


查看: 4403|回复: 3


发表于 2020-5-27 23:05:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我家的光猫带路有今天突然一直自动重启 接了串口线 读到的信息看不懂 .... 有能看懂的大神帮忙看看 还有救没有
/ [- L) m5 L- a
' L7 ~# Y! n; s% e# h[BEGIN] 2020/5/27 22:37:36
+ @$ n1 U  S$ O2 ]- _5 U& s4 wHELO
9 h9 [1 Q; y; sCPUI
' u: j8 X/ O& A! d* K' X- pL1CI
1 b8 L/ I5 \: GHELO
+ ]8 X5 x; u. _CPUI  F- h) J4 h9 `" {0 |
L1CI+ y( t: E7 V. |! N* |
4.1604_CT2015_Yueme-1.0.38-116.2337 I1 Q; I: u& I) ]
6 m, [% r* ]. [! L+ H# `DRAM
" M# r% [1 i! V1 @9 L$ W4 w- a***** DDR INITIALIZATION START ******, e3 J) N" G9 c- t1 x+ z
NVRAM memcfg 0xffffffff
( }: `% P8 w* M! V! t6 C3 b5 Bmcb configuration = 6( ~1 X5 U( S5 l3 p
- N5 P3 k& x1 }. x+ o$ y
MemsysInit lpf0wb_r4p0 20150422
( |" U% a& [! ^/ _2 `4 s; oDDR3
9 J5 t- v) i" e5 \930A3F30 B0014000 B0016000 00000000 00000000 004031D9! B8 C, G+ ~- L
MCB rev=0x00030301 Ref ID=0x031D9 Sub Bld=0x004
  S/ l8 ]6 l- L7 J$ y9 e; j/ ?Dram Timing 07-07-07
; L/ h+ f3 n  z/ i: V: J. q$ u. G# s
start of memsys_begin% S8 r1 N1 g. C+ I1 w) ^
mc_cfg_init(): Initialize the default values on mc_cfg
2 b$ Z  r1 ^5 ?& S1 binit_memc_dram_profile(): Initializing MEMC DRAM profile- @! F2 E& p$ s$ }" _& H
Poll PHY Status register
0 P% R! \* H/ z0 F3 {PHY Status= 1
9 C8 m* t! ~' K) k5 `" U: M6 H" [Disable Auto-Refresh
, n' V/ ~& W$ M" ]- d- N) u  Y[0xb001420c] = 0x00017b00* {: X+ Y1 j4 C) S, r; p$ H3 G
[0xb0014200] = 0x00000305! M& N  m6 O& k: o- \
End of memsys_begin' H9 X# Y: f, o# }5 u# V/ R
Add/Ctl Alignment
5 p( T9 S9 q2 P  n2 m% Z' wno adjustment
$ ]4 [/ n2 m+ E6 ]) q- T' @( z0 k0 o/ ]+ s
ZQ Cal LP PHY$ y  I  G( `; Z, b1 d) l- u
p_term=0x03 n_term=0x03 p_drive=0x11 n_drive=0x10
# g/ x: a# \9 lR in Ohm( F+ Q6 a3 O" h: b* l8 n9 N
P: Finger=0x2D0 Term=0xF0 Drv=0x3C
5 H/ X1 H! r4 X7 F/ Q- [; HN: Finger=0x2D0 Term=0xF0 Drv=0x3C# w$ b+ u" o' c* e
7 l4 [7 p3 Q/ y6 }
PLL Ref(Hz)=0x02FAF080 UI STEPS=0x0584 N$ N! u7 `3 h3 ~
DDR CLK(MHz)=0x215 WL CLK dly(ps)=0x0C8 bitT(ps)=0x3AA VDLsize(fs)=0x29A3 CLK_VDL=0x01B/ P' w( _: k. K  m: J6 e
start of memc_init
9 o. }7 Q  B% |, k; T[0xb0014004] = 0x01100044
$ M; {: _9 N& i6 p/ R% B[0xb0014004] = 0x01100244: d) i) i/ L2 a- r; V% a- v* u
[0xb0014004] = 0x01100644
9 n4 O2 W, l" m' R[0xb0014234] = 0x00000501
3 Q$ e, L) B. |, }- \  _  OEnable Auto-Refresh
% N3 C+ H% y2 q8 @/ o[0xb001420c] = 0x00007b00
0 L  g" y6 O4 P  z  H+ N9 C$ S0 j[0xb0014110] = 0x11100f0e
  n$ z3 j8 I5 _+ k( d( d6 {[0xb0014114] = 0x15141312
1 ?- N" G; `$ R1 y1 R4 N2 C[0xb0014118] = 0x19181716
) e% y2 m4 {6 L/ i[0xb001411c] = 0x00001b1a
5 K6 e8 s. j. q1 |[0xb0014150] = 0x04000000
7 V' Q; V8 {% f3 F$ A[0xb0014154] = 0x08070605
+ b7 A4 a; X7 f5 O[0xb0014158] = 0x00000a098 q. I0 s; A6 g- ]. s* y- S
[0xb0014190] = 0x000d0c0b
( @! ?$ g) \& o3 KFUNC cfg_memc_timing_ctrl& I5 m* m& o3 g2 f" D5 j4 @
[0xb0014214] = 0x06070707
4 D, R+ j4 d  g% d+ s# y$ v[0xb0014218] = 0x000400061 R+ m; T5 J, T: t3 b& z
[0xb001421c] = 0x1b00041b' R$ c3 y5 E3 T. b: G
[0xb0014220] = 0x00040008
! Z2 ^. o. }- g8 n5 ~[0xb0014224] = 0x0a000058
- q) o: e7 g! C6 [  ^END FUNC cfg_memc_timing_ctrl
8 Q+ @5 M( I+ |5 b6 J. cEnd of memc_init  m# v( A  ?5 b4 o
start of pre_shmoo9 n* C/ C3 M0 T- c  g
[0xb0014004] = 0xc1100744
! `) @3 s9 e2 M, }; \8 h4 hend of pre_shmoo
6 i! E) h* E3 @9 J8 C
; p; [* w$ [) l# M0 VSHMOO 28nm
+ V$ q# l. u. i- h( `B0016000 B0014800 00000000 00020000 00000000
% Z+ ^: ]+ }8 F8 F: g  f, A0 h) X* \. s3 I2 }6 h. g8 t
Shmoo WL
% I, @; B0 Z) M; [) |
: E- c2 l4 X& h/ B! F! ~One UI Steps : 0x63
- l5 ^9 q, R9 Y4 ]; m) b- K! r
' f$ }1 P* ^+ {* j7 h3 Edisable_dram_refresh) b+ a8 R; v( s0 [. |8 U9 ^' I$ o
[0xb001420c] = 0x00017b00
7 C$ B# ], E2 S, j$ G; aenable_dram_refresh
4 x  X' g' g# k. Z4 Y; @6 Z[0xb001420c] = 0x00007b00" V! P2 G. ~5 K# B7 T' R0 I
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00 S-------------------X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. s: ?( o0 ~) V" @. P% t( L0 i' y
01 S-----------------X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0 r8 ~$ m! A' j/ r9 H5 j" P6 n

- j! y' U( e2 a: ~+ nShmoo RD En  k$ W" _1 J$ |+ `( J
1 ?. ~& `; {8 I  X7 UB1 RISE UI=0 VDL=45 PICK UI=1 VDL=454 \7 `" l) b2 D' m; z
; D1 Q+ k: }' ]6 y   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
1 e  I/ W1 J- S' ^0 e- L" n00 -S---------------------------------------------------------X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
) z: \! E  @! u4 m01 -S------------------------------------------------------------------+X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 V2 {; k( r( C% x! \- Y
6 T  _; ]8 ~/ ?2 m  q' h. gShmoo RD DQ NP3 N5 b* x5 W# |; Q
& Q# j  v1 \$ J' YB0 VDL=58 ok
. h5 \4 Y. @3 m; ~* \B1 VDL=58 ok' i; C+ R8 s4 y3 I6 d& e
0 Y8 p& c1 b' o; j/ B) R  o" x+ {   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678( l! A9 J& E3 E' V
00 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------5 I# [6 @) D' q% T+ g9 {
01 -----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------6 g, g' C& S; d+ I( J6 F
02 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------8 j$ w' J/ G& |9 P
03 --------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
7 O  p, m* Z" ^4 `- D! f04 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------" [: h9 @  y; C8 ~2 K
05 ------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------3 I! g9 Q# K8 G# r( |+ V. l
06 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
+ @- V% x  d# v( O: }7 D07 -----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
7 i6 s8 ^' H5 U1 d08 ------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------! G! L% |9 d+ E+ J
09 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- W7 u. L' h$ Z9 o' K) o9 a
10 ---------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
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12 -------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------" ?4 i. S! ^: M( d! @
13 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
3 q# }& F$ g$ W( c; F14 --------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------9 \" n! t8 f4 o8 Y+ B- u2 C% _2 U8 w
15 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
' @8 e, D4 U8 N* I0 ?) X2 h! r. {, z$ J# _# `
Shmoo RD DQ P
# A/ Y  ^! c, o0 K3 l3 u) o   000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999
/ A& p; O. \" _* P. g   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
. J6 H% h6 M0 ?2 u  A" J8 E00 ------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
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03 -----------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------6 g2 J7 I2 F  h( _' F% V
04 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------/ O. K& N: D/ O5 o+ I2 s4 v
05 -----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------; e8 Y8 \% j; L3 Z6 L
06 --------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------( u: I7 b; S8 S1 @. O
07 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------4 R/ w$ E& x. Y# I' H
08 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
/ h, T; e- F1 Y5 i: x( [09 ----++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------, @# w$ W: B! m
10 ------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
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13 ---+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
' O9 ~$ l* L) F$ ?8 b14 -----------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
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" e& A7 d3 C& b+ M; H
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! ]1 z  n* G8 U/ l0 A( C- N   000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999
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00 -------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------8 s% ^, c3 v  r
01 -----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
" e) N. w. A2 v. J; Y02 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------' H2 I. @7 K0 e% [/ w
03 -------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------8 K: O0 o  c/ T! d( L. C
04 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
5 W. B4 v% H4 [: y* W; f1 f05 ------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
, B7 e* h8 p" s7 M! ^06 ---------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
5 z) o- A' S, Z07 -------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
! b" B. t0 \; N( p% Z08 --------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
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10 ----------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
6 u7 @: s& N/ L3 a; j+ R+ z11 ------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
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15 ---------+-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
: U* W# O6 y. r& I2 R8 v
' A( }( J, H  u* F& wRD DQS adjustments :
1 D! ]7 ^% L8 i/ G# M8 }) f# PBL0: Start: 0x58 Final: 0x58( `. N% I5 n$ z9 L, ^3 i# q' ?
BL1: Start: 0x58 Final: 0x586 G* W! E0 H8 U* [& j
& ~/ e/ {" e3 `1 q4 R5 L7 g- @
Shmoo WR DQ
: `" {# ~: k. Z1 ]3 g   000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888888999999999
8 s' v7 a$ {4 Z5 W* l   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
7 V/ @9 Q# b' ^" C00 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
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06 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
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08 ----------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
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15 -------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
8 K! }4 ^9 s8 g8 A5 H1 Y# @0 u( B
; g* g8 b2 d9 m1 o4 rShmoo WR DM) z! s7 [+ `' G/ j0 v/ M% L0 X, J
WR DM( T' c2 {2 }2 `% _; r% _
: v% ^: a4 ^9 N+ C, e$ p   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
( E) H0 _9 i) N5 s# [* S00 ----------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
( t- U5 a1 ]" A" Q7 _! P. \4 f01 ------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
. ]6 w6 r4 X/ L) \start of memsys_end
9 Y% o: k/ H& V[0xb0014004] = 0x81100744
- b: p: `, \3 i0 B7 n- Q4 u& G[0xb0014004] = 0x811007482 s% P& Z( C5 W+ o
end of memsys_end1 V4 f9 ]5 n6 q) P3 k
DDR test done successfully2 l9 n# g& k+ [
***** DDR INITIALIZATION DONE ********& ^0 r% O) M2 Z0 o
1 U( x% d1 J: p0 s- K9 s4 WZBSS
$ C2 s- W- |; `; H0 a; Y) D( s& a5 zL12F. ~& E- a2 X% ~
MAIN$ s9 H8 z1 A1 l8 _6 L  i+ S7 x
/ y) H; w. T9 m. V/ V1 j9 }BT002 {2 q0 K* c7 V3 k, d
; u1 f1 _& X& [1 C( NBT01
+ e) }+ k: b6 Z9 [. |7 i# e0412
! |( J) T% F( F. QNAN3
, V1 m8 D* E% Z0 FRFS2( G6 y7 }( K. R3 _9 E
NAN5/ z1 v$ r; B. D& }
0 v" j1 i' e- ]* I8 ^
" V: i8 R1 |. e% W( Y6 W. ?5 i" h( `
Base: 4.16_04_CT2015_Yueme# v- l- y6 c) n' ?/ ?6 }
CFE version 1.0.38-116.233 for BCM96848 (32bit,SP,BE)$ e. y4 Q" {/ S
Build Date: Wed Mar 20 23:53:57 CST 2019 (jenkins_wang@jenkins)
5 s6 S6 V- h+ a$ E( k. xCopyright (C) 2000-2013 Broadcom Corporation.
+ S5 z" ]7 M9 z# v. V4 r! Q  I& z
" `' _, y& {8 C# a6 Y& K; ~  JBoot Strap Register:  0xbfcbc3
6 Q* Z$ \( J4 P7 h$ _0 M7 ?Chip ID: BCM68488_A1_, MIPS: 600MHz, DDR: 533MHz, Bus: 300MHz
5 p0 _0 M7 T* F6 T3 s, cRDP: 428MHz
5 |# V/ i0 K2 U$ j( W$ q# yMain Thread: TP0
6 B& P# G' p! }9 ~' N" [3 uTotal Memory: 268435456 bytes (256MB): I/ x1 s1 \) s/ d# V  ~
Boot Address: 0xb8000000* Y" Y  j! D5 u5 q9 T* q
- }" k  q! G1 g- f  b. A. G8 P
NAND ECC BCH-8, page size 0x800 bytes, spare size used 108 bytes2 m) |. J  o; X7 H) @8 l4 ?
NAND flash device: Micron MT29F2G08ABA, id 0x2cda block 128KB size 262144KB
4 j) S7 o5 M2 v% [boardType = 0x1
' z0 Q1 G) T; d9 k) h( @- E9 Fboard_id_table[1].iGpio = 0x1
' g3 l5 h, @  I0 D: Q. G3 Gboard_id = 968488FEGU_V13 @8 W- w1 c5 T
no need to write nvram9 z% P! o! m- i/ w
AFTER SYN nvramData.szBoardId = 968488FEGU_V1
. W0 C$ Q5 `' t* [AFTER SYN nvramData.ulVersion = 6
2 k2 J4 y+ ?/ |[WANGKAI] BpSetBoardId:968488FEGU_V1
/ p1 P) w/ L; A# u/ `[WANGKAI] wk_b:0
5 i. q" d9 J" BWK01& G* W# k- h0 Y5 @# V5 T
WK019 W' u* D0 @1 ^- ?6 y1 ]
4 v: _! k' M1 h. d$ d# ?WK01  i" i* @9 w( y$ T. r
Board IP address                  :  / k8 s! ^1 |+ Z/ Q& y& d
Host IP address                   :  
; e4 |* z* ^- M8 G/ N& m# KGateway IP address                :   
% d( w7 p+ E% x5 J4 X) F) XRun from flash/host/tftp (f/h/c)  : f  ' o5 I- v, n1 b* O- t0 R- l: f+ s
Default host run file name        : vmlinux  4 O7 n; I% v6 P$ k8 q
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel  
- M( e3 A& Q# W# U% \# U; eBoot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1  ' g8 A/ F! P  [3 s- A
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0  
3 Y. \2 G+ P$ ^! Q8 B- {/ uDefault host ramdisk file name    :   
$ ^5 O9 h" M( K1 iDefault ramdisk store address     :   
6 d; [! B. h# z. w5 }$ H, ~Board Id (0-15)                   : 968488FEGU_V1  7 E' J  m( W: L
MEMORY CONFIG OVERRIDE            : 0xffffffff
9 d$ ~2 D6 ]" Y: D, z% V* s2 @Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 10  
- s, ~5 v0 k  E- ABase MAC Address                  : 0c:2a:86:32:2f:1c  
! E" N6 ^% M& r4 y  O7 a7 B( QPSI Size (1-128) KBytes           : 128  
* q( Y9 y; O  uEnable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 1  
* r0 E! z' v- ^7 ^8 oSystem Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0  
% q8 Q2 ]2 d6 Y; C5 O  ^+ IAuxillary File System Size Percent: 0  
# l) @* \! k- V0 G$ @Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0  7 J: v4 @/ O4 p" N
MC memory allocation (MB)         : 4  
6 L0 b8 k) Z# `. F! R! JTM memory allocation (MB)         : 20  
* k! b: @7 @& k! r( }0 PDHD 0 memory allocation (MB)      : 0  
2 M4 Z) l( _1 f& sDHD 1 memory allocation (MB)      : 0  
8 m5 a: A" k* T( iDHD 2 memory allocation (MB)      : 0  ' l2 k- T8 L, ~6 Z/ ^- {
WLan Feature                      : 0x02  ( ~: G+ G1 z! H! m$ o" j0 Z6 Q
Voice Board Configuration (0-1)   : LE9641_ZSI_BB  9 M8 y- E1 L, x  b2 b
Partition 1 Size (MB)             :     ]- f5 H+ v* B7 T2 p& e+ Y2 J6 {, {* H
Partition 2 Size (MB)             :   
/ Y6 X: ], B% j5 Q9 X8 M- YPartition 3 Size (MB)             :   4 ?- g2 A  u5 O4 D
Partition 4 Size (MB) (Data)      : 4MB  
6 r, y; ~/ B0 ]5 d) n
* D9 O5 s  W5 [! Cenable IH Wan-Wan forwarding...7 {$ u3 X! r0 y+ e: _
data_path_go Done!!: ~% M5 k, [1 F9 B$ ^
Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 32 packets descriptor=0x8067c55c8 c- n, E6 J5 Y1 _7 y( ~
Done initializing Ring 0 Base=0xa2214220K End=0xa2214420K calculated entries= 32 RDD Base=0x02214220K descriptor=0x8067c55c
2 b9 |/ u0 U# y# K. z7 C* F: mOpen PHY 1 on MAC 0 : link state = Down
% E# U9 h4 e( S7 D" OOpen PHY 2 on MAC 1 : link state = Down. W7 e; A6 C, e- z- B" s- j. N
Open PHY 3 on MAC 2 : link state = Down5 p/ M1 f* e5 b8 x! Q2 m% w
Open PHY 4 on MAC 3 : link state = Down
  i7 }/ q  V& V- W8 M( I/ a*** Press u key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***$ P' {; t2 m6 K9 \5 D  ~
Auto run second count down: 1Timeout or packet isn't legal. Do not enter multicast upgrade8 ]# a9 ~, q! F  C% h8 }4 n
fh_upg_upgrade: auto upgrade failed.4 p1 I: K$ \/ e, S1 p
fh_upg_upgrade: auto upgrade failed.                                                                                                                                                                                                            0
9 ~& k( D& X" J# }6 l* KWK01) x) Q- B( G! j4 U5 ]
Booting from latest image (address 0xbb380000, flash offset 0x03380000) ...
$ `+ ~4 q- N; l5 \0 c7 ]. HDecompression LZ4 Image OK!
( Z7 v' ^4 h9 P4 a; f! h4 U) c' FEntry at 0x80414f80
7 G* K. @4 j# x- @0 f* qStarting program at 0x80414f80
, ?2 J- y6 X+ E+ WLinux version 3.4.11-rt19 (jenkins_wang@jenkins) (gcc version 4.6.2 (Buildroot 2011.11) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 21 00:30:22 CST 2019
3 ?* i0 r* P, y# P7 f% i8 G! E968488FEGU_V1 prom init% \1 N& z) u3 Y7 L# n
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)9 i, _+ l3 ]- n. }; L" n7 ]5 M
Determined physical RAM map:* U5 K% g) u9 P2 Y
memory: 01400000 @ 0ec00000 (reserved)% M8 N/ ]- R5 e2 S- u: A- ^1 ]/ q( K
memory: 00400000 @ 0e800000 (reserved). T' @  B8 `& _- v5 t
memory: 0e800000 @ 00000000 (usable). V" w# Z! ]/ E
Zone PFN ranges:
; u; z! H+ q1 r" G/ Q/ {' L3 M2 k  DMA      0x00000000 -> 0x00000400
: n2 A- z( v( j7 n% J5 `# w  Normal   0x00000400 -> 0x00003a001 G& V' q# b+ [7 f# \& r  E7 A
  HighMem  empty# K* I& d2 W- ?% h5 S
Movable zone start PFN for each node
9 Y5 x# o, r6 f7 l5 k5 uEarly memory PFN ranges+ k2 i$ P2 ?6 U$ n2 U0 i; h
    0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00004000
6 ]8 ?6 n% C7 a3 u( ^On node 0 totalpages: 14848
7 t) Y, m9 s6 ^2 ~" I0 F6 {free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 805417b0, node_mem_map 810000007 y, V& s1 S% G9 _9 o( z
  DMA zone: 2 pages used for memmap: ~( `% s2 P  C8 r  F/ A2 ^3 e
  DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
; ?. ^! t& Z; v9 s+ B  DMA zone: 1022 pages, LIFO batch:0
9 [2 q8 C; d& Y  Normal zone: 27 pages used for memmap
0 B4 V3 r# P- A8 g  ~: F  Normal zone: 13797 pages, LIFO batch:3! U0 |, `* C2 }0 N$ J
PERCPU: Embedded 2 pages/cpu @81084000 s5120 r8192 d19456 u32768
  x& M" z& ?3 `, @- a" ~; }2 T$ ?& Wpcpu-alloc: s5120 r8192 d19456 u32768 alloc=2*16384
* |7 a: K& i8 f) j( ]  h8 @pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1+ x) [# w+ o4 o
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 14819
; m, w5 k+ L/ n) tKernel command line: ro noinitrd  irqaffinity=0
, c6 @' c) |$ Z3 }2 L' Y$ {PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: -2, 4096 bytes)
+ i( s. m- L0 |( uDentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 3, 131072 bytes)  x3 t* |( Q8 a) ]( X( c3 ~
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 2, 65536 bytes)9 @: }# X! I8 n9 X; b* H
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.6 d3 z% ?: L- v% L
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, no aliases, linesize 16 bytes
2 N) C& {( K3 V  C7 b+ VMemory: 230800k/237568k available (4176k kernel code, 6768k reserved, 1144k data, 224k init, 0k highmem)
3 q. @1 r% |0 V) D5 T8 J  DPreemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
& m) J6 A$ ~9 w: W( B" E, w0 uNR_IRQS:256
  \' n" p" l4 a9 x  Bconsole [ttyS0] enabled
" p9 S$ v& q+ w9 s: L! i( bAllocating memory for DSP module core and initialization code9 v. C, t: u: c; R/ D7 ]* X
Allocated DSP module memory - CORE=0x0 SIZE=0, INIT=0x0 SIZE=0
4 ^  ]+ y6 T8 A8 M% ^. I8 rCalibrating delay loop... 598.01 BogoMIPS (lpj=299008)
/ F% z. F* P  i7 |( E' gpid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
  L# W2 H4 Z3 Q" L5 f2 V" m; F. ?Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048, _" V2 V% Q7 @5 O: k
--Kernel Config--: t* ~$ L% U+ S) U! E
5 i" H6 t' b3 y: D2 P7 h( O" a# H  PREEMPT=1
- ]8 G. ^- Q* D% {  F* H  DEBUG_SPINLOCK=0
  ?( V& H6 m7 j, h" X  DEBUG_MUTEXES=0
0 Y2 K6 Z- X( v" G6 M8 L( _Broadcom Logger v0.1 Mar 21 2019 00:00:42% D+ p$ v/ [2 }! W3 `$ O7 V( f
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)9 g# a- O) a! r
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.' d, \& _/ U: A) x* S# Y$ u
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, no aliases, linesize 16 bytes
& V! h$ U3 f& _0 n) C2 |: U; a" OBrought up 2 CPUs- K. X8 D+ Z5 z) x. L. ?$ {" J
NET: Registered protocol family 169 v0 R' ~2 _2 ?
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset7 z. W, [, }# I' V( g3 A5 P. s
bcm63xx_pcie: setting resistor calibration value to 0xa# w& [: x  @7 w; M
bcm63xx_pcie: applying serdes parameters$ n' [( e: P; h& D6 O2 O6 D! o' O
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
! O! P9 ], B. N& J$ J+ Lbio: create slab <bio-0> at 0! ~2 M* a3 b2 H' i
SCSI subsystem initialized, F6 s3 ~0 q2 f0 P3 K3 j- ~
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
6 I0 Y1 a! |) y0 a/ J& n: Ausbcore: registered new interface driver hub8 R4 H& A* U& s: ]
usbcore: registered new device driver usb7 O4 N6 Q6 Y3 X* @# u4 `! r- j" ^
PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
) y! `2 E  S! f( xpci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10600000-0x106fffff]( [8 x  }, _% ]2 ]
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x11700000-0x1170ffff]
  z- v( M% B# n2 v  Q# D5 d& d. ^+ ~pci 0000:00:09.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0310
0 w% p! Z4 ], w# j- ^( L7 h: T7 F9 vpci 0000:00:09.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c400-0x1000c4ff]$ Y0 b( p8 Z. b' x
pci 0000:00:0a.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0320
3 O9 {! C$ v" X, x% Apci 0000:00:0a.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c300-0x1000c3ff]
# ^( ?/ C6 r! x0 XPCI host bridge to bus 0000:01! l8 `/ \0 v, F
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [mem 0xa0000000-0xbfffffff]6 Z* p6 `; p  n' z$ o& C3 s5 G( M3 T
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]% ~- L: |+ Z  i1 _0 _- @
pci 0000:01:00.0: [14e4:005b] type 01 class 0x0604007 c9 v7 A! f2 E
pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
& u$ u+ Y: u* ^/ P8 Fpci 0000:02:00.0: [14e4:a8db] type 00 class 0x028000" |, D. \6 r: {# \) M
pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0x00000000-0x00007fff 64bit]
1 E9 o5 f4 U0 f- W8 j, T8 Gpci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2
* W# u2 v+ w) t# rpci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff], w* z; K6 t$ R" f4 V; r; o6 \3 `. L
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa0007fff 64bit]: T( l1 G- V" ^* I
pci 0000:01:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]7 I% H0 ]( c" F$ Y: H6 F3 H
pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]0 q" |& p- B: c  Y4 y
PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)6 B6 ]3 S$ T% e: V, h3 B. h
bcmhs_spi bcmhs_spi.1: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
/ W. _( O7 N; c7 |1 y& WskbFreeTask created successfully6 o/ e$ Q! u" s& l3 Z) h8 K5 R" J
gbpm_do_work scheduled, t: U& F, o) `* {" [$ k
BLOG v3.0 Initialized1 f0 Y3 B3 K8 c2 h+ `
BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized& p7 d! i; w7 G; _+ U" n
Broadcom IQoS v0.1 Mar 21 2019 00:25:05 initialized
4 }+ v4 A* ^. H2 a- z: K7 z4 T2 PBroadcom GBPM v0.1 Mar 21 2019 00:25:06 initialized
6 Q2 t3 F. |1 YSwitching to clocksource MIPS
8 |# Z9 L' R/ `+ qNET: Registered protocol family 20 T: P3 ?* `2 e) I" c* ]& G+ s
IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 0, 16384 bytes)* a& m2 E0 c! w! r
TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 2, 65536 bytes)5 B: y. W2 H. T0 o) n5 V& F' x
TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 2, 65536 bytes)
: T3 U5 h8 u2 c8 }  @0 ?; e6 u, rTCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
& X, T1 R+ ~3 z* iTCP: reno registered' S8 d9 I" S* I/ L. g: w- _
UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 16384 bytes)
/ O8 S6 r; l  R9 t8 F+ NUDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 16384 bytes); v5 d4 W, L4 }5 ], v! i0 w
NET: Registered protocol family 1
  V' f6 L0 _- c2 NPCI: CLS 16 bytes, default 16
+ A1 f5 G' f, S  Rinit_bcm_tstamp: unhandled mips_hpt_freq=300000000, adjust constants in bcm_tstamp.c4 y/ O# b3 G; Q! i# W9 P& q
bcm_tstamp initialized, (hpt_freq=300000000 2us_div=300 2ns_mult=0 2ns_shift=0): h& a2 g- i- T  M5 G  ]
squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher7 P6 c& v1 C2 d9 T9 F8 C2 ^
jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) (SUMMARY)  © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.% m4 \. r. u7 z+ a! u
fuse init (API version 7.18)
* Q; y& U" p; W- \: ?msgmni has been set to 4503 f; H, T. }0 T3 e" i
io scheduler noop registered (default). a- \$ j8 h: G# G  B
Broadcom NAND controller (BrcmNand Controller)
! C9 {8 J' v, }; wmtd->oobsize=0, mtd->eccOobSize=06 _, S- e$ l2 _7 A& \
% Z' }8 A$ M% ]3 u7 C8 CB4: NandSelect=40000001, nandConfig=06052300, chipSelect=0: L9 U) Z, r% |
brcmnand_read_id: CS0: dev_id=2cda9095( w3 f8 K* w2 K2 B
After: NandSelect=40000001, nandConfig=06052300
0 G" L2 X$ B/ aBlock size=00020000, erase shift=17
' C9 M' l8 u1 C% q, u4 tNAND Config: Reg=06052300, Config Ext: Reg=00000042, chipSize=256 MB, blockSize=128K, erase_shift=118 k9 o# q- X; ^0 f
busWidth=1, pageSize=2048B, page_shift=11, page_mask=000007ff$ m4 {2 K& w+ k% f  A" H
timing1 not adjusted: 65644458
* \2 Z5 d0 D$ d* ftiming2 not adjusted: 80040e56& R1 {9 _: K! ]. s
BrcmNAND mfg 2c da MICRON MT29F2G08ABA 256MB on CS0
- R, {3 C; Q% y1 ^1 O& M6 G* h: C) o- _0 x: }( d5 F
Found NAND on CS0: ACC=c308001b, cfg=06052300, cfg_ext=00000042, flashId=2cda9095, tim1=65644458, tim2=80040e56
/ f* M0 j% ~2 P8 r! U$ KBrcmNAND version = 0x0701 256MB @00000000
3 F  ~" N+ o! E/ @9 W' N2 jbrcmnand_scan: B4 nand_select = 40000001( @* E$ e! {% Y& \1 M% b5 a6 ?
brcmnand_scan: After nand_select = 40000001
& h. h% D0 h4 r# O; B2 l* O4 vhandle_acc_control: default CORR ERR threshold  6 bits
% B7 p1 A% v6 ]6 |5 T; e6 JACC: 27 OOB bytes per 512B ECC step; from ID probe: 16% V+ _" ~' U$ I6 q# |, U, b
Use strap setting for ecc size 27 bytes, mtd->oobsize 108.
- s" d$ T, `" Y# N* \page_shift=11, bbt_erase_shift=17, chip_shift=28, phys_erase_shift=17* U) h9 @, y) v5 D+ p" o" f* v: K
Brcm NAND controller version = 7.1 NAND flash size 256MB @10000000
1 v: c. U% Z0 r; fECC layout=brcmnand_oob_bch8_27_2k4 f- Z# O. _8 |. q+ \
brcmnand_scan:  mtd->oobsize=108
; I6 `2 s9 w7 Q4 R1 Hbrcmnand_scan: oobavail=51, eccsize=512, writesize=20481 f4 }5 q: r& M7 N) |1 s0 p! s
brcmnand_scan, eccsize=512, writesize=2048, eccsteps=4, ecclevel=8, eccbytes=14! V( S# K# M/ J; B* s" w5 _
-->brcmnand_default_bbt) a  H7 V$ v: U. g! f
brcmnand_default_bbt: bbt_td = bbt_slc_bch4_main_descr
" I0 f4 i; R& n3 PBad block table Bbt0 found at page 0001ffc0, version 0x01 for chip on CS0$ F3 m% [/ O3 p+ Q/ u
Bad block table 1tbB found at page 0001ff80, version 0x01 for chip on CS0; n' k0 e( Y9 f8 H; e/ X) l
brcmnand_reset_corr_threshold: default CORR ERR threshold  6 bits for CS0+ Z% b8 ?( V, k* c+ j! S
brcmnandCET: Status -> Deferred
) H9 R3 Y* `5 L. `, Q8 p: d***** Found SQUASHFS Marker at 0x0387ff003 H$ s) G4 e  a$ d- ^4 S5 Y
***** Found SQUASHFS Marker at 0x0041ff00
- t/ N4 d; a+ ]# M4 U; R- g4 hrootfs device :/dev/mtdblock13
, N$ h3 r9 I+ x. l2 kCreating 13 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":; {2 a2 C3 Z5 D3 [2 ~; v
0x000003880000-0x0000066e0000 : "rootfs"
8 v. q# `+ H7 F1 L0x000000420000-0x000003380000 : "rootfs_update"
) I" O# g) {$ F  a# f0x000006700000-0x000006b00000 : "data"8 e3 M$ c& ^# X. y' b: |
0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "nvram"8 Y2 T" g  h' c
0x000006b00000-0x00000eb00000 : "ctmdw"; ~6 Y" m+ Z5 |6 P; }4 f: m
0x00000eb00000-0x00000ef00000 : "fhconf"3 X$ `. z, a/ F
0x00000ef00000-0x00000f700000 : "fhrootfs"
, y  Q; J, y7 t% `, V! r0 ^0x00000f700000-0x00000fb00000 : "fhlog"
' W' o6 @& h; I( S9 e) \& F+ f0x00000fb00000-0x00000ff00000 : "fhbak"/ O: H8 a, ?0 b6 v" N' L
0x000003380000-0x0000066e0000 : "image"
7 x7 y, U1 G. S2 g0x000000020000-0x000003380000 : "image_update"  b) y' Q) T! N0 H
0x000003380000-0x000003880000 : "bootfs"( P% O. [0 q3 I. |$ J) }
0x000000020000-0x000000420000 : "bootfs_update"& Z) i+ O) N4 o* i2 u
UBI: attaching mtd0 to ubi01 q6 B' j  {/ h6 Z6 b1 l4 m
UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)  B9 v+ Q+ x& w# X! h
UBI: logical eraseblock size:    126976 bytes
2 _, X* K1 e7 C3 P# n% EUBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
6 ]3 H3 v( J. @: w8 s3 xUBI: VID header offset:          2048 (aligned 2048)
# w1 p3 h8 F+ J9 @& @( JUBI: data offset:                4096
6 B! B' x  H7 ZUBI: max. sequence number:       0
% u. |- k7 Z2 r/ `5 eUBI error: ubi_read_volume_table: the layout volume was not found! n- T, L0 E8 j/ Y$ C) l6 S
UBI error: ubi_init: cannot attach mtd02 @: t5 d8 j( P( o6 m
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
$ s2 @0 x9 h, H( U; PPPP BSD Compression module registered  d5 _% y* A1 w" t- [
PPP Deflate Compression module registered. `6 p- o& q2 S. d6 k" |
NET: Registered protocol family 24
( {5 V# y6 {1 Xehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver. k8 n! j3 \$ K" ^: ~) {
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:0a.0 (0000 -> 0002)
: ^. m8 U7 x) Q' Z9 P# Sehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: setting latency timer to 64+ C3 F5 H7 g# T
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: EHCI Host Controller# M+ m) p0 D, j1 j9 H$ B
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
# }- q+ x# j  V& @  kehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: Enabling legacy PCI PM) b( [" I! Q$ ^
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: irq 16, io mem 0x1000c300
  K( S9 u' V9 b/ Uehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: USB f.f started, EHCI 1.00
  Z# c& Q" P9 P1 c; Q7 p4 j2 J2 Thub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
. [; _) |& x. {, thub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected, C$ E5 p" n3 k
ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
. A. I7 z( y) ?& ^; J) iPCI: Enabling device 0000:00:09.0 (0000 -> 0002)
' M5 y- _8 d# G) Z  _  i: f0 aohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: setting latency timer to 64
' M  L4 W, z9 I- I& @+ lohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: OHCI Host Controller) H: |0 ]) M2 r1 l& a' C
ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
# ~9 V3 G% a) f  M/ C4 K2 xohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: irq 18, io mem 0x1000c400
+ v" Z5 M- V9 T1 z# ehub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
$ Z4 w" I! z( i. L8 C# r) Khub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected1 ^% b: o" u( L8 G9 l
usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp! n2 w( f, s% G2 l- X( J
i2c /dev entries driver
& ?$ ]/ Z! S- p. a' z$ z, Abrcmboard: brcm_board_init entry5 v4 e" `! ^$ U. B7 `
g_ulSdramSize is 2684354564 r4 c1 [+ g: b
****************(BpGetResetToDefaultExtIntr),intr = 49 n% Y) U5 l, ~4 [$ R7 f# _; }
****************(BpGetWirelessSesExtIntr),intr = 6
* u- D; U1 ^! o  B9 S****************(BpGetWifiOnOffExtIntr),intr = 52 s3 J8 a) }1 X" Y
****************(BpGetLedIndicateExtIntr),intr = 3
* H5 C% ~8 h. g" L6 c/ ]Wifi Button: Button Interrupt 0x5 is enabled9 k( v, \5 @' Q3 i8 T% F7 N, v
SES: Button Interrupt 0x6 is enabled
) m3 x( V: |( l8 e4 bDYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled( K4 _7 h/ [% J3 y" h1 N
LED: Button Interrupt 0x3 is enabled
& W% `; B( y' L  E; uled: onoff is (1)
# a9 ~, ?% m. G" t6 eSerial: BCM63XX driver $Revision: 3.00 $, ^& c# ]) S* }# c
Magic SysRq with Auxilliary trigger char enabled (type ^ h for list of supported commands)- u  `+ m5 V) g( i; G
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0800640 (irq = 104) is a BCM63XX
3 M8 k/ g9 u: H( I* y2 r" tttyS1 at MMIO 0xb0800660 (irq = 105) is a BCM63XX
7 y5 {6 ~7 f+ v! W& t3 y  hBPM: tot_mem_size=268435456B (256MB), buf_mem_size <10%> =26843540B (25MB), num of buffers=10420, buf size=2576
. |6 ?: L5 i* v0 aBroadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Mar 21 2019 00:09:02 Registered<244>. u8 l0 {/ q* I2 q; Q+ ]
xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
' j) `; [" g9 V" r+ z# ETCP: cubic registered0 a' f0 x; A2 \, J7 ^
NET: Registered protocol family 10
2 C9 s* r0 a/ E: d7 h/ L* n5 y4 @* AIPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
$ R# b( b" }' H% S% TNET: Registered protocol family 17
! A" V, f" ^% Z* t9 @4 F*******initialize netlink succese!*******. G7 J2 H1 f- T2 w5 `
Initializing MCPD Module  q' J, X6 Q9 P4 z/ j4 |
Ebtables v2.0 registered* L. l5 A) j: o, ^& h) a3 U
ebt_time registered
0 H2 L5 B* v3 w: Q: Cebt_ftos registered! L) f- ^% V% P5 {! o
ebt_wmm_mark registered
3 ~% {# y4 y. S6 b- @2 |! GL2TP core: blog_l2tp_rcv_check8 R5 }, [  U6 I
L2TP core driver, V2.0- u8 X' H  J& ]: e+ v5 I3 p
PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
1 Y' ~, d: @' h1 i# q* E8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
8 G/ h5 Z- G8 v; o  D/ }VFS: Cannot open root device "mtdblock13" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6
" y' p& z/ {$ R0 K( n+ \  R4 ZPlease append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
( d& A8 X  t# N- \( u+ U6 t/ S1f00           47488 mtdblock0  (driver?)7 M8 U/ v. @1 @2 N! d$ K1 I; v
1f01           48512 mtdblock1  (driver?)
: C, q* m1 G# Z" L2 ]- ~5 J1f02            4096 mtdblock2  (driver?)
/ |+ j! X# R1 ?1 R8 o  Q( k2 }" K1f03             128 mtdblock3  (driver?)+ L+ G- j; u, J: Z5 \
1f04          131072 mtdblock4  (driver?)$ w( [& X1 ]5 R# d7 }: p3 W
1f05            4096 mtdblock5  (driver?)6 \4 N+ }2 S$ i7 O. J" ]; ?: h) T
1f06            8192 mtdblock6  (driver?)# R$ b6 n2 W9 s9 X$ r
1f07            4096 mtdblock7  (driver?)
$ h. O+ `: j0 k( S. F% e1f08            4096 mtdblock8  (driver?)
! h2 I! f5 P+ h/ J+ r1f09           52608 mtdblock9  (driver?)2 P) P* b" V' m% B6 a1 r! W
1f0a           52608 mtdblock10  (driver?)
! w# [# L: m: y- P1f0b            5120 mtdblock11  (driver?)
5 g  U- l8 n1 ]# q% ]& ]- v1f0c            4096 mtdblock12  (driver?)3 y* s4 M' e( M! N2 }0 B; D! I
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)& p" L+ @8 O' Z2 d* Z
Rebooting in 1 seconds.., y& J0 v* m7 M3 u
7 d. Y6 ]% f) M* R) ]5 r- l
stopping CPU 0
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AVSD1 z3 r8 z' l8 Y$ w
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! t' [; s. n/ z4 U. ENVRAM memcfg 0xffffffff
5 m5 V- h6 s) }$ W& `' R$ G- ymcb configuration = 64 A6 r# ^9 ?4 |

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Dram Timing 07-07-071 D; w+ w2 @" o' r, I/ e0 k: @& U# q% g

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mc_cfg_init(): Initialize the default values on mc_cfg
- t$ f7 C9 J. N1 R2 Iinit_memc_dram_profile(): Initializing MEMC DRAM profile$ r$ r# {- y% t  K- h& Z
Poll PHY Status register
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Disable Auto-Refresh5 e. ^) p. b* ^% Z: {
[0xb001420c] = 0x00017b00* K* k7 v; d4 l: B1 e3 B# v
[0xb0014200] = 0x00000305
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no adjustment
9 o1 _0 w# \9 ?( w/ ^, M/ e: z: x1 i* j
2 S& H# f1 j! [1 |p_term=0x03 n_term=0x03 p_drive=0x11 n_drive=0x10
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N: Finger=0x2D0 Term=0xF0 Drv=0x3C+ A! |# b1 C9 J  h+ n
7 ^5 @- C+ \4 `/ V6 e
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[0xb0014004] = 0x011002443 x& g( q3 X' N. t
[0xb0014004] = 0x011006444 R& J4 G3 c0 C
[0xb0014234] = 0x000005018 {/ A( E3 ~& B; d, X
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[0xb001420c] = 0x00007b00
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[0xb0014114] = 0x15141312! g. X3 F, ]8 t/ O* U
[0xb0014118] = 0x19181716* H$ A; o- Y+ ^. J8 t& @' N
[0xb001411c] = 0x00001b1a
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[0xb0014220] = 0x00040008
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[0xb0014004] = 0xc1100744! k& b1 [5 q, g; s9 D! G! m
end of pre_shmoo
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[0xb001420c] = 0x00007b00
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2 E* a5 }. w0 O0 k, a/ a, h[font=Tahoma,
发表于 2020-5-28 11:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 d479931453 于 2020-5-28 11:06 编辑 8 h9 y1 }& ^7 V. a" o$ i

8 G" ?: D* N% \; R% `% ]1 f1 UKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0),内核死机-未同步:VFS:无法在未知块(0,0)上装载rootfs2 i9 `& c6 ]2 A0 l* h* `* @
你是刷过固件了?如果没有,问题应该是出在闪存上的数据丢失或者损坏& T, i) \7 [" {2 _
发表于 2020-5-28 11:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-6 05:41:42 | 显示全部楼层
d479931453 发表于 2020-5-28 11:02
6 ?$ p- b; R+ _8 J+ HKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0),内核死机-未同步:VFS: ...
5 g: W$ ^0 k( z. p' e
没有刷过固件 有没有可能是我打开了FTP 和TELNET 都是默认密码 在公网上上被人删除了
2 q# G1 t* Q- x3 R这种猫能自己刷固件吗
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