/opt/scripts/loader.sh: cd: line 497: can't cd to /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/: No such file or directory6 ]5 C8 T; z0 W0 g. p. P
Connecting to ( V5 h* s- b  T* [. T. |+ a
wget: can't connect to remote host ( Network is unreachable, G, c, q9 A1 ]* T$ ?8 X5 U
md5sum /opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz9 `4 q) y4 q" x" `
md5sum: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such file or directory
  Y6 w/ g' L2 s) okkk- W0 C& t- F: S# y4 C
correct curl.tar.gz' l( `" o% V4 H; D# z
tar: can't open '/opt/upt/apps/probe/lib/curl.tar.gz': No such file or directory' |: q" a3 ^: [2 \1 X/ o4 L
--SMP support
( r3 P; [% A7 e! [wl: dsl_tx_pkt_flush_len=338
) }# V& ~, H) Owl: norm_wmark_tot=400, pktc_wmark_tot=20485 m( {& `, Q  o8 X0 E
wl 0001:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
' e5 _7 @" V, W: L# n+ {0 p' owl: passivemode=1! ]+ P/ [$ L; r7 W
wl0: creating kthread wl0-kthrd
% D% \. @$ J( e# R0 Winitvars_cis_pci: Not CIS format
+ }6 a$ [: t2 G6 w# K# L0 F) @Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image
" c0 o: k( A( c2 E  Ewl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
% R4 E( i/ N7 t2 Q6 [% k( f2 k6 ^wl: pszBoardId: TY968560D9CT, ucHwBoardId: 0x1f, FEM BoardId: RTC5638H# D4 w8 X& X& V# Y$ U
wl: ID=pci/1/1/0/7 `$ e7 c3 M) b) ]* z* W0 f% }
wl: BoardId: _TY968560D9CT_RTC5638H, chipId: a8d1
; X5 J$ f. ?2 O6 ?% @( Spcid:0% I- [, L( T) P
wl: ready to read file: /etc/wlan/bcm43217_TY968560D9CT_RTC5638H_map.bin
1 B. l. j' y3 n7 y; Pwl: ID=pci/1/1/0/1 z, M2 B4 l* ~6 ~9 `
wl: BoardId: _TY968560D9CT, chipId: a8d1
) Q- }* @8 M/ T$ |& f5 vpcid:0
) k' A8 L0 h# M- a. Fwl: ready to read file: /etc/wlan/bcm43217_TY968560D9CT_map.bin
& i& P/ e7 p3 ]( q$ \( Twl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43217_TY968560D9CT_map.bin, @. \9 k8 K9 q0 V8 ~
srom rev:8& h  j1 _6 r" V2 u" }) {& I
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcm43217_nvramvars.bin
# Q5 d( S: z& `8 ^& }$ {% A: f: f% SApply NVRAMVARS:/etc/wlan/bcm43217_nvramvars.bin
9 E2 }; p! e7 a4 k8 ^4 _8 F' Awl0: allocskbmode=1 currallocskbsz=1024( i3 J; Z" {+ ~' }3 f. O
Creating CPU ring for queue number 7 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512608, size_of_entry 16- E+ ]# E5 P; |* p
Done initializing Ring 7 Base=0xffffffc0192a8000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=192a8000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512608
; O* ]. d) L) n- \1 _4 i& `' Q0 \Creating CPU ring for queue number 8 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512680, size_of_entry 16- [% Z+ k2 J: T4 R; o! K& _! s
Done initializing Ring 8 Base=0xffffffc0192b0000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=192b0000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512680# G3 {3 v& H0 k9 X
wfd_bind: Dev wl%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (0/1), status (0) qmask 0x3
8 b1 i4 Y- [9 l0 ^) f" PInstantiating WFD 0 thread6 z) m, o0 y( E5 S6 i
wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wl0 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0- D* ~+ C- I; \) v- \
wl0: Broadcom BCM43227 802.11 Wireless Controller* W% j% K: Y" [: U4 w
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl0 registered
( O3 g; w$ W% r; @0 |DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:20489 r7 I2 u8 H6 h1 E- v3 k
fkbpool address range: ffffffc017c00000 <-> ffffffc017e80000, H* t8 e1 G' F8 E
DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
: U7 v6 K) K" k1 S! U6 f9 C3 R2 Adhd_module_init in! ^. S2 h/ o+ d/ Q7 m. V/ y5 f8 l
dhd_queue_budget = 256
( Y' Y( s) Z" V& G% V* }& o  Idhd_sta_threshold = 2048
1 K. t' |# v8 ~# Ydhd_if_threshold = 65536
" G- N2 N" @. w5 G! G/ X" n7 Mno wifi platform data, skip
$ ^# @1 R) Y8 m: m& b0 |PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AA52(good PCI location)
- t- {' L* r: c3 l. |3 Rdhdpcie_init: can't find adapter info for this chip$ l! c/ E: @3 t8 \* V9 i. e5 Y
pcieh 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)- N3 a% j. I* o: a. Q: _
DHD: dongle ram size is set to 983040(orig 983040) at 0x180000; n" b' M- ^# O- y' z7 @
dhd:1: fw path:(null) nv path:(null)
( n* A- T% k& _: T. d. Idor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x1, RxP 0x1 TxC 0x1 RxC 0x1
! J/ q) T5 H5 [$ @" v8 o' }% x' i$ E) H
dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Disabled, Ring Size = 1024
5 F8 q! V  t) O( l; Y. v* a0 f0 [dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 10246 k3 E) L; s' j; M0 D
RX wakeup info: reg = <0x82d04004>, val = <0x00000004>
5 Y* P" h' h2 f5 w$ x  i; ]dhd_prealloc_attach: pre-allocated buffer mode is disabled (allocskbsz=0). d9 v# B) C- Z3 x6 w1 `) ]  _
dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:56c started' H' S2 E1 n. g! \7 ?
dhd_attach(): thread:dhd1_dpc:56d started9 l  H. `# ]* J
dhd_deferred_work_init: work queue initialized. X. i5 ]6 k* z2 J5 {
dhd_macdbg_attach: psvmpmems ffffffc01a2aeec0 svmpmems_sz 13
+ }" u* E/ S+ s2 P; S* TCreating CPU ring for queue number 10 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512770, size_of_entry 16
9 q/ \/ J* D0 f" p  g; D* S. jDone initializing Ring 10 Base=0xffffffc0192c0000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=192c0000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512770
2 ^" x% M* Z& r2 oCreating CPU ring for queue number 11 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5127e8, size_of_entry 16$ K  l4 \" t# V6 i- h5 Q/ }
Done initializing Ring 11 Base=0xffffffc0192c8000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=192c8000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc5127e8
% y, n) w  n( y wfd_bind: Dev wl%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (0/1), status (0) qmask 0x3
' p$ A8 N* u; \3 wInstantiating WFD 1 thread& H, J3 S6 a' W% m- c$ W
dhd:1: fw path:(null) nv path:(null)
) q% f3 K- _+ q% E7 e0 `. \dhd_bus_download_firmware: firmware path=/etc/wlan/dhd, nvram path=% c3 p0 G( p% E4 {
update_firmware_path: pfw_path = /etc/wlan/dhd
) K4 V9 P5 c8 p) J) a6 ~: k! e) b_dhdpcie_get_nvram_params: fail to read nvram from flash.
  L1 m, M6 I# `2 Odhdpcie_ramsize_adj: Enter
# \5 V  o% W0 _8 vdhd_bea_read_header: Not a .bea header
& D) p  U; T4 {# {0 P! Ndhdpcie_download_code_file: download firmware /etc/wlan/dhd/43602a1/rtecdc.bin/ T- H: [% `) O6 o7 K) }. \& e
dhd_bea_read_header: Not a .bea header
$ y) o# z6 t! e0 x2 [; I6 \% `) Owl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
" D. o1 f  W, p4 Awl: pszBoardId: TY968560D9CT, ucHwBoardId: 0x1f, FEM BoardId: RTC5638H+ w! m3 v! s$ T. |& l/ Y- Y
wl: ID=pci/0/1/0/2 q3 A5 D- y  G: N3 ]! E
wl: BoardId: _TY968560D9CT_RTC5638H, chipId: aa02- K" J+ p, P1 J6 ~- \
pcid:00 }% n) \, r. ]: d
wl: ready to read file: /etc/wlan/bcm43522_TY968560D9CT_RTC5638H_map.bin  w0 C8 \4 l8 i9 U" x7 j; J
wl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43522_TY968560D9CT_RTC5638H_map.bin4 X" N: Z- o- E7 ]1 ?) E" k
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcm43522_nvramvars.bin
! O1 B+ s9 [" E2 |; sApply NVRAMVARS:/etc/wlan/bcm43522_nvramvars.bin
$ _. _# F0 I/ R$ W+ k: WReplace or append with internal Mac Address) r: {( u, N* i. ]8 B
dhdpcie_bus_write_vars: Download, Upload and compare of NVRAM succeeded.  {) h( \( ]4 p, u
failed download curl
/ i" ]8 O5 ^/ r/opt/scripts/loader.sh: line 497: can't create /opt/upt/apps/probe/boot/shell.log: nonexistent directory7 W5 Y  b' Y# X1 V
PCIe shared addr (0x001ec31c) read took 76383 usec before dongle is ready1 c" }; [9 ]* X
DMA RX offset from shared Area 0
6 O" H) T% Y6 M9 y( Idhdpcie_readshared: Dongle advertizes 2 size indices- J( |$ @: j7 u) F) x2 Q: A
dhdpcie_readshared: Host support DMAing indices: H2D:1 - D2H:1. FW supports it: o- o) y  @. U7 [
H2D DMA WR INDX : array size 320 = 2 * 134
0 E5 V7 l* L! O! O# _' c- _D2H DMA RD INDX : array size 64 = 2 * 3
0 ?4 y8 z: ~4 R2 [/ v0 m) b, x9 bD2H DMA WR INDX : array size 64 = 2 * 3
, i6 T: N, ~8 t/ u8 ]: _H2D DMA RD INDX : array size 320 = 2 * 134. K5 S2 x, ^7 t
ring_info_raw: 56
# m& B  y1 V- X7c a3 26 00 0c ac 26 00 18 ad 26 00 24 ae 26 006 l% `, ~/ s$ W) D& d$ Z
2a ae 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00- A2 _- R9 i, Z2 V7 G1 F" p( m+ L
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 002 x5 I7 K1 Y2 P- l
00 00 00 00 86 00 00 00
# Q& X$ ~6 Q; \( V- ]' @dhdpcie_readshared: max H2D queues 1341 o0 ]+ K( a# l+ U7 L! j$ O& m
dhd_bus_start: Initializing 134 h2drings
/ ~( \, C2 e$ `+ W/ ?- `# R" idhd_runner_profile_init: N+M profile = 3 01:1024/0512 -1:2048/0512 -1:1024/0512 -1:0512/0512 01:0512/0512
0 i* o, G) }7 S  q4 {3 B: q. zdhd_runner_policy_init: N+M Policy = 0 1 (HW)
- {. |$ d1 A. k* `dhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:- @2 n% [$ e" ?5 s1 p" V& s
  0000: 00 10 2a 19 00 00 00 00
# M9 f* T/ @& \+ q8 c; C4 rdhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:8 D$ L: A4 Z. D% u8 Z/ v
  0000: 00 00 02 19 00 00 00 00* c  L; l1 f! [; \% a/ }
dhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:" k- h/ x& w  [8 U8 ?/ H) a
  0000: 00 00 04 19 00 00 00 00
/ b- A# ^! ?5 w1 H. p0 Udhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:7 S; `2 |/ w0 P  ~+ g* f' q
  0000: 00 40 00 19 00 00 00 00
' {; R% F$ Z  G9 @4 p1 A% jdhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:- T% |0 Q1 W* M1 S: F. ^
  0000: 00 80 02 19 00 00 00 00- A+ z& Q4 I- A, ^* O# C
dhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:, ~/ @5 A, b& {  z% a3 e. k
  0000: 00 00 60 18 00 00 00 00
5 D2 c! X: y3 {dhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:
  e$ ~9 o: F3 a' T: }% {- K  0000: 00 10 14 00& k& Y. |3 b, U8 F. d% q! ^* j
* y* P) |, M7 T( g. r* {  0000: 00 88 03 19 00 00 00 00
0 l( C+ S5 ]0 {% f% ?/ E; P- ]( j0 Idhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:
0 a  n# `" q! ]. x1 o1 o  0000: 00 8c 03 19 00 00 00 00
8 ]# ^+ H% a/ f/ x8 zdhd_bus_cmn_writeshared:' ^$ ~3 G9 Z( _8 C
  0000: 00 80 03 19 00 00 00 00: a* R; {9 p: Z& _. K' f. {3 P* F
" O7 ?3 f9 Y2 [! {$ t' J6 y- F  0000: 00 84 03 19 00 00 00 00% [+ z" c$ S$ V7 }" v: {
Attach flowrings pool for 132 rings
1 K. A5 d2 V/ }9 Z/ ]Runner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaa52> bus<1> slot<0># ]9 }$ v; y) S* G- ^# r

. ]$ j5 U& i% N9 Y7 F7 Y! i, VInitial configuration
) Y- Z# u. U. _4 M8 H+ c7 l  \2 j=================================+ X; S# L8 N8 p/ l
        rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc019020000- z' R" d+ J: `) s* v. m6 |
        tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr :           (null)
; n% d9 U- c* p; p3 c        rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc019028000
: X7 M" N$ F! p0 ]+ G        tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr :           (null)' r- e% J6 i2 s' C0 N6 s2 E
/ Q7 L9 |6 [" W% q9 v0 I, O- ]
        r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff8002802000, phys_addr : 0000000019038000
& q% c* b: J4 |        d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff8002802402, phys_addr : 0000000019038402) t6 Q- W; U5 `. ~/ G
        r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff8002802c00, phys_addr : 0000000019038c00
, y& T% K& e0 r7 Q3 ?* _5 P        d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff8002802802, phys_addr : 00000000190388022 Q+ @4 G! J+ U; U. p* ?
        tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff8002803000, phys_addr : 00000000190390000 h; h" L: `6 ~: q: R8 m5 t3 J

" I- ]/ T& l1 B* m: s$ g6 D        Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0x90402140, virt_addr: ffffff8002812140
5 H" \  e1 _2 i! `$ l* Q7 s        Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0x90402140, virt_addr: ffffff8002812140# T! n- Z- M8 G  Q+ B
        Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffd232e80
  O$ u- c8 b* \' M0 ~, f' L+ y) c        Doorbell CTX : ffffffc0192a3000$ i8 f! e; z' t* {0 w$ q$ P/ C
        add_llcsnap_header : 1
: e) ]. {( Q5 s$ V- S        flow_ring_format : 0
) d' e5 C" C$ P        idma_active : 05 y; _0 L9 E+ f0 p9 o: i& p
- q# G) T9 V& J+ D0 o8 V7 a$ L/ B
Backup queue configuration:
9 i+ D+ L  D2 ^========================================
9 d$ b( H) X: E8 K5 H. iBase virt address = ffffffc00dda1000, physical address = 000000000dda1000
+ L! s4 B8 r; l# ~/ f, XIndex fifo virt address = ffffffc00deac000, physical address = 000000000deac000" k6 p0 B% e  H0 P1 H" ?
FPM group configuration set:  DS = 8192, US = 24576, WLAN_Tx = (low:25298, high:25830, excl:26628) for 1 radios& Q' N: I$ R3 q$ K8 S+ \
Creating CPU ring for queue number 12 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512860, size_of_entry 168 |$ H* K; a7 ?, f9 Z2 K) f
Done initializing Ring 12 Base=0xffffffc0190c2000 num of entries= 128 RDD Base=190c2000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512860
1 S' e/ ^* |) @$ x3 mCreating Ddhd_helper_cpu_exception_rxq_set_ex: cpu_port = 5, hw_queue = 12
6 U2 a# n4 ]& R) Y) z" sRunner DHD Offload initialization complete
" c+ [9 [3 ?1 j' n' e
$ X9 z4 N& q# j4 gHD complete ring for radio: 1 with 1024 entries descCUR_ETHERADDR : 6" m' s0 d' _6 x" ?5 F& [; x( ^/ X
c4 a1 51 0c d8 ce7 [& F$ {% l  T1 \" n8 p" i! `: z
dhd_sync_with_dongle: GET_REVINFO device 0x43bc, vendor 0x14e4, chipnum 0xaa02& ^+ }% d5 G2 I, A7 y2 G. U4 {
+ d4 L* {2 o3 W1 Z2 e* }6 M8 r3 X) F
Dongle Host Driver, version
. H, k1 z: C: |* p$ a  X% C" ?riptor=ffffffwfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wl1 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1( V5 s+ ?1 E. J/ j+ F& j; j1 |
dhd_module_init out/ v5 G4 ]4 I$ ?0 y& {4 q
) b. W% ]. E) w3 z% U8 @ Done initializing Ring 1 Base=ffffffc01d864000 num of entries= 1024 RDD Base=0xwlct: wlct_proc_init wl1 ffffffc01929e000 wl0 ffffffc01dfbd800 successfully  }# `: [4 q7 u& l( J: J' u1 d

. P0 }! q8 }9 e) A; b' ]7 Kwlan-driverwlct:Initializing wlct netlink
6 K2 w0 u7 d( E. i% iwlct Module loaded successfully' w6 v5 d( r6 ~  j' a, j$ z' R( k2 z
wlct: creating kthread wlct_kthrd" a4 |# O9 B. ?# `% r9 Y
wlct: wlct_module_init ret 08 m0 l7 D7 O" h# h  ~& t5 W2 u
s: unrecognized module [wlct] in the load module list
. e8 E/ K3 b) AConfiguing wlan related threads...8 p" B, r  \# S' x
Saving kernel bootup messages for dumpsysinfo...
  O/ M/ u1 ^# mStarting LXC support ...$ \0 M1 w0 I3 I4 p& o6 _5 U2 G# n
Starting monitor...' x4 A. m/ n) R( D6 U
Starting CMS smd.../ X6 ]1 N' K2 m8 A

, K" p* N8 R" }3 T===== Release Version 5.02L.05DW1 (build timestamp 200115_1736) =====7 q. z  k& i! ~9 n' y

% d! x) `+ E' X/ K/bin/smd:error:9.264:cmsTok_tokenizeLine:91:Unrecognized token #port- B! N6 c7 h6 F" Q- S7 B
/bin/smd:error:9.265:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_QUICK_INSTALL_TY in eid_symbol_table; i: b3 i' H* w# v
/bin/smd:error:9.266:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol EID_AVAILABLE1 in eid_symbol_table5 e& Z3 H; |, h1 e$ _" z
/bin/smd:error:9.267:is_eInfo_valid:403:eInfo must have a non-zero EID" z+ V7 R0 F+ i) e$ y1 |
/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE10 in eid_symbol_table
' k, I5 H' }& @8 E" x. Q3 S3 ?/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE11 in eid_symbol_table
% q5 o& O, C7 e  W4 ~/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE12 in eid_symbol_table
+ p9 F9 Q, b0 L, T7 t+ @& }/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE2 in eid_symbol_table
' X8 ^" c0 R) S4 K9 f9 ~# k( L/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE15 in eid_symbol_table3 W  s3 r! q) f; {# p- t6 ^
/bin/smd:error:9.267:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_BUCPEABILITY in eid_symbol_table$ t9 ^- \) @% e6 @
Initializing CMS MDM in Legacy98 mode
1 T0 ~2 r+ Z5 b+ E5 ^1 z7 {ty_get_current_mdm_name():loading mdm file:/lib/libmdm_sichuan.so: L: ]+ S5 [. A+ o3 F% v
sched: RT throttling activated
) x+ `$ G9 ~/ K/ f. O+ T& FAdjust WLAN Configuration in MDM. Has configuration [1], num [16]; defaultnum [16]# w$ ?9 K& f" u) ?! R- A& x
=16,(01,09,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,),(01,09,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,)=! E/ P6 X& i$ p( Q- q8 z) j+ q
ssk:error:9.925:mdm_adjustForVoiceHardware:86:mdm_adjustForVoiceHardware: maxPhysEndpt 1, maxVoipEndpt 1, numFxoEndpt 0, maxCodecs 4
: E+ `0 z4 w+ w- Z2 K& l5 |0 _* {- r+ l4 D
upwd:njzav3 ]3 \: v$ E! S: ]

3 F7 ~3 V% V7 z" a----custom default object process begin----
- D8 v, H5 o6 W3 }: r9 w/ b* n----custom default object process end----
! X2 o9 h! D% Pssk:error:9.926:mdm_addDefaulttelnetInfo:750: file no exist
9 X# R2 d2 z( O5 Werr:No such file or directory
7 V- \( C! w, N* q* m) h6 |% Mip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team) s  X& m6 E- V  I. ]& {
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
/ z( Y* `& H4 Kssk:error:10.368:rutIpt_ctUserinfoCfgRedirectRules:4769:failed to get subnet or netmask info for br0!$ G, x. r) h$ z
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
0 z7 |) R/ K' h1 G$ k# n  Xctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.. z. d  O# l  C4 a9 k( j1 |. g
rcl_serviceManageObject: CMS_MSG_STOP_APP EID_FTPD
; \6 T: j( ]& h. M- x/bin/smd:error:10.549:processStopAppMsg:3789:get targetDinfo fail1 m# |; M: Q% M. `

2 M+ D( f5 k+ h! J2 Y  V3 @rcl_wanServiceManageObject currObj == NULL newObj != NULL8 q& P3 O0 B* l1 x! i2 Z6 t
set samba access, lanEn:1 wanEn:0 service:0
1 p3 v6 r3 f& t. y' h& _+ @/ assk:error:10.556:rutSamba_accountExist:661:get MDMOID_MANAGE_SAMBA_ACCOUNT failed, ret=9804
, D7 ~) s& [2 g; n" ~1 C  xrandom: smbpasswd urandom read with 22 bits of entropy available
. z, c' ~+ b; S5 F3 w& zrcl_serviceManageObject currObj != NULL newObj != NULL
+ ]! G, k* k% _% o) r+ `rcl_serviceManageObject: CMS_MSG_STOP_APP EID_FTPD
( R7 N" X! g& X/bin/smd:error:11.653:processStopAppMsg:3789:get targetDinfo fail
3 [# U- \3 |7 Z. ?( t* _/ G! l3 C* `. h: d
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).) R4 N, L# z2 g7 j, j; P
ip6tables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).7 I9 q& S6 E/ ]4 R- b/ x0 i/ w0 m
dnsproxy:error:11.692:cmsTok_tokenizeLine:91:Unrecognized token #port
5 I, Y- I+ a- P+ Fdnsproxy:error:11.693:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_QUICK_INSTALL_TY in eid_symbol_table
. L; _; K% t8 sdnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol EID_AVAILABLE1 in eid_symbol_table
6 h8 A: X% l& _* Z! f9 z6 Mdnsproxy:error:11.695:is_eInfo_valid:403:eInfo must have a non-zero EID% W/ n/ Z  @% v4 a& x$ T
dnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE10 in eid_symbol_table- G0 z) g( N* ]
dnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE11 in eid_symbol_table
  ^$ w& i3 S3 r4 Gdnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE12 in eid_symbol_table( g. ^( b  P: \- ?$ n! m
dnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE2 in eid_symbol_table% Z! |$ L6 o3 w* Q
dnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_AVAILABLE15 in eid_symbol_table
7 n1 i+ J9 t  e8 L6 ]. ^/ pdnsproxy:error:11.695:symbol_to_value:349:Could not find symbol NDA_ACCESS_BUCPEABILITY in eid_symbol_table8 {4 f1 f8 p$ n. C% p) \
iptables: Chain already exists.$ R" b1 T* X, u7 j
ip6tables: Chain already exists.2 u5 \  _( j" P
Chain MacFilter already exists.
. j6 W9 ?' \& |7 [8 d. Ygaddr_data=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
& U- D5 Q) W" }% k: J- }7 B, Q' gBroadcom SNTP Stack v0.1 (Jan 15 2020, 17:38:48)" O6 ^  V0 G4 g/ d3 [; J  [
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).( G7 ~% y/ [+ W' o( L. _8 g
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
# M! |/ h3 W. E' N- m! a# Created object <ingress_class/dir=us,index=0>
1 T2 x2 K# f. V$ G## ingress_class: added flow[0]
/ [9 N$ U2 s, I9 ~# e. L& F( F## ingress_class: added flow[1], |! m' t+ u# t
rutIpt_getBcastIP: ------
8 \7 u/ }5 [: k3 k+ C7 W* Fgaddr_data=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:006 [- l. X% L+ a+ M8 s+ h
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
1 Q% \9 r% b6 `7 w' o! [* M1 O& WIPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
$ H. m, ], D6 Xbr0: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state
8 k' {! [. C$ Z6 q4 m+ h7 |5 iIPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
" B( w! }6 n+ V, i; ]. kdevice eth1 entered promiscuous mode  Q" R1 {& T1 Z
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
5 d& \# c2 b( u5 N8 d3 Cbr0: port 2(eth1) entered disabled state5 p4 a+ D0 L! J* O, c
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready3 G( }- A4 G7 a9 T/ }
device eth2 entered promiscuous mode
! K) X0 a7 X( H9 DIPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready# s4 I8 z1 ]' O, l- z+ P
br0: port 3(eth2) entered disabled state. P, Z$ V: N$ i) ?$ E) E  W2 ?
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready
0 S  H6 u: l3 s. c" Y. ^# a1 s6 Ddevice eth3 entered promiscuous mode3 @$ k, s5 W; y; {' X. A
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth3: link is not ready8 ~: `4 j) L" ~- A
br0: port 4(eth3) entered disabled state9 l( S( Q' N$ G- w
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth3: link is not ready, z2 C, |, W/ b$ S9 N; ^, A  u- _" w
wl: wl driver adapter not found
+ v( S4 p* v) I5 e1 O0 Y" M7 {. _wl: wl driver adapter not found1 i' o& U, J9 j, c5 z* h
wl: wl driver adapter not found3 \7 a' X' f. n2 f2 N( b( h
wl: wl driver adapter not found
1 V" g' ^1 L& ?2 @# b- x/ zwl: wl driver adapter not found* C* I! y# A+ n/ P0 y7 t4 b
wl: wl driver adapter not found! F7 y7 x7 [  ]  Y
wl: wl driver adapter not found
4 y! C% ~# M- m0 |3 ?3 n1 [===46 46========
& V2 W8 t6 J1 j' H3 yfe_ports:0 ge_ports:49 p( t( a" E( |2 ?
--ty_config_cpu_highest_queue,start[eth_ports:4 rdpa_port_map:3210]--
& v* m5 j& l# t" o. h4 N3 q--ty_config_cpu_highest_queue,done--
5 b/ |) j; {0 n  R6 _; |ioctl command ret_compat_validate_unit_port:L663 invalid unit 0, port -1 values
1 a9 r- E! h$ O- c- Aurn error -1!
3 u6 ]) |6 t( {  k$ |. A7 P+ PGet unit port failed, oam_idx=8
/ N" \5 ^4 z1 D  _$ V' p9 qioctl SIOCETHSWCTLOPS returned error 14 (Bad address)2 b; y. F( {$ ]% ]! V
Error: clock not active, do wl up (if not done already) and force mpc 0 to active clock" T8 J/ B  t4 x8 n) X4 [/ F* L
error" s0 [% x$ e" }/ U
Error: clock not active, do wl up (if not done already) and force mpc 0 to active clock
# e& W. \" @2 a; M# dmonitor task is initialized pid= 1588: X0 ^) j8 Q1 t" \. u# J3 w
6 H/ f% Z3 T; X5 f* K7 P- y
dns_filter_init5 e  m" r, j7 _$ A  g; ]
/ a7 {* y! i' S+ M% V/ yUse performance improvement level: 18 u' K9 Y+ U0 E3 D6 ]; y8 i  p/ P: @
Starting wanconf...
0 h0 O' t. `1 T Enter ecms main" F0 i' R6 P) }+ ~2 I3 V5 y
---------setVoiceServerType voiceProtocolType SIP
9 \& H% c; \7 Jwanconf: cmsPsp_get: rdpaWanType=XGPON1) M! ]! B; G+ Q8 ]
# a9 l- t2 @3 K* X$ I
starting pid 2376, tty '': '-/bin/sh -l -c consoled'
2 E6 [2 p4 x+ T4 P0 VBoard not populated with PMD9 s+ ~6 d- }3 t3 {' c
RDPA_MW: scratchpad get_or_init: WanRate - 1025
6 i5 |' l7 w) ^+ X, l! ~4 E$ JRDPA_MW: scratchpad get_or_init: RdpaWanType - XGPON1
' w; h* s/ U& @& J! E( @, h[INF gponSerdes] wan_serdes_config: SERDES: Wan type: XGPON_10G_2_5G
+ U, s  |) Z. i3 @' A# `- Y# Z, z8 {- J[INF gponSerdes] wan_serdes_config: SERDES: Configured with 50 Mhz PLL
: }* @7 T0 f% f1 d& Q- B6 Z[INF gponSerdes] pon_drv_gpon_init: SERDES:& Y' y4 C6 A0 }

6 ~- b  E, w  b' eserdes initialization: XGPON Start3 T! r' @( n, _2 V3 ?
: f6 i1 O  A0 g
[INF gponSerdes] sgb_rescal_init: SERDES:
1 M9 C. H( V$ C, K WAN_TOP_RESCAL_STATUS_0 =0x6800013
* i5 _% W- l1 o" A1 |[INF gponSerdes] pon_drv_gpon_init: SERDES:7 M5 J# B7 ]" \* j5 U4 s% ]

! q( i; t$ [1 f3 lserdes initialization: Done
" C. X9 {0 g3 m& g- y( Y$ O9 F
) E# K# K9 p! U) h% W. r[INF gponSerdes] wan_serdes_config: SERDES:ssk:error: Load microcode ...# r9 b! n; v" E4 u( H
14.263:initVo[INF gponSerdes] serdes_firmware_download: SERDES: TMP SKIP ...' F9 N3 F- u6 \* y8 {. P4 Y
iceBoundIpIfWanSideUpLocked_igd:1020:Failed to get WAN Connection object
4 g# t3 ~' V9 T7 `. A8 @ecms_check_beacontx_task 475 cnt:0( y9 B1 A. ]+ y5 R  j
[ecms] on_name_lost: connection to the bus daemon lost or can't be made9 W9 J* y. F2 T( }' w; M6 F7 d
on_name_lost: Lost the name (com.ctc.igd1) from the bus" c# Q) ~) a) D2 _
# Created object <ingress_class/dir=ds,index=0>
  T5 B6 b9 h  K* l9 y* d# Created object <ingress_class/diLOGGER driver Init Done: 0/ e2 l; C+ m5 B! b7 \
r=ds,index=1>Reading from Tx CFG ONU Tx En6 j* b( {# s) M

& c3 j% e% q/ {: U. ?  z( P1 k# Created [NTC pon_pwm] api_pwm_init: [115832]api_pwm_init Done# G- P+ x/ h3 s' T: I7 E
object <ingress_class/dir=ds,index=2>. L+ F; O" h1 c1 T/ M7 M' w5 y
# Created object <ingress_class/dir=ds,index=3>8 u; m. _0 ^+ V; a6 B
FPM group configuration set:  DS = 8192, US = 24576, WLAN_Tx = (low:25298, high:25830, excl:26628) for 1 radios
* a2 |. w; Z7 d& UCreating CPU ring for queue number 6 with 512 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc512590, size_of_entry 16
+ L$ d4 b9 H) vDone initializing Ring 6 Base=0xffffffc0177f0000 num of entries= 512 RDD Base=177f0000 descriptor=0xffffffbffc512590
8 Z5 `2 Z3 _: i6 N# d3 S[ERROR ploamFsm] parseSNPW ,146: Invalid SN Number (1) ([A-Z]4[0-9a-fA-F]8). Given: BRCM12345678
; A' Y  S/ W5 P) _6 \6 P# ^  D: X[ERROR ploamFsm] bcm_ploamCreate,496: parseSNPW failed.
+ m  u0 d# v7 l0 l. k# J[ERROR gpon] gponModuleCreate,111: Ploam create failed.
- a/ t  \6 P+ b* ~1 A* Q/ P, \& }** 19 printk messages dropped **  nf_nat_redirect init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3b9000 - ffffffbffd3b92a8)5 t, j* [# Y4 c2 Z8 R1 V6 E
ipt_MASQUERADE init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3b5000 - ffffffbffd3b5098), N+ f* q2 E& i$ |5 o5 n
xt_nat init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3b1000 - ffffffbffd3b1170)" B6 M& ^# X" J  v- k
nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3ad000 - ffffffbffd3ad748)6 X4 e- h0 ~' e& D* l
xt_length init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3a9000 - ffffffbffd3a90f0)
2 O% ?) @' Z5 m* u; i5 N( L xt_hashlimit init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd3a2000 - ffffffbffd3a3920)
- |4 Z; O7 g! E* u% ^2 v nf_conntrack_tftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd39e000 - ffffffbffd39e238)+ z  j# \, T# {+ R  E
nf_conntrack_ftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd398000 - ffffffbffd398c30)* m4 c8 v# [+ ^: X' V5 W8 ^  ~- l
nf_conntrack_ipv6 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd391000 - ffffffbffd391f50)
# w2 B4 P; R5 l nf_defrag_ipv6 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd387000 - ffffffbffd387ff0)
$ I: L$ R+ G7 I9 |, O: p nf_log_ipv6 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd382000 - ffffffbffd3829c8)
3 Y% S: U# `. v, o nf_log_common init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd37e000 - ffffffbffd37e5b4)! m% D2 Z% x% l" ~% L  ?2 @" n
xt_LOG init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd37a000 - ffffffbffd37a118)5 t+ S8 z# u# B
nfnetlink_queue init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd373000 - ffffffbffd374a70)
% C6 X: {3 Z7 E/ m5 e- H xt_limit init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd36f000 - ffffffbffd36f3b0)
  \: F$ X, ?, \$ N% y6 R, ^ xt_state init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd36b000 - ffffffbffd36b0f8)$ N+ U# }) q) f+ d3 `
xt_conntrack init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd367000 - ffffffbffd367650)
, F8 S8 u# J1 Y# V3 { nf_conntrack_netlink init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd35b000 - ffffffbffd35f878)* _7 E* o/ W' x6 A+ u! B
nfnetlink init_addr
 楼主| 发表于 2021-11-29 03:25:11 | 显示全部楼层
zhjook 发表于 2021-11-25 22:08: f* y8 [+ T6 ]. ~8 m* h1 B6 d
照片光模块右边的 J2 是TTL, 从上到下顺序是  vcc1 N- Y# Q1 D; Q) }/ v
   gnd; t, v8 K1 V; D$ ~# o

3 X5 h+ }3 {, U7 h# oTTL 接了图中J2 处 1和3 就正常显示跑码 按道理4应该是gnd 但接上去无反应 ,还是无法进入CFE
$ m3 p: v. o; c$ H  j$ z


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最好是街上 gnd ,有参考地电平 另外启动之后,按回车还是什么按键来着,给他暂停组,出现cfe 》 输入help 查看可以用的命令 按照以前的经验,直接输入b 回车就可以改底层参数(nvram )cfe> b (小写B)  详情 回复 发表于 2021-11-29 14:35
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