41834401 发表于 2012-5-20 13:16:41

手动设置IP192.168.1.1,断电,按恢复键,等拼通192.168.1.1 ttl=128时,打开IE,输入192.168.1.1,出现这个界面:
Update Software

Step 1: Obtain an updated software image file from your ISP.

Step 2: Enter the path to the image file location in the box below or click the "Browse" button to locate the image file.

Step 3: Click the "Update Software" button once to upload the new image file.

NOTE: The update process takes about 2 minutes to complete, and your DSL Router will reboot.

Software File Name:   

DSL Router Software Upgrade

New software is being programmed to the flash memory. The DSL Router will reboot upon completion. This process will take about 2 minutes.


twelvers 发表于 2012-8-9 18:34:40

kiss518 发表于 2012-10-23 17:10:36

下来看下情况 。。。。

w3001 发表于 2013-2-2 18:50:51


do_00d 发表于 2013-5-8 08:35:11


因为有你而精彩 发表于 2013-6-8 10:05:49

butterfly_6 发表于 2013-9-9 23:06:59


智慧盒子 发表于 2014-7-18 10:31:34

页: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: [上海贝尔]RG100S-AA Gaw5.6U31L-4-BE.CUC-R4B051-HL